David Duchovny denies Gillian Anderson romance, they’re ‘good friends’

David and Gillian in 2008 at the premiere of X Files: I Want to Believe. She was pregnant at the time

It started as at least two blind items that were too good to be true – the real life Scully and Mulder were both single and had fallen in love after fighting a mutual attraction for nearly two decades. Then Celebrity Dirty Laundry claimed to have a source confirming that Gillian Anderson, who just announced a split from her longtime partner, had shacked up in L.A. with David Duchovny and her two kids. (David’s kids, one of whom is actually named Kyd, are presumably with their mom, Téa Leoni.) Tea and David are still officially married, having announced a separation in 2008, then they reconciled, then they separated again last summer.

We sometimes get tips e-mailed to us from sources, and unless we can verify who they’re from we don’t run them. So we didn’t run it when we were e-mailed a tip in May that Gillian and her partner, Mark Griffiths, had been broken up for a year at that point. The source never mentioned it, but that year would have roughly coincided with the time that David and Tea announced they were off-again. *Elbow nudge*

Here’s part of Celebrity Dirty Laundry’s report, which makes the young me squee a lot. I so much hope it’s true!

A source exclusively told CDL that David and Gillian have been in a serious relationship for some time now and she and her children are shacking up with the Californication actor. This is a long time coming for the pair whose chemistry on their hit show was always a source of tabloid conjecture. Gillian and David worked together from 1993 to 2002 and starred in the movie version in 2008. Although it seems every fan in the world wanted to get the two together, a relationship was never declared during filming.

[From Celebrity Dirty Laundry]

CDL also points us to an interview with the London Sunday Times magazine (it’s only available to subscribers or I would link it) in which Anderson was cagey when the subject of her lovelife came up. That doesn’t reveal much and her response could be explained by the fact that she had already broken up with her partner at that point.

In response to these really awesome rumors, David Duchovny’s rep told Wonderwall that “the romance rumors aren’t true, but adds that the once (and hopefully future) co-stars are still good friends.” Friends with benefits, right?

I dressed up as Scully for Halloween once. I made a badge I modeled off versions of hers on the Internet and I wore a suit jacket. I had like the same haircolor and cut as her and everything, so it wasn’t hard. So yes, I was a big X-Files fan and I’m personally invested in this story. I know these people are totally different IRL than the characters they played, and I know Duchovny has a sketchy past with his stint in rehab for sex addiction and all. I still really hope this is true and that they found solace in each other’s arms after their other relationships broke off naturally and with no overlap or cheating on their part. I also hope no one conspires to keep them apart like in the last couple seasons of X-Files. That show really faltered without Duchovny.

Here’s Duchovny at the premiere of Goats last night. He plays a goat man, seriously. It actually doesn’t look bad and co-stars Vera Farmiga. It got bad reviews, though. The trailer is at this link.

Duchovny out yesterday:

Anderson on 6-21-12:

Back to 2008:

Photo credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet

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81 Responses to “David Duchovny denies Gillian Anderson romance, they’re ‘good friends’”

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  1. brin says:

    There was an interesting story in CDAN yesterday about them and questioning if DD might be the father of one of her kids. Also said that David has full custody of his kids with Tea.

    • Hautie says:

      That post at CDAN also pointed out that David is divorced. That they never made it a big PR announcement. But they have been divorce for a couple years.

      Does anyone, besides me… remember how friggin HUGE Duchovny was in the mid 90’s. Before the internet took over the gossip world.

      He was hounded by the pap’s. So much so he really hated anyone with a camera.

      And even now… you can see it on his face. He does not have any love for the pap’s to this day.

    • JFS61 says:

      There were rumors going around years ago that her first kid was indeed Duchovny’s, which is what reportedly led to the breakup of her first marriage.

  2. Jovia says:

    Please let it be true (that they are more than “good friends”).

  3. megs283 says:

    I hear you. I still have a black raincoat that I got in high school that I call my Scully Coat. And expressing my devotion to the Lord with a simple gold cross – it was just like Scully’s! Total coincidence…right…

  4. Aussie girl says:

    I have been hearing whispers for a while. I soo hope it’s true!! The truth is out there…..,,

  5. I.want.shoes says:

    Scully and Mulder 4 EVA!!!!

    I can’t believe it’s been that long since the show ended. They both look so good.

  6. little-red says:

    Ok, ok, I will be the first to say it – I want to believe!

