John Malkovich saved a man from bleeding to death in Toronto: so awesome?

John Malkovich

These are photos of John Malkovich on 5/30 at a press conference for The Giacomo Variations, which is a play that he’s currently starring within in Toronto. Of course, Malky is playing Casanova, and I’ll just let that sink in for a moment.

That’s not all that Malkovich is up to in Toronto though. He’s also playing a real-life hero by running to the rescue of a man who fell and severely injured himself on Thursday night. The man, an American tourist named Jim Walpole, fell and slashed his throat, and Malkovich was outside his theater and heard the incident go down. From there, it was Malky to the rescue — he very likely prevented this man from bleeding to death. Here are the details:

John Malkovich

Actor John Malkovich helped save the life of a man bleeding severely on the street in Toronto on Saturday, according to media reports in Canada.

An Ohio tourist named Jim Walpole, 77, tripped on the sidewalk after leaving a restaurant in downtown Toronto. Walpole slashed his throat on some scaffolding and began bleeding profusely.

According to the reports, the Oscar-nominated actor was standing outside the Elgin Theater smoking a cigarette and, hearing the cries of Walpole’s wife, rushed to the assistance of the injured man and applied pressure to the bleeding with his scarf until paramedics arrived.

“The way he was spurting I thought it was the carotid [artery] or the jugular [vein],” said Walpole’s wife Marilyn, who is a retired nurse.

The 59-year-old actor is in Toronto starring in The Giacomo Variations at the Elgin Theatre.

Walpole told CBC News: “I asked, ‘What’s your name?’ He said, ‘John.’ And I didn’t ask the last name because I didn’t figure I’d remember it anyhow.”

He added that Malkovich “took over just like a doctor.”

Walpole was taken to a local hospital where he received stitches and was released.

[From The Wrap]

Obviously, this is pretty great news, and I’m sure that Toronto frequenter (and fellow good-deeder) Ryan Gosling was kicking himself for not being on hand for this incident. Naturally, John didn’t even identify himself by his full name because he didn’t want to attract any attention to himself at all. A door man at the hotel confirmed that John comforted the man and “placed his hand and started applying pressure immediately to the man’s neck and didn’t let go until the ambulance arrived.” In addition, a local restauranteur added that John quickly thanked him for helping as well and ran off to avoid media attention. Amusingly enough, the injured man and his wife admitted that they had never heard of Malkovich but promised to watch all of his movies now — considering the crazy ride known as Malky’s career, these two are certainly in for an eyeful in the process.

The only complaint I have about this story is that Malkovich was smoking when he noticed this man needed medical attention in a very bad way. Only a few years ago, Malky discussed his smoking/non-smoking conundrum to Esquire: “I’m a sort of nonsmoker–let’s just put it that way. I’ll always be a smoker who just doesn’t smoke.” I guess he’s changed his mind, and ironically, the fact that he was puffing on a ciggie meant that he was available to help save Jim Wapole’s life. Go, Malky!

John Malkovich

John Malkovich

John Malkovich

Photos courtesy of WENN

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54 Responses to “John Malkovich saved a man from bleeding to death in Toronto: so awesome?”

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  1. Amelia says:

    Aw. This story brought a smile to my face.
    I hope Mr and Mrs Walpole are doing alright 🙂

  2. marie says:

    I’ll give him a pass on that cigarette break, thank goodness he was there to help. awesome story.

    • Kiddo says:

      Cigarettes save lives. Oh, Wait…
      Anyway, it was the decent thing to do, being John Malkovich and all.

    • cheese says:

      Thought this was going to be like the Charlize’s oscar “saved a man’s life” story. Glad to see it’s not.

  3. boredbrit says:

    That’s actually very kind of him. Considering he’s a Zionist who said he wants to shoot Robert Fisk.

    • Leen says:

      Seriously? That’s a bit insane. I’ll give him a pass for this story. But wow I didn’t know that.

    • kaligula says:

      Yikes, did he really? Love Robert Fisk.

      • boredbrit says:

        Yeah, the sad thing is many people don’t know of Malkovich’s fanatical Zionist settler ideologies. Also, anyone who threatens Robert Fisk is messed up in my book.

    • RocketMerry says:

      He was amazing! Wow. So impressed at his ability to keep his cool and help out. He gets a smiley face 😀

      Now, on to the educational part of my CB day: zionist? Isn’t that an extremist group? Who is Robert Frisk? What is going on here?!
      I’m really not informed on this.

      • Amelia says:

        Zionism “is a form of nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in the territory defined as the Land of Israel.” (Wikipedia. Yeah, I know, crappy source..)
        A little bit of trivia for you; Iran threatened to boycott the 2012 Olympics, complaining that the logo appeared to spell out the word “Zion”. Ultimately they were told to pipe down by the IOC, though.

      • boredbrit says:

        Robert Fisk is a British journalist, a Middle East correspondent to be specific. The definition of ‘Zionism- Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to advocate on behalf of the Jewish state and address threats to its continued existence and security.’
        However a lot of people, much like Robert Fisk think it’s a racist ideology that leads to the’ denial of rights, dispossession and expulsion of the “indigenous population of Palestine.’ We must remember that not all Jewish people are Zionist and not all Zionists are Jews. In fact many Orthodox Jews oppose the Zionist movement as they believe their land will be given to the by God and it should not be taken by force/without consent.

      • Amelia says:

        Double post, my mistake.

      • RocketMerry says:

        Thanks @Amelia and @boredbrit, that explains.
        I would have not expected Malkovich to be a part of a violent ideology. Uhm.

    • boredbrit says:

      Article written by Robert Fisk about Malkovich’s threat.

    • karen says:

      WOW!!! Thanks for sharing!!

    • jc126 says:

      I’ve always found John Malkovich to come off as creepy and bizarre even in interviews, not just onscreen. I give him credit for saving a man, which is awesome, but I’m not surprised he has some extreme views.

      • Jenny says:

        I don’t condone threatening to kill anyone, ever, and JM has also always come off as creepy/strange to me as well (that is why he has been so great in many of his roles). However, I also find myself a bit offended by Fisk’s hypothesis that there are valid reasons for the attacks of Sept. 11. There are not and it amazes me that many on either side of this argument fail to see the cycle of violence and hatred and instead choose to perpetuate it.

  4. Insomniac says:

    Goodness — what a bizarre accident. Glad Walpole is OK, and I recommend “Being John Malkovich” to start off his Malkovich career retrospective. 🙂

    • Lady LaLa says:

      Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich…All those different personas of him sitting around that room, lol. Classic.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      I would agree with that usually, but this man is 77 years old! I think he ought to start with In The Line Of Fire so he can enjoy the Eastwood, then Dangerous Liasons so his wife can enjoy the Malkovich, the costumes & the tragedy,& finally, if they’re still awake, “Being John Malkovich.” They will be delirious by then & it may not freak them out so much. 😉

  5. T.fanty says:

    I LOVE John Malkovitch, but could you imagine being sliced open, at death’s door and opening your eyes to see him lingering above? I wouldn’t be sure whether he was trying to save me or just get up close to watch me die.

    On that note, off to watch The Shadow of the Vampire.

    • lambchops says:


    • steph says:

      Lol. And that line about how he used his scarf…… how perfect. Because when I try to picture John Malkovich closet, all I see is black turtle necks, ironed dark blue jeans and many many scarves.

    • EscapedConvent says:


      Shadow of the Vampire is a great movie, & having seen it, yes, I would wonder if I were going to be bitten by Willem Dafoe, and/or propelled out of Malkovich’s head onto a New Jersey turnpike. Either/or/both….

      Also, you see how a man wearing a scarf is a very good idea.

  6. mia girl says:

    My first thought when I read this great story was… “I’m sure that Valmont’s, I mean Malkcovich’s valet set up the whole thing just to help him win over Michelle Pfeiffer.”

    Yes, that’s how many times I’ve seen that movie.

    • Diana says:

      LOVED him in Dangerous Liaisons. That was a fabulous movie.

      • Nicolette says:

        He was so good in that movie! He was funny, a bad boy, sexy and romantic all at the same time. Never get tired of watching it.

      • dunzoo says:

        I looove this movie! He was my first lust crush when I was a teenager, and I still find him very sexy

      • dunzoo says:

        It’s one of the most erotic movies I’ve ever seen. That scene when he’s in bed with Uma Thurman and says “Let’s just get ourselves more comfortable, shall we ?” Damn, I’m getting horny now..

    • SamiHami says:

      LOVE that movie…that’s my go-to movie on those nights when I kick the hubby out for a few hours and have a “chick” night…you know, drinking wine, doing the nails, facial, drinking wine, deep conditioning hair, drinking wine, watching DL, eating good quality chocolate, drinking wine…

      Hmmm…that might just have to be my Friday evening this week.

  7. Spooks says:

    Just so you know 😀

  8. ahoyhoy says:

    OOH! I can’t wait til they get to see Malkovich at his MOST creepy/stalkerific best as the assassin in “In the Line of Fire”.
    Also stars every pepaw’s fave Clint Eastwood, so I bet that will be an early choice.

  9. endoplasmic_ridiculum says:

    1) Not to throw shade at Walpole’s wife, but if she ws a registered nurse, why let some random stranger take over at the scene?

    2) That was nice of John Malkovich.

    3) He should volunteer in the West Bank sometime since he’s so talented at stopping bleed outs.

    • boredbrit says:

      Also, as a student who dropped out of a Biology degree, I love your username!

    • Deebo says:

      lol, great comment.

    • Masque says:

      I’ve been coolheaded when dealing with my coworkers’ medical emergengies but when my mom collapsed And had to be Starflighted to the hospital I almost blacked out.

      It’s different when the patient is someone you love.

    • Marianne says:

      Well this is probably why they dont let doctors do surgeries on loved ones. You aren’t really thinking straight when its your loved one on the line. She was probably in a panic.

    • UsedToBeLulu says:

      The man himself was 77. She must be near that in age. I am guessing that Malkovich was more quickly to act than she was. And (as others said) she was emotionally involved and probably in shock.

    • Jag says:

      +1 On the registered nurse part. That’s the first thing I questioned when reading this story. I had heard that Malkovich saved a man, but didn’t know that the man’s wife was medically trained.

      Someone who was a lifetime nurse should have immediately put pressure on the wound while calling for help; I’m a layperson and I know to do that! Good that Malkovich was there, and I hope the man recovers well.

  10. Guesto says:

    “The only complaint I have about this story is that Malkovich was smoking when he noticed this man needed medical attention in a very bad way.”

    Why would you complain? What possible relevance does it have here? I just don’t get the mindset that can read this story and feel JM’s smoking is worth highlighting?


    • EscapedConvent says:

      I agree, Guesto. It’s silly.

      Let’s keep in mind that, had Malkovich not been outside smoking an evil ciggie, this poor man would have bled to death.

  11. Meerkat says:

    That’s not John Malkovich. It’s Victor Meldrew!

  12. Esmom says:

    Tragic fall but it doesn’t surprise me that the man fell onto scaffolding. I just got back from my first trip to Toronto and I was astonished at how much of it seemed to be under construction. Not easy to navigate, especially downtown. The number of half-built skyscrapers is unreal…I am curious about where this impending flood of new condo dwellers is coming from.

  13. Greenie says:

    Malky? Really? Could you be any more inappropriately colloquial and disrespectful? *eyeroll*

  14. dj says:

    What a great story. So glad JM was there and helped someone…let alone prevented them from bleeding out (possibly). If its not true, I just don’t want to know because I hope it is true.

  15. I Choose Me says:

    I’m glad that he was there to help. Love watching this man onscreen. I’ll watch him in anything.

  16. xoxokaligrl says:

    Thats awesome.. He didn’t even care that the guy could have given him hepatitis or AIDS.. That’s cool…