T.I. says Iggy Azalea should stop complaining & act like Tom Brady

Iggy Azalea

I didn’t think I’d be writing about Iggy Azalea so soon after her clueless rant about stereotypes. Yet here we are again. Iggy’s upset over her Steve Madden ads. Iggy doesn’t mind the ones I’ve included here, but she went on a Twitter rant about the “disgusting” nature of the ad campaign. DListed has a comprehensive post about the mess.

To quickly summarize, Iggy tweeted and deleted her hatred of the ad. She claims to have been “bamboozled” by “gross gross gross” ads. She was upset about sandals with socks and saucy poses with pool toys. You can see those American Apparel-ish ads here. Madden Skyped with TMZ to call Iggy’s rant “terrible,” but “she makes mistakes, and she’s under pressure … and I still love her.” Iggy clarified on Instagram to say “sorry for the drama … I just don’t support neoprene Jesus sandals WITH socks.

My take is that Iggy needs to take her squabbles with sponsors private. If she has a problem with the people who are paying her millions, then go to them with concerns. Don’t act like a brat on Twitter. T.I. agrees and voiced his opinion to TMZ when asked if he approves Iggy’s latest stunt:

“Absolutely not. I think she should focus on what got her here, and that’s her music, her performing and continue to just present her talents to the world. It’s just like asking Tom Brady if he should be commenting on Deflategate. He should worry about the big game on Sunday, correct? Same with Iggy.”

[From TMZ]

I’d feel bad for Iggy being publicly reprimanded by her mentor, but she’s the one who took the Madden issue public. T.I. is probably tired of defending Iggy all the time because that’s all he does now. I can’t remember hearing anything T.I.-related lately that wasn’t about Iggy. Is T.I. a saint? No way. This is his way of telling Iggy to act more professional. We’ll see if it works.

I’m including photos of Iggy filming her new video with Jennifer Hudson. Yep, another duet.


Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Steve Madden, Fame/Flynet & WENN

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32 Responses to “T.I. says Iggy Azalea should stop complaining & act like Tom Brady”

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  1. Nayru says:

    Is she doing a reprise of lil Wayne’s song Ms Officer for this video. I guess she beats it like a cop too?

  2. Loopy says:

    Didn’t she say she hates duets and half half heartedly does them.

    • Anna says:

      Iggy has to do so many duets because otherwise she can’t have a hit.

      On another note I’m glad T.I. finally called her out for something (even though IMO it was for the wrong thing). I’m really tired of all these rappers running to her defence for minuscule things when they’ve never been there for black women who rap..

      • Sarah says:

        ^^^This^^^. You can only take so much Iggy. Even a little Rita Ora helps break up the Iggyness of her songs.

        T.I. was right to call her out. My guess is she’ll be begging for endorsement money in the near future and wishing she had the $$ for a pair of socks to wear with her Jesus sandals.

  3. Robert says:

    This girl is a moron.

  4. Marty says:

    Yes, Iggy should let her talent speak for itself. There in lies the problem.

  5. scout says:

    She just wants to be in the news to make sure we don’t forget about her existence sooner than necessary! 😀

  6. velourazure says:

    I don’t get it. Are the pix with the socks not Iggy, is that why there are no heads in the photos? If so, that is weird, to do a photo shoot with someone and then photograph some random model and pass it off as the original person. I can’t believe I’m actually commenting on this.

    • MCraw says:

      She felt is was too sexual. That it was all upskirt type shots. She approved some images, like the one above, but other out takes were posted to some random tumblr page and she was pissed. And as much as I dislike her, she’s right for being upset, but she shouldn’t have ranted publicly. She’s just an unaware brat. Plus, she put in those socks. Idky she’s mad about that lol.

  7. Mzizkrizten says:

    All of those shoes are awful!

    • M says:

      +1000. I’d be pissed they put me in those shoes at all- socks or no socks. The real travesty here is that someone is going to buy those shoes & potentially wear them.

  8. Tiffany says:

    I thought she went on the rant because there were people recreating the photos as a joke and she did not take to kindly to that.

    • jinni says:

      If that’s the case than she needs to get a tougher skin or get out of show business because every celeb get ridiculed every once in awhile. Suck it up or get out of Dodge.

  9. jinni says:

    Of course he gets on her for this. This move is bad for business because it makes her look less desirable to front other campaigns and scares away potential clients. Which means it will mess up T.I. cash flow since Iggy is his big cash cow nowadays. Her being racist is cool with him as long as it doesn’t effect his money. Jerk.

    • Maria says:

      Amen and glad you said it.

      He’s not trying to mess up his money 😤 Iggy is such an entitled child and he stays capping for her, hell, his reprimand wasn’t even a reprimand…

      Also, those ads are as ugly as her attitude.

  10. Those sandals are gross. How is that even a sexy shoe but I can see why she would be angry if they’re not apart of her vision, creativity, whatever. And she probably lashed out because she’s showing the public “look I don’t like!”. In some ways they have to publicly voice their disapproval but in other ways it does look childish. I think there are probably bigger reasons to dislike her, this is not a good one. Side no one.

  11. OriginallyBlue says:

    She is a friggin moron and is getting on my last nerve. I mean wasn’t she there when they were dressing, styling, and posing her? How can you complain about something you were paid to do and actively participated in. Such a dumb girl. She is lucky anyone is paying her any mind and should be damn grateful. Guess she never heard the saying ” don’t bite the hand that feeds you”

    • Jessica says:

      She’s not complaining about the photo-shoot she participated in. Madden did another photo-shoot with a different model using the shoes they collaborated on, that’s the one Iggy has a problem with.

      • OriginallyBlue says:

        Okay well that is something she should have taken it directly to Madden, not only. It looks really unprofessional.

  12. Jessica says:

    Well she’s a drama queen but she’s not wrong. She collaborated with Madden, and then he did a super creepy American Apparel style campaign using the shoes they collaborated on without even telling her it was happening. So something she helped create and put her name on has been used by her collaborator in a way that disgusts her and potentially hurts her branding. I’d be pissed too.

    If she was just the ‘model’ she’d be out of line, but Madden is selling it as her vision and her product, so she’s allowed an opinion on how that product and her involvement is promoted.

  13. Jenna says:

    He’s right. It was unprofessional. Maybe when she no longer gets sponsorships she’ll realize why.

  14. Adrien says:

    Act like Tom Brady? Throw a tantrum, sulk in one corner and pout if she doesn’t get attention? Like that?

  15. Enya says:

    From the rant: “appon”?


    • Lama Bean says:

      I know. Chick can’t spell worth a ……
      And gracious the shoes she created are terribly ugly.

  16. QQ says:

    Wonder what Rapper will come to her Rescue this week? #DefendThePaleIgnorantNaiveBabyFlower

    • andypandy says:

      I never comment or click on these Iggy post BUT Dont you find it interesting that TI continually capes for her when her Beef was with Black folks . Now that shes dissing “the Man ” ie Madden all of a sudden she should stop complaining
      Seriously ????

      • QQ says:

        FACTS ONLY AndyPandy cause before it was black women and the populace and our Worthless opinion… now is Money so.. buckle down

    • Cynthia says:


  17. Mary says:
