“The new Miss USA already has a pole dancing scandal” links


F-CK, was the new Miss USA a pole dancer? Not really, but she did win a pole dancing contest. So… SCANDAL! [LimeLife][Gawker]
Betty White + Tracy Morgan = pregnancy. [Dlisted]
Charlize in hot-pants, looking really good. [A Socialite Life]
Evan Rachel Wood & Marilyn Manson: The Movie? [Agent Bedhead]
Transvestite attempts Naomi Campbell, ends up Tina Turner? [Bossip]
Liev Schreiber & Naomi with their boys. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Rest in Peace, Ronnie James Dio. [PopEater]
Letters to Juliet, reviewed by Bedhead. [Pajiba]
Mischa Barton got a job as a model! [ICYDK]
I have no idea who Arianny Celeste is, or what she‘s doing. [The Blemish]
Sparkles cut his hair. [LaineyGossip]
Elsa Pataky still doesn‘t feel bad about dumping Adrian Brody. [Celebslam]
Do you want to see Miranda Kerr‘s nipples? [Yeeah]
Jenny McCarthy has a creepy-looking rebound dude. [Evil Beet]

Miss Michigan Rima Fakih is crowned Miss USA 2010

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32 Responses to ““The new Miss USA already has a pole dancing scandal” links”

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  1. lena says:

    well…at least she has some clothes on

  2. eternalcanadian says:

    Could be worse, she could be naked. Not impressed anyway. o_O

  3. Jess says:

    Wow, that didn’t take long. Leave the girl alone.

  4. Paula says:

    I would not be surprised if this woman got death threats from outraged Islamist fundies.

  5. bellaluna says:

    In this day & age, isn’t it evidence of her ability to do the job? I mean, EVERYONE has some sort of pole dancing/sex video/naked tape out there somewhere, right? Why not just make a requirement for the job? Then the “scandal” element would be removed when it inevitably comes out!

  6. Ron says:

    Oh for god’s sake. I won a pole dancing contest at a night club in Vegas once! I mean who cares??? Why is it that anyone who wins a beauty contest is supposed to be chaste when it’s a sex sells contest to begin with? Please.

  7. Karen says:

    Besides, we’re talking about Miss USA, not Miss America where even if a contestant is photographed tying her shoelace next to a pole, she’ll have her crown taken away.

    As beautiful as this Miss USA is (and please, dear, eat several slices of pizza STAT!!), Donald is wetting himself at how quickly it took for someone to find “dirt” to post on his new beauty queen. I’m no pageant girl but even I have several photos and video of myself pole dancing. Not for pay (unfortunately!) but due to the popularity of pole dancing as a bachelorette party ritual.

    Yawn…wake me up when she’s grinding on another woman, Verne Troyer, a chimpanzee and Larry King. Until then, she’s just another girl enjoying her youth!

  8. danielle says:

    Those are some short shorts.

  9. original kate says:

    is “skank” is one of the prerequisites for being miss USA?

  10. Shane says:


    I wouldn’t be surprised if she got death threats from far right christians either for being a Muslim Miss USA. She gets it from both sides in the crazy religious debate!

  11. Oi says:

    And bring on the manufactured controversy.

  12. Jess says:

    Verne Troyer….LOVE IT!!

  13. freckles says:

    She’s beautiful! Who cares if she won a pole dancing contest… she’s wearing shorts and a t-shirt lmao.

    My favorite part of this links page:
    “Do you want to see Miranda Kerr’s nipples? [Yeeah]”

  14. ligeia says:

    she’s more naked in these contest pictures posted on missamerica website. clearly some people are just trying to dig up dirt on her because they’re not happy that a non white woman won.

  15. oxa says:

    Who cares if she aint in a porn movie its ok.

  16. Oi says:

    Seriously ligeia? The only reason to scandalize a beauty queen is because she’s not white? Explain that to Carrie Prejean.

  17. Paula says:

    “I wouldn’t be surprised if she got death threats from far right christians either for being a Muslim Miss USA. She gets it from both sides in the crazy religious debate!”

    As detestable as Christian fundies are, they cannot be equated with Islamist fundies, whose religious leaders issue fatwas condemning others to death. If Andres Serrano had submerged a Quran instead of a Crucifix into a glass of urine, I don’t think he’d be alive today.

  18. ming says:

    A Miss USA without a ‘scandal’ just wouldnt be right!

    Who cares if she pole danced?

  19. Jenny says:

    what about those extremist Christians who murders abortion doctors? Or shit being covered up by the catholic church? There are crazies everywhere. But we (the western society) are usually so quick to just singel that out as “a few crazy whackos” where as when it comes to them (in this case muslims) each case serves as an exemple of an entire religion.
    And while it’s quite natural to think like that, it’s also very Nazi germany. (I’m not comparing you to Hitler, just so you know, I’m just saying that the way muslims are being threated by todays western media is pretty similar to how jews were shown in the early days of Hitler)
    Wow, it’s 3AM and I’m writing a novel about political correctness. Coffe will be my death…

  20. GatsbyGal says:

    Ronnie James Dio… ):

  21. Laura says:

    Maybe if the standards for these poor girls weren’t so ridiculous, they wouldn’t get so much scandal.

  22. Beth says:

    I can’t believe this is a scandal and she may get her crown taken away. How can this be a consideration when the pageant has all of the contestants in their underwear on their website? At least she is wearing clothes and it’s just a contest, not a job.

  23. Lady Nightshade says:

    She is wearing more clothes pole dancing than in the swimsuit competition, why is one okay but not the other?

  24. Leticia says:

    Paula is right.

  25. ligeia says:

    oi: no it’s not just because a beauty queen is non white. her being a non white muslim is just what pissed some people off in this particular case. just like carrie prejan being against gay marriage is what got people mad at her and prompted all the dirt digging.

  26. EMV says:

    P.S. she celebrates both…Christian and Islamic holidays. She has not come out as either….Not all arabs are Muslim….especially those who fled from Lebanon.

  27. sousou says:

    C’mon! she’s not muslim! End of the story!

  28. Paula says:

    “And while it’s quite natural to think like that, it’s also very Nazi germany. “

    When writing future PC novels during predawn hours, please try to avoid invoking Godwin’s Law.

  29. Jane says:


  30. telesma says:

    Oh, please. Pole dancing in a tank top and shorts, OMG, call the virtue police. The wingnuts are just up in arms because she’s of middle eastern descent. Get back to me when nudie pics or a sex tape turn up.

  31. Vajayjay says:

    I love to pole dance for fitness. I hate to explain myself that Im not a stripper/doing it to make men/women drool. Pole dancing is awesome. Pole dancing does not = skank.

  32. I have to say that ever since I started pole dancing I feel so much stronger 🙂 Not only that but I have lost over 40 lbs in a year. Who knew it could be such a great workout?