Johnny Depp is scarfy on the Late Show: do you still love Johnny?

Johnny Depp was on the Late Show last night and I would have done this post sooner, but I decided to watch Hugh Jackman’s appearance from Wednesday night first and I got distracted imagining what I would do to him. (CBS puts the episodes online but it takes forever to watch them as the commercials are excessive.)

I won’t go into the details that are crowding my mind, but Johnny no longer has that immediate effect on me. (That’s not to say I would turn him down! It would be the highlight of my life.) Lately he’s looking more like a parody of his former self. Just check out this goofy long thin scarf he’s paired with pants that are cut up and hanging on the ground. Would it kill him to polish his boots? On the show he wore a ton of stacked necklaces, a shirt hanging off the back of his pants and plenty of rings. Johnny loves his accessories.

Johnny was on the Late Show doing a favor for an old musician friend, Bill Carter, with whom he performed after giving an interview. (Here’s a link to a clip of Johnny and Bill’s interview.) He was also promoting Lone Ranger, but it’s not out until July, damnit. Johnny explained that he’d met Bill and his wife in Atlanta back when he was filming Gilbert Grape (early 90s!) and that he’d actually lived with them for a few months afterwards. It was a really nice story and I was impressed at what a loyal friend he is.

Johnny’s voice was gruffer than usual as he talked about his past as a musician, saying he’d played with a band called “The Kids” and that they’d opened for The Pretenders, Billy Idol and The Ramones. He looked tired and was thinner than we’ve seen him recently.

As for how his film career started, Johnny said that his buddy Nicolas Cage sent him to his agent to read for Nightmare on Elm Street, the first one, and the rest was history. When Letterman complimented him that his movies were huge successes, Johnny quipped “it’s got nothing to do with me I don’t think” I take it back, he’s starting to do it for me again! It just took me a while to warm up to him this time. Johnny, come back to us, we still love you!

There’s a clip of Johnny Depp performing, he plays backup guitar, over at E! Online! Oh and he also told a story about falling off a horse while filming Lone Ranger. You can read that on E! if you’re interested. I think he’s going to work his way back into our good graces, I really do. I can’t stay mad at him even if he does dress like this.

Photo credit: and FameFlynet

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142 Responses to “Johnny Depp is scarfy on the Late Show: do you still love Johnny?”

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  1. Jessy says:

    I think he means to look cool and hipster but somehow he ends up looking like Ozzy Osbourne instead.

  2. Dawn says:

    You bet your sweet ass I still love him! He is my number one guy when it comes to actors and I doubt that it will change. He can play anything and he does it well at that.

    • Gigi says:


      Mine too, love this man

      And I know that underneath all that mess he’s still hot as hell

      • Laura says:

        Totally agreed. It doesn’t matter what he wears, who he dates (although I could regret saying that later) or even if he only did Disney movies for the rest of his career. I-ah-I-ah-I will always love hiiiiiiiim. Ooooooooo ahhhhhh. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • kitkerenina says:

        + 1000000000000000000000000000000

  3. Post-It's says:

    I’m tired of the homeless pirate look.

    • cmc says:

      Seriously. He needs to shave, cut his hair, take off all of those goofy necklaces/scarves/rings/bracelets, and put on a nice, tailored suit and tie. Then he’s a YES every time. His face is still beautiful (from what I can tell under all the homeless-chic accessories), he just needs a good scrubbing.

      • *unf* Joan Jett says:

        Oh come on, everybody else in Hollywood has short hair, wears nice suits and looks generic. Leave Johnny the way he is. He is fine.

      • cmc says:

        Yeah, men in Hollywood look that way because looking clean and well put together is very attractive. Looking like a smelly hobo is not a good look, even for the handsome Johnny Depp.

    • Kate says:

      The Onion has a report on how he’s now completely made up of scarves and bracelets.

  4. karmasabiatch! says:

    Ummm, not so much anymore. He wears more accessories than I do. Which is pretty uncool for a guy.

    Mid-life crisis.

  5. MellyBee says:

    I would bang him like a door in a hurricane.

  6. Joanna says:

    Oooh, in the first few pictures he seems to be morphing into Kate Moss. Probably no one else will see it, but I can’t un-see it now.

