Katie Holmes felt like she was in ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ with Tom Cruise (LOL)

Katie Holmes Tom Cruise

Over the weekend, the news broke that Katie Holmes was divorcing Tom Cruise to take Suri away from Scientology, and Kaiser covered this morning’s story about how Katie was living in fear that Tom would give Suri to the Sea Org. This goes along with our story from last year that Suri was on the brink of a demanding CO$ upbringing. I think it was perfectly reasonable for Katie to fear such a fate for Suri, but I think the tabloids might be exaggerating just a bit on whether Tom would truly go there. I mean, I can’t stand the guy either and think he’s a puppet for a very evil cult, but he wouldn’t do that to Suri. Or to himself.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Sea Org, it was founded as part of the CO$ by L. Ron Hubbard as a ship-based group of his own personal assistants. Mostly, these young kids were signed over by their CO$ parents for a billion years of servitude (yes, seriously), and they spent their teen years acting as messengers and cabana boy/girls to Hubbard. These days, the Sea Org is landbound and exists largely at Gold Base in Gilman Hot Springs, CA. Children (and adults) who belong to the Org miss out on both school and all but a few hours of sleep in order to help “clear the planet,” which sounds like a noble purpose for the brainwashed, but they’re really just performing manual labor. As I’ve stated before, I don’t think Tom would place Suri into such a physically rough life, not only because they’ve taken such care to spoil her already but also because Suri is a PR asset to Tom, so she must remain visible to the public for all of his movie-related photo ops. Or at least, that was his plan.

Anyway, there’s a new TomKat divorce story from Us Weekly that I do believe in full, which is that Katie felt like she was in the midst of Rosemary’s Baby, which is (of course) the classic Roman Polanski horror movie where Mia Farrow gives birth to a child for a Satanic Cult. LOL.

Mia Farrow

Oddly enough, Tom once told Oprah Winfrey (during their second interview, not the couch jumping one) that he was very aware that people compared his marriage to Rosemary’s Baby, and he was very hurt and upset by the rumors. Now here’s how Katie felt about it all according to Us Weekly:

Mia Farrow

Katie Holmes’ Hollywood fairy tale with Tom Cruise definitely did not have a happy ending.

When the 33-year-old actress filed for divorce from Cruise, 49, last Thursday — aggressively moving for sole legal custody of daughter Suri, 6 — it was the culmination of a year-long attempt to break free of a confining, Scientology-influenced marriage to Cruise, sources tell the new Us Weekly, out now.

“Every move she made and everything she did was controlled . . . She felt like she was in Rosemary’s Baby,” says one insider, referring to the classic 1968 horror film, in which an aspiring young actress (Mia Farrow) unwittingly bears a child for her husband’s Satanic cult.

“This is about protecting her daughter,” the insider explains to Us. “She wants to be in charge of how Suri is being raised and didn’t want her to have an exclusively Scientology education.”

The first source puts it more bluntly: “She felt she had to get out to save her daughter.”

[From Us Weekly]

Meanwhile, People has put out their cover issue early with a very pro-Katie (and anti-Scientology) stance. Surely, we’ll have some more excerpts coming soon, but for now, the cover tells us that her parents “wanted old Katie back,” and the magazine has let slip that Tom is “totally devastated and heartbroken.” Or at least, that’s how Tom’s camp has framed the issue.

Tom Cruise Katie Holmes

Just for the hell of it, here are some photos of the house in Hrafnabjorg, Iceland, where Tom Cruise is currently throwing his temper tantrums and throwing his lifts at the ceiling in epic displays of fury.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and People

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131 Responses to “Katie Holmes felt like she was in ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ with Tom Cruise (LOL)”

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  1. NYC_girl says:

    “This is no dream, this is for real!!”

    His hand/wrist looks so weird on the People cover – I couldn’t tell what it was at first.

    • stinky says:

      “All of Them Witches”

      • XenusB!tch says:

        I totally second the recommendation of the book. Great read and no Polanski taint.

    • iheartjacksparrow says:

      The actual quote is: “This is no dream! This is really happening!”

      I love the movie and have seen it about a hundred times, so I know all the lines.

