Star: Cameron Diaz didn’t drink at her wedding, so she’s totally pregnant

Cameron Diaz

Just to let you know, I’m side-eying this story to a large degree. Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden are probably on their honeymoon after marrying last week in a home ceremony after being engaged for a few weeks. They only dated for about 7 months prior to getting hitched. Cameron seemed ecstatic and gushed over Benji, saying she waited until her 40s to marry because “I didn’t want to settle.” Now Star says Cameron has been knocked up for months, and the wedding was shotgun style.

Star has run this story before, sort of. They said Cameron was ready for a baby two months into the relationship. I didn’t believe the story then because Cam gave so many interviews last year about her choice not to have any kids. She also stated, “I like protecting people but was never drawn to being a mother.” Yet Cameron also talked for years about how she wasn’t into marriage. Then Benji happened, and BAM. Here’s Star’s latest baby drama:

When a renowned party girl like Cameron Diaz doesn’t imbibe at her own wedding, you know something’s up. Turns out the 42-year-old actress, who married Good Charlotte rocker Benji Madden, 35, on Jan. 5 after a whirlwind courtship (and an even shorter engagement), had a very good reason for abstaining: She’s got a bun in the oven!

Only a handful of the 100 friends and family who attended the nuptials at Cameron’s Beverly Hillson home knew the couple’s secret. But by the end of the evening, according to an eyewitness, the whole place was buzzing. “Cam didn’t take a sip of alcohol,” says a close insider. After Joel Madden, the groom’s twin borther and best man, made his speech, “Everyone toasted wiht a galss of champagne while Cam drank water, hoping no one would notice. She was hving a blast, but you could tell she was self conscious about her stomach. She hid it with her hand and woudln’t hug anyone too close to her body. All the guests were whispering that she’s pregnant, and some expressed their happiness to those who already knew!”

Those in the past Cameron has been highly annoyed about the pressure society puts on women to have kids, she has also said, “Family is very important to me in every sense. I definitely hope to have that gift in my life one day.” Now those in her inner circle are rejoicing at the happy news. “Cameron and Benji will be the most amazing parents,” says the source. “They already have a few names picked out!”

[From Star, print edition, January 26, 2015]

This could be true, maybe? I don’t know. Cameron would surprise me if she decided to be a mother. This is different from the new Zooey Deschanel story where she changed her mind after acting indifferent to having kids. Cameron has been much more vocal about her opinion so it would be a shock if she went maternal all of a sudden. But it could be real. Why else would Cameron skip the booze on her wedding night?

Cameron Diaz

Benji Madden

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Pacific Coast News & WENN

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66 Responses to “Star: Cameron Diaz didn’t drink at her wedding, so she’s totally pregnant”

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  1. Coco says:

    Meh, I just got married and only had a few sips of champagne until the reception was over. I wanted to be present and remember everything as clearly as possible. And not look drunk in pictures.

    • Frida_K says:

      Yeah, I was going to say…

      Especially if she tends to start partying and keep partying, maybe she decided beforehand that it would be a sober wedding so that she remembered every minute of it.

    • Kiddo says:

      Seconded. That, or maybe she simply cut back on partying, regardless of the wedding. She never actually said she was STRICTLY opposed to having children either. In fact, I seem to recall her saying something about always having the option to adopt. Did I just make this up in my head?

    • Kiki04 says:

      Agreed. Maybe she just didn’t want to drink? I always find it funny that for a female no drinking = pregnant. If that was the case there would be a lot of weekends over the last few years that I was pregnant 😉

    • I was gonna say maybe she didn’t want to look bloated or something in her dress. I’ve heard from a lot of family members that don’t eat a lot in their dresses….but if I ever get married, I’m just gonna change into a dress with an empire waist, MAYBE put a girdle/spanks under so I don’t stick out TOO MUCH and eat and drink all I

    • Charlotte says:

      That was my takeaway too.

    • lucy2 says:

      Good point about the pictures. I just saw a friend’s wedding photos, and her husband looked more wasted in one photo than the next. He was a sloppy mess by the end of the reception, it had to be embarrassing for her.

      • Coco says:

        I recently heard about a friend of a friend whose husband got so drunk after the rehearsal dinner that he had alcohol poisoning the next day. He was so dehydrated that he had to go to the hospital for an IV bag in between the wedding ceremony and reception. Oh man, I would have been pissed! I’ve been to so many weddings where members of the wedding party are hungover from the rehearsal dinner the night before. Mr. Coco and I asked everyone to save the party for our wedding reception. Nothing worse than feeling like miserable and hungover at a wedding!

