Lindsay Lohan is dating a 22-year-old Russian ‘business heir’ named Egor

First thing’s first: I think Lindsay Lohan hired a new publicist or something, because suddenly there are a ton of new stories about Lindsay and her (shady) fabulous life. The above Instagram apparently shows Lindsay and her new boyfriend, 22-year-old “Russian business heir” Egor Tarabasov, because of course he’s only 22 and of course his name is Egor. If this was any other couple, I would care that much about an age difference between two people in their 20s (she’s 29 to his 22). But since it’s Lindsay, I feel really bad for Egor. He has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. Apparently, the Cracken and Egor have been dating for six months or so and he is London-based. I would assume he’s footing the bill for
 everything, basically. Meanwhile, a “source” (Dina with a whiskey buzz) went to People Magazine to discuss Lindsay’s fabulous and shady life. Some assorted quotes from the “source”:

“She will never come to Hollywood. The second she lands here, she is followed all day long
 People don’t like her in Hollywood, and she knows. I think she’s trying to change people’s perception of her. I don’t think she is going out that much [in London]. She says she’s cooking and at home. [She] goes to Monaco on the weekends and sits on yachts
 She sounds more humble and much more calm. I think it was good for her to get away from her family – and she has said [moving to London] was the best thing that ever happened.”

[From People Magazine]

You know the source is a Lohan because in the same breath that they’re bragging about Lindsay weekending in Monaco and sitting on yachts, they’re talking about how she’s humble and calm. Never change, Cracken. Also – Lindsay goes out all the time. She’s always out clubbing in London, or on vacation somewhere sunny and shady.

And finally, Lindsay worked as a “guest editor” for The Sun’s gossip section this week, and she claimed that Harry Styles once arrived at her hotel bedroom “dressed to the nines” just as she was about to go to sleep. She told The Sun:

“I didn’t know it was him. He was in a suit. I said, ‘Well, you’re very good-looking — can I help you?’ That was it. He was like, ‘I’m Harry. Gavin and Michael sent me here.’ I was in bed. I was like, ‘I’m going to bed but it was nice to meet you.’ It was 2am, I had just come back from an AA meeting. I looked like s*** too. I was wearing a big hotel robe, I had a slip under it. It was not a good look. I was watching some really cheesy movie too. You could totally hear it in the background. It didn’t click who he was at the time. I told my sister the next day and she was like, ‘Wait, are you kidding me? Do you understand? Do you have his number? Can I have it?’ ”

[From The Sun]

Harry apparently claimed that his friends had tricked him into coming to her room, and Lindsay finished the story with: “I saw him in LA recently. I think it’s probably awkward on both our parts now.” Wait, I thought the source said she doesn’t go to Hollywood anymore? RIGHT? The rest of the Sun story is the same-old Lohan crap, she’s really changed this time, you guys and she’s gotten into “meditation,” which I swear I read as “medication.” Anyway, this has been your Lohan update. She’s still a cracked-out liar and a user! Shocking.



Photos courtesy of Instagram, Fame/Flyet.

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87 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan is dating a 22-year-old Russian ‘business heir’ named Egor”

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  1. Pinky says:

    Marry him, STAT! Or at least, get knocked up, pronto. That way you can keep on living life on the hog. And sitting places.

    “You could totally hear it in the background.” I can hear her saying exactly that, using these exact words, with this exact sentence construction. Thanks a lot, Long Island. Thanks a lot, crack.


    • Pinky says:

      Also, droop your boobs onto the table in a cutout dress. Yeah! Just like that. Perfection.


      • MC2 says:

        I noticed that and didn’t know if the finger in the mouth or the boobs resting on the table were worse. I bet she leaves a meal and always has some crumbs in her under boob just in case she needs a snack later….

      • outhousecat says:

        And her boyfriend looks like he’s sniffing her pit. I knew there had to be some freak in any guy that will dare date the Cracken.

    • Snazzy says:

      Agreed! She needs to lock this down. That way she can just keep living the humble life on yachts in Monaco

      • Tris says:

        Snap! *snort cackle cackle*

      • Narak says:

        The top pic looks like they were in a plank cabin. Not a very glamourous setting considering the tux and tits.

      • Christin says:

        Has this guy lived under a rock, with no Internet access? She probably hides in London and won’t bring him to the US because of being such a joke.

    • Mia V. says:

      Waiting for pictures of Lindsay partying at the Kremlin and joining an international spy group.

