“Simone Biles got a kiss from her crush Zac Efron in Rio” links

Simone Biles got a kiss from Zac Efron in Rio! [Pajiba]
Brazilian authorities are being super-shady about Ryan Lochte. [TMZ]
Britney Spears is coming back to the VMAs this year. [LaineyGossip]
Lady Gaga really is doing A Star Is Born, you guys. [Dlisted]
Why is Chris Pine so gloriously style-dated these days? [Go Fug Yourself]
Lady Gaga will have a new single out… soon. [JustJared]
Scheana Marie Shay was skinny-shamed online. [Reality Tea]
Trump advisor says many unhinged words about Hillary Clinton. [Jezebel]
An Olympian was betrayed by his penis. [The Blemish]
Tom Hiddleston wants his sugar mama to take care of him? [Celebslam]
Karlie Kloss’s travel clothes are confusing. [Moe Jackson]

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27 Responses to ““Simone Biles got a kiss from her crush Zac Efron in Rio” links”

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  1. Susan says:

    Okay, THAT is what I needed to see today. So sweet of Zac to go see those girls and could all of them be any cuter? Thank you for this!

    • V4Real says:

      It was so cute to see them gushing over him.

      I also loved the expression on Zac’s face while he was watching Simone’s floor routine. At the end he said she crushed it.

      I’m surprised the twitter trolls haven’t said anything about Gabby being the only one to not hug him when he walked in the room. Gabby seems like a shy reserved introvert. That’s who she is. I wish people would leave that beautiful remarkable young lady alone and just applaud her for al that she has accomplished..

      • MellyMel says:

        Gabby did give him hug so that’s probably why you haven’t heard anything. She is very shy and didn’t seem to be as excited as the other girls.

      • mayamae says:

        Aly is more reserved, too. I probably would have reacted like Gabby. She seemed a little shy and embarrassed.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        I would have reacted like Gabby too. It must be hard being an introvert in such a public role.

      • Heather says:

        Cute! For all the hard work they put in to amaze the world, I’m glad someone went out of their way to make the US Gymnastic Team’s day.

  2. HeyThere! says:

    I love this! He should feel honored and special!!! Lol Go Simone!!!!

  3. Donna says:

    Awww, that was totally adorable!!
    😊 Zac was sweet to go surprise her!

  4. Mich says:

    Awwwww! Efron just went from “meh” to tops in my book.

  5. OTHER RENEE says:

    So sweet!!!

  6. LolaBones says:

    So all you need to get your celebrity crush attention is win 4 gold medals. Piece of cake, right?

  7. Mary says:

    So cute!!

  8. QQ says:

    So Ya’ll not gonna stop shipping this very young Girl with THEE Zac Efron… LOL I See…. for the Record If I have to send a certified Letter To Her Mama , so Help Me god #NeverOnMyWatch

    • I Choose Me says:

      I ship her with Arthur Nory the Brazilian gymnast she was hugging in some pics I’ve seen.

      Zefron much as I low key heart him, is too messy by half for her.

      • QQ says:

        There it is, All the reasons! exactly what you said, i like him for what he is or whatever but that is the definition of someone who needs to be single for a while and get his life together

  9. MyHiddles says:

    Zac and Simone would make a good-looking couple…just saying.

  10. Nanea says:

    How sweet of Zac to go to Rio to surprise Simone and the team! It looks like they all had a great time.

    I had hoped for Simone to be able to meet her crush somewhere eventually, but this is so much better.

  11. Pinta says:

    Simone can do way better then Zak Efron!

  12. kri says:

    Awwww. Look at her face!! I love all those girls for their amazing work. It is so precious to have our little girls watching young women like these just killing it. So proud of every one of them.

  13. MapleGirl says:

    I just watched Nadia Comaneci on Youtube and I kinda feel sad about what gymanstics has become. Simone, while technically excellent, seems quite robotic and doesn’t have the elegance of gymnasts of the past. Aliya Mustafina is the only one I still see that elegance in.

    • mayamae says:

      I wouldn’t call Simine robotic, but there’s a definite change in women’s gymnastics (as well as figure skating). The routines are so loaded to the gills with flips (and jumps) that there’s no room for artistry and originality. I actually loved the beam routine of the Dutch woman who won gold. So different than anyone else. Modern gymnastics/figure skating seem to only be about cramming in as many highly scored skills and connections as possible. No real transitions or artistry. No story telling. And that’s why no one does an exciting move onto beam anymore. It’s wasted time and high risk. It’s becoming so regimented and cookie cutter. Women’s floor is turning into men’s. Soon they will just quit playing the music.