      • NYC_girl says:

        Yes! You’re right. I used to work across the street from the Time/Life Building, which is in one of her scenes.

      • Sassy says:

        I immediately thought of “Rosemary’s Baby” when this Kate info first came out. Read Ira Levin’s novel. It is still a great book.

    • EnuffSaid says:

      @NYC_Girl…I thought his wrist was his elbow…yikes…I couldn’t believe how wimpy his arm looked!!! Bad photo!!

  2. Stonegoddess says:

    I believe this theory completely. I’ve read about some of the Sea Org stuff and it’s pretty scary.

    Run Katie!!

    • RocketMerry says:

      Beyond scary. Imagine that happening to you and your child… What wouldn’t any mother do to get their child the hell out of there?!
      Team Katie all the way!

    • brin says:

      I do too and it does remind me of Rosemary’s Baby. *shudder*

      • Jenny says:

        Now this is “creepy”. I said this exact thing in the last post about the sea org whatever. They do treat her like some “creature” being groomed for god knows what.

  3. Amelia says:

    Good lord. This is getting exhausting already. I’m looking around the library right now, and I swear most people’s laptops are on gossip sites.

    • beyonce's bump says:

      lol Amelia I totally agree. This is going to be our Charlie Sheen of 2012. The gossip outlets are going to milk every ounce from this divorce until only ashes are left and maybe even then milk some more. I LOVE IT THOUGH! and thanks Celebitchy staff for continuing your coverage! hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Reece says:

      haha Still have 6 more months to go, at least. That’s not counting the custody hearings. Best to just get stuck in and ride it out. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • bluhare says:

      Gotta admit, I’m getting sick of it already.

    • Azurea says:

      I’m just looking forward to KATIE’S BOOK!

    • XenusB!tch says:

      Popping the popcorn and making a batch of $citinis!

  4. Talie says:

    He put his other kids in deep, so of course, Suri would as well. She’s an asset, but he always controlled how she was seen and if he needed her to disappear for school, she would disappear. I can see why Katie would balk. If he didn’t insist on putting her in a straight-up Sci school, then she most likely would’ve stayed.

  5. Lem says:

    Seriously, celebitchy. Y’all are going to have to stop this or I am going to get nothing done today at all!
    I get sucked into reading link after co$ link whenever this scary cult is in the news

    • Sassy says:

      HA – right with you. I did some online bill paying just to pretend I was doing something productive, then back to CB!

    • XenusB!tch says:

      I’m not even playing Castleville on Facebook. I did manage to get an in person job interview but the real work on that was done on Thursday – pre Katie.

  6. hoya_chick says:

    “where Tom Cruise is currently throwing his temper tantrums and throwing his lifts at the ceiling in epic displays of fury”—hahahahahahaha this made me laugh and laugh and laugh cause it’s true.

    • Catherine Paris says:

      Too bad we couldn’t see the pictures of that in the news. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • ZigZagZoey says:

        Someone should do a mash up of him jumping on Oprah’s couch with different words, like he’s having a tantrum! โ˜ป

    • eb says:


    • XenusB!tch says:

      I love how he is conveniently in a very far off place. I bet the Scandinavian paps have booked their trips. Come on guys… we need some pics.

  7. Gossip PHD says:

    Who can possibly work with this going on? This will be the biggest story of 2012!

  8. Jackson says:

    I. Want. That. House. After the crazy gets cleaned out of it, of course.

  9. Lem says:

    People should have edited that cover photo differently. Crikey that’s weird!

  10. Amy says:

    That is one gorgeous house.

  11. atorontogal says:

    Nice house!

  12. JJ says:

    Last few weeks it’s real gossip extravaganzzzza!!! More! More! More!

  13. KK says:

    OK Tom, this is the scene where you fly back to try and win your family back, denouncing Co$ in the process…


    • Amelia says:

      Oh God, if only. I want Top Gun/Jerry Maguire Tom back!!

      • KK says:

        I was picturing Jerry Maguire but now that you mention it, he does fly planes right? THAT would be the ultimate PR move.