    • v says:

      Dammit!You beat me to it! 😛 If it’s true then…awesome!X-files was my favorite show!This takes me years back,at school not having internet and cutting articles/photos from magazines…Those were the days! XD
      Rumors like this one have been circulating for years and I kinda believe them(especially after the second movie).There’s this blind too… http://blindgossip.com/?p=46467

    • truthSF says:

      Right there with you Little-Red, and might I add….The Truth Is Out There. 🙂

    • Jordan says:

      Me too! Awww, please, please, please, let this be true!

    • Irishae says:

      2 people beat me to the best lines!

      Argh, I’ll just say I enjoy this bit of gossip oh-so-very-much.

  7. Maxine says:

    Look at the body language in the pictures . . . yes, I’m not a big fan of reading that much into body language, but especially the picture of them holding each other from the back and his leaning in to talk with her. I think they probably developed an extremely close relationship on set and now that things have fallen apart romantically for both of them they are probably thinking – if we’d done this 20 years ago we could have save ourselves a lot broken relationships and heartache for others. I co-sign!

  8. mia girl says:

    The Smoking Man has always kept them apart… I hoped they are finally together!

    PS I loved me some Fox Mulder… but did anyone else also find Skinner kinda hot?

    • cr says:

      Oh yes, I loved me some Skinner.

      Also Steven Williams as Mr. X.

      • truthSF says:

        And don’t forget Crychek? I don’t know how to spell that man’s name, but he was the hottest bad guy in X-files.

      • cr says:

        Nicholas Lea as Alex Krychek. Such a turncoat, but an attractive turncoat.

      • Katija says:


        He was so hot that I could forgive his severe butchering of my mother tongue every episode, LMAO.

    • Anname says:

      SKINNER! I loved Skinner, he was definitely sexy. I think it was the voice.

    • Ann Emmess says:

      Among the many people who found Skinner hot were the entire X-Files writing team. They concocted a reason for Skinner to strip down to his BVDs, entirely on-camera, and show off what has to be the best over-40 male body televised in the 90s. One of those “the man was a work of art” types.

      Mitch Pileggi excels at playing hardasses, but IRL he seems more of a good-natured gym rat. His physique was always central to the roles he got, including Skinner. He’s grown a lot as an actor over the years, though.

      As for Krycek — Nic Lea’s very distinctive looks and sex appeal also drove his career. After Krycek, people created many many chances trying to make Lea happen in a big way. I’ve never seen another actor who was given the lead in so MANY big-deal pilots that went nowhere.

      However, Lea’s worked steadily and nowadays also brings a very compelling older-guy presence to shows.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I totally loved Assistant Director Skinner. What a hottie. Mulder was up there but Skinner was my no. 1. Embarassing to admit my ’90’s TV fantasies.

    • Lisa says:

      What is it about The Skinman? One of those unexplained crushes. He’s like the original Tony Soprano: out of shape, bald, but he’s got fans who think he’s the hottest piece. I think it’s the power factor.

    • danielle says:

      Oh yeah!

  9. geekychick says:

    I was such a hardcore x-files shipper in my elementary school days…that was the reason I got Internet (oh, the old glory days…).
    the word in the fan community was that they had something something in the early days of series (their public photos were much more relaxed and pretty touchy touchy), but it went away and grew into mutual dislike later on (after his marriage with Leoni, I think).
    The body language and so on….IDK, I always thought there was something more to them-but as I said, I was a M&S shipper, so…
    But I want to believe!!! hahahahaha

    • Isabel says:

      I was such a big fan too, I remember we had really crappy internet, but I wanted to see a musicvideo/song Gillian did with some artist, I downloaded it and it took days to to download, but I checked every hour. Was no Youtube back then and internet was SLOOOOOOW. Ah the good old obsessive fan=days, I even cut pictures from magazines and put them on my wall.
      I feel like a Twihard-type fan now.. hahahahahaa

      • Lisa says:

        YOU DESCRIBED MY LIFE. I was jealous of people who could host videos on their fansites. I downloaded them off of Kazaa and Napster and they took DAYS. I’d leave the computer on overnight sometimes.

        Something to remember next time I want to make fun of Twihards.

  10. foozy says:

    hear hear!!!

  11. foozy says:

    look at the way he’s staring at her boobs in the first pic

  12. Gwen says:

    I want this to be true so hard!!

  13. Madhubala says:

    I WANT TO BELIEVE! There was a whole lot of squee! going on in my household when we found out about the rumors. I’m not buying what a PR rep says (it’s almost their duty to deny things first it seems), I willing this to be true.