    • Dani says:

      At least she stopped using ‘like’ every other word. I still can’t break the habit, almost 10 years outta the Island.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yep, this may be your last chance to live the life you want. Quick grab him before he grows up or googles you!

    • Ama says:

      He is handsome, young and rich! Good for her!!!!!

  2. Div says:

    She really keeps screwing up her chances. She had that play in London but was a hot mess, etc. I will say something—she’s looking far less cracked out although she’s clearly been messing with her face in terms of plastic surgery.

  3. Lex says:

    That Harry Styles story is so embarrassing, I’m not sure why she decided to share it. He admits to her that it was a prank, so it’s not like he wanted to actually sleep with her. Lindsay, this is not a compliment!

    I used to like Harry, but he kind of seems like a douche. Between this and that story that Kathy Griffin has of him at a concert, I think his ego is getting a bit too big for his boyband bod.

    • Bridget says:

      I thought so too. It was the famous person version of “for a good time, call”.

    • Hannah says:

      Yeah I wouldn’t have admitted to that either. It’s kind of funny because 1D fans won’t believe he could do something like this. That guy is as media trained as they come but seems like a down low douchebag.

  4. Kitten says:

    Her “boyfriend” has the most tragic facial hair I’ve ever seen. Is he even 22? He looks like he’s still going through puberty.

  5. Boston Green Eyes says:

    I hope he has A LOT of Penicillin around.

    Just sayin’.

  6. lizzie says:

    she’s doing a hell of a lot more than sitting on those yachts in monaco…

    • Ankhel says:

      Sitting on yachts, plural, in Monaco or the South of France is barely even code. Everybody knows that. Beats me why the source would brag about it.

  7. embertine says:

    I think that ‘dating’ should also be in inverted commas.

  8. Murphy says:

    I think she’s getting in over her head with this family, watch out for the mob Lindsay!

    • Jem says:

      The Cracken eats mobsters for breakfast. These Russian mobsters she’s bedded down with should be the ones afraid of HER.

  9. swak says:

    “It was 2am, I had just come back from an AA meeting. I looked like s*** too. ” What AA meeting is held until 2 AM in the morning? “Looked like s*** too” -sounds like too much partying to me. Also, this relationship will last until daddy cuts Egor off from his money.

  10. Amon says:

    Tradition 11 of AA: “we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.”

    Good job, Lohan. Please don’t drag AA down with you.

  11. Naya says:

    That head line could just as easily have read, “Lohan is dating an 82 year old Russian oligarch named Egor”. So I mean this is progress. Dont mess this up Lilo.

  12. lower-case deb says:

    perhaps it is not intentional or not the case at all, but the last two pictures: he’s trying to engage her in a conversation but she’s busy hamming for the paps.
    much like the header picture, where he’s again ignored for the camera.
    it’s difficult to have a relationship when the third party is a camera.
    or, does he have a “ignore me” fetish? the more he’s ignored the more excited?

    poor him, mostly an afterthought except when the wallet is needed. story of his life if he continues on.

  13. D says:

    ” [She] goes to Monaco on the weekends and sits on yachts ” Yeah, I’m sure that’s what she’s doing on the yachts…sitting…

  14. SJO says:

    She looks a little healthier I guess.

  15. Mia4s says:

    I like her father’s quotes in Page Six about how this guy is helping get her career back on track. Is he going to finance a movie for her?? Hahahahaha! I wonder what Russian billionaire daddy is going to think of his son’s activities? Why do I see this ending in disaster?

    Well break out the cracktinis! I love a good disaster movie!

    • Carol says:

      What?!! That father is crackers! Really, who does he think he’s convincing? The only role LL could ever get is on Real Housewives of whatever, that is if she married that billionaire.

  16. funcake says:

    She is still drowning in a sea of delusion. it’s kind of sad watching people who use to be famous live their life as if they’re still in demand. It must be twice as exhausting trying to convince the world you’re still relevant when everyone knows the opposite is true.

  17. Pickles says:

    I wonder which one of her movies was she watching.

  18. kri says:

    Egor? The Young Frankenstein jokes just write themselves. I can see them in a lab, him scurrying around to bring her a box of Tox, a claw of bat, and some Krazy Glue. Also…wtf is on his face? Is that tragic facial hair or a consequence of “dating” her? Chills and shivers.

  19. Betti says:

    Lilo will never change and i have to say she does look a lot better here and i would agree that being away from her family is a good thing. Dinah’s influence has been at the source of Lilo’s meltdowns.

