Gwen Stefani wrote ‘Make Me Like You’ in ‘like 10, 15 minutes’ – can you tell?

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Another day, another story about Gwen Stefani, right? The singer appeared on Good Morning America this week to discuss her latest album, “This is What the Truth Feels Like,” with ABC’s Lara Spencer. If you wonder whether Gwen might be as tired of talking about writing this album packed with personal songs as you are hearing about it, the answer is probably not. Here are some highlights:

On writing “Make Me Like You”: “It just came out. It was like, I had been feeling that way. Like, it’s just exactly what I felt that day … ‘I miss you right now. Here it is.’ You know what I mean? And everybody in the room was just kind of like, ‘Whoa, this is happening right now.’ It was written fast. Like, 10, 15 minutes.”

On the silver lining from her divorce: “I have gone through a lot. But I feel like, that is, you have to be grateful for that. Because if I didn’t do that, then I wouldn’t have this. And so you have to be grateful for all of it.”

On turning pain into creativity: “I think that I just …. I can’t even find the words. I was embarrassed, and I felt like, ‘Wow, I can’t go down. This is not who I am. I’m not going to fail.’ I had to make something good out of it, so I tried to write because that was my gift and I was like, I’m going to make this into music.”

On getting into the studio with “hot button stories” surrounding her: “I didn’t care about anything, I was just trying to get up in the morning. I just want to get this out. I just want to write a record. I don’t care about anything except for getting this out, and healing, and being honest, and real, and truthful. I don’t care what style it is and I don’t care about being on the radio or charts or…why would that matter to me at this point? Like, nothing matters. I’m just trying not to die right now.”

On hoping “Truth” resonates with her fans: “It feels like I’m supposed to be doing this right now and sharing my story … And I really hope that this record brings pleasure and, I don’t know, documents people’s, you know, lives in this moment. And I just — I’m so happy to share it.”

[From Good Morning America]

During the GMA segment, Gwen performed “Make Me Like You.” I can’t embed the video here, but her performance today was much better than Saturday night’s on SNL (which is embedded below), where something was just off. On SNL it almost sounded like she was on the wrong speed. I still have to give her props for that “Space Pants” sketch though. I finally watched the whole episode today and that was definitely the best part of the episode – thanks mostly to Peter Dinklage, butshe was an inspired addition.

“Make Me Like You” does kind of document my current romantic situation and I do love Gwen, but she’s getting to be too much. I said it yesterday, and I mean it even more today. Doesn’t she need a break?

Celebrities Stop By 'Good Morning America'

Peter Dinklage hosts episode 16 of NBC's 'Saturday Night Live.'

Peter Dinklage hosts episode 16 of NBC's 'Saturday Night Live.'

Photo credit:, Fame Flynet

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73 Responses to “Gwen Stefani wrote ‘Make Me Like You’ in ‘like 10, 15 minutes’ – can you tell?”

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  1. Carrie says:

    If her and Blake ever split up what will she do? She seems to love him like crazy and I still think he will break her heart

    Cheaters stay cheating imo. She can look at her ex Gavin for an example of that.

    • M.A.F. says:

      She’ll fall for the next guy just as fast. She too has a repeated history.

      • Cath says:

        She’s a songwriter, this is what they do. The best songs come out of an explosion of a feeling or thought or idea. The fact that she wrote it in a burst just makes me appreciate it more. I loved her performance on SNL – it was real and raw, and it reminded me of the woman who started out fronting a raucous band.
        People act like her relationship is a sudden thing, like she’s a teenager turning to the football quarterback. She was with and then married to a narcissistic sourpuss for more than 20 years. I have a feeling Gwen has been alone for a very long time, but just accepted it, as many women do. I don’t think it’s a rebound thing with Blake – I sense that Gavin was a black hole, and Blake made her feel alive again. If you are in a bad or dead relationship (with young children)and have resigned yourself to being trapped with no options, you become numb, hence the writer’s block she said plagued her for years. Maybe she didn’t ‘need a man to save her’ – as some so simplistically say – maybe she needed something to make her realize she deserved better and more, that it didn’t have to stay that way.And her friendship with Blake came along at the right time. Maybe she ‘saved’ him too, that’s what he has implied.
        Jesus, some of you people are either really cynical or completely inexperienced. Life happens, its not a soap opera.

