“Christian Bale thanked Satan for helping him play Dick Cheney” links

Christian Bale thanked Satan for helping him get into character as Dick Cheney in Vice. Checks out. [Towleroad]
A 2010 video shows Drake kissing and fondling a 17-year-old girl. [Dlisted]
Richard Madden is hotter when he speaks & Fiji Water Girl is so dumb. [LaineyGossip]
Reactions to a boring Golden Globes ceremony. [Pajiba]
There was a lot of red & orange at the Globes. [Go Fug Yourself]
Chris Messina as a blonde looks like an ex-boy-bander. [Jezebel]
Kelly Dodd got dumped for the first time ever. [Reality Tea]
Billy Porter wore the best cape to the Globes. [OMG Blog]
Ben Whishaw might be perfect. [Red Carpet Fashion Awards]

76th Annual Golden Globe Awards - 2019 Telecast

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48 Responses to ““Christian Bale thanked Satan for helping him play Dick Cheney” links”

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  1. Kitten says:

    I burst out laughing when I heard the clip on the news this morning. He was so incredible in Vice.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He says he wants to take on Mitch McConnell next. McConnell rarely gets called out for how evil he is so I was shrieking with delight

      • Maya says:

        I am so in for this

      • Natalia says:

        Can’t wait!

        And Dick Cheney doesn’t give one cra– what people think of him, unlike Trump. Trump knows he’s not really in power, but Cheney did ( and still does).

    • SM says:

      Me too @kitten! That was such a beautiful shade.

  2. Mia4s says:

    The fascists at Fox News and Liz Cheney have expressed their outrage. So all I can say in response is…

    Christian Bale for Best Actor at the Oscars!!!!…and the Emmys….and the Tonys…and for Best Album at the Grammys…and a Nobel Prize, etc. 😁

    OMG! I just saw the ratings are down to a four year low! Demo even worse! That’s hideous! Black Panther and all those box office hits nominated and the public shrugged and stayed away. Oops!! The Academy is beyond terrified!!

    • Tiffany says:

      Maybe because they were part of the ‘We Been Knew’ crowd. You watch for the last few years and you already know the outcome.

      • Mia4s says:

        I don’t know what it is, but during the whole “Popular Oscar” debacle:

        Film Twitter: Just nominate films and stars popular with the general public and it will work out!!!

        Golden Globes: *Nominates films and stars popular with the general public*

        General Public: LOL! Nah we’re good thanks. Bye.

        Oscars: Oh sh*t!!

        (Maybe I’ll hang out in my happy place where nominated and rewarding a film like Bohemian Rhapsody directed by an (alleged) sex abuser of underage boys was a bad idea and backfired. 🤷‍♀️)

    • Mia4s says:

      Well the final number looks even with last year, up slightly in demo but down in total viewers…despite a huge NFL game as lead in. No bounce from a lead in like that? Yep. Point holds, that’s bad. The public is not coming back, even for huge films.

  3. abbi says:

    Drake: Gross.

    • Katie Keen says:

      He better get help now before it’s too late.

    • AmunetMaat says:

      Did you actually watch the video? I’m asking because it’s a bit in his show. He asks for an audience member to come on stage, the person volunteers, he does some risque moves. This time he asked her for her age when it was over and when she said 17, he looked aghast when she said that. So not an R Kelly moment. I think he should vet audience members for the bit.

    • Blankscreen says:

      The thing with Milly Bobby Brown is creepy. She says he gives her boy advice. What mid-30s or whatever he is man does that?

  4. Lizzie says:

    chris messina can get it in the morning noon and twice at night. that blonde is doing something to me. he is making it work. he looks like a fuck boi deluxe and i want him to make me cry.

  5. Tiffany says:

    Okay, that speech was pretty great. Dude seems to know how he is perceived in the media ( I don’t think he is super horrible like some people) and played into it with humor. And yes, we still don’t know his children’s names. HA !!!

  6. eto says:

    Billy Porter was everything last night!

  7. Cranberry says:

    That was hilarious. Bale was SPOT ON !!!

  8. lucy2 says:

    Bale’s speech was one of the highlights for me.

  9. Erika says:

    Why is Fiji water girl dumb? She was being funny. Ive6worked these events and it is loooong andboring, despite all the celebrities (you’reliterally not acknowledge at all, except for being asked for water). She was having some harmless fun.

  10. Heather says:

    I always forget how GOOD he is at accents because he sounds so natural in his roles until I hear him speak as “himself.” Then I’m reminded and left in awe again.

  11. Tina says:

    The funny thing is, his real accent sounds almost fake. But he’s so good at accents that if he were faking it, he’d do a better job of it. (If that makes any sense).

    • TheOtherSam says:

      His real accent sounds fake because it actually kinda is. He’s a great actor and I’m enjoying him so much more lately, but he speaks in such an affected “Mockney” style I scratch my head every time I hear him. He’s not from working class London, but grew up middle class in Dorset where he attended posh private school. I’ve heard clips in the past of his late father speaking, in Estuary English – perfectly clipped upper-crusty delivery.

      • Slowsnow says:

        You don’t need to be working class London to talk like this, I know plenty of people with a “good education” that speak like that. Even if their parents don’t. And I personally enjoy the very different accents and ways you can build your persona with them through the people you hang out with, the schools you go to etc. Nowadays most of the kids who are not in very very remote schools tend to talk more or less like this, whith perhaps a more diverse slang.

      • Tina says:

        I agree with Slowsnow. I’d be very surprised if Bale’s father spoke in Estuary English, as it is a fairly recent development. Most posh people of that generation spoke mostly RP. Bale himself is very estuary in his speech, as are many people, including Princes William and Harry. I just meant that his accent sounds a bit exaggerated to me.

  12. Raina says:

    Trump should have thanked Satan during his near empty inaugural speech.
    “Thank you Satan….we’re super super great. You’ve allowed me to become bigly and you’re an amazing person. And your demons are amazing. Even though you’re red and I’m orange, I’m glad we settled our differences.
    You’ve done an amazing job with Hitler.
    I’m not sure if I thank you for Tiffany but hey, who’s perfect.”

  13. Lory says:

    Liz Cheney was upset and on Twitter brought up Bale’s arrest for allegedly assaulting his mother and sister. Thoughts?

    • Molly says:

      She brought that up after the night, when a movie directed by Bryan Singer won Best Drama? Singer even thanked Golden Globes for the honor on his social media.

    • Tophatpinkblazer says:

      Hahaha. Her father has done that kind of thing and far worse and on a far larger scale – and profited mightily from it.

    • Rebecca says:

      I did not know this about Christian Bale. Thank you for bringing it up. I’d say his wife has a good point.

      (Although, lying about weapons of mass destruction so we would go to war in Iraq and then profitting off said war where thousands died is worse, I think. Sounds like something Satan would do.)

    • Natalie S says:

      Bale’s mother is rumored to be somewhat like Thomas Markle (grifter) and I think Christian and his mother were already estranged at that point. They showed up at his hotel room and wouldn’t leave and Christian ended up being arrested for assault. Charges were dismissed for insufficient evidence.

    • ladytron2000 says:

      Liz Cheney should try fact checking instead of trying to throw shade.

      P.S. I imagine it can’t be easy being the daughter of Satan, but come on now, Liz.

      • Blankscreen says:

        Allen Dulles’s daughter came to terms with the reality of her father’s life and role in the scheme of things. His wife and mistress called him “The Shark.” Liz Cheney should get in touch with the daughter to come to terms with things.

  14. Murphy says:

    I don’t like Christian Bale so it frustrates me that he’s such a good actor, he really did a great job as Dick Cheney.

  15. Hmm says:

    I haven’t been paying much attention to this years award movies. But really… Bale as Cheney is weak.. Is he really the best actor this year? Sad. The movie wasn’t that great either.

    The oscars are going to be boring AF!!

  16. tw says:

    I watched Ben Whishaw in London Spy on Netflix last week. The show had some flaws, but he was great!

    • Tina says:

      Ben Whishaw is the BEST (except for one awful play at the Almeida where he played a tech Jesus and I walked out at the interval, it was so bad). Watch The Hour if you haven’t seen it already, he is just superb in that.

    • Tophatpinkblazer says:

      Fantastic actor since way back in Perfume. Saw Mary Poppins Returns and he’s not a bad vocalist. The cast had really awesome character-filled singing voices. Why can’t people dress like that in real life?

  17. Rescue Cat says:

    I’m surprised by this because Vice has received fairly mixed reviews. But the judges do love a good transformation.

  18. Rebecca says:

    For some reason I actually watched the Golden Globes this year. I usually don’t. I too burst out laughing when he thanked Satan. I’m glad I watched. Jeff Bridges and Christan Bale made it totally worth it.

    BTW – I used to live in Laramie Wyoming by the University of Wyoming. Dick Cheney has a library named after him there so he would visit often. The students used to stand outside and play Darth Vader theme music whenever he visited. He’d get pissed every time. Cracked me up.

    • holly hobby says:

      Dick Cheney never had a sense of humor but I find it funny that even he thought the ass in the WH was too much (eye daggers at the Bush funeral).

    • Debby says:

      Oh my god, I can totally imagine that old bastard walking in with the music blasting. How can he not agree that’s absolutely hysterical, even if it’s at his own expense? I remember once watching some interview with Madeleine Albright where she revealed Saddam Hussein had sent her a doll, a witch on a broom to be exact. She thought it was funny. That’s what I call a sense of humor.

    • Rebecca says:

      Sorry. I think I need to correct myself. It is a Dick Cheney Center. It’s not a library. I never went in because anything Dick Cheney makes me nervous.