    • Irishae says:

      Mind = blown, lol! Creepy. Not that I advocate messing up anyone’s marriage, but they NEED to get back together. I have got to see them ride the crazy train to Midlife Crisis Town. Kate doesn’t seem into her dude now anyways.

  7. LadyMTL says:

    Take off that stupid scarf and cut his hair short (I’ve always preferred him with shorter hair) and I would hit it every which way.

    That said, he’s definitely thinner. I guess the split with Paradis has gotten to him?

  8. T.Fanty says:

    Nope. Lainey killed the last remnants of my enthusiasm for him.

  9. RN says:

    I just watched “Chocolat” again the other day. I forgot how hot he is in that movie. I can overlook the scarves, I think.

  10. Rianic says:

    Maybe he can use the scarves for tying me up???

  11. TQB says:

    wow, for the first time, my answer to this question is “eh, not really, no.” between the clothes and the split and the trailers for Lone Ranger (which looks HORRIBLE) I might just be done with this one.

  12. bns says:

    I’ll always love him, but he’s so embarrassing these days.

  13. Ranunculus says:

    I wouldn’t mind having the coat, but not if I also have to take the guy. Never gotten his appeal, he looks grumpy and seems to have no sense of humour and that is not sexy at all.

  14. Skins says:

    He thinks he is Keith Richards

  15. shewolf says:

    I never had it for Johnny. I just dont understand people who work so hard to look so dirty. Its funny though because I love a dirty Tom Hardy.

  16. aud says:

    he has never done anything for me. never understood girls falling all over him. just blah on him

    on that note, where’s james mcavoy these days?

  17. nofkksgiven says:

    You know. Once you get all those clothes off him…..he’s probably still pretty do-able.

    That’s why we have to enjoy our youth. The hot doesn’t last forever…

  18. dorothy says:

    Not a fan of the scarf, but agree, naked would do nicely!

  19. MooHoo says:

    tom cruise could take a leaf out of jonnys book. jonny is also 50 or therabouts but the styling – and i have to admit – the genes too – make him look mid-30s tops. he looks great and he always comes across well in interviews and seems like a nice guy.

  20. NorthernGirl_20 says:

    I’m still in love with him. Have been since 21 Jump Street.

    But is it just me or is he wearing a woman’s coat?

  21. Denise says:

    Oh dear. I so loved Johnny, but sitting there with David Letterman he looked like a hobo version of Mr T.

  22. Miss Kiki says:

    Pre 2011 Depp would get it hard, I’m talking I’d be bringing my A game and it would be A-mazing.

    2011 to present Day Depp would also get it but he’d have to ask me really nicely and bring me some wine as well. I’d bring my C+ game.

    • j.eyre says:

      First – “2011 to present Day Depp would also get it” quelle surprise, Miss Kiki.

      But I agree. Depp never got off my Hit List, he just moved far down it. I wouldn’t make him work for it, any form a desperation turns me off.

      But you mentioned the wine – he has a truly impressive wine collection so yes, that would be a demand in the deal and as to what game I bring – it depends if we are in the bedroom or the wine cellar.

      • Miss Kiki says:

        What can I say, I’m a good person, everyone deserves a go.

        I’d forgotten about the wine collection, for that he gets my B game. Lately he’s just so blugh, the scarves, the chains, the bracelets. He’s a caricature of his former self, it’s embarrassing.

  23. Amy says:

    I’ll always love Johnny.
    You know the old rule about accessories, that you look at yourself in the mirror before you leave the house and take one thing off? Do you think Johnny does that?

  24. Oops says:

    I want to know what he looks like without his makeup and with less accessories

  25. sally says:

    I don’t get his appeal? May be because I didn’t grow up with him since I’m in my early 20s. To me and my friends he’s just… gross and old. I think if he cleaned himself up, I might think he was attractive. I don’t know. He just doesn’t do it for me.

    • Tessa says:

      Yep. This. He’s gross and old. I can’t imagine anyone still finding him hot. He needs a haircut shave and a bath, and then we can talk. Yuck.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      See I’m surprised by that, I thought he transcended age I’m 25 as are most of my friends and they still would.