    • C says:

      It is a PR romance.

  2. InVain says:

    Oh no….her face…those bottom pictures are borderline horrific. I know people like that song, and it’s catchy but yeah, I can tell it was a quick pen job.

    • JenYfromTheBlok says:

      I love Gwen Stefani’s style and how she is designing for Burton etc. It’s apparent she works hard and is an artist. However, this song sounds like the 1st draft; when it comes on the radio I want to get out of the car and hitchhike. IT’s ruined my entire ride. Just because someone is established in the music business doesn’t mean they are allowed to assault the masses with noise pollution.

    • Dhavynia says:

      I can’t look at her face anymore, she’s not even the same Gwen, I don’t know if fame just made her change that everything about her is unobtainable, too high end compared to how she started so I don’t see a connection between her and the younger generation. Maybe it’s just me but I liked her style and music when she started but now not so much. Everyone and everything evolves but she’s too much now. People talk about Madonna and I see her doing the same, the only difference is that Madge is not considered sweet and nice like Gwen. Sorry for the vent, I’m just kind of tired of her relationship talk

  3. jess1632 says:

    Go away!!!

  4. Julez says:

    What the hell has she done to her face…
    You can see all the work she has had done. Why did she sell out and go under the knife. She was so beautiful before. SMH

    Also she seems to be speaking about Her divorce way too much. She was treated badly..we get it but in every interview she keeps mentioning it. Is that what you have to do to sell albums now?

    • Chibichchai says:

      No I get it. If you go through a long term breakup, it takes a while to heal. If the breakup was brutal, it takes longer. The fact that she’s willing to talk is probably speaking to more about where she is in the healing process and not about the record and I say good for her.

      Do I think everything else is a little extra? Yes.

    • Amy says:

      I agree, it’s so sad. Everyone can do what they want to do with their bodies, but I can’t help imagining she gave into the weird pressure in the USA to look like a blow up doll.

  5. Locke Lamora says:

    How can she feel so comfortable being so vulnerable and exposed in the public eye? I know it’s all for money, but this emotional exposure feels worse to me than the oversharing the Kardashians do.

    • Jayna says:

      She’s selling an album. She’s not out just talking about this for no reason. And it is hard to sell albums anymore, period, much less a 46-year-old pop star. She’s doing what she needs to do, promote her album, which is a personal album.

      The album is about breakup and new love. I get talking about it. That’s what Adele did for 21 about her breakup, talked about the heartache that went into the album and the writing of it in all of her interviews. No different.

      But Gwen repeats the same things over and over in the same way. She needs to try to come at selling the album with new thoughts, not repeating the same thing over and over again. I get that there will always have to be some amount of repetition in doing that in interviews. It happens with movies and actors. But if she’s done this many interviews back to back, she just needed to have not repeated the same thing over and over almost verbatim again in the making of the album.

      • Erinn says:

        I get the shilling- but I just don’t understand why that sells albums haha. Like – why should I care about her divorce? Why should I care that all she does is prance around with Blake and whine about her marriage.

        What happened to Gwen? Because I remember finding her pretty kick ass a while back. Is it that she’s not maturing and I am? Is it that she’s always been this lame and she was covering it up by pretending to be the cool tough girl? She works crazy hard, but she just seems so dull now.

      • M.A.F. says:

        I’ve never liked woman, period. But I will say this, she did have a very distinct style while in No Doubt. I think once she decided to branch out on her solo career she tried to distance her self from No Doubt and was trying to find who she is without the band. Sounds like at 46 she is still trying to figure it out.

  6. Kate says:

    I just don’t understand this whole thing with her and Blake.

    • Bonnie says:

      This is how I feel

      I love Gwen but I don’t trust him. He cheated on his first wife with Miranda and they were rumours that Miranda and Blake were cheating on each other.