  14. SolitaryAngel says:

    I, too, am noticing the body language in these red carpet photos. He is clearly very protective of her (the baby she’s pg with here is rumored to be his, so that makes sense), and he’s all up in her personal bubble. For her part, she’s comfortable with him being in her personal space; sure this is a normal reaction with a good friend, but I want to believe!!!
    I still miss X-Files. 🙁

  15. Jess says:

    Sorry, I can’t even say how much I love the X-files but I can’t see them doing it. No way. They are friends.

    (And Mulder and Scully have a very special place in my heart.)

    • Lisa says:

      Yeah, I’m not excited about this, I just think it’s hilarious. There was always so much back and forth discussion about whether they hated or loved each other. All I cared about were Mulder and Scully.

  16. Anna says:

    Uch, she seems insufferable to me…case in point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=Fis_Q2x3iIc
    Go to :06 to see her being terribly condescending to THE DOCTOR,then completely trashing her fans- plus that stupid fake brit accent that comes and goes…
    He, on the other hand, seems like a lot of fun (although obviously a failure at monogamy- he should probably give up trying).

    • geekychick says:

      She is from England so I can’t find her at fault bc of English accent.
      TBH, she continued with her work as an actress in VB, never had any scandal (he did) and never was attention w*ore. I kinda admire the way she continued with her life after x-files, not falling in a trap of looking for the “next bit thing” she’d be the star of, acting (but in smaller and different roles)-I kinda like those celebrities who seem satisfied with their blessings in life and aren’t expecting more, more, more.

    • jamie says:

      I feel the same way! I never really had an opinion about Gillian Anderson but now every time I see her I immediately flash to that Graham Norton interview. She’s incredibly off-putting, especially when she talks about the fan. Reminded me of Madonna but even more elitist and out of touch. It had nothing to do with her accent, she’s just made me cringe. Gorgeous though.

    • Lisa says:

      I defended her so much when the show was on, but I can’t really now. It’s too bad she isn’t more like Scully in some ways. I guess that speaks to her ability as an actress; nobody would have guessed that she was such a flake.

      And authentic or not, I’ll never get used to hearing an English accent from her!

  17. Maude says:

    I would love for this to be true so, so much. I love both of them and as an X-Files fan, I was one of those people who always wanted them to get together. I went as her for Halloween too – I had the cross, the hair, and got a suit. I always felt like Dana Scully was the best role model a high school girl could have. She was smart, tough and strong and she made it all sexy!

    I would love to find another tv show I could get into like the X-Files. Still haven’t found anything to replace it.

  18. francesca1 says:

    He is so hot. And such a dawg.

  19. Minimi says:

    OMG For some seconds I could really understand the Robsten fanweirdos!!! How cool would it be to have Scully and Mulder together???! DuchAnd cannot be broken!

    (seconds finished, back to normality…but they would really look cute together!)

    • TheOriginalKitten says:


    • Roma says:

      Wow. You just made the twihards make sense to me.

      Except we’ve been waiting for 20 years…

    • Jen34 says:

      You are so right. I’m as bad as those twihards and embarrassingly about 30 years older.

    • Katija says:

      I left my comment before I saw yours!!!

      When I first heard this, I finally understood all those twelve year old #Robsten people on Tumblr.

      This is the late-twenties/thirties crowd’s Robsten. LOL. Except it’s SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT BECAUSE WE’VE BEEN AT THIS SINCE NINETEEN-EFFING-NINETY-THREE!!!

      God I want them to be real.

    • Jilly Bean says:

      SO TRUE!!! Twihards finally make sense!!

  20. keats says:

    Ugh. I have such a girl crush on her and such a regular crush on him. I will go full twihard if they end up getting together.

    • Katija says:

      We all need to start our own Tumblrs. It won’t be as great cause we can’t use the photoshop without our reading glasses and have to be in bed by nine, but damnit if we won’t try! 🙂

  21. lucy2 says:

    Part of me would love this, and the other part would worry for her because he seems to have self control issues.

  22. jc126 says:

    Please, please, let this story be true!!!

  23. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Please please PLEASE let this be true. Used to be obsessed with X Files and used to have major sex dreams about David Duchovny. I know he’s sketch/gross but I still would.

    • The Other Katherine says:

      Sadly, me too. *facepalm* One of the things that always endeared him to me is the fact that he’s clearly a very smart guy, as well as hot in that slightly geeky way. Shame he’s such a hound dog…. Sigh.

