Jaden Smith wore a skirt, ‘swerved too hard’ & the internet went wild

This is unexpected … but I may be a fan of Jaden Smith. Not because of his acting or his music — neither of which are bad, just not my thing — but because his Twitter account is pretty amazing. And I love that he wore a skirt on Friday, and people lost their minds as a result. This kid is very stylish! GQ praised Jaden’s bold” sartorial moves and says he’s “got a serious flair for the dramatic when it comes to getting dressed.” GQ admits that Jaden may have gone too far by adding leopard print socks and Nikes to his ensemble. I think he’s wearing the whole look with confidence.

Jaden and his sister, Willow, can act a little spacey (although they’ve been toning it down), to put it mildly. I put that all on Will and Jada and their ultra-permissive parenting skills. Jaden doesn’t go to school, and he’s very materialistic, but that’s not his fault. Yeah, he hangs with the Jenner girls, but Jaden’s not bragging about taking 2-hour showers. He’s simply a 16-year-old kid who’s having a good time. Last week, Jaden wrote on Instagram that he “went to Topshop to buy some girl clothes.” So is this dress from Topshop? I like it, and he’s wearing it brashly, almost like a kilt. This tweet puts the icing on the fashion cake.

Swerving isn’t a dance move or an actual reference to driving. It’s one of those zany teen slang terms for doing something off the hook. Such as this dress, which Jaden wore with attitude. Jaden posted more photos of his Topshop trip. He was contemplating some skinny jeans, which are best avoided on anyone. I’m simply pleased that Jaden pulls his jeans up and doesn’t go all Bieber on the world. Jaden and his tweets are offbeat and hilarious.

I somehow missed these photos of Jaden busting a move at the LA Divergent premiere. He also dressed up in costume at San Diego Comic-Con & went hiking with Kendall Jenner a few weeks ago.

Jaden Smith

Jaden Smith

Jaden Smith

Photos courtesy of Jaden Smith on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN

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154 Responses to “Jaden Smith wore a skirt, ‘swerved too hard’ & the internet went wild”

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  1. jay says:

    You can put an idiot in a dress and it’s still an idiot. This kid is useless. One more thing, it’s you’re and too, not your and to. School would have been useful in teaching you that, Jaden.

    • Gen says:

      Sadly, I know plenty kids in school who still can’t work out the difference in you’re and your. One of them is a friend’s kid. She can barely form a sentence, yet she’s been selected to go to Washington, DC this summer with the Junior League! I’m baffled.

      Having said that, I think Jaden Smith is about attention and not really a fashion forward teen.

      • Nicole says:

        Maybe the nice people in the Junior League have figured out that spelling is not that freaking important. Honestly, as long as people can understand what you’re saying, it doesn’t make much difference if you get the correct spelling of a word. Just ask Shakspere.

      • **sighs** says:

        Ooh, we should apply the same logic to math. 3+2= 7! Well, whatever, you get the idea….

      • anon321 says:

        Sign of the apocalypse – “…spelling is not that freaking important.”

      • RN says:

        @Nicole, nonsense. People who value education and intelligent thought will always pursue the correct spelling. For example, as your pharmacist, would you rather I give you Flomax or Volmax? Celebrex or Cerebyx? That’s just one example where poor spelling has greater implications than just irritating someone on the internet. People have died from illegible handwriting and poor spelling.

      • Decorative Item says:

        Anyone who thinks spelling doesn’t matter truly frightens me.

      • Decorative Item says:

        Shakespeare came from a time when only the wealthy could get a formal education. Understanding that there were not public schools available to the general public made accurate spelling not as important as striving to better oneself in general. I doubt he would have the same respect for someone who had all the resources in the world available to him, but decided to remain ignorant.

      • HannahF says:

        Malala is an extraordinary child who responded to a horrific event in a manner far beyond her years. I don’t expect children to contribute to society other than by obtaining an education. Armed with a good education an adult is poised to make a difference.

      • Ginger says:

        Adults are guilty of that too. I see postings of “then” and “than”. Another of my pet peeves.

      • ozmom says:

        I have a friend who once asked me to help with his resume. When I pointed out a few misspellings he told me to leave them because the errors proved he “was human and humans make mistakes”. I tried to explain that errors on a resume prove you don’t have attention to detail or the smarts to know the correct words. He decided to leave the errors and is still looking for a job. Spelling and grammar do matter.

      • Smurphy says:

        @Nicole Except when you write a word that has a completely different meaning, then it does matter, because people won’t know what you mean. You know the saying: It’s important to understand the difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you’re sh*t??