      • Lotta says:

        I went to a wedding were the bride spilled red wine all over the whole front of her dress. When they were living the party we all ran around looking for her shoes, but they were never found. And it was a really fancy wedding reception in an old castle by the sea. They spent so much money, but I would be suprised if she remember much of it. She was the most drunk person there by far.

        We lost contact but I think they are divorced now.

    • ReignbowGirl says:

      Or maybe, like a lot of people (myself included), she doesn’t like champagne, and you don’t dare tempt fate by drinking a Merlot or Malbec in a wedding dress!

    • solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      If by not drinking at a party or when going out on weekends, hey, I’ve been pregnant for most of my life??? What’s with the paranoia that people have to drink??? Everytime I meet new people they’re always looking at me thinking “she doesn’t drink?? What a boring person if she doesn’t drink”… I even had people asking me if I was capable of having fun without drinking / getting wasted,wondering very puzzled when I answered “I probably have more fun than you and no headaches the following day..”.. Right, getting drunk is so much fun!!!


    • Maggie says:

      I rarely had time to say hi to my husband from time to time, let alone eat and drink. It’s totally possible not to drink at your wedding by total accident too!

      • someonestolemyname says:

        She might be,,,,or maybe she just didn’t want to drink.
        …..not every bride drinks at her wedding.

  2. ell says:

    I wonder if she does end up having a baby if she’ll be acting all mother nature like drew barrymore. so off putting.

    • Sabrine says:

      It’s a bit too assumptive to say Cameron is pregs. Maybe she doesn’t like drinking. This is just the usual pregnancy gossip flaring up fueled by the rags.

      She has said in the past that she can barely look after herself, let alone a child. But people mature.

  3. NewWester says:

    It took longer than I thought for the rumours of Cameron being pregnant to start.

  4. LadyJane says:

    I am constantly amazed by the extended fertility of celebrities! I am in my late 30s and have several friends that have struggled with fertility issues, IVF etc since their mid 30s. I know it is possible to get pg well into your 40s (hello Halle Berry!), but I only ever really know of famous people having children that late.

    • Sunny says:

      That is super interesting! The women in my family tend to stay fertile til very late- thus running the risk of oops babies later on. I guess many factors are important: health, stress, exercise, personal history, family medical history, access to the best doctors. Celebs are fortunate to be in the position where a lot of these factors are in their favour.

      I grew up thinking having babies later was totally normal. My grandma had my mother(her oops baby) at 47.

      As to Cammi, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was pregnant because I read somewhere that her husband want kids. And although she has never been into motherhood, she apparently was amazing with A-Rod’s kids, is great with Drew Berrymoore’s babies, and was once seen gushing over Uma Thurman’s daughter on a plane- so she at least likes kids. Maybe she just found herself more open to having kids as she got older and as she found the kind of partner she could consider building a family with?

    • Kiki04 says:

      It happens, probably just not as much as people talk about. My mom was 42 when she had me, and I was her first.

    • LadyJane says:

      Good to hear these stories of ladies having babies in their 40s! There is so much fear about the ‘fertility bomb’ that happens when we turn 35. Not that I want anymore, I am happy with my 4! But if Cam – or anyone wants kids – more power to them – regardless of age obvs.

    • kibbles says:

      I know so many people these days having kids in their mid to late 30s. That seems to be the average age for well-educated professional women these days. Two friends who are 34 just had babies last year, an acquaintance had her baby at 35, another was almost 40 when she had twins with IVF. My mom had me when she was 36. My ex’s mom had his younger brother when she was 42 with no fertility treatment. There are a lot of unlucky women with fertility issues, but I tend to think that a good number of women can conceive naturally into their early 40s.

    • Courtney says:

      It’s more women trying to have their first babies late in life that have the most issues. Once you’ve had one successful pregnancy, you’re more likely to have more successful pregnancies. It’s kind of a use it or lose it thing. Getting knocked up with your fourth at 42 is way easier than your first.

      • homegrrrl says:

        There’s no science about use it or lose it, but I was distracted by life until I was almost 40. Our ovaries age so that’s the anomaly of the more independent woman in modernity. Personally I was immature and broke until I hit the career track around age 35. I made sure I didn’t get pregnant until I had more stability and life experience.