      David Duchovny, preferred crush of American women in early middle age everywhere.

  24. aang says:

    Please be true!!!

  25. Alexis says:

    I never watched X-files, but they look really good together. In the pictures, you can tell they have a really strong connection, whether it’s friendship or something more.

  26. The Original Mia says:

    It’s probably true which makes me squee!

    • Elena says:

      It’s probably not, which makes me sad. But I’ll get over it. Won’t be the first time. 🙂

      • v says:

        This time it could be!Didn’t Ashton and Mila say they were just friends weeks before there was phot.evidence? 😉

  27. Jen34 says:

    This is making me do cartwheels. They are so hot together.

  28. Anoni Mus says:

    I used to be a huge X-Files fan back in the day… my first visits to blogs, fan pages and such stemmed from that show. Can’t believe it’s been 20 years! And I can’t believe that these two would (maybe) be an item down the road… a dream come true for all of us M/S shippers!

    And even if they aren’t, which is probably the more reasonable scenario, I love knowing that they have kept up their friendship over the years.

    They both look great, especially Gillian.

  29. Hubbahun says:

    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease let it be true!! *crosses everything, gives self cramp*

  30. Kristen says:

    It’s really unfair that these two people get to be so continually good looking. Sigh…

  31. Ari says:

    Anyone ever see DD in Red Shoe Diaries…I swear I can watch that movie so many times. lol

    • truthSF says:

      OMG Ari, I remember that. I was about twelve when I saw DD on screen for the first time. My older sisters and I were watching a movie that came on before that on cable, and when it came on, we didn’t know what it was about, until the nakedness covered the screen and I was immediately ushered out of the room. 🙂

      But let me tell you, that man face was so unforgettable to me, that in the following year when they started advertising a new show that was coming out in the fall, as soon as I recognized David’s face, that was all she wrote. I’ve been a fan ever since.

      So much so, that when I saw the first movie, and they failed to kiss, I cried my ass off. It was such a let down to my young 17 year old heart. Aww, the teenage years. 🙂

    • Lisa says:

      Hahaha, Red Shoes, omg. I used to tape that shit and watch it secretly. I was so disappointed that Jake’s Story didn’t show more. I thought he was so hot. He looks like he just rolled out of bed here.

  32. JOmama says:

    AHHHH I loved the X-files. I hope it’s true, I always thought they were so cute together on the show. I had the hugest crush on David Duchovny when I was younger too…my ovaries just exploded :p

  33. Katija says:

    Dear Youngins,

    You may not give a crap about these two “old farts.” (Your words, not mine.)

    But this gives us similar feelings to KStew and RPatz being a real thing.

    Everyone over 26

    • Katija says:

      (And I’m sorry, but they make Lip Bite McGee and Sparkledong look like a couple of awkward kids at junior prom anyways. Do we have a Robsten-esque name for them yet? Duchand? Andovny?)

  34. Ginger says:

    I LOVED The X-Files and Duchovny was HOT (still is) and I was told once by an author who knew Gillian personally that I looked like her but taller (one of the coolest compliments I have ever had!) I too squealed a bit at this head line…how cool would it be if this were true??? What a smokin couple!

  35. Lisa says:

    My first OTP. I never understood the people who thought they were banging off-screen, but I didn’t believe they hated each other either.

  36. elwood says:

    Yeah, it’s GILLOVNY! Fits perfect don’t ya think?

  37. Fabgrrl says:

    Well, I for one don’t think they fought their attraction for twenty years…,,

    ….I think they were hot and heavy from day one. I think they were told to cool it or be fired. I think Duchovney acquiesced, which drove naive, impulsive, 24 year old Anderson into her “revenge” marriage. That pregnancy happened awfully quickly….. I think they tried to move on but never did. I hope they can be happy together.

  38. taylor says:

    Do you know what’s interesting: Gillian Anderson’s youngest son was born 9 month after the X-Files 2 shoot. And look at the boy’s name – Felix – it’s an anagram for X-File.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      Conspiracy theorist, you! But, an intriguing puzzle.
      Maybe with her “fluid sexuality” and his variant kind of fluid sexuality, they could pull off an open relationship and be 2gether 4ever….

  39. danielle says:

    Pretty funny. I remember during the show the most prevelant rumors were that they hated each other’s guts. Funny – if you look at their body language now I would agree whatever is going on they definitely don’t hate each other!