      • jaye says:

        Please…I know adults who don’t know the difference between you’re and your, to and too, sense and since, there and their…the list goes on and on and on

      • jwoolman says:

        English spelling wasn’t standardized until relatively recently- especially look at writings in the 1700s. I think standard spelling makes reading much easier, but it is certainly no indication of intelligence. Some people have the knack for it while others don’t, even though they work really hard to learn it. Spelling was always easy for me, but that’s my mother’s genes. My brother inherited our father’s poor spelling ability. I really think a specific area of the brain might be involved that either works well or doesn’t. You can always hire a good speller when needed (computer spellcheckers require making choices although they can help). A friend years ago said she found some little handheld spelling dictionary gadget (by Franklin?) very helpful- it was programmed to recognize many wrong spellings and display the correct one. She was very frustrated at her inability to easily remember spellings, and had always struggled with it.

        It is especially foolish to judge people today based on their spelling, since autocorrect destroys even my spelling and I type in academic English many hours a day. The phones are the worst- my iPhone keeps changing “its” to “it’s” against all reason, as just one insane example. I think I’ve caught it changing “there” to “their” on occasion also. The changes autocorrect incorrectly makes are hard to catch because there’s a delay, and it might make the change after I’m on the next screenful or just before I hit the post button. Plus it’s harder to proofread on the tiny screen while the tiny keyboard makes it easier to mistype. Slow hunt and peck typists might find it easier, but I’m used to typing at least 100 wpm without looking at the keyboard. I have to keep reminding myself to slow down and look only at the keyboard, which is unnatural for me. Plus some sites are awful for editing and usually don’t allow it after posting. CB lets us make changes but sometimes even here everything is slowed down and the edit function fails. Same thing can happen with posting on some sites, including CB occasionally. Sometimes I just have to leave mistakes if they don’t affect understanding, because it is too exhausting or just impossible to edit (even before posting).

      • Anastasia says:

        Nicole, I tell my students that spelling IS important, because it’s how you present yourself to your readers. And when you misspell simple words, you destroy your ethos (authority) as a writer. Why would you want to do that? The moment your ethos is destroyed, your audience isn’t paying much attention to what you say.

        My eighth and ninth graders got it, and the poor spellers among them began to improve rapidly.

        I also explained to the guys that a lot of great women out there won’t take a second look at them on social media or dating websites if they misspell simple words, make grammatical errors, etc. That also fixed things up pretty swiftly!

        A disservice has been done to Jaden and all others who have been given the message that spelling and other issues don’t count. They do.

    • Darling says:

      @JAY How dare you call a child useless!..YOUR life is useless compared to his.

      • jay says:

        Gosh I have an education, career and loving family. What have I been doing with my time. Obviously I need to take some pointers from this kid. And name one thing this kid has contributed to society.?

      • Trillion says:

        ppl are expecting a 16 year old to have contributed to society?

      • jay says:

        @trillion- a 16 year old contributes to society by getting an education or a job. Some even do both.

      • Greta says:

        @trillion One name- Malala Yousafzai.

      • mimif says:

        @jay, are you related to mark by any chance?

      • jay says:

        @ hannahf- my point is he decided not to get an education or a real job(not a nepotistic acting job). He has more ability to make a difference than most, with his fame and money. He chooses to walk around in a dress. Maybe the problem with 16 year olds is that no one seems to think they should be contributing to society. If you assume they should and will be little turds then chances are they will be exactly that. @mimif is it marks’ opinion that lazy, uneducated kids suck? Then maybe…

      • jwoolman says:

        Jay seems particularly upset that the kid chooses to “walk around in a dress” instead of getting an education or a job. I have never heard anybody complain about a jobless uneducated 16 year old girl choosing to walk around in a dress, so I think it’s safe to say that the skirt is what is triggering the rage and disdain.

        By the way, I was rather useless at 16. I had an occasional babysitting job but otherwise mooched off my mother. I was better educated than the Smith kids but had a very long way to go in formal schooling before I could do anything with it.

      • Trillion says:

        Greta, if you compare all teens to Malala, pretty much all will come up short. At 16 I was jobless and poorly educated (Christian schooling. Yikes). I was experimenting with fashion as an expressive outlet. I would’ve seemed ridiculous to people holding me to an improbable standard of usefulness, but it was part of finding myself and rebelling against my culture. Which was important for my development and maybe for my peers as well. I’d hold off on judging this kid so harshly. I appreciate his style. Don’t know about his acting.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        Hmmm….I have an 11 year old boy. He is a great athlete – plays football, basketball and baseball. He is on the honor roll – always has been. He drives our tractor to our old lady neighbors and does their lawn for free. He is a social mentor at his school – helps kids who are socially awkward or outcast – a program the school started to help kids who don’t have friends.

