Howard Stern & wife Beth Ostrosky drunk dialed Twitter followers on New Years

I’m not a big Howard Stern fan, but I developed a new appreciation for him after reading his very thoughtful Rolling Stone interview earlier this year. I’m getting such a kick out of this story. Shock jock Howard and his wife, Beth Ostrosky, were getting their drink on for New Year’s Eve when they decided to call up a bunch of people who responded to their tweets asking for their phone numbers. The result was a huge thrill for the lucky recipients of Howard and Beth’s drunken phone calls and voicemail messages.

Howard Stern fans who follow the radio host on Twitter had a chance to get up close and personal with the King of All Media on New Year’s Eve.

Stern tweeted this message to his followers Saturday night: “Beth and I are drunk dialing. What’s your phone number?”

Stern and wife Beth apparently followed through on that promise for the next few hours, at least according to Stern’s Twitter feed, where he would tweet about who he spoke to. In numerous cases, he didn’t reach the person, but tweeted that he left them a voicemail message.

One fan tweeted that he adopted his two cats because of advice from Stern, and Stern tweeted “Just called to hear about the cats. Got voicemail.”

An equal opportunity pet lover, apparently, Stern also called two fans who mentioned their dogs, including one who said that he and his wife were staying home with a dog who’d just returned from the ICU.

To another, Stern tweeted “sorry to interrupt the video games,” and to another, he said “Drinking beer alone. What happened? You clammed up on me.”

Some of the fans then reported on their calls via Twitter. The aforementioned video gamer wrote “Howard Stern just called me! This new year rules already!”

Another lucky fan tweeted after her call: “OMG! It was like the best thing ever! I started crying after we hung up!”
When he was finished, Stern tweeted “Just made my last call. Going to bed. Wishing everyone a happy new year. If u get a call after this…it’s not me.”

[From MSNBC]

That’s kind of awesome. I totally understand that guy who clammed up. I get nervous sometimes talking on the phone, and I think I would be totally speechless and wouldn’t know what to say if a celebrity called me. That’s why Kaiser spoke to the celebrity who contacted us over New Year’s weekend. I would have probably just sat there with my mouth open until I stammered out something unintelligible.

Photos are from July, August and November 2011. Credit:

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46 Responses to “Howard Stern & wife Beth Ostrosky drunk dialed Twitter followers on New Years”

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  1. Ann says:

    Wow. Just shows you that money & fame can buy you any blonde.

    • Mourning the Death of Music says:


    • hstl1 says:

      And one with questionable taste in clothes.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      If wyou don’t listen to the show to the show or are not a fan then I can see how it ay appear this way but these two have a genuine relationship. She is a doll and he treats her like gold.

      • Callumna says:

        He said all the time that he wanted a young chick because he’s a rich man and rich men can’t be with women their age. “It, uh, doesn’t look right.”

        Among a million other low things, lowlife Stern had three men competing on his show in a mini game show where anal sex with a woman was the prize.

        He also has porn chicks on and then intelligence tests them for laughs.

        He does the most degrading things imaginable to women every day.

        If he did to animals what he does to women and girls, someone would stop him.

        You’ll never see women degraded the way Howard Stern does daily on any conservative show like Limbaugh or Hannity. And yet nary a word about Stern from NOW or anyone from the left which shows startling hypocrisy.

      • MaiGirl says:

        You just said everything I have ever thought about Stern, Callumna. His show is the epitome of utter misogynistic classlessness. Not to mention, the Sybian should be nuked to remove the multiple diseases it must be harboring.

      • Bigreddon says:

        Ha. HE degrades the women?? The women degrade themselves. And it isn’t degradation if you choose to do it. It’s hilarious and fun. Loosen up you prude:

      • MaiGirl says:

        I am SO glad I am not as heartless as you. Severe degradation, whether self-imposed or not, is not funny.

    • Roxy750 says:

      I second that.

      • cprincess says:

        Callumna andMaiGirl- you have no idea about Stern if you really think that he degrades,mistreats women or anyone for that matter…his persona on the radio is for his show- a show that is original,brilliant and he actually speaks a lot of sense in between talking to porn stars!
        My mother who was not a fan met them both and said he was a lovely guy and that they clearly adored one other…Even his ex wife who he was married to for 20 years will not talk crap about him,his 3 children have grown up with none of the normal drama associated with so many celebrities kids.
        It always amazes me when these christian/ republican/conservative family groups criticize him and yet see nothing wrong with gratuitous violence everywhere-his show on Sirius is not meant to be for kids and he will tell you that and says people should raise their kids themselves not expect the government to do it…
        The lies and phony morality that Fox spews is far more offensive.

  2. Bite me says:

    That’s sweet 🙂

  3. ShanKat says:

    Love it. Love him, love her, love them. Podcasts just don’t measure up to Howard.

