Julianne Moore loves embarrassing her kids, tells them it helps with her job

Julianne Moore is in Gloria Bell with John Turturro, out this Friday. It looks so cute! The trailer gave me the feels and I am here for this love story. Julianne was on The Late Show this week to promote that film, in which her character frequents dance clubs. She’s also working on a new film directed by her husband, Bart Freundlich. Their 16 year-old daughter, Liv, worked as her on set personal assistant. Julianne and Bart have son Caleb, 21. Julianne told Colbert a cute story about embarrassing her kids and about a time when Liv embarrassed her back. The video is here and I’m including some quotes below.

Are you a trained dancer?
I’m not a dancer I just dance in front of my kids to embarrass them. [I’m a] Dancing in the grocery store dancer because that’s really embarrassing. They go ‘Mom, stop it. Mom.’

Do you enjoy embarrassing your children
Yes of course.

You have to do embarrassing things in public so that you can do anything on camera or on stage
That’s correct and that’s what I say to them. I’m just rehearsing for my life on stage.

She’s doing the film After the Wedding with her husband directing, her daughter is her PA
You never get a moment alone. My daughter is like ‘she’s 10-1.’ I’m like ‘don’t tell them I’m going to the bathroom.’

‘I have to mom. it’s my job.’

After that Julianne talked about Everytown for Gun Safety, with which she’s worked for years. They just passed a gun background check bill in the House! She also mentioned Moms Demand, a group of volunteer lobbyists who work for common sense gun legislation. She said “We can’t keep ourselves safe, we can’t keep our children safe and we’re not responsible parents or citizens unless we do something about this.” She’s so awesome and I can’t wait to see this movie.

As for Julianne embarrassing her kids, I definitely do this to my kid in public but I try not to be embarrassing at his school or on social media. Sometimes I’m embarrassing just by showing up though.


In 2016:

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Photos credit: WENN, Avalon.red and Getty

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14 Responses to “Julianne Moore loves embarrassing her kids, tells them it helps with her job”

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  1. ThatBlackGirl says:

    She seems annoying.

    • Nancy says:

      Right. If she likes to embarrass her kids (or herself), she should continue to wear that purple outfit more often. My eyes! I do think she had the best portrayal of Sarah Palin in Game Change on HBO. More convincing than Tina or anyone else I saw.

  2. anniefannie says:

    I’ve got a good one:
    My sister was in LA w/her crew and went to the Ellen show. It was the week of the Oscars so prior to the show they asked audience members to reenact fav movies scenes.
    My Sister ( who’s game) stood up with her bestie and did the “Harry met Sally” orgasm scene, my sis was Sally and feigned an orgasim and her friend said the “ I’ll have what she’s having!”
    It got a huge laugh and they thought that was that. Later after the show started Ellen rolled out a promo commercial for the Oscars and lo, behold they added that clip of my sister in it as up for best actress. I thought it was hilarious, but she came home to some pissed off teenagers ( she has 4 )
    Not long ago I asked her for the clip and she said it’s been erased from all my social media at my kids direction…

  3. paranormalgirl says:

    I embarrass my spawn. It’s like a sport (but not something done in front of their friends or at their school). Unfortunately, it no longer makes them cringe as they’ve become immune to it.

    • JB says:

      I’ve been trying to embarrass my 17-year-old for years, but it’s impossible. He’s unembarrassable (is that a word?). If I start doing a dorky dance in the grocery store, he’ll break out with an even dorkier one. I even showed his girlfriend his baby pictures! He couldn’t care less. One of these days I’ll get him…

  4. mycomment says:

    at least they’re older and able to knock back.. there’s a disgusting wapo story today about people throwing ‘cheese’ squares onto the faces of their babies, that cover their noses, while the babies are unable to process what’s happening. while the parents laugh and laugh and post it on youtube.
    that lavender outfit is very unfortunate.

  5. Mia LeTendre says:

    Her husband is fine as hell! Holy moly, daddy!

  6. SilentStar says:

    Maybe I’m just a dork like she is, but I think she’s fantastic! I love her style — she does not usually wear things like that purple outfit, so good for her for stepping out and having fun once in awhile. Sounds great that she can have that kind of relationship with her kids. Her family looks adorable.