        Yes, there are definitely expectations of a teen or even a tween. Constructive use of time, focus on education, serving/volunteering for the greater good. I wouldn’t say any child is useless – way harsh Tai. But I have no problem pointing a finger at lazy, ridiculous parenting that encourage materialism, selfishness, ignorance, lack of structure, and attention-seeking. I’ll bet Jaden Smith is a funny young man. He’s probably pretty quick in his own way, but he’s being influenced to buck discipline. And, no, it’s not about the skirt. That on it’s own, is silly but harmless.

    • Paloma says:


      • jay says:

        @ jwoolman- you missed the point. He could wear whatever he wants. I was saying walking around all afternoon looking for attention is the problem. He could do something constructive with his life. I expect my kids to go to school and do their homework and act right. They do. If I expected them to be little jerks I imagine they would be. People, particularly young people raise or lower themselves to meet your expectations. Another thing, I don’t expect 16year olds to cure cancer, I expect them to better themselves in preparation for being adults. That’s contributing to society as well.

    • ISO says:

      As the last dinasaur in diagramming sentences, I loved the deep understanding of grammar and I strove to spell corrrectly. However, the art of structure is moot and possibly obsolete in this age of “text speak”; than agin, izit reeeely that biggadeeel IMO?

      • Anastasia says:

        I still teach the basics. Believe it or not, my average teen students appreciate it. So do their parents. They learn all the ins and outs of grammar, sentence structure, writing with authority, etc. As an English teacher, that’s one of my many jobs. Because so many of their peers aren’t being taught as deeply, they look fairly brilliant on paper, which is exactly what I want. 😉

      • venus velvet says:

        I don’t think you can break the rules and still have clarity unless you know what you’re doing.

    • goofpuff says:

      autocorrect Also messes up my your and you’re btw so it might not be his fault

      • jay says:

        Autocorrect could explain it… Except this kid has a long history of writing unintelligible dreck.

    • Duchess of Corolla says:


  2. Original T.C. says:

    Have no problem with the skirt but the lack of school and too permissive parenting is not good for this kid. There will be fallout as an adult. Does anyone say no to him or set boundaries!

    • minx says:

      Yes. I couldn’t care less what he wears but I value education and I don’t think it’s a great idea to let kids just do what they want.

    • Luca76 says:


    • JenniferJustice says:

      I laughed to myself at Bedhead’s use of the term “ultra permissive parenting skills.” Isn’t that an oxymoron?

  3. MoonBaby says:

    He’s growing on me, little weirdo

  4. LAK says:

    Now that he’s stopped frowning, I see Will’s face.

  5. Sixer says:

    I would love this but he ruined it all by apostrophe crime. It’s YOU’RE, Jaden.

    Skirt usage: top marks. Apostrophe usage: detention.

    • Kiddo says:

      Sixer, YOUR just swerving naff.

      How I’m imaging this conversation, plus some scones and tea:


      😀 teasing you.

    • **sighs** says:

      Yes. You’re.

      And TOO.

    • Sixer says:

      Kiddo. Oh, I missed that! Sorry. There were some comments on that thread that I was tempted to tantrum at, so I clicked out cos I put a premium on maintaining my sang froid, dontchaknow. I hate it when my froid gets de-sanged.

      I have never worn a posh hat. I did have a thing for wearing black men’s hats when I were a Jaden-like adolescent, though. Will that do?

      I am home alone today. Everyone’s gone to London to watch Chelsea play football (sorry, Eve, if you are reading). If you want to come over and interrupt my solitude, I’ll scram up some scones. I have clotted cream AND jam.

      ETA: the hats were black; I didn’t steal them from black men. That would be naughty. Note to self: mind your word order.

    • Eve says:

      @ Sixer:

      Yes, I’m reading this. But I don’t care. You want to know why? Hmmm? BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY GOT MY TICKET FOR THE AVENGERS’ PREMIERE: four special screenings on April 22 here and I’ll be there, in one of them!!! (if I’m still alive by then, that is). April 23 is the official date for the movie’s opening.