    • NYCGAL says:

      I was thinking the same thing yesterday!!
      I’m sure Katie still loves him and he of course still loves her. He should fly home and get on his knees denouncing his church and beg for her to stay.
      He would get to keep his family and be free of the mind control he is under.

      Now wouldn’t that be some ending.
      If only!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Unfortunately, I think the opposite will happen. The “church” will convince Tom that this is the type of evil that happens when you allow someone with even a hint of doubt into your life. It’ll make him want to cut “suppressive people” out of his (and Suri’s) life even MORE.

    • Lizzie K says:

      He won’t, ’cause he can’t. He’d have to admit that he’s been a brainwashed dupe for years. Never happen.

  14. RHONYC says:

    a year away and i’m back!

    damn you Katie…you brought me back! girl power, whoa!



  15. ladybert62 says:

    That second picture of Mia Farrow is the best picture I have ever seen of her – I know, totally off the topic! ha ha

    • Sassy says:

      That is Robert Evans in the picture with her. Didn’t he play her original gynecologist before they (coven) hooked her up with evil Dr. Saperstein? Wait – it was Charles Grodin who played the original gyneologist. Film buffs, help me out – what part did Evans play, if any?

      • DSS says:

        I believe he was the producer of the film or the head of Paramount or MGM (or one of those studios) at the time. I don’t think he was actually in the movie, although I could be wrong about that.

      • stinky says:

        yes. Grodin.

  16. I.want.shoes says:

    I’m still having a hard time believing that Katie actually had the balls to do it!

  17. vanessa says:

    Suri looks exactly like her mom! That first picture is Suri’s face!

    • Genevieve says:

      Ummm…actually, Suri looks just like her probable father, Tommy Davis. That chin, the downward slant of the eyes. She’s pure Davis. And Anne Archer looks just like probable dear old grandmama. Google pics of Davis and Archer, and TELL ME Suri doesn’t look like their clone.

      Sorry. After seeing the visuals, I guess I really am one of those “surrogate conspiracy” whack jobs, lol. :-/

      • ZigZagZoey says:

        Well, I am with you! Ever since I saw a pic of him, I post for people to check it out. It just freaked me the hell out and I love when others get freaked out by it too!

      • NerdMomma says:

        HOLEEEEE CRAP!!!! Just googled images of Tommy Davis… wow. Wow. Suri looks just like him.

      • ZigZagZoey says:

        See what I mean? It’s so creepy! โ˜ป

      • NYC_girl says:

        OH LORD… that child looks just like him!! I’m freaked out.


      • Kloops says:

        Wow, she totally does look like Tommy Davis, but he also looks like Tom so I could see paternity going to either. It is weird that Tom has no other biological children, but it would also be strange for them to use IUI before their marriage when she comes from a catholic family. Dunno. Probably will never know for sure.

      • Miffy says:

        My mind. It’s blown.

      • Anguishedcorn says:

        I’m all for loving the idea that Suri is not even Tom’s, but I get hung up on Katie’s part in that. How would that have worked?

      • Zvonk says:

        I’m pretty sure I read an article where Tom Cruise admitted that he was sterile and couldn’t father children. It was at the time that he and Nicole adopted their first child together.

      • Liberty says:

        Has to be Tommy Davis. Tom C looked like an ordinary balogna- head as a kid and still has a sort of meatloaf head. TD has the long face and eyes and mouth of Suri. No DNA needed. Poor little kid. How is CO$ and their crazy creepy weirdness still running around loose? Can Katie and her team get them for fraud….TD sperm, TC on other team?

      • Alecto says:

        I found pics of Suri and Davis. I put them side by side and it’s freaky how much they look alike in the pics. Where can I post them so ya’ll can see and compare?

    • Izzards Chick says:

      CRICKEY!!!! That dude is the dad!!! I never thought the kid looked like Chris Klein, but this guy? good grief, you dont need a test for THAT DNA match

      • Genevieve says:

        See what I mean, people? The first time I saw him I thought, “Shut the front door!!!'”

        Yes, she certainly COULD be Tommygirl’s child. Possibly, she bears enough of T & K’s looks to pass. But, HEY…she looks like Tommy Davis sat down, laid an egg and out hatched Suri.