      Why would you leave another cheater to date another cheater..

      Also what happens when he wants kids of his own? Will he still stay with her?

      • Jayna says:

        Well, she had a baby a couple of years ago. she must still be fertile . But there are surrogates and others ways to still have a family at the age of 46 for her. My girlfriend had one baby with in vitro and it took successfully the first try. The second was harder as she was several years older. So the second child, because she was 43, she ended up using donor eggs and her husband’s sperm for the in vitro and she carried the baby.

        Although, I agree, he is a man with no children. He wanted to start a family with Miranda and I don’t think she was ready. He’s at that age where I can see that would really be important to him. And if he wants a big family, she is the wrong person for him long-term.

    • Tammy says:

      I can. He is paying attention to her, something her husband never did. Say what you want about Blake but he looks at her with more passion and adoration than Gavin ever did. And she’s 46 years old, I’m going to be 45 and I know what it feels like to feel like I am being upstaged by 20 somethings and women in their 30’s. Colleagues my age date women in their 20’s and 30’s. It annoys me to no end and I have been in a committed relationship for 5 plus years but it still makes me feel like I’ve lost something. Luckily I have other things that validate me but I suspect Gwen doesn’t or feels like she doesn’t. She thought she had something she didn’t.

      • Hallie says:

        Lol but he’s a cheater…
        Maybe he will change for her lmao.

        If her heart gets broken again bet everybody on here will quick to call her ‘unlucky in love’ SMH

      • Katie says:

        But what about when he gets bored?

  7. Jayna says:

    On GMA the filler and botox is ruining her. Can’t she see it? Gwen is so pretty and in phenomenal shape for having had three babies. Her legs on SNL were to die for in that white mini dress. And she is still so pretty IF she didn’t ruin her face with overuse of injectibles.

    Blake is such a down-to-earth guy that I’m surprised he hasn’t had more influence over her as far as telling her she doesn’t need it. He seems like a guy that would say, stop it, Gwen, you don’t need it. I was watching the interview and her face, while not awful, just didn’t have that natural movement and looked so done. Then you see Jennifer Lopez on the View, the same age, mid forties, and her face is glorious because her face looks so fresh and natural..

    • Locke Lamora says:

      If she needs a man to tell her to stop it, now that would be sad.

      • Bonnie says:

        Didn’t she used to wear make up just for Gavin.
        When I read that it exposed how insecure she is despite how pretty and successful she is.

      • Jayna says:

        I didn’t say “a man.” I said Blake, someone she is in a relationship with and close to that would tell her.

        Women and their frozen pillow faces and injectibles seem to not see in the mirror what we see. So who best to tell them than the person closest to her? Yes people surrounding her aren’t telling her. Her fans just tweet she’s beautiful and a goddess. She’s not seeing it. Who do you suggest should tell her? Because she’s not getting it on her own that it isn’t enhancing her looks.

        My friend got addicted to her lip filler, whatever you call it. She did a little and it looked good on her thin lips. Then she went crazy. No one really said anything, including me. I didn’t feel comfortable in telling her because we were friends but not close friends. One day we had lunch and her lips were back looking more normal. She told me her boyfriend told her he thought she looked ridiculous with those blown-up fake lips and she listened. A hard truth that only someone close to her could have said. I then admitted to her I thought it ruined her looks also.

        I think people stop seeing in the mirror what they are doing to their faces and it takes someone close to them telling them they are overdoing it and ruining their good looks.

    • Bonnie says:

      I don’t buy Blake as down to earth. Some of the comments he has made says otherwise imo.

      Her face looks horrific. I can’t believe how much work she has had. I understand it’s Hollywood and the pressures are intense….but she was such a beauty during her No Doubt days. Her face looks plastic and unmovable now. So sad.

      • Kitten says:

        I think Blake is a d*ck myself but JMO.

        She would look a million times better if she toned down the harsh platinum blonde and the caked-on makeup. All it does is make her look older.

  8. mellie says:

    Really, really, really cannot stand her…that face. Ugh.