      Seriously though, when I went to the theater to buy my ticket, more than 70% of them had already been sold. My favourite seasts (row F, seats 13, 14, 15 were already taken), so I had to buy another one (still on row F though). And that’s more than ten days to the opening!

      • Sixer says:

        The excitement from you is coming through the ether right at me! You’d better be alive by then or you’ll have me to answer to (o).

        Chelsea won. 😛

      • Eve says:

        *humpf* at Chelsea winning…

        GAHHHHHHH, I’m counting the minutes to the screening: April 22, at 20h01.

      • Sixer says:

        I might even set up a reminder so I can blow you a virtual kiss at the exact time!

        If it’s any consolation, Sixlet Minor texted me to say that they were shite.

      • Eve says:

        @ Sixer:

        Ok, last comment and I’m leaving: I’m so excited! Nervous, too. I’m afraid to get into a brawl in the theater (I’m one of those who CANNOT STAND people yapping and/or texting during a movie). I’m planning to take two anxiolytic pills just to CHILL. THE. F*CK. DOWN before the movie starts.

        I’ll be watching Age of Ultron more times (I saw the first Avengers four times so you can have an idea of how many times I’m seeing this one) but I fear some jackass may ruin my first showing.

        P.S.: I asked the clerk if that particular screening was selling so well because of the time (20h01 — and there will be another, at 23h30 or something, plus two other screenings at other rooms). He said: “Nah, all four screenings are like that, almost sold out”.


      • Sixer says:

        You’re making me laugh! It’s going to be great and you’re going to love it. You’ll be so excited you won’t notice any rustling from annoying people.

      • Eve says:

        Oh, dear…I meant “I’m afraid of getting into a brawl”.

        By the way, just watched Game of Thrones’s fifth season premiere. The more I watch this show, the more I LOATHE Stannis Baratheon, that fanatic wife of his and the “Red Woman”. Hate them because what they do reminds me a way too much of The Inquisition.


        1) Am so angry Baratheon killed Mance (played by my beloved Ciarán Hinds) I swear I’m *thisclose* to take the Lannister’s side;

        2) Jon Snow gained some points with me after tonight’s episode;

        3) Can’t wait to see Baratheon, his absolutely annoying wife and the Red Woman meeting the White Walkers. Let’s see what their “god of light” can do for them.

    • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

      Sentence I love: It’s very important to understand the difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you’re sh*t… I’ve used it to explain older students (high school) the importance of grammar and spelling…

  6. NewWester says:

    I do like that red and yellow scarf.

    • Cahend says:

      10 points to Gryffindor 😜

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      Can’t stand the poor boy, but that scarf is mine for Winter. As its now Autumn, it’s time to get the knitting needles and yarn out. I shall be wearing such a scarf quick sticks.

    • Lady D says:

      When I saw that scarf, it started me wondering what house I belonged in. I fit 3 out of 4 houses. Although I must admit, I am not really sure of the value of the Slytherin House. Aren’t they best at sliding out of trouble?

  7. Jane says:

    I never understood this kid and never will.

    • Michelle says:

      Agreed. I clicked the link to his Twitter and found myself feeling annoyed and confused by his nonsensical, ridiculous tweets with horrible punctuation and grammar. This is what happens when parents don’t parent; this kid isn’t just young and immature, he is actually dumb because he has had so little schooling. Very unfortunate.

    • Doc B says:

      My sentiment exactly. This kid makes no kind of sense. He seems to follow his own beat which is admirable I suppose. But there is such a sense of there being nobody home.

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:


    • BengalCat2000 says:

      x10000000000 He’s reinventing the wheel with this look, which you will see at any music/Pagan/freak fest in the world. Get an education! You are not deep or original!

      • Belle Epoch says:

        BENGAL you said it! This kid is a hero in his own mind because he has no education – plus his parents already bought him a movie to star in. He seems At loose ends while all the other kids are in school. Does he know how to apply himself to anything?

        Willow’s “music” is the same way. No discipline, no knowledge, no concept of work – just show up at the studio with some paid musicians and blather into the mic.

        These kids need jobs. Get off my lawn.