    • Jessy says:

      Same here, he just old and embarrassing. But i watch his old movies and he was really hot when he was younger and when i was a kid i thought he was so dreamy in finding neverland. So i see it, but its not there anymore. He is the same age as george clooney or thereabouts right? Not that i am a fan of clooney but somehow its more attractive with a man that looks his age and doesnt try to look and act as if he is still in his 20’s.

  26. Agnes says:

    Nope. Haven’t loved him in a loooooong time. He’s too hobo/smelly/douchy these days.

  27. anonymous fan says:

    I would love to see Johnny Depp look as clean cut and beautiful as he was in Public Enemies all the time.But I accept that he is eccentric,which means rich and crazy,so if he is comfortable looking like a homeless street musician then….more power to him.In my mind he is still the hot guy in 21 Jump Street.

    • *unf* Joan Jett says:

      I remember reading in an interview that he even takes PRIDE in being the “worst dressed men” in Hollywood. That was in the late 90s. I guess he still does.

      • kitkerenina says:

        Yeah, I never got the sense he liked being voted ‘sexiest’. Which only makes him more sexy.

  28. Dannyexplosion says:

    He wears enough clothes for 3 people and you know he has horrible cigarette breath…. But I would still hit it.

  29. Cathy says:

    I use to want him, but not anymore. He looks dirty all the time. I don’t mind the long hair, but he needs a bath.

  30. RHONYC says:

    i like my men to ‘not’ look homeless and unhygienic. ๐Ÿ™

  31. Lulu says:

    I love him in a non-sexual way. I adore watching him on screen. He is absolutely mesmerizing and always will be. ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. s says:

    I’ve been over Johnny Depp for about 15 years.

  33. palermo says:

    He looks like he smells. He needs to get to a dentist STAT, even his fingers are filthy, have another cigarette, UGH

  34. zut alors! says:

    He looks like Gary Oldman did as the title character in Bram Stroker’s Dracula.

  35. blueanemone says:

    Ummmm…who told him the homeless hobo hipster look is in? He looks disgusting and his teeth are nasty. I can’t remember the last time JD was hot. He needs a bath and delousing STAT

  36. someone says:

    Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt remind me of each other, in an odd way. It’s like they can’t grow old gracefully. They have to fight it every last step. Brad Pitt cleaned up nicely for Moneyball, I’d like to see Johnny do the same for a movie.

  37. garvels says:

    Depp is trying to hard to be hipster cool and relevant.

    • emma says:

      I agree. If he is just himself, which is like this- but not totally- he wouldn’t come across as skeezy as he does. But, as Celebitchy says, he’s looking like a parody of his former self.

      And it’s not even the looks so much as his attitude. The things he says and how he says them. He’s lost touch with the cool artsy underground vibe he was into when he was younger. He’s too rich and too famous.

  38. Audrey says:

    I still think he’s cool. I also think he lost some weight which makes his face look much better.

  39. Susie (1 of 3) says:

    I had been over him since he started wearing the dangling scarfs. And then there was the hat with the hole in it.

    But after watching him on Letterman last night, I am reconsidering. Their conversation reminded me how charming, fun, and kind he is.
    He was there for his old friend. He played guitar but it was Bill Carter centerstage. When Dave came to thank the musicians, he stayed in the background while Dave shook hands with Bill and a few others before stepping back to thank Johnny.
    He did tell the horse story last night, too.
    I don’t care what he is wearing anymore, I’m back as a Johhny Depp fan.
    And yes, that voice was a panty dropper.

    • Jolie says:

      I agree! I don’t like his fashion as of late,but when I see him as such a loyal friend and humble person,he just gets a pass.

  40. Ann says:

    Middle-aged millionaires dressing like “rebels” is not a good look.

  41. Nancy says:

    I don’t care I will always love Johnny Depp.

  42. Meh says:

    He is a nice guy. on the interview he looked really good, because I can saw his beautiful cheekbones again…and I can’t say NO to those cheekbones. So, I’m starting to love him again

    Now, I’ve read it at some place that his next movie (one with Nolan’s main collaborator) he would have to be clean shaven, so I’m starting to say “bye” to his long and disheveled hair and welcoming the clean-cut Johnny. So I’m still here waiting for you Johnny!!