  9. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I don’t find her especially talented if that song is an example of her work. I also think she is so artificial looking. It ages her and hides her beauty. I guess she’s not for me.

    • Kitten says:

      Her music hasn’t been good in forever IMO. Even when she was younger she was a marginally-talented singer with a great look and a lot of stage presence. She was never a great vocalist.

      I so much agree about her appearance and I just said the same above. When you’re used to dressing kind of funky/edgy it can be hard to gracefully transition into a more mature look. In one sense I totally relate in that I dress way too young for my age. However, I don’t wear much makeup unless I’m going out and I know that the lighting will be dark/dim enough for a more dramatic look.

      That didn’t make any sense.

      What I’m trying to say is that daytime, outdoor lighting and office fluorescent lighting is super-harsh and only serves to emphasize the severity of heavy makeup.

  10. Kate says:

    It’s really time for her to shut up about her divorce. Everyone knows the story now, everyone knows she was wronged, it’s enough now, not to mention kind of weird to be still be talking about it constantly whilst also making a huge show of your new relationship.

    Her older kids will be reading some of this stuff. True of not, it’s fairly messed up to keep harping on about what an asshole your children’s father is in the press.

    • Lilly says:

      This is how I feel. She has been really willing to talk about it which I find odd. She did nothing wrong and Gavin deserves to be baited out but it’s enough now…other celebs like Garner and Aniston were cheated on didn’t harp on about their divorces this much…even if they wanted the sympathy card.

      I also don’t understand how she and Blake can get together so quickly after their divorces. Don’t people sometimes like to be alone and just take time out to find themselves before jumping into bed with a new man/woman…especially when you are 46 and have very small kids.

      • Magnoliarose says:

        Jennifer Aniston? Surely you jest. She made a career out of milking her divorce. Jennifer Garner? Her whole career promotion has been her marriage and kids and now divorce.
        Gwen needs to shut it now but she has in no way reached Jen A’s levels. Not even close.

      • Jayna says:

        Gavin’s cheating was found out in February by Gwen and their marriage imploded. She said it’s the day her life changed forever. She kept it on the downlow for her kids’ sake until everything was in order and dealing with their marriage ending in private without public scrutiny. We the public only hear about the separation of a celebrity when they announce it to us, which was in the summer we heard of it I think regarding Gwen. Most celebs have been long separated and dealing with it privately. She and Blake got together months later.

      • Katherine Harvey says:

        Gwen has major issues. She needs to get help it is so sad to hear her whine and complain anout Gavin and call Miranda stupid. I am glad Miranda is finally happy but blake and Gwen will never be happy because they was cheating with each other before they they were divorces. Let me see Gwens album is this is what it feels like to tell t he TRUTH and Blakes is if ttuth be told. They sound like matching albums. And why would Gwen pay 50,000 to the woman she claims broke up her marriage?

    • Naya says:

      Agreed. Gavin did the betraying but honestly a woman with children doesnt get to do a TSwift on their father. These celebs are always so keen to go on about how motherhood made them less selfish until it comes down to the actual test.

      • Jenny says:

        @ Jayna

        Maybe you think her and Blake are happily ever after….
        I don’t think they will last long term. I think he will break her heart. Surely people should know once a cheat always a cheat. He is a serial womaniser according to many…even Blake fans say this.

        Can’t see him sticking long term with a 46 year old mother of 3 young kids but maybe I’m wrong lol.

      • Jayna says:

        @Jenny, I don’t think they are happily ever after. It would be a sweet ending if it happened. I like the idea of them together. They are cute together. I like Blake, and I feel he loved Miranda and was hurt by the ending. So I think they both found each other at a time they were both in a lot of pain.

        I give Blake credit. He’s a super star in the country music industry and a cross-over star because of the Voice. I would have expected him to be with a 20-something young country music star as a rebound. He is dating a woman seven years older with three children. I actually think that says a lot about him.