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        Bengal and Belle Epoch: I’m very interested in what the rules there are about attending school. In NSW, Australia, the law states that a child must be in school until Year 12 – so, until you’re 16-18, depending on when your birthday falls, and 13 years of school, from kindergarten to Year 12. There are exceptions, of course: one can get an indentured apprenticeship or full-time job, and proper documentation must be produced as evidence. There are also special provisions for children with disabilities, or special circumstances such as being a carer. If a child is absent from school, without a proper explanation from a parent or caregiver, or if there are repeated instances of absenteeism (especially if a pattern is noted, e.g. if a child is repeatedly absent on Mondays, after spending the weekend with the non-custodial parent), if there is a pattern of late arrival or early departure…there is mandatory reporting to the Home School Liaison Officer, who will make contact with the parent or caregiver. If the HSLO is not satisfied with explanations or sights – or even suspects – suspicious activity, s/he is bound by law to report concerns to the state child welfare authority. The few cases of home schooling are also very strictly controlled. If children or teens are seen hanging or larking/lurking about in game arcades, shopping centres, movie theatres, fast food outlets, roaming the streets etc., within school hours, they will likely be brought to the notice of the police, who will investigate under child protection laws.

        What do these rich kids do all day while their friends are at school? I’d be extremely bored. Apart from the obvious benefits of attending school regularly, for most children and teenagers it’s also about building social skills, close friendships and friendship groups. This boy can’t help having self-absorbed, absent parents, though.

      • BengalCat2000 says:

        @ TeaandSympathy, your school system sounds similar to ours. Grades 1 thru 12, children usually Graduate by 17 or 18 years of age, except for special circumstances. Apparently school is different for the rich and famous. And like you stated, an education is more than just “work”. I cannot imagine why a parent wouldn’t make some form of education mandatory for their children. I ‘m an Art instructor for grades k-5, and they have more sense than this idiot.

      • swack says:

        @teaandsympathy and bengalcat2000, I was a teacher in grades 10 – 12 for 30 years. Truancy was the last thing that any social worker looked into. They are so bogged down with other things that truancy is far down the list.

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        Thank you for the information, Bengal Cat and Swack.

        Bengal Cat: I had my Bengal de-nutted on Friday, and thankfully, he’s as mental as ever! When he got home from the vet, he thought it would be fun to tip over a large vase of gerberas, and proceeded to tear them apart. Our tiles were left with a carpet of crimson petals. Many hours after cleaning up, I found three stems – part of the heads still attached – in his basket. He was rather miffed when I removed them and refused to have anything to do with me for the rest of the night. Such a sweet boy…

      • BengalCat2000 says:

        @TeaandSympathy, my kitty has taken to getting in the shower after me, then proceeds to rub her wet fur against my freshly cleaned skin . It’s a little gross, but she’s such a Goddess, and a distructive one! I let her get away with far too much. They are the smartest cats I’ve met, but worth the sacrifice of possessions! Your little guy sounds very clever, but be sure to keep him entertained or YOUR house will become HIS house ☺

        @swack, I had no idea that truancy isn’t closely examined. Going to work every day and being on time is Life 101! So sad.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Exactly! Ooh, he’s so hip and original because he’s wearing a skirt. He’s not. He’s an uneducated, spoiled child, whose parents have given up their duty to raise him.

  9. nelly says:

    i checked his shoes and will smith is such a liar jaden has definitely more than 3 pairs of shoes

  10. Kiddo says:

    I didn’t know the street definition for ‘swerving’, so I thought he meant he had a dingle-dangle incident while going commando in a skirt. lol

  11. Who ARE these people? says:

    That moment when it is all too obvious that you are not being properly educated.

    • Reece says:

      On more than one level. If he’s not in school then why isn’t he getting a “practical” education I guess one could call it.

  12. Mop top says:

    Ugh. Lack of education + never being told “no” is a bad combination. I do not respect the way this child has been (non) parented.

    • Susie 1 of 3 says:

      Letting them hang out with the Kardashian/Jenner group is the icing on the no education cake. So sorry for these kids.

  13. **sighs** says:

    The dress is ok. Those socks and shoes are horrible, though.

  14. Dawn says:

    Anything for attention is what I see here. Nothing more and nothing less. He needs to get an education, he needs to understand that KanYe West is not in his generation and not so much of a great anything. He too lives on attention. They all look so tiring. What would these people do if their money just dried up and they actually had to live like the rest of us? That to me is the true question.

  15. PinaColada says:

    Attention seeking. Like many things he does.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      And as he’s attention seeking, as most folks have pointed out, doesn’t it mean he’s not getting attention through the, uh, normal channels through which a child gets attention?

      • swack says:

        Do you really ever see him or Willow with their parents? Mostly they are out and about on their own. And doesn’t he own his own home? Thought he had bought one not to long ago.

  16. Senaber says:

    I dated a guy who sometimes wore women’s clothing and it was… hot. I guess it’s all about the confidence.