        OOPS. :-0

      • ya says:

        I dunno – yes she does look like Tommy Davis, but Tom Cruise, Tommy Davis and Katie Holmes all look like they could be siblings they look so alike, so who knows – I doubt it.

      • embertine says:

        To be fair, Katie has the downward slanting eyes also. I always thought Suri was the living spit of her mum.

  18. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Ugh. She should protect Suri by not releasing stories that compare her child to “Satan’s spawn”.

  19. MrsBPitt says:

    In that top pic of Katie, her face and eyes look puffy, like she had been crying all night…

  20. LAK says:

    There will be no ‘ we respect each other and remain great friends yadayadayadayada’ BS in this divorce.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah, I was thinking the same thing…this is a big departure from the standard Hollywood divorce announcement script.

  21. Whatever says:

    She is going to have one hell of a fight on her hand. I pray that she’ll keep that baby away from the crazy crazy man.

  22. lucy2 says:

    I doubt he’d have handed her over, or that COS would put her in a program for the “regular” kids. She’s special, the daughter of their precious Tommy.
    Whatever the case, Katie and Suri will be better off out of it.

    • olcranky says:

      he wouldn’t have the indentured servitude or a hard life but she’d be completely indoctrinated to the point that she’d be quite a helpful little spy to keep the Hollywood set in line

  23. lower-case deb says:

    wow! that house is something else!
    btw, that’s lush green in iceland! (you know, when i was really little, i caouldn’t ever believe my mam telling me that iceland has more green (percentage-wise) than greenland. even now i’m not so sure. global warming!!).

    anyway, off-topic, but wow. the house. i WANT!

  24. CC says:

    Somewhere, John Travolta is happy his latest drama has been eclipsed for the foreseeable future.

    Run Katie Run

  25. Jayna says:

    People who say Tom is gay and/or these are just contract marriages seem more insane than Tom to me. Even Nicole has said it was a true marriage and the woman was in a deep depression for years losing him. She always said she never thought she would find love again. She loved Tom deeply. She did have the children half custody for years until they hit tween/teens. I think it was three months on and three months off and they would take movie roles around their time with the children. And she began working more and then moved to Tennessee. Probably Scientology played a role later as they grew older, but I blame her also for moving away from her children and working all the time. But she didn’t divorce and lose her children right then outright at all. People think Tom and Nicole divorced because of Scientology. That just isn’t true. He had been out of Scientology for two years and during the divorce is when Scientology seized their chance and lured him back in and that’s when he became obssessive with it. I think maybe Nicole cheated once and his ego couldn’t handle it and/or her career was taking off (and I think Tom likes him women close by supporting his career) and/or he had his eye on Penelope. I guess we’ll never know.

    Here’s a good article by a high-up in the group who defected but worked with Tom during his divorce from Nicole.


    • epiphany says:

      Regarding the Nicole Kidman interview in the Village Voice – how do we know that denying Cruise is gay wasn’t part of her divorce deal w/ Tom and CO$? She IS an actress, after all. That whole situation has never been fully explained – how does a mother walk away from her children like that, especially when she knows what kind of upbringing they would be subjected to?

    • Mira says:

      In a massive turn of events, I’d like to see Tom ditch the church forever and reunite with his family. That’s wishful thinking right? ๐Ÿ™

  26. G says:

    This is becoming some “NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER” shyt….we need to set up a SAVE SURI .org!

    • valleymiss says:

      HA! That’s exactly what I emailed to MichaelK of dlisted when People.com first broke the story! Katie Holmes, playing the role of Sally Field! Just swap out the Middle East for Scientology. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  27. Toot says:

    This is so messy and I’m almost tired of the whole thing already.

    I don’t see Katie getting full custody and all this mess going on now is going to be bad for Suri when she has to go back and forth with the parents hating each other. Just a sad situation really.

    • Jayna says:

      Divorce is sad. I see Tom getting Suri one-third of the time and Katie two-thirds of the time, which Katie would be fine with as long as she goes to school and isn’t homeschooled by Scientology prinicples. Probably not only just fear of Scientology but another reason for staying longer is these days men get half custody of their children. I cannot imagine giving up my little girl fifty percent of the time. I would just die. Scientology or not, Katie wouldn’t want to lose Suri six months out of the year averaged out. Maybe now when Suri is calling another woman mommy on visits to daddy she will see how Nicole felt when she bragged in an interview the kids call her mom.