        I think they fell in love when both were really hurting and are good for each other. Do I think it will last long-term? I have my doubts because their lives are so different. He wants to ultimately live in Oklahoma. She shares custody of her children in L.A. and is a California girl. The Voice won’t last forever, living a good part of the time in L.A. He wants a family and is at an age where I imagine it’s become more important to him. A lot of men hitting 40 hit that stage ready to start a family. He seems the type that would want a big family. She’s at the end of that stage. I could only see her having one more child, through some means, max.

        If he hurts Gwen, I don’t believe it will be cheating. I believe it will be because eventually it will be what he wants is different than this relationship and it cooled off. I believe he is a good person who will end the relationship honorably with her because I believe he cares deeply about her.

      • Erinn says:

        See, I don’t buy the Blake being super hurt storyline he was trying to sell.

        Well. Actually, I take that back. But I don’t think it was because he was so in love with Miranda – it’s because he feels she made him look like an idiot – his pride was hurt more than anything else.

        He’s always carried on really inappropriately with the young country girls he picked on the voice. Like – if my husband was talking to other women and behaving the way Blake was, he’d have been packing his bags. I don’t think he has a problem with cheating so much as being cheated on. He’s got an ego the size of Texas – and this is coming from someone who really liked him pre-voice.

        At the same time – I think he loved the concept of being married to another country big shot. He probably considered them a power couple, and liked the opportunities that gave them. He got to have the image of the adoring married man, while he got to flirt and possibly cheat on the side with the young hot 20 somethings.

        I think the Gwen thing was more about convenience and image than anything else. Maybe he’s deeply in love with her. But it just screams ‘look at me look at me’.

        And really – I don’t think he’s that great of a person. He’s the kind of guy who admittedly loves running over box turtles on the highway for fun – either pretends to drink entirely too much to appeal to a certain base of fans – or does indeed have a horrible drinking problem, and has no problems with cheating as long as he’s the one coming out on top.

      • Kitten says:

        ITA, Erinn.

      • Tammy says:

        I watch the Voice and you must be seeing something I don’t see. His humor is over the top at times and the jokes about the drinking are getting old but how does he behave with the girls that bother you? He talks to them? A little too flirtatious? Was he not supposed to talk to the girls because he was married? Was he not supposed to flirt because he was married?

        You’re assuming he cheated on Miranda because of how he started with her. No one knows what happened but the two of them. You’re also assuming he did not love her and it was only his pride that spoke when he filed for divorce so quickly.

        Blake tweeted something incredibly stupid when he wrote about running over a box turtle. He stated it was a joke, not that he actually did it or loved it. Was it stupid? Yes. Is he an idiot for thinking that would be funny? Yes. Do I think he abuses animals? No. And this is why… Miranda had quite a few animals that she rescued that lived on his property in Oklahoma. She was often rescuing animals and while Miranda grates on my last nerve, I honestly do not see her marrying a guy that was abusive to animals.

        I also think you’re mistaken about his marriage to Miranda, I think he loved her.

      • ohdear says:

        @Tammy, I agree with all of it. Miranda always said he was a a really happy and social guy, and to some that is flirtatious. He treats the guys the same as he treats the women on the voice and on country music shows. He hugs and kisses his buddies. The stories from the people who are done the voice are that he was really caring and invested.

        As for Blake and Miranda, I think he adored her and I think the two of them had a party lifestyle. Miranda talks about drinking as much as Blake. He’s calmed that talk down completely since they broke up.
        And finally, I don’t think they split because of cheating. I don’t get the sense that was a deal breaker between the two of them, if all the rumours of cheating are true. I think its worse, like Miranda had an abortion.

    • SM says:

      That’s my impression too. She should know better. She has children and she made this very difficult time for them into a self promotion-self pitty party. Everything is about her: her pain, her new love, her dying and her turning this family tradegy into a media circus. She never talks or sings about her children, it’s all about the high school drama for her. If this album is about her truth and how she understands and feels during this stage in her family’s life then I feel sorry for her children. I have a small child and it made me look at my partner in the different way. Now I want my marriage to work and be a happy one not just for me but for my son too. I can see how he sees us both as his family and how we enjoys us being all together. I would imagine that if we broke up I would be as devastaded for my son as for my self if not more.