    • Lola says:

      I love guys who wear women’s clothes! I would date more crossdressers if it wasn’t because most are gays in denial.

      • Senaber says:

        Well this particular bf did it in the name of “art” which made it that much hotter and somehow did not seem pretentious to me at all at the time. I was a real sucker for a quiet, quirky artist type in college.

  17. Size Does Matter says:

    Too bad he didn’t wear the skirt to the Kanye wedding instead of that ridiculous BATKIDIOT getup. And second to everyone calling him out for YOUR and TO. Makes my eyes hurt.

  18. jferber says:

    He has a really cute face and I like his hair. So glad he stopped wrinkling his forehead for the camera. I think this kids needs a focus. Maybe he can find a cause (and NOT Scientology) and do some real good. I think he has the potential. And yes, it would be cool if he got his grammar and usage under control. A few simple lessons in high school English would do him a lot of good.

    • Nerdmomma says:

      That’s it! I was thinking he looks so different… It’s that he’s not doing constipation-face and he’s smiling. It’s a huge improvement!

    • Magpie says:

      Same, he seems like a nice goofy kid who is trying to find himself. Some education, like English and History classes, would really do him some good.

  19. bettyrose says:

    Maybe it’ll catch on bringing in a wave of gender neutral fashion madness until retailers lose their minds and don’t know who to marginalize with limited size ranges any more.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Haha! That would be funny. I think I might have told you this already, but there’s a shop in my town that doesn’t carry anything over an eight. I asked for a ten blouse, and the saleswoman took enormous pleasure in telling me, with a slight shudder, that they don’t carry large sizes. I wanted to pinch her as hard as I could.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        How bizarre — 10 is smack-dab in the middle of what used to be considered the normal sizing range. This obsession with women being “tiny” is starting to make me wonder if society wants us to melt away and not exist. Creepy.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        GNAT….How did you control yourself? I’m afraid my picture would have ended up in the newspaper, if a salesperson said that to me…


        Size 10 Customer, sits on and crushes size 0 saleswoman!!!!

      • Kiddo says:

        The other thing is that the less there is in material, the MORE it costs.
        Men’s wear: same shirt $ 20 less. Men’s dry cleaning: $ 5-10 less, depending. That size 10 would probably be too cheap for them to sell, lol.

        And also F that bitch. ‘Small’ person, but not by physical size.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I said “why would you limit your sales that way?” And I left. But she didn’t care what some fat lady said. Lol

      • jwoolman says:

        I’m so old that I remember back in the pre-computer Dark Ages when size 12 was average. I wasn’t at all overweight at 5’4″ and wore a 12 in dresses or jeans. I was surprised a couple of times when a 10 or an 8 fit, but usually 12 worked. My mother said to watch out for clothing not made in the US because it could run small. Her theory was that it was because women were smaller in the cheap labor countries of the time, but I never understood that- wouldn’t the patterns come from the U.S.?

    • Crumpet says:

      ^This is why I read this blog.

    • Tifygodess says:

      @bettyrose I can’t tell you how much I love this comment and thanks for the chuckle. You win the Internets today haha!!! 😂😊🏆🏆🏆

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      I was so caught up with that nasty piece of work who tried to marginalize GNAT that I missed the top comment. Is it me, or is it (as GNAT pointed out with the utmost of self-restraint) ultimately counter-productive for retailers to limit their customers in this way?

      Bring back the big department stores that were proud to serve the mass market.

      (Short of that, can Costco add dressing rooms?)

  20. jferber says:

    Love your comment, bettyrose.

  21. Birdie says:

    It’s So Annoying That He Writes Likes This.

  22. JH says:

    Maybe it’s time to send him to school…it is “you’re” and “too.”

    • MrsBPitt says:

      Have you ever heard Will or Jada speak??? If not, go on youtube and watch their Oprah Winfrey interview!!!! It is AMAZING! They think they know the secrets to the Universe. They also talk about their parenting style (or lack thereof). They believe, their children should be allowed to do anything they want and that will allow the children to figure out for themselves, what they should and shouldn’t do! I used to really, really, like Will Smith, but that interview changed my mind about him. He sounded nuts, and worse, he sounded like Tom Cruise!!!!! Arrogant, idiotic, and narrcissistic…

      • H says:

        That is the Scientology way of parenting. Scientologists believe kids are adults trapped inside little bodies so they give them no rules, boundaries or discipline. Kids are allowed to basically raise themselves and their schools are a joke. No wonder Jaden can’t spell.

