Jessica Simpson convinced that Tony Romo is going to propose

Jessica Simpson is said to be blabbing to pals that she thinks her boyfriend, quarterback Tony Romo, is planning to pop the question over the holidays. This story is from Star, so it’s just as likely to be made up, but it sounds like something Simpson would do. She pretty much tells anyone who will listen all about her life, relationship, and bodily functions well past the point that an average person would find embarrassing. You can imagine her telling people she thinks she’s about to get a ring, or even leaking the news to Star herself with ring hints she hopes will get back to Tony:

[Jessica Simpson] is “convinced” that Tony [Romo] plans to propose over the holidays, says a close friend of Jess. He’s been dropping hints, like asking her about the diamond from her ex-husband, Nick Lachey. “I told him it was once my dream to have a pear-shaped ring, but I’d never want that again,” she told the pal. Then, last week, she noticed that one of her favorite rings went missing for a few days. “And then it reappeared in my jewelry box.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, December 15, 2008]

Jessica has gained a little weight, and she looks fine but there’s always pregnancy speculation when that happens, particularly from us. Her sister just had a baby and she’s been outspoken about wanting to be a mother too. It’s hard to tell if she’s pregnant or just wearing her typical bad fashion. If Simpson is pregnant and/or if she gets engaged we’re sure to hear all about it. Tony seems serious about her because he’s stuck around despite all the stupid things she’s said. Maybe he’s ready to take it to the next level, which is sure to result in more unnecessary details in the celebrity magazines.

Jessica Simpson is shown going to Mastro’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills last night with Ken Paves. Look at that pose. Credit: WENN

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23 Responses to “Jessica Simpson convinced that Tony Romo is going to propose”

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  1. Shea says:

    If they get married, he can kiss his once promising career good-bye!! Everything she touches she ruins.

  2. sol says:

    if he doesn’t mean to propose he should leave her alone so she can find someone to start a family in the near future if that is her wish.

  3. anonymous says:

    According to the Arkansas Center for Medicine and Rehabilitation…

    “If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18, you shouldn’t use Restylane.”

    Since she obviously had her lips done recently, I hope that means she is not pregnant for the baby’s sake and for my football viewing pleasure.

    As bad as it is watching him play now knowing he dates her, there’s always the hope he will dump her. It will be unbearable to be a Cowboys fan if he is forever tied to her with a baby. Yuck!!

  4. manda says:

    yuck, who dreams about a pear shaped diamond?

  5. Cletus says:

    Goddmanit, FINE. I’LL marry you, Jessica Simpson. Come on down to the Panhandle and we’ll get this shit taken care of. You know you don’t care WHO you marry, so come on. We’ll just go on and do it. Besides, lesbians are hella-popular right now- just look at LiLo and that other chick, the one with the boobs and the hair… you know, the one who pissed Diddy off. But I’m not signing no prenup, and also we can’t have The Sex because I’m not so into girls. But, like, I’ll even let YOU wear the big fluffy dress, as long as you know I’m wearing my jeans and my Docs. And you have to buy your own ring. And you can’t live here with me, because I don’t really like you. You can hook me up with free shoes, though. Girl, you make some CUTE shoes!

  6. rules says:

    ugh, she is putting so much pressure on him, just lighten up on the man already……she just seems so desperate.

  7. Zoe says:

    God, her lips look so effing stupid. Why doesn’t someone say something to her?

  8. Codzilla says:

    So is her attempt at country glory officially dead in the water? As for Romo, just marry her and shut her the f*ck up already. 🙄

  9. mrm says:

    Wasn’t there some story a few days ago about how he told her she could move her stuff from her Dallas hotel to his new house (which he shares with a roommate) the last time she was in town?

    Sorry, but a guy who buys a house and moves in his roommate doesn’t sound like he’s considering marriage.

    And a guy who says “I guess you can check out of your hotel and stay with me and my roommate while your in Dallas” doesn’t sound like he thinks he even has a serious girlfriend.

  10. dude says:

    Good Idea for her tho. Its a guaranteed income since hers no longer exists!

  11. anonymous says:

    Romo, Macy’s, and her record label all need to dump her.

  12. Sue D. Nimm says:

    She is so annoying. She’s one of those people who tells her boyfriend about how EVERYBODY’S getting engaged and then whines to friends that he doesn’t love her because he hasn’t instantly gone “Wow! You know, we should get married because it’s in fashion!” 🙄

  13. Kaiser says:

    I know it’s naive, but I think Romo will propose, and I think they’ll get married. Because they’re in love.

    She’s really not that bad, y’all. Not evil, just stupid. It’s not a crime.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Kaiser: You’re right, she’s not THAT bad. But she just tickles my nasty streak and I don’t know why. Probably more of a character flaw on my part, then hers. Please don’t tell anyone I said that. 😯

  15. anonymous says:

    Codzilla, it’s not a character flaw on your part that brings out that nasty streak. It’s a natural reaction to her relentless and heavy handed pr machine and her marketing team’s inability to package her in a way that masks her innate power to annoy.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself ;)…she seems to bring out the nasty streak in a lot of people.

  16. I Choose Me says:

    😀 @Cletus. My favorite commenter today.

  17. irl says:

    I like them both and I like them together. I hope they do get married.

  18. Holly says:

    Not to defend Jess too much, but Tony was a f*ck up before Jessica ever came along.

  19. morgs says:

    @Manda, my thoughts exactly! Cletus you are HILARIOUS!

  20. Tia says:

    a pear shaped diamond??? That is sooooooo dated.. wtf????????????? Who wants that????????? TACKYYYYYYYY

  21. Nouvel says:

    Cletus, high five.. LESBIANS ARE HELLA HOT !!!!!!!!

  22. RAN says:

    Agree Anonymous… not sure I can watch the Cowboys if he’s actually stupid enough to marry her.

  23. colleen says:

    uuugghh his career is already over!!!!!!!!!!!! he should just marry the tramp!!!!!!!!!!!! pleeeeez tell me jerry is lookin for a new QB…….we need to win a superbowl!