        In regards to Cameron Diaz, she seems relatively smart. All her former lovers were unstable as was she, and this is Hollywood normal. Now she’s older less party rific, plus her guy has a twin w 2 kiddos. This may be her first gate to motherhood, not ideal, but the best thus far.

    • tealily says:

      It’s good to hear about these later-in-life babies. I’m getting married this year, shortly after my 34th birthday. We would like to have a kid, but are not in a position to do so right away (for a number of reasons). It makes me nervous, but like Sunny says, there are a lot of women in my family who have had babies late in life. Anyway, nice to hear. I hope I can be so lucky.

      • Jen43 says:

        Thirty four is still young. I got married at 38 and had 3 kids by 43. I am not saying that fertility issues aren’t a concern, I just think that statistics regarding women getting pg in their 40’s aren’t accurate because most women are avoiding pregnancy in their 40’s.

      • noway says:

        I don’t think the statistics are inaccurate, but it’s just like anything individual people aren’t statistics. Your odds are just odds. Even in your early 40’s you still have pretty decent chance of getting pregnant in six months. I was surprised even if you do the chances are that the child will not have birth defects, it is just that the odds of having a miscarriage from an amnio are less than the odds for birth defects at that age. This is one of the reasons they insist on all these tests.

        There are plenty of women who have children in their late 30’s and 40’s with no problems. Luckily, now there are also more alternatives for women trying to get pregnant if they are having difficulty. The best plan for kids is to try to have them when you are ready and want them. Otherwise the pregnancy will be the least of your worries. Good luck and 34 is young nowadays.

    • why not says:

      I conceived my first at age 38 on the second month of trying and had a healthy baby girl at age 39 (no previous pregnancies). I conceived again at age 40 on the FIRST month of trying but sadly I just miscarried. I’ll be 41 soon and we’re hoping to have another one but have to wait 3 months to try. In my family, at least 3 women have had babies (not their first) at age 42 so fingers crossed! I was enjoying my life and career, married a bit later and although I knew I wanted kids “some day”, it wasn’t a priority – sounds maybe kind of like Cameron.

      At the same time I don’t want to diminish other people’s struggles. It’s certainly not easy for everyone and I have friends unable to have children even at a much earlier age. I did read GNAT’s heartbreaking story the other day of never being able to have a child and I know it can be difficult for many women.

      The reason I wrote a comment was to give older women hope that it can happen. My naturopath told me that in general, women who will have trouble conceiving will have difficulty no matter what the age. Yes, age is a factor as risks to the baby increase with the woman’s age, etc. I’m always interested to read other people’s stories and I think I’ve learned more on this topic from message boards than medical doctors/medical info. on the internet!

    • Lotta says:

      Well, my greatgrandmother had her last child when she was fifty. And I’m not famous (and neither was she). 🙂

  5. Grace says:

    I so believe she’s has a bun in the oven.

    • Chris says:

      Agreed. And as far as all her ” I don’t necessarily want to be a mother” talk, well, maybe she did not plan on being pregnant. Maybe she still does not want to be a mother, but sh-t happens.

    • Jen43 says:

      I think so, too. Probably unplanned but welcome.

  6. Barrett says:

    That ship may have sailed. My best friend and I both could not even with fertility treatments after age 36. There are a good amount of us over 35 w issues. Fertility is highly variable due to health issues and genetics. After all I was not alone in the clinic. Donor eggs are expensive but easier option for rich celebs,

    • L says:

      One never knows. I got pregnant within the first month of being off the pill at age 36. And again with no trouble when the first one was less than a year old.

      • Sabrine says:

        These celebrities have all the money in the world to have a child. There is surrogacy, In-vitro, gestational carriers. It’s not really that much of a struggle for them. Nicole Kidman had a gestational carrier for her younger daughter. Being over 40 I might have looked into the gestational carrier option, although Cameron is obviously in great shape so maybe no problem for her.

  7. Frenchie says:

    I didn’t drink more than a glass at my wedding just because I didn’t have time to !! So many people to talk to, you don’t have the time for a sip.
    Also I understand why young actresses reply “I don’t want to” when they are being asked if they would have baby. It’s honest at the time of the answer because they mean “I don’t want right now” but also it’s also a way out for not saying “it’s not the good time for my career, I haven’t met the right partner yet, I’m not at this step in my life” which would just imply more questions from the journalist about matters they should have no business into !
    And for the fact if she will be an all mother nature like Drew, I bet she will, she already talked about urinal matters in the past… Et voilà, Bon appétit !