      • Kiddo says:

        My understanding was that they had dabbled in CoS but that they weren’t full blown members? That’s not to say that they haven’t absorbed whatever philosophy they learned there.

  23. word says:

    He’s just trying hard to be different. It doesn’t look organic with him at all. I don’t know. I have no issue with him wearing dresses and skirts. It shows he has confidence. It makes him seem more open minded. But like I said, I’m not sure if he’s doing this because he truly likes the style or because he just wants everyone to think he’s super cool and very fashion forward.

  24. Harrison says:

    He goes clothes shopping for girl clothes to entertain himself?! That’s what I do! I really expect more from a movie star’s kid. I guess not everyone can be a Charlie Sheen.

  25. KBeth says:

    Child of celebrities….attention whore.

  26. Lola says:

    Nothing wrong with crossdressing. I hope this helps trivialize the issue.

    • NerdMomma says:

      That’s the perfect way to put it. People act like crossdressing is such a huge and dirty secret (and I’m talking about blind gossip blogs only, not anyone I’ve ever spoken to) and it’s really nothing. Live and let live. It should be seen for the harmless trivial nonembarrassing thing that it is!

  27. Lucy says:

    I thought it was just one of those long t-shirts some guys like to wear? Huh. Whatever, it’s kind of a non-issue to me. And he may not be receiving a proper education, but I fail to understand why so many of you think that has anything to do with the way he dresses.

  28. lower-case deb says:

    i’m thinking that the “skirts with no pants” comment he made was not in relation to the photos on this page? because i can see him wearing basketball shorts or something similar.

  29. OTHER RENEE says:

    Why should anyone be impressed by a spoiled, self-important, uneducated loser in or out of a dress?

  30. Amy says:


    I don’t really have a hate-on for the kid like others, at the same time I’m neither impressed or amused by him.

    He’s weird. Not particularly insightful or charming and not much fun to look at (I know, I’m a monster).

    I’ve got no need for him. He can wear and say whatever crazy thing he wants because at the end of the day he does nothing I care about. Even Will makes a good movie here and there even with some of his sketchiness and Willow makes cute music.

    Good luck to Jaden, I’m sure his Father will eventually buy him a successful career since he seems to have no talent.

  31. Amy says:

    All that being said I laughed REALLY hard at the Kanye tweet. With anyone else I’d have thought that was impeccably done shade.

  32. moomoo says:

    “He was contemplating some skinny jeans, which are best avoided on anyone.”

    Wait, I look great in skinny jeans! Or that’s what my husband tells me, anyway.

    I’ve gotten so used to seeing them now, even on bigger body types, that bootcut jeans look a bit strange to me, although most of the time I wear a slim boot AG jean.

    • word says:

      I agree. When skinny jeans first came in style, I thought it would be a quick fad. Nine years later and people are still wearing them. Boot cut jeans look very out-dated now. I know wide leg jeans/pants are making a come back but I don’t think it will last. They always go in and out of style.

  33. Iheartgossip says:

    Poor little attention ho

  34. Sue says:

    I like the look on him- the leopard print socks in combo, are everything. Men in skirts will be commonplace in 10 years or less. These younger boys don’t have the same pressure of other generations to be macho. In his small way he’s contributing to something beneficial, that allows males to be more of who they are. It’s a good thing.

    +1 Jaden Smith.

    • Naddie says:

      Best comment ever. I haven’t thought about it until you point it out.

    • word says:

      There are lots of cultures where men have been wearing some form of a “skirt” for centuries. He’s not doing anything new really. I don’t think he’s going to get boys from his generation to wear skirts to school.

  35. Naddie says:

    I still don’t know if I like this kid or not (not that it makes any difference in his life). I guess comparing to others, he’s not even close to the worst.

  36. Kiyoshigirl says:

    A bit confused about “swerve” being referred to as teen slang. I’m well over my teen years and my friends/family and I talk about getting our “swerve” on when we want to go out and have fun. Been saying AND doing that for years. Sorry Jayden, your hip language, and the skirt as well, are dated.

    On a more serious note, the children of some Hollywood wealthy are not expected to achieve the same goals as most kids. They’re raised with entitlements and are told they don’t need advanced skills to get by in life. It’s a sad fact that doesn’t bode well for the future. It’s such a waste that a whole crop of children from privileged families have no concept of the hard work and sacrifices many of their peers make to get ahead in life. I cannot imagine a world where these uneducated, privileged children will be engaged in making a difference for those less fortunate. How can they relate if they’ve NEVER had to ask or work for anything? Empathy is taught and learned. It’s not something one can fake.