  28. Aubra says:

    Chris Klein is probably somewhere cackling like a damn hen! lmao

  29. mln76 says:

    Does this in effect destroy his career?? I haven’t paid for a Tom C movie in ages but I admit he’s an amazing performer but now I can’t even bring myself to watch him on cable.

    • diana says:

      I hope not. I used to have a massive crush on him, cured of it now but still think he s one of the most passionate actors out there.
      But he appears to be sensitive to the public opinion. So his psyche’s definitely going to take a hit.

    • Mira says:

      I’ll see his movies depending on what interests me. Somehow I cannot hate on him despite all the Xenu shit.

  30. mattlauerrocks says:

    This marriage changed Katie Holmes’ for the worse in that it opened her up to be judged and disliked whereas she was just another WB/CW actress with one-hit-wonder success on Dawson’s Creek. If you didn’t like her heavy legs and pretentious speaking manner, you didn’t tune in. She definitely made more money divorcing Tom Cruise than as a scandal-free post-Dawson actress. In hindsight, she may feel that financially, she came out ahead but her marriage prospects like Heidi Klum’s are permanently damaged. She’s not Chris Klein’s ex open to dating a businessman or costar, she’s Tom Cruise’s ex and she has deep long stretch mark gashes from Suri that she showed off shortly after birth.

    • NerdMomma says:

      My deep long stretch mark gashes haven’t interfered with my ability to land a good man.

      Just saying.

    • Penguin says:

      Why bring her physical appearance into this?. Tom’s not all that imo. Just a dentally challenged, tweaked, midget.

    • Miffy says:

      NOT HER MARRIAGE PROSPECTS!!! Heavens to Betsy, say it ain’t so! What’s a gal to do when her marriage prospects are questionable?

      Yeah, I think she’ll manage somehow.

    • Lauren says:

      Katie has changed..she is richer, had plastic surgery, hair extensions. Greedy young woman–anyone could see how much he destroyed Nicole. KH saw the pot of gold and dove in. Then TC tried to drown her with his freaky cult & control both Katie & Suri. We all know that Tom was purposefully trying to find a young wife..Scarlett & Jessica Alba turned Tommy down–Katie was literally TC`s last choice. I will not miss Kates sly smirk, chunky man legs, or her terrible acting. Robo-goldigger`s rein is coming to an end.

  31. bettyrose says:

    Ugh, Rosemary’s Baby is one of the most disturbing movies, ever. I accidentally watched it on tv once when I was a young teen and never forgot it. Roman Polanski really hates women.

  32. jenna says:

    Why wouldn’t he send Suri to Sea Org? I find it so unfair to Bella and Connor who had to be send of like that. Is Suri to special to labor like his adopted kids did? I wonder what Connor an Bella thinks, they must hate him. I would

    • Miffy says:

      What’s so different about Suri? Wellll… her mother for one thing. Apparently she’s concerned enough to fight for her child *side-eye to Nicole Kidman*

  33. Pam says:

    I cant see how so many people feel bad for Katie. She KNEW Tom was a scientologist when she married him. She knew that he was HEAVILY involved with this church. She still had a child with him and now wants to act like a victim?

    • LeeLoo says:

      Many times, if you ever read stories about domestic violence, the victims will say that the relationship moved very fast and that their partner was so loving and attentive in the early phases. Sure she probably knew he was a scientologist but I doubt she fully understood what that meant. She was “lovebombed.” To me, it sounds like they did a good job of brainwashing her because normally one of the first cult tactics is to deprive someone of sleep to cloud her judgement. With all of the private jet rides, dates around the world, I doubt she even slept much and likely signed any contract they made her sign in not a sound mind in the first year. While I do feel Katie does hold some responsibility, I also don’t feel it is right to underestimate the power of an emotionally abusive partner especially when that power is combined with a cult like Co$.