    • swak says:

      Drinking and drugging are most of the source of Lindsay’s meltdowns. Let’s not put this all on Dina. Lindsay is an adult and has yet to take responsibility for her actions as an adult. It’s always someone else’s fault.

      • Lex says:

        It’s totally her fault now but her mum set her on pretty much the worst path ever.
        She was depended on to make all the family money since she was a child (thrust into modelling and film). She had no boundaries and a heap of fame and cash. She moved out on her own before she was an adult (all while supporting her lecherous mother). Her dad in and out of gaol, in and out of other women etc. Her mum went on benders with her (booze and drugs). She was probably groomed by notorious teenage chaser Vilmer Vanderwhatever. She had eating disorders, drinking problems and drug addictions

        That was all before she turned 18…..
        Who turns out well after that?

        Her sh*tty behaviour now is absolutely her fault, but I can’t help but feel bad for her.

      • AntsOffTheScent says:

        @Lex, you forgot groomed by her mother to be a high class escort as well

  20. Allie May says:

    Of all people, I wish she would settle down and find a more positive direction for her life, whether it involves meditation or medication -either one. Her lips are looking less full so she is appearing prettier.

  21. JRenee says:

    I am always surprised she’s still alive. Maybe she has calmed down. Anyway, stay in London dearie. ..

  22. AlmondJoy says:

    I can’t deal with anything Lindsay related in 2016. I just can’t đŸ˜©

  23. vauvert says:

    Strange but true story. Years ago when a member of my family was young and single he actually considered hiring a model as an ongoing call girl. There was an agency out of Australia that had these absolutely drop dead girls on the roster, available for year long arrangements – $100K a year, all expenses paid and an apartment + car. He was traveling like crazy, had a busy career, his last girlfriend cheated on him since he was out of town so often, so there was a nasty breakup… He finally didn’t do it, but he was tempted.
    I think that’s what LiLo is doing now. They call it a relationship, and it is, but we all know she’s not exactly getting paid for acting. Many of these girls end up marrying a client so maybe LiLo will too…
    I used to feel sorry for her but now it’s just disgust. She was so talented and pretty and had a chance (actually many chances) to be so successful. All wasted.

    • Betti says:

      Yes and the dress in the top pick screams hooker. She certainly highlights her wares here.

    • denise says:

      Isn’t this what Naomi Campbell did with her Russian billionaire.

    • anon33 says:

      I like how you added the qualifying terms of “young” and “single” to try and ameliorate the abject grossness of him “purchasing” a woman.

      • vauvert says:

        I wasn’t trying to ameliorate anything, anon33, just stating the situation. He considered it because he realized he wasn’t marriage or even relationship material at that point, he wasn’t into picking up girls in bars, and buying companionship from a willing partner appealed to him. He finally decided against it, but my point was not about judging him (or the many girls who were available. My jaw just dropped seeing the photos and profiles – university grads, models with actual portfolios, etc.)
        I was just saying that I believe this is what LiLo (and probably many others) ARE doing. All these model filled yachts and parties? You really believe the girls are there just to have a drink? Please. The way this family member found out about the website (I think you need a referral from a member) was on a business trip to South Africa. He was finishing a day of business with billionaires, they invited him home over for a drink, and presented him with a choice of 5-6 girls to take his pick of for the duration of his stay. You and I may not like it, but there are women out there who prefer to wear Chanel and Hermes, drive a BMW, not have to work a day and live in luxury, at an obvious cost.

    • Ankhel says:

      Modelling and prostitution go hand in hand. Models don’t usually come from money, and most get thousands of dollars in debt when they try to make it in the business. Plane tickets, food, housing, agents etc. Pay is usually shitty in the beginning, and these teenage girls are desperate to avoid going home to their parents with debts the families can’t handle. That is when their agents (who are typically the ones who got them loans) suggest going on some dates, or to a party or a yacht. The agencies are connected with rich men. It’s really disgusting, considering the age of the girls and the promises their parents were typically given before they left home. Prostitution allows the girls to stay in the fashion hotspots and keep modelling. It becomes a habit. Drugs and drink are tempting ways to escape feelings too. By the time some of the girls get big contracts, after maybe five or ten years, they are emotionally ruined. It’s easy to be judgmental and portray them as greedy and shallow women, but many were once ordinary girls, maybe fourteen or sixteen years old, who cried and wanted out. Not so different from human trafficking, is it?

