Demi Lovato wants to dine with Jesus but also believes in reincarnation

Exciting things coming veeeerrrrryyyy sooooon 🍒💋❤️😜

A photo posted by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

I raided Demi Lovato’s Instagram account because she so rarely gets papped these days, and her cross tattoo is relevant to today’s topic. She’s has over 20 million followers, which is surprising but makes sense. Until recently, I found Demi Lovato boring to discuss. Most of her interviews were repetitive, which was a shame because her revelations of eating disorders and substance abuse were worth talking about. Demi went through an extremely tough time, but sometimes it’s fun to discuss more lighthearted topics, such as the time Demi revealed her intense belief in mermaids as an alien life form. That was tons of fun.

Demi’s recent interviews have also taken a turn for the entertaining. I’m enjoying her trash-talking and trailblazing claims even if she’s a little full of herself. She has a new interview, which arrives in two clips, with Shazam Top 20. The first clip is simply Demi denying an Ed Sheeran collaboration, thank goodness. They’d be a bad musical fit together. In this next clip, Demi talks about how she’d love to invite Jesus to dinner, but she also reveals an intense belief in past lives:

This is contradictory, right? I wasn’t aware that any Christians believed in past lives, although feel free to prove me wrong. And even if I was religious, having dinner with Jesus doesn’t sound like much fun. He wouldn’t be into going back for seconds or thirds, and no margaritas would be in the mix. Demi doesn’t drink though, so she’d be fine. She’s also kinda nutty but amusing too.

#CoolForTheSummer in San Francisco 🍉🍉🍉🍉 #SparklingIce

A photo posted by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

Photos courtesy of Demi Lovato on Instagram & WENN

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21 Responses to “Demi Lovato wants to dine with Jesus but also believes in reincarnation”

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  1. Franca says:

    I’m Catholic and as far as I know, we don’t believe in past lives.
    Also, Catholics do love a drink. I don’t think Jesus wouldn’t let you have a matgarita.

    • zannoub says:

      Christians do not believe in past lives, and Jesus won’t mind alcohol!

      • Calcifer says:

        I am sure Jesus wouldn’t be against Margarita’s and having seconds, he wasn’t straight-laced like that (it was the church which came up with all the do’s and don’ts, probably to control people). He mostly told people to use their sound judgment to examine their own actions, and to be careful of how these affected themselves and others.

    • boredblond says:

      Well, you wouldn’t have to order wine 😇

  2. Maya says:

    Believing in reincarnation is not necessarily associated with one’s religion.

    I know tons of people who aren’t Hindus, Buddhists etc and yet believe in reincarnation.

  3. Green Is Good says:

    I’m still not entirely sure this is; and you kids git offa my lawn!

  4. mimi says:

    Is she Christian though? She may simply consider Jesus (as in, the person who lived, not the deified romanticized version Christians believe in) an interesting person to talk to.

  5. Incognito says:

    Maybe she’s a cafeteria Catholic (takes what she wants, leaves what she doesn’t). I’m a cafeteria catholic myself. And I do kind f believe that some people were here before. Old souls and all that. My brother has some very vivid memories of another family and an old home. My mom once asked him for details when he was just a kid and he gave them to her. She was able to find the house using those details and it was in a section of town he hadn’t been in.

  6. Luca76 says:

    Well there are some people who like Jesus but not necessarily Christianity especially in its evangical form.
    I happen to know a few people that practice more than one religion say Buddhism and Christianity and whose to stop them really?

    Oh and there are some biblical historians that believe that Jesus studied in India for many years with gurus there. So some parts of Jesus’s teachings may not be far off from schools of thoughts that do believe in reincarnation.

    • xpreson says:

      Funny that you say that Luca, I do believe some of his teachings were “changed” to fit the Roman Catholic Church doctrines.

  7. EM says:

    I don’t get the hoopla over her. She appeared on the Australian Voice could not sing to save her life.

    • BarkingMad says:

      I don’t watch The Voice, but was on my way to flick channels and happened to catch her performance. Sorry to say, but you’re right, EM. But then, I didn’t even know who she was until a few weeks ago.

  8. Naddie says:

    I think Jesus would be amazing to dine with. Like, the kind of person who wouldn’t make you need any alcohol.

  9. Adrien says:

    Ah, come to Asia, where Christians and Catholics combine their beliefs with Eastern practices. Many believe in feng shui, reincarnation, stuff like that. It is common to see an Prague infant Jesus statue (preferably green b’c it’s the color of money) or rosary beads alongside a maneki neko cat in small business establishments in Philippines.

  10. Malificent says:

    Jesus turned water to wine at a wedding — so I think he was happy to help out the party!

    As for reincarnation, I think most Christian denominations don’t support it officially — the afterlife is pretty much a one-way ticket and The Resurrection involves a return to the original earthy body. But privately I think many less conservative folks are open to neutral about it.

    However, I don’t recall reincarnation at an individual level specifically being discussed one way or another in The Bible. Reincarnation may just not have been part of the ancient Judeo-Christian worldview so never got any airtime in the Scriptures?

  11. j.eyre says:

    Could you imagine the pre-dinner panic if Jesus was coming? What would you serve? You couldn’t order in and pass it off as your own. I would have to dust off every fish recipe I had ever found, I guess.

    And if your mother-in-law sees a dirty house as a reflection of your marriage what in the -oops- would Jesus have to say about i?

    I dunno, I would want a trial run with Peter first; he’d be judgier but then Jesus would be all “Come on now, Pete, let’s not be like that. Put the stone down, they don’t do that anymore.” We’d both overturn a few tables and he would sit on the the kitchen floor with me as I cried about the laundry and eating all the loaves he brought.

  12. Kelly says:

    Total side issue, but she has the most gorgeous skin. Yeah, a lot of makeup, but her base looks luminescent.

  13. Nikki says:

    I would love a dinner with Jesus, I’m certainly considered more spiritual than Christian, I tend to study as many religions as I can instead of following one. I question the idea of reincarnation. There’s some pretty convincing articles out there that cannot help but invoke questions. I would love to meet the man so many have claimed to exist and to see if he is like the scriptures or if perhaps, he is merely one heck of an intelligent man who simply “got it”