  43. A says:

    I don’t like clean cut Johnny.
    I like hobo Johnny with a bit of a beard, long hair, scarfs, scruffy…hey if you don’t want him i’ll take him!

  44. DianeP says:

    Love him!!

  45. Dap says:

    Who would even consider him if he was not J.Depp-the-movie-star, but just some random guy in the street? With the exact same look and clothes? Ladies, please…

  46. LIVEALOT says:

    YES! YES! YES!

  47. cupcake says:

    Oh yes, i would no question. He’s been my favorite actor for quite some time and he just does it for me… That face! I like the scruff, can’t help it!

  48. Bowers says:

    Man needs to de-accessorize.

  49. Maritza says:

    He may think he looks cool but he doesn’t. Lenny Kravitz, Prince, Adam Lambert and Bruno Mars look cool, Johnny Depp just looks like a hobo. I like Johnny Depp but I think he would benefit a lot if he hired a stylist.

  50. KellyinSeattle says:

    I’ve never liked the greasy Johnny Depp.

  51. Gabrielle says:

    I will love him always and forever!

  52. mimi says:

    To be honest, and I used to love Johnny, no man is appealing when he is going through his mid-life crisis/ leaving the mother of his children, looks pathetic and too much attitude for an adult.

    Sorry. I felt the same about Brad Pitt, and Johnny Depp I considered way more deep and real than Brad to begin with, and it’s just a huge turn off to see him like this.

    • Bird says:

      You took the words right out of my mouth, Mimi. So disappoInting.

    • Jolie says:

      You can dislike him for his clothes all you want. But you have no clue why he and Paradis broke up. He could have been a player for the past 25 years and yet he wasn’t. What makes you think he woke up one day and walked out on his “perfect life”. They were obviously on the rocks for long.

  53. EscapedConvent says:

    I still love Johnny. He’s a great actor, & a person with a kind heart. But he looks awful now. He’s much cuter when he’s clean.

    The hat with the hole in it always made me wonder what was up with him. Maybe Vanessa couldn’t look at the hole-y hat anymore.

    Yet, he is still Johnny Depp.

  54. lex lane says:

    i still love johnny, he is always gorgeous

  55. Jessica says:

    I think Johnny looks fantastic. He’s got his own style and he owns it.

  56. kate says:

    did anyone see the performance?

    Johnny on the electric guitar was so distracting to the melody.

    Wanna be musician. Money and fame buys you a gig on Dave I guess.

    I still love his cheekbones.

    • Jolie says:

      “a gig on Dave”? He has played with Patti Smith,Eddie Vedder,Alice Cooper,Aerosmith,Paul McCartney,etc. and they all say he’s very good at it.

  57. Jinko says:

    Johnny is lost in a time warp, and apparently no one has the nerve to tell him how ridiculous he looks for a man of his age. We know that he has always been a rugged individualist, but the time has come to set aside the chains, the tacky jewelry, the many scarves and rags, which adorn him. Time to put on his big boy pants, cut and wash his hair, put down the tinted glasses and shades, and stop using whatever it is that has turned his pale skin an unpleasant orange.

  58. exxo1111 says:

    Totally mid-life crisis. Plus his look does not fit a fifty year old zillionaire – Johnny – you’re a zillionaire – own it!

  59. Madriani's Girl says:

    Gross. He looks stupid dressing like that at his age. He also looks like he smells horrendous.

  60. skuddles says:

    Okay, so he dresses like a weirdo these days… I think he’s a bit confused in terms of the image he’s trying to project. But he’s still pretty and sensitive and just a nice guy so he gets a pass from me.

  61. Janet says:

    He looks like something growing on the side of a tree trunk.

  62. islandwalker says:

    My husband just walked in and said “he looks like a girl playing a hobo.” That about sums it up.

  63. emma says:

    Unfortunately, Johnny just isn’t doing it for me! He seems like such a toolbag. ๐Ÿ™

  64. stinkyman says:

    Is he wearing his girlfriend’s coat?

  65. Moi says:

    It’s not about whether or not I would hit it with Johnny D, it’s about the fact that I know he is one of THE sweetest people that I’ve ever met. Not just the sweetest celebrity, the sweetest person. He has a good heart, trust me on that. I want to bear hug him.