      • vauvert says:

        That is certainly the truth for some of them, and I wonder what parents allow a young girl to travel unsupervised, agree to these expenses that are required in the beginning and don’t actually look into the situation before signing away their kids. (Not saying by any means that justifies what happens. I just think that it’s easy for a teenager to be seduced by the potential of becoming a model, but a parent should know better and protect a child.)

        I almost signed on as a model when I was 19 but realized quickly what a sham it was, and walked away. When your “audition” is in a seedy bar in a bad part of town, you can choose to move on.

        The particular example I mentioned was a bit different. I obviously don’t know the story behind those girls, but someone with a university degree, who speaks multiple languages, and chooses to be a long term call girl, essentially, is not in my opinion a victim. I am not judging – just like I didn’t judge the relative who shared the story and the details with me. In his business he met some of those women after they had married previous clients and that was always their end game. As far as I can tell, it’s not very different from the majority of models that we read about – none of them seem to fall in love with a teacher or bus driver or dental hygienist – it’s always a movie star or athlete or rapper or billionaire. How very convenient:-)

  24. suzanne says:

    Lord…the pic of her low-hanging boobs, cheap-looking dress and necklace that looks like it came from the Avon Valentine collection, circa 1988.

    I shudder to see that thing in actual color…yikes. Drugs age you in dog years, kids.

  25. Zaytabogota says:

    Why is he paying for that? Is it a thrill because she’s famous?

  26. peanut says:

    YOUNG CRACKENSTEIN & IGOR : the classic gothic drama will hit a community theatre near you.

  27. Bread and Circuses says:

    Egor is trying to hide his face, and the Cracken is laser-focused on the camera.

    Enjoy yourself, Egor, and then get the hell out of it.

  28. Narak says:

    I’ve missed her shenanigans but not the kiss face.

  29. Bridget says:


  30. Leahpet says:

    Hey Kid, hope you’ve invested in condoms and Valtrex.

  31. Christin says:

    Why did she drag poor Liz into her caption? Because Gstaad, 1960s? Because of that terrible movie?

  32. serena says:

    Yeah she really hates paparazzi, look at how unhappy she looks with the peace sign in the photo!

  33. NotSoSocialButterfly says:

    Welp. At least she doesn’t look drunk in the last two pictures. Good for her.

  34. Kristen820 says:

    I know I’m in the minority, but I still have a soft spot for her **ducks and exits room**

    • Dlo says:

      I do too. I think it is because of her parents. I agree with the post upthread, I hope she finds happiness and peace away from her parents

  35. NewWester says:

    “Dina with a whiskey buzz” Classic!!!!

  36. Drs. Fixxie says:

    She is just a expensive lady of THE night.
    What else can she do?

  37. Apsutter says:

    I like that necklace she’s wearing in the top pic

  38. Emily C. says:

    A 22-year old heir to a billionaire Russian “businessman.” Yeah, sure this is a “relationship.” A business one.

    I’d be worried for most 22-year olds getting caught up with someone like Lindsay Lohan, but not for this kid. And I doubt he’s going to be happy about all this press. Or maybe he approved it to make his real girlfriend jealous or to irritate his parents.

  39. Nik says:

    Please stop the kiss face no one I mean no one wants a kiss from you. It looks so stupid.

  40. unicorn says:

    I hope everything works out for her as I loved all her movies when she was young and have always been rooting for her to turn things around. Addiction is a terrible thing and for people to slam her all the time isn’t helpful. I’m guessing the people who are so critical have never known a loved one battling addiction and I pray they never will. I will say she looks gorgeous in the first black and white pic!

  41. Blackbetty says:

    Is there something wrong with this guy?

  42. prissa says:

    I think she looks a lot better and she has been staying out of trouble. No snark from me. Good Job, Linds!

  43. Crumpet says:

    The only think I believe about any of this is that getting away from her family is a good thing.

  44. Jwoolman says:

    For a while she was carrying around an Arabic book and claiming to be learning Arabic…. Look for a Russian book now, I guess.

    But she does look much better now than before London and especially before her last forced rehab, so the distance from her parents plus some pressure to avoid getting arrested (or she will be deported) might be good for her. She may have received a needed morale boost from actually completing that play, even though she kept forgetting lines throughout and was very wooden in her delivery. Not much was expected of her in the role but she did consistently show up in time, and people did think she looked good on stage. I don’t get the feeling of impending doom now from looking at her. Still think she’s a long way from sober, but she may have reined it in enough to live a longer life.