  8. kpoodle says:

    I find her comment about not wanting “to settle” ironic, because that’s exactly what she did. Also I believe she could actually be knocked up right now. Based on what I’ve read about Benji, he seems to really like kids and even takes care of his brothers kids sometimes. I just can’t see him marrying a woman who doesn’t want any children.

  9. kri says:

    If it’s true that she didn’t drink, I’m going for a case of the pregs.

  10. scout says:

    Cool. May be that’s why the wedding in a hurry. Happy for her if she is preggo.

  11. Mzizkrizten says:

    Maybe she’s always been so vocal about not wanting kids to hide a deep sadness of really wanting one but being unable to comcieve? Or maybe it’s a ‘surprise’ accidental pregnancy and since she’s in love anyway they’re just going with it? I doubt that Benji would be down with abortion. I’m sure being an uncle he would love kids of his own. If she is pregnant I’m so happy for them!

  12. Dree says:

    her hubby looks a younger version of that guy sandra bullock married.

  13. Christin says:

    If he likes and wants kids, it is possible she changed her mind. I have seen it happen. I have a family member who was adamant she did not want kids, then married a younger guy and had a baby within a year at age 35.

    I don’t understand why some women have to struggle to have a child when they’ve wanted one so long, when others seem to easily get pregnant.

  14. StormsMama says:

    Also isn’t Benji sober?
    So maybe she didn’t want to be wasted on her wedding night with her sober man?

    I am 38 and had a miscarriage at 37 and just had another one a month after turning 38. My only child will be 3 in 3 months. I’m hoping to have another and it’s stressful. First one was so easy. Now…not so much.

    Some people are obviously more fertile than others.

    Point is, who knows
    Knowing Cameron, though, we will probably hear eventually. She’s sucha chatty one!

  15. mkyarwood says:

    50/50 on this one. My relationship with my husband of 6 years (as of the 31st) was about 7 months, then we got pregnant, then we got married about a month later. It’s possible. Maybe Cammi didn’t want a red face for her wedding photos and drank later.

  16. Wren33 says:

    If she is pregnant, I hope it isn’t forced public too early. I just know my 42-year-old sister-in-law just had her fourth miscarriage. Making it past the first trimester at that age can be difficult.

  17. Zip says:

    Are shotgun weddings still a thing?

  18. Chicagogurl says:

    Who makes that purse?

  19. AnnieFannie says:

    I married my guy at 45 (he was 6 years younger) and overheard 2 woman from his side commiserating about how sad that he wouldn’t be able to have children?
    ( they were bummed when I came out of the bathroom stall) Boom! 2 months later I was pregnant and had a perfect ( if I do say so myself!) baby girl!
    I know, unfortunately it doesn’t always happen that easily but there’s hope!
    I was definitely the side show at the hospital but it was waaaay worth it!!

    • NewWester says:

      I bet those two women wanted to crawl under a rock when they saw you come out of the bathroom stall!!

  20. Woodsygal says:

    I like them together. I wish them the best, she delivers much happiness. 😉

  21. rudy says:

    Oh My Gosh,
    A shotgun wedding.

    You go girl!!

  22. OverNoMoon says:

    I don’t understand why women can’t change their mind about childhood. My mom admitted to me that she never wanted/thought she would be a mother. She’s the kindest, toughest, bad ass I know and has always been supportive and affectionate. Sometimes, people change their minds about things.

  23. jenniferjustice says:

    We’ll know if she’s pregnant if she stops coloring her hair. Roots are the give away. Goop won’t let her dye her pregnant hair even if she wanted to.

  24. Bobo says:

    Not everyone wants to get drunk at their own wedding! Or likes drinking! Ok the latter doesn’t apply to Cammy but still!

  25. Asher says:

    Maybe she got pregnant. .If she is because it guarantees support payments later on if the marriage doesn’t work out.

  26. Ange says:

    Maybe she’s like I was at my wedding, I had drinks with my friends all day so didn’t want any at the event 😆

  27. saveyourservant says:

    Eh, she’s kinda damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. If she had been drinking, Star could have just gone with a “Cameron drunk at the altar – drowning her sorrows over (insert far-fetched reason/person/what-have-you here)!” headline instead. Tabloids are experts at making something out of nothing to sell magazines.

  28. LAK says:

    True or not, it’s impossible to hide a pregnancy.

  29. Megan Davis says:

    I had my first baby at 38 and then one a year for the next three years. We were so thankful because it seems like a lot of people do deal with fertility issues. But “advanced maternal age” does not mean there will be problems.