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9 Responses to “Kimberly Quaid said she had premonition at 9pm that something was wrong”

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  1. Carrie says:

    Thank goodness those babies are ok. As a parent, I can’t even imagine going through what they are.

    The labeling on those vials needs to be radically changed. And the nurses need to slow down and take an extra second to read what they picked up.

  2. MSat says:

    They are so CUTE!!! What a couple of sweeties!

  3. Syko says:

    Adorable babies!

  4. lara says:

    Adorable, adorable adorable. I wanna pinch them.

  5. headache says:

    Because apparently in the constitution it says the only way to get anyone to change anything is to sue them. :insert eye rollie here:

    I’m sorry for what happened to their babies and I could not imagine having to go through that but it wouldn’t be the drug manufacturers I would be going after. And though I might have thought about suing the nurse who administered the dose, what I would probably do if I had the kind of cash Quaid has tucked away would finance an ad campaign to raise awareness of the issue as well as hit the talk show circuit to make more people aware of how easy it is to make a fatal error when you don’t take the time to read the label.

  6. mollination says:

    That thing about the blood made my stomach turn. I can’t imagine having to see that.

    God, FIVE miscarriages and then this?!?!? It’s like the cosmos dont want this woman to have a child. How strange.

  7. Scott F says:

    Headache: I agree we’re FAR too litigious in this country, but they have a really good reason for suing.

    We had this EXACT problem in Indiana a few years back, and more than 4 children payed with their lives. When the story broke here, the manufacturer admitted it wasn’t the first time either. Anyone wanna explain to me why this problem wasn’t fixed after this happened the first time? Dead children is not an acceptable ‘mistake’ to make twice.

  8. Suzy says:

    The Quaid Foundation mission statement is online. I think the reson why they are suing the drug co. is fully explained. The drug co. did not recall the “old stock” of Heparin even though babies died in Indiana. And more babies might die if they don’t recall it. Evidently we cannot control human error with the alike vials.

    The Quaids may not be suing the hospital because who knows what medical help their babies might need in future? Two of the three surviving babies in Indiana have grave problems and need continual surgery and care. Hope the Quaid babies are really okay. Bless them.

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