  37. Amy says:

    It’s fine if he wants to wear dresses and skirts. A little offbeat but whatever. I don’t think he’s necessarily wearing them just for himself and also be doing it for attention–why else put photos on Instagram?

    But I have to say I like this smiley version of Jaden so much better than the constipated I have to take a dump frowny face he had permanently attached to him at red carpet events in his early teens. I dunno if he thought it was cool, but it seriously made him look like he was nauseous all the time. Looking happy is much cooler Jaden! Keep it up!

  38. jwoolman says:

    I don’t know why all the negativity erupted here. The kid actually looks good in these pics, he’s lost that strange look he adopted earlier and looks happy enough. OK, he still is uneducated and immature but so are a lot of rich kids his age (and not so rich kids, going to school doesn’t guarantee you learn anything and you’re supposed to be immature at his age). But all he’s doing here is enjoying experiments in fashion.

    I like his clothing choices and hope there really is a revolution afoot. Men are pushed into much tinier cultural boxes than women these days at great emotional/psychological cost. Girls and women have been able to wear pants and other items originally associated with males in our culture for many decades, it’s about time that boys and men have similar freedom to wear such clothes that fit their bodies, without resorting to body makeovers to simulate a female and having gender issues about it all. Skirts and dresses, makeup and jewelry and painted nails don’t actually define female. They are all just cultural features and vary in time and space.

    Clothes are just clothes, we should all be able to choose what we like style-wise and comfort-wise. Skirts long and short are pretty standard male attire in many cultures now and in the past, by the way. Even in our culture, until sometime in the early 1900s, I think, very young boys wore dresses/skirts until a certain age.

    • Trillion says:

      Agreed. People really seem freaked out that he’d not educated. I personally don’t know if he is or isn’t. Maybe he’s home-schooled? I only know 3 home-schooled children (from a single family, non religious) and they are impressively smart. I know plenty of idiots who went through school. Even attended grad school with some dim bulbs. I also know high school drop outs who are flat-out genius. Why not wait until he does something awful before judging him or his parents’ child-rearing techniques?

  39. Krista says:

    After reading the first few comments, it seems how we approach spelling is more controversial than Jayden’s skirt

  40. Kaianne says:

    Jayden and Willow Smith are home schooled. He is teenager who wants to be different, just like many non-actors children who deliberately misspelled their post in social media like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to be cool. I knew these because my nephew and nieces who are always get A & B+ at school exams. Their post at Facebook make me cringes. I noted their school friends replied in same manners. Judging teenagers because we are now matured, does not make us bright. I knew I did so many crazy stuffs when I was teenager but learned along the way. My logic always ‘As long as they are NOT misbehaving, disrespect, doing criminal activity and dabbling on drugs’ They will be okay.

    • Anastasia says:

      I highly doubt those are deliberate misspellings. They are the misspellings of someone who has never been taught to spell even simple words correctly.

  41. Kaianne says:

    Jayden and Willow Smith are home schooled. He is teenager who wants to be different, just like many non-actors children who deliberately misspelled their post in social media like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to be cool. I knew these because my nephew and nieces who are always get A & B+ at school exams. Their post at Facebook make me cringes. I noted their school friends replied in same manners. Judging teenagers because we are now matured, does not make us bright. I knew I did so many crazy stuffs when I was teenager but learned along the way. My logic always ‘As long as they are NOT misbehaving, disrespect, doing criminal activity and dabbling on drugs’ They will be okay.

  42. embertine says:

    I still think the way he and his sister are raised is nutso, but the kid looks good plus I have those socks.

  43. prissa says:

    De-masculization of the black male continues and I see Jayden has taken up the banner to be the ringleader. Very sad to see how many do not take issue with this and even view it as normal or groundbreaking. The black family unit is under siege and the dumbed down masses applaud with fervor. SMDH. 👎

  44. Fan says:

    Nothing wrong with him He is just being funny.

  45. Kristen says:

    The English major in me is cringing, but whatever. The kid makes me laugh.

  46. JBanana says:

    Skirt?! On a boy, okay, but I think he got the idea from…..Hot Tub Time Machine 2, perhaps?

  47. venus velvet says:

    Iirc, Will Smith admitted to being a stickler for grammar and usage in an interview back in his Fresh Prince days. I guess with school out the window, that’s not a concern for the kids.