  4. She is really cute.

  5. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Love these two. I wish Howard would call me!!

  6. Shelly says:

    Love Howard!

  7. Jackie says:

    i’m sure if he were an accountant who made 60 grand a year, she would still have married him??? give me a break.

    did like his interview in rolling stone, though.

    • Cidee says:

      And I’m sure if SHE was an overweight 40-something with gray roots and mom jeans he’d have married HER.

      Good for them. He’s hilarious and rich, she’s adorable and adores him. Match made in heaven.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Yeah, but it’s not like all he has to offer is money. The guy is hilarious, incredibly intelligent, really motivated and thoughtful (yes I am talking about Howard Stern! 🙂 ). Personally I find those qualities to be the most sexy in a guy so I can see why she fell hard for him.

      • Azurea says:

        I’m a huge Howard fan (in fact I’m listening to him right now!) I heard him tell this story about the drunk-dialing, and it was sweet. He did it because he got a surprise call from Paul McCartney that evening, and was so thrilled that he wondered what he, himself, could do to make someone else feel so great on NYE. He and Beth came up with the idea.

        While I don’t always listen to the “sleazier” segments on his show, which are not at all common now, it’s all done tongue-in-cheek. I doubt some woman actually gave the winner of a contest anal sex. His whole reason for doing the show is to make people laugh & he delivers. And yeah, I’d have loved to talk to Howard on NYE! Probably would have giggled my way through it.

  8. bub says:

    Damn, wish I had been on Twitter… Love them. Been a fan for over 10 years.

  9. Sapphire says:

    CB, who called you and Kaiser?????

  10. David says:

    Very cool

  11. Jayna says:

    They are a great couple. He loves her deeply and she absolutely adores him. They truly are best friends. He absolutely hates being without her if she travels for work. They’ve been together for a long time. Beth is just a genuinely sweet. truly kind person. I love her work with animal shelters.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      The stuff she does for animals is incredible. Plus you can just tell when you see the two of them interacting that it’s real. Also, he’s definitely a monogamist by nature.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Lisa-Please stop talking out of your ass. If you don’t listen to the show then your opinion of Stern is as based in reality as these unicorns of which you speak. So please take your irrelevance elsewhere. Thank you.

  12. Jess says:

    I love Howard Stern!

  13. Adrien says:

    In his biopic, he was the vulnerable one. Not a fan of Howard but he loves and respects his mom so much that I have a soft spot for him. Plus, he’s a damn good interviewer.

  14. Tazina says:

    Yes, Beth is amazing the work she does to help the animals. I just wish Howard wasn’t down to three days a week but I guess nothing lasts forever.

  15. Meow Mix says:

    I love listening to his show and the work that she does with Northshore Animal is inspiring. He also supports her in her efforts and promotes her work every chance he gets. They truly love each other and it shows.

  16. Julbug says:

    I love how she always looks like she’s laughing.

  17. Snappyfish says:

    I think calling people was precious!! I do listen to Howard, mostly for Robin & Fred but it is obvious after all this time (they have been together for 11 years) they he & Beth adore each other & it is sweet

  18. Elliot Offen says:

    Beth totally ruined the King of All Media. And, she’s such a horseface.

    • whatevs says:

      do they have kids or are they planning? if so i feel sorry for them carrying the genes of two horsies!

  19. jonpluc says:

    Who’s the guy in the god awful shirt in the background? Almost looks like Gary Busey.

  20. lisa g says:

    they adore each other.
    she adores his wallet
    he adores her fake breasts cankles,botox and airbrushed glory

  21. whatevs says:

    lol this is great. just what you expect of them

  22. Rachael says:

    We gave him our phone # but sadly we weren’t one of the lucky ones to get a call heheh. But the number of people tweeting him their phone numbers at that time was so insane that my tweet was buried under like a couple hundred more tweets within just one minute. So it’s no wonder we didn’t get lucky.

    If he HAD called, I would have probably been so nervous that I might have clammed up like that other poor schlub anyway. 😉

  23. lolas says:

    I love those shoes she’s wearing.

  24. jayem says:

    If they ever make a sequel to Private Parts, Kristen Bell is a shoo-in to play Beth.

  25. Violet says:

    I’m still really disappointed that his first marriage didn’t work out. Unexpectedly stereotypically Hollywood of him to wind up with a much younger blonde trophy wife.

  26. PyrLover says:

    I love Howard and have for years. He and Beth love each other, He is a thoughtful and monogamous man who is loyal to a fault to his family, friends and colleagues. If any of you doubt what Howard is made of, listen to his broadcast on 9/11 and then tell me what you think of him.

  27. Joe Shmoe says:

    I used to be a big fan of Howard, but these last few years Howard has become everything he use to rail against. He’s become Don Imus.