  34. LeeLoo says:

    If People magazine is against Tom he is screwed to the maximum. Tom is going to have to make a choice: whether he loves his PR image or if he loves Co$ more. Mark my words: if he fights Katie on custody of Suri his public image will be ruined forever and chances are even if he doesn’t fight Katie enough information will be revealed to ruin his public image. He may win in the courtroom if he tries hard but he will lose all respect and credibility with the public.

    If he truly loved his daughter or any of his kids for that matter, he would walk away from Co$. I think it’s funny, Tom used to talk about his abusive father when he was younger but now it seems he has turned out just like him. No matter what happens, I will never respect Tom Cruise again.

    • Esmom says:

      I hear you on Tom’s image possibly being ruined, but I’m not sure that will happen. The public is mighty forgiving when it comes to celebs, whether they’re actors, musicians, sports stars or politicians. Short of committing murder, I’m not sure anything Tom does will completely ruin him. I could very well be wrong though!

      • LeeLoo says:

        The public is forgiving to a point. But there is no way in a media sense he can come out on top, especially when Katie has been set up as this loving doting mom (which I believe she is) and then to try and take that child away? It will be unforgivable especially when he does it in the same way he did it to Nicole. There has always been talk about Tom being a phony. I get the feeling in the coming years Hollywood will be forced to distance themselves from Co$ once more and more light is shed on their practices and unless Tom renounces them he will be blackballed.

      • Arla says:

        Sorry LeeLoo but as long as people will pay money to see Tom, people will hire Tom to be seen. No matter what he’s done. There is no longer such a thing as being “black listed”. The way to keep yourself from getting hired is to not make money for the people hiring you. Short of that, these producer types really really do not care at all. You could set puppies and babies on fire all day long and as long as people still pay to see you there will be a role for you in the next Mission Impossible movie.

        There is no god greater than the almighty dollar. Not even Lord Xenu.

  35. Ravensdaughter says:

    I know for the moment the case hinges on whether New York has jurisdiction-i.e can Katie be qualified as a resident of New York. I believe the requirement is one year, but there is probably some discretion of the part of the NY judge to determine what is “close enough” to residency.
    Also, from a court PR standpoint (there ARE other kinds of PR), Tom should get on the next plane from Iceland and get his a– back to New York. Jurisdiction-NY or the default, Cruise’s counter-filing in California-will likely to be decided in the next couple weeks (court will adjourn on the 4th, of course.)
    His lawyers will appear, of course, but his failure to personally appear may not sit well with the NY Family Court judge.
    You know Katie will be there with her attorneys, and with her family. Kudos to her dad, God bless him-don’t you love a dad who can deftly bail his daughter out of a mess!
    Team Katie, all the way!
    PS: Don’t expect Kidman to appear. It is not in her best interest to do it voluntarily and subpoena power for civil cases typically does not stretch from NY to Tennessee.

  36. Penguin says:

    @ mattlauer – Why bring her physical appearance into this?. Tom’s not all that imo. Just a dentally challenged, tweaked, midget.

  37. jensational says:

    Funny – I could have sworn, when I watched ROsemary’s Baby, that it was about a woman that was carrying the baby of satan and the cult her hubby belonged to was doing everything they could to keep her “out of the loop” while she was preggers and then to keep her away from the baby after it was born – why else would the baby have those devil eyes?

    Just sayin’…..

  38. Sam x says:

    If I was Katie I would be thanking my lucky stars right now and be so grateful that dad gave me the necessary advice/support for laying out a game plan on how to execute this divorce properly. Without her dad she would be lost! Go daddy Holmes!

  39. mimi says:

    Why isn’t the police investigating such servitude and lack of decent upbringing of these children?

    Even if their parents gave their consent, shouldn’t there be anyone from the State of California or federal agents/ social workers that should be concerned for the well being of these children? lack of adequate sleep and hardly any education, not to mention making them work and provide services…

    On a different note, I want to see the judge that will not choose the benefit of the child (Suri) and will expose her to such creepy influence.
    No judge will take a child from her mother, and in this case, I would like to see if anyone would allow Tom to expose Suri to his odd choices of association.