  66. Emma says:

    He is a really good actor and I do enjoy all of the movies I see with him in it. He always comes off really well in interviews and Pirates is my all time favorite movie, BUT he looks terrible. I’ve never seen the appeal. He looks like a drug addict in need of shower, hair cut, and shave.

  67. Anna says:

    He’s trying too hard. Johnny lost his mojo. It’s sad.

  68. Asdfg says:

    I love that he’s straight and wears accessories! You don’t see that often! Well, I don’t anyways! ๐Ÿ˜›

    I know lots of guys that don’t wear jewelry or accessories because they think it makes them look feminine/gay! o_O I disagree with them!

  69. Pari says:

    Ha!! Outright supporter of the homeless, the down-trodden and the ostracized… the poverty stricken, the needy and the oppressed…

  70. jasmine says:


  71. kitkerenina says:


    The coat, the coat. I’m a petite 44 yr. old, and that could be me walking in the coat and lighter jeans. (Own similar, only fitted and tucked in boots. And def scarf, but mine is clean and styled and I need it to boost my ginger scary fair complexion.)

    Think Depp werks it better…

  72. diva says:

    I still love him. Don’t necessarily love the outfits but he’s still one of my favorites.

  73. Nev says:

    The first pic. His face is stunning.

  74. AustinMJ says:

    Ever since he became the poster boy for mid-life crisis I lost that lovin feelin for him. He was much hotter when he was Vanessa’s man. Integrity and fidelity make a man a MAN.

    • Jolie says:

      So if your marriage/relationship doesn’t work out then you don’t have integrity and fidelity? There were 2 people in that relationship and as Vanessa said only they know why they broke up,and I’m sure both were at fault,just like every other marriage.

  75. dcypher1 says:

    Johnny forever always

  76. ezra says:

    Johnny is getting a little too long in the tooth for this look.
    It’s time that he cleans himself up.

  77. Jolie says:

    I don’t like his clothes,and do wish he could clean up a little. But in the interview,he just comes off as a genuinely nice person,like every other time. I really don’t think he deserves the hatred he sometimes gets. He just seems like a regular,good guy.
    So,yes,I do love him.

  78. Victoria says:

    Pretty much-Ditto however he’s lost that young fresh tasty aspect for me. What can I say though.. I am 48 and my sexi smooth smart hubby is only 31. Johnny’s looking just a tad too haggard for me. I used to just look at him and want to jump his bones.. Now I think I could just gnaw on it a little bit.. then bury it.

  79. Cpm says:

    Succeeding Kramer, Johnny Depp is the new hipster doofus. Have you ever seen anything so calculated and overdone? Less is more. Keith Richards is good. Copying Keith Richards is bad.

  80. cannonball says:

    I believe he is trying to hide his weight under a lot of accessories n stuff. His face is ageless though. He is going through some sort of stage, wonder what he will dress like at 60 years of age.

  81. cannonball says:

    Dang, I missed those sandals on him. Oh no he didn’t.

  82. Vee says:

    Three words: Mid Life Crisis.

    Nobody puts that much effort into looking like they put no effort in = hipster wannabe.

    Loved him as an actor though but it seems he has taken himself too seriously as of late.

  83. Cat in the Hat says:

    I love him. He’s a human being, for God’s sake. And a very beautiful one – a face carved by angels!

    His look: this is on purpose to get PR, which they’ve learned always does, esp when he’s orange, LOL!

    The last year has been VERY HARD on him, I think, and he’s just starting to come back. Perhaps an illness, too?

  84. Katrine says:

    I dont get it, why cant he dress as he likes? Ok, so the clothes are kind of weird together, and his hair is long, but he doesnt look dirty like you guys claim? I think he is a great actor and seeing his interviews I think he is funny as well. But the spark in his eyes are gone with the women who left him.

  85. Jack says:

    my wife likes him,but i think he tries to hard. the long hair is fine but hes needs to wash it. where are you all geting orange from? he doesnt look like that to me,he looks tan.

  86. Jack says:

    my wife likes him,but i think he tries to hard. the long hair is fine but hes needs to wash it. where are you all geting orange from? he doesnt look like that to me,he looks tan. ๐Ÿ˜‰