      Can some journalist ask her about that god damned phone. Why does she always holds it in front of her??? Are we to believe she is constantly facetiming with her new love or what? It is almost as annoying as her plastic face.

      And last but not least. Yes that is acatchy song but it does sound like it was made in 10 minutes

  11. GingerCrunch says:

    Sometimes my only criteria for liking a pop song is if you can dance to it! So this one more than checks that box. Plus, the live video is super-cute. Roller skating?!!! Adorable. It’s classic Gwen, which I have to say I like.

    • Jayna says:

      In the context of the album, this song is a great bop and catchy and light and fun. I liked it a lot more when I got the album. It’s a slight song, but it fits with the bouncy feel of the album.

  12. nemo says:

    I’m soooooooo over her.

  13. Hejhej says:

    What has she done to her face? :O

    I’ve always felt that she is so terribly insecure and that it shines through everything she does. It’s very sad. She is talented and succesful and (was) so naturally beautiful and yet it seems she just cannot see it herself 🙁

  14. Ramona Q. says:

    That song has 5 writer credits according to Wiki, so … no she did not write it in any number of minutes.

  15. Queenie says:

    I’m rooting for her in general because I believe she is a nice person, but dag is she dizzy. She has the intellect of a 12 year old and it’s cringe inducing to like listen to her like talk about like anything n stuff. I tend to think Blake is going to get very bored once he’s healed. … Actually think he already is bored, but stuck due to her fragility and the media circus. His performance the other night seemed to be a moment of clarity. He’s been hiding from his grief in booze and Gwen.

    • Jayna says:

      His performance was fantastic. His rendition of the song was actually better live than the studio recording because there was more rawness to his singing.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yes, the likes were driving me crazy. ..I liked what she said, but the voice and the frequent use of like was quite distracting to me. She sounds like a 20 year old valley girl.

  16. MAC says:

    I didn’t have much respect for her when she was new on the scene -her interviews about being a good religious girl. Get some self respect we do not need to hear about your cheater husband you stayed with through many cheats.

    No thanks.

    • Jess says:

      Well you don’t have to listen to it do you? I know i am not going to. It’s not my kind of music.
      But this is what artists do they write about their life, she’s no different to literally everyone else in music. If you don’t like it just don’t listen. Problem fixed.

  17. M.A.F. says:

    This is not the first time she has gone on and on about a failed relationship. Tragic Kingdom is a break up album about Tony. She went on and on about that until she met Gavin then every album after that was about him (and Tony to a certain degree). This is nothing new.

  18. Jess says:

    I really like her.She just comes across as very sweet on the voice.

    Not a big fan of her music but let’s be real musicians writing about the break up of a relationship is as old as rock music.

  19. Paisley says:

    I like her. Blake had better not break her heart.

  20. prissa says:

    Her hair (not the extensions) looks SO damaged. That’s all I’ve got.

  21. me says:

    I’m sorry but I hate her solo music career. Her songs are so bad. Not only that, but I really can’t stand watching her sing when she pouts her mouth like a little kid. I feel bad for saying this but it’s just how I feel.

  22. Veronica says:

    Of course she’s everywhere – she’s promoting a newly released album! Adele was all over the place when hers came out, too. In a month or so, the hype will wear down, but I’m not going to complain about her hustle just now. Part of her job is selling the record, and that means putting herself out there.

    I’m not surprised the song was written in twenty minutes. Most poetry and music that I’ve written takes about that long when inspiration strikes. It’s the editing and tuning process that takes a long time to iron out, not so much the actual lyrics.

  23. AlmondJoy says:

    Yup, I can tell. My kindergarteners make up songs like this. It’s fun, catchy and pretty basic. Most of her songs are this way… Terribly juvenile but I can’t help but to sing along and then they get stuck in my head for the next week or so.

    Sidenote: this is coming from someone who listens to Kidz Bop on the regular so I would say I’m an authority on cringe-inducing music 😉

  24. Bobo says:

    I cannot comprehend why people think all of that plastic surgery looks better than natural aging.