    • LeeLoo says:

      1) The potential for Co$ to turn into a Jonestown or Waco situation. The US government learned lessons from these situations. This has to be handled with care and discretion.

      2) If the rumors are true, the Co$ has information to blackmail federal and state officials. Which has kept them from any real official scrutiny. However, I do sincerely believe that the justice department has an investigation going on very quietly.

      • Arla says:

        It’s certainly something for the Attorney General of California to look into. Unless of course he has skeletons in his closet that the Scientologists are aware of. If not they’ll just manufacture some anyway.

  40. JoeB says:

    A red shinny trench? Seriously? She dresses like Phyllis Dhiller.

    • stinky says:

      oh SHE is the WORST at clothing!!!
      (seriously) (and with all that money to burn) (it’s criminal)

  41. Izzards Chick says:

    I’m ascared for Katie, man. can u imagine what she wrestled with before she “defected” essentially? I hope everyone who hates the cult better stand not BEHIND her but in FRONT of her. If anyone is going to go through Hell in the coming months its her. Rem, the stupid e meter is a lie detector test, they have and will leak every secret shes ever had in her entire existence. We may need to show some sort of solidarity to this poor woman as the Co$ prepares a cobra like strike against her that we all know is coming. She prob had to decide whether the public knowledge of all of her secrets is worth running to save your child and she decided the child is more worth it. Im gonna try not to read the slime that comes out on her from his camp.

  42. Jill says:

    She looked like she was in Rosemary’s baby. If they remake the movie, that should be her next role.

  43. Hazel says:

    Team Katie.. RUN RUN RUN.. I am so proud of her for doing it finally. Fingers crossed she gets to keep her baby

  44. Claire says:

    I am standing by Katie all the way. I don’t care what secrets might come out. I am a bit surprised that after five years she has not become brainwashed to the effect that she could not run like she is now. Where are Tom’s parents in all of this? Are they Scientologists? Truly believe that the CO$ is going to go down after this.

  45. mayamae says:

    I’m Team Katie but I don’t think Rosemary’s Baby is an apt comparison.

    Rosemary was very young and naive and did not cooperate in any way. Her husband changed after they were married and sold his soul to the devil for an acting career. She had no idea her husband had become a satanist.

    Tom Cruise is pretty much the same Tom Cruise she married. He did not hide his Scientology beliefs. Some believe that she married Tom for her acting career – perhaps in theory selling HER soul to the devil.

    I believe if Katie was blind and naive, it was selectively. Regardless, she has seen the light now and Suri will have a better life. (Unfortunately, Katie was complicit in alienating Connor and Bella from Nicole. I am extremely curious how those two now feel about Katie.)

  46. Bobby the K says:

    Guess what kids? Tomorrow, July 3rd is Tom’s birthday! Maybe we should collectively have a toast or three, wear pointy hats and then start typing.

    Also the birthday of Gloria Allred (she’ll be 70!)and Franz Kafka among others.

  47. Uma says:

    Well, in Rosemary’s baby, Mia actually gives birth to Satan.

  48. erika says:

    bah dap bah bah bah bahhhhhhhh….I’m Lovin it! Tommy goin’ down! Tomboy goin’ crazy!

    Anyone know that Eminem rap, ‘I Think My Dad’s Gone Crazy ‘where he has his little daughter Haley sing in “I think my dad’s gone crazy” = can’t get it outta my head everytime i hear a tomkat story..


    click here to listen –

  49. Amy says:

    “…where Tom Cruise is currently throwing his temper tantrums and throwing his lifts at the ceiling in epic displays of fury.”

    Hahhaha! I’m dying over that visual.

  50. embertine says:

    Bedhead, I think it’s naive to say he wouldn’t “do that” to Suri or to himself. He is very high up in the cult, and as far as anyone knows buys into it completely. He may feel that he is doing his daughter a disservice if he DOESN’T subject her to the full Co$ upbringing, much like a Christian thiking that baptising their child will stop them going to hell.

  51. Ramona Q says:

    Tom’s front teeth are way off center. They look so weird!

  52. Lway says:

    “…..and throwing his lifts at the ceiling in epic displays of fury” Hahaaaa!!