Cameron Diaz changes her tune on whether she’s afraid of commitment

Cameron Diaz has a new interview with Parade Magazine and I really like the way she says she approaches relationships: with honesty, trust and commitment. Cameron told Ellen DeGeneres in 2006, when she was dating Justin Timberlake, that she was a “commitment phobe” and didn’t want to get married. Now that she’s been dating Alex Rodriguez for a couple of months she’s all about commitment and says she’s not afraid of it. 38 year-old Diaz can even see herself getting married. Whether she’ll marry a womanizing divorced sports star with kids remains to be seen.

“I believe in happily ever after. I didn’t get it from a book; a princess didn’t act it out for me. But I definitely have a happily ever after. Somebody asked me, ‘How come you’re always so smiley?’ I’m like, ‘Duh, because I’m grateful for everything that I have.’ I’m in love with life. It puts a smile on my face and in my heart,” Diaz says.

Cameron Diaz got a kick out of making Fiona even more feisty in Shrek Forever After, which marks the conclusion of the hugