“Jamie Dornan did some research for his 50 Shades role” links

Jamie Dornan

Jamie Dornan teased his 50 Shades research. He tried to make it sound hot. [Pajiba]
Giovanni & Marissa Ribisi turn 40 today. CO$ twin powers activate! [Dlisted]
Emma Stone‘s hair is Pantone’s color of the year. [LaineyGossip]
Ian McKellan went on Sesame Street with Cookie Monster. [Buzzfeed]
Lisa Vanderpump loves friendship with Lisa Rinna. [Reality Tea]
Calvin Harris goes shirtless on Twitter like a d-bag. [A Socialite Life]
Lindsay Lohan‘s fashion sense is so fug. [Go Fug Yourself]
Nicki Minaj‘s tush released its own NSFW calendar. [Evil Beet]
Kathie Lee Gifford says Bill Cosby tried to kiss her. [CDAN]
DA dismisses assault charges against Bill Cosby. [Starcasm]
Brooke Shields boxed herself up like a Barbie. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Amber Rose looks super orange on the street. [Moe Jackson]
Emily Blunt is a hot mom in non-mom jeans. [Popoholic]
David Arquette bought a $11,000 ring for Coco. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]

Jamie Dornan

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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27 Responses to ““Jamie Dornan did some research for his 50 Shades role” links”

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  1. Tiffany :) says:

    I have to say, I am really liking the Calvin Harris song featuring HAIM called Pray to God. The vocals coupled with the lyrics I found to be really striking.

  2. Kiddo says:

    He should have done the research BEFORE signing up, in reading fifty shades of crappy “literature”. It’s hilarious that no one cares and this thread has zero comments.

    • mimif says:

      Abot read the book, she freely confessed* and said it was fantastic*.

      *true story


    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      P.S. I agree with your comment. I downloaded the sample from Kindle and it was the second worst book I have ever tried to read, the first being self-published by a coworker who should not quit her day job, even though she sucked at that, too.

  3. Allie says:

    Whyyyy do I find him so attractive? I might even go see that movie just to watch him.

    Don’t mind me, I’m going to bow my head in shame in a corner for admitting that.

    • Tig says:

      We can start a support group! We find him attractive because he IS attractive!!

    • Katenotkatie says:

      I’ve been watching The Fall and I’m really confused by my attraction to him because he plays a misogynist serial killer. But he’s so damn pretty. Much confusion.

  4. word says:

    We have been hearing about this movie for a year and a half already. There is no possible way this movie can live up to the hype that was created. They should have just promoted the movie a few months before the release…not a year and a half.

  5. scout says:

    “Had a long shower” after researching? May be we should “wash our hands off” of this “movie” too!

  6. assila says:

    i don’t think Lainey was talking about the red hair but the red lipstick (when she says she likes it blue as opposed to brownish)….that’s the pantone color of the year.

  7. Belle Epoch says:

    Sir Ian is the best!!! I read that they make Cookie Monster eat a balanced diet now. Is that true? It sounds way too politically correct – he is a monster after all!

    • Jag says:

      Cookie Monster was always my favorite because I love chocolate chip cookies, too. Yes, I remember hearing many years ago that they were going to make him eat fruits and vegetables because he was promoting an unhealthy diet. 🙁

      • jwoolman says:

        Cookie Monster can joyfully stuff cookies in his mouth and also eat fruits and vegetables. It’s all about balance in life. 🙂 Might have to explain periodically to the kiddies that cookie monsters have somewhat different dietary needs than humans, though.

  8. paola says:

    Calvin Harris is just so hot. I can’t believe Rita Ora put her hands on that.
    Jelous much? Yes indeed.

  9. Marty says:

    I only find Jamie Dornan hot with a bead. Speaking of, can’t wait for the last episode of The Fall tonight!

  10. Wendy says:

    Nicki Minaj’s calendar was exactly what I expected from her. Eugh.

  11. Green Is Good says:

    Jamie Dornan’s research: read the script and died laughing. Then he called his agent and asked “is this a joke? “.

    Second bit of research: tried reading the first chapter: died of boredom, killed a bottle of wine instead and called his agent again and begged him to say “April Fool!”