  25. velourazure says:

    I find it hilarious how she keeps calling her song writing a “gift from God”, as if she woke up one morning and scribbled down a symphony. I’m not sure that rhyming “free” and “see” from one of your journal entries over a pop song 5 other people worked on necessarily qualifies as genius…

  26. sequinedheart says:

    Ok, so I used to love Gwen. She was the coolest chick, I had bleached hair & red lips, my friends would joke and say, today she’s Gwen.
    But this, this is all too much. Sorry Gwensta, I’m done for now. Not only is her harping on about how profound this divorce has been on her and moving forward, I just don’t buy that shes ok with it. She talks too fast for it (her thoughts on the topic) to be believable. Like an anxious “let me get this out quick so they don’t question me on it” type thing. I have anxiety so I can spot it a mile away.. Let me be clear on my point: I feel sorry for her getting a divorce and being treated like shit by her previous husband, I just think its sad and pathetic that she is using it to sell her album and then saying she’s not. Also, (i guess southern bro wouldn’t probably care too much) I would kind of be a bit bummed if I was her new boyfriend and she constantly interviewed about her divorce and then referred to him… you know?
    Thats why god invented therapists! So you can talk it out on a lounge and not on national television. Gimme a Bennifer divorce story any day.
    I worked with a person who met gwen stef a couple of times and they said she was extremely childlike/immature and I’ve never been able to get that out of my head since they mentioned it. Her interviews, it’s obvious. Her not being able to be alone….

    She was so rad back in the day.. wahhhhhh! come back real gwen!

    • Hallie says:

      Wow I’m surprised at that

      I know a few people who have met her and they said she was lovely.

  27. Jenn says:

    Shes being honest and open. I think ts rephreshing. Love her.
    These commenta are harsh- you’re all super secure and wear no makeup? Seriously get over yourselves. If she likes to wear a lot of make up that’s her choice – shes doing it for herself not you! I can’t believe how critical women are of other women….

    • Jayna says:

      I love Gwen. I do wish she would lay off the fillers and botox. Her makeup is her look. I don’t mind it except at times lately she has really overdone her eyebrows.

  28. Ignatius J. Reilly says:

    I haven’t any thoughts or opinions, shallow or deep, on Blake and Gwen – only a single image that pops into my head every single time I read about them:
    What Blake must look like after a good make-out session with her – all of that makeup smeared and mixed all over his face; perhaps a roque, platinum extension stuck to the side of his head. I have variations of what he (and she) must look like. I can’t help it.
    Am I the only one picturing this?!!

    • Sabrina says:

      Hahaha that made me laugh….

      They are such opposites that I can’t even imagine that. As beautiful as Gwen is… I wonder what she looks like when she isn’t fully maked up!

  29. Tig says:

    She was told to scrap half her album by her label for being too personal to her and to go back and add more songs. She ended up writing close to 40 songs, by most accounts, and I imagine that in December, when she had a deadline set to finalize the album, she made the decision to go into writing a relationship-based album. I don’t think she is comfortable talking about Blake and so she is left with only talking about Gavin. It really limits what she can say. She definitely needs to find new ways to say it, but I think part of the problem is that her team decided the market age would be watching these shows and put her on them for promotion. Everyone is being so heavily scrutinized that it seems like she is non-stop, but in her snap-chats (the thing she always has her phone out for) you can see she is really tired of them. It’s great to see her doing things like SNL that show other sides of her personality.

  30. Sara says:

    Omg, the space pants sketch was so funny, I almost died. Peter killed it. I thought Gwen’s performance was awful though. She’s still doing that pouty, baby voice whine she did back when she was in her 20s. Back then it was cute, but I think it’s a little weird now that she’s in her 40s. Her music is still twee and I don’t really dig the sound.

  31. emma says:

    I feel like she could have really really good songs if she maybe just re-wrote some things or thought about her lyrics. Her lyrics can be so cringe-worthy sometimes. Instead she just comes out with ok/good songs. I love her but am not buying this album.