Britney Spears Went Shopping On Easter Sunday Instead of Going To Church

Britney Spears decided to use Easter Sunday as a day to get her shopping done, and not go to church. I’m not going to have a dig at her and her lack of religious commitment considering I spent my Easter Sunday at the pub downing vodka cranberries (I did, however, go to Mass on Good Friday, so you guys could save the “she’s going to hell in a handbasket” comments for another time):

What would Jesus say? Britney Spears spent Easter Sunday at a Los Angeles Lakers game at L.A.’s Staples Center, and also went on a $3,000 shopping spree.

Spears left the basketball game before halftime and headed to L.A.’s trendy Lisa Kline boutique where employees asked the customers to leave and locked the doors so Spears could have the whole store to shop privately.

Story from US Weekly

Among the items she bought were $1000 worth of clothes for her boys and $2000 worth of clothes for herself. She was apparently very polite to the staff at the store, responding to the shopgirls with “yes, ma’am”.

It’s good to see Britney out and about again, looking happy for a change in the daytime without a drink or smoke in hand. The only thing I wish she would spend her money on is to buy a new publicist and a better wig. Baby steps, I guess.

Picture from Flynet Online.

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15 Responses to “Britney Spears Went Shopping On Easter Sunday Instead of Going To Church”

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  1. Carol says:

    Give me a break, that is about the most non-news thing I have ever seen. Is Britney sentenced to attend church or something? Since when is it mandatory?

  2. Jessica says:

    I didnt attend church either.. what is the big deal?

  3. Pecarrie says:

    And who didn’t… 🙂

  4. Iva says:

    Same old Britney – more shopping for ugly, ill-fitting clothes and it appears on yet another man hunt.

    Hello honey – where are your children on Easter??? After all this is Jayden’s first Easter and NORMALLY mothers make a big deal about holidays and their kids….

  5. bitchfest says:

    ya honey where r u when your kids need them i think u should get your kids and put them in social service and than they
    well probally like becasue u r never there you are a bitch britney spears is one ok dont the game hate player

  6. Cha Cha Loca says:

    Why does she always make that face? I’m convinced she’s slightly retarded.

  7. Other Karen says:

    They have basketball games on Easter Sunday? A whole lotta people are going to hell along with Britney. At least I’ll have company.

  8. Steph says:

    Lame.. ever concider that not everyone celebrates Easter? Or perhaps the fact her kids might have been celebrating it with their father?

  9. Iva says:

    Geez, one would think that as a MOTHER who just spent a month away from her children and the prior 2 months before that so boozed and doped up, that she would now want to make a special effort for her children on Easter. You know the whole Easter Bunny thing, getting a basket with candy and games, coloring easter eggs, having an easter egg hunt…you know things a MOTHER does for her children.

    No not Britney – she’s too busy shopping for more clothes that will look pathetically ugly on her and chasing after some basketball player – just what she needs.

  10. Mairead says:

    *pssssst Jessie – there is no Mass on Good Friday, it’s usually the Passion – with the Easter Sunday mass being the first official one after Good Friday (Saturday doesn’t count). Although some priests may terminate the service with Communion, it’s not universal… or should I say “catholic”? ;-)*

  11. Blahblah says:

    Why is she making those dopey faces all the time? She looks like an utter moron.

  12. ? says:

    What are you talking about Mairead? There are important services almost twice a day leading up to Easter! As for Britney, she is a Christian girl who could use some Jesus in her life. He’d be better for her than her rehab boyfriends, gin&joints, and retail therapy consisting of buying crappy clothes.

  13. Pecarrie says:

    She’s amking the Jessica Simpson face… if it wins Jess fame and sympathy -and men- maybe she thinks it can win her the same…

  14. Mairead says:

    In response to “?” If I made a mistake in relation to the Roman Catholic Church in the US then I stand corrected. But in “Holy Catholic” Ireland there is NO Mass on Good Friday. There is a reinactment of the Passion.

    And as far as I’m aware, while there may be a Mass on Easter Saturday, it’s really a convenience service for the Easter Sunday Mass. When I was growing up, it was only ever Stations of the Cross etc. that were held on Easter Saturday, save for the evening service.
    My parents new parish priest did carry out the sacrament of Communion this year, but to be honest it’s the first time I saw that happen. So from an Irish perspective I am wholly correct.

    I’ve never been to an Anglican/Presbyterian/ Methodist/Lutheran/Baptist/Mormon/Pentecosal/Wiccan/Whateveryou’rehaving yourself service over the Easter festival, so I don’t know what happens there. But the writer did say “Mass” which is Roman Catholic; and I’ve lived with enough people of various faiths that have gotten snitty if I refer to their services as “Mass” as a form of shorthand.

    In relation to Britney – I think Iva put it best. But Steph does have a point in that they could have been with Feraline. Until the parents cop themselves on, perhaps the kiddos spending the majority of their time with nannies isn’t the worst idea.

  15. Action says:

    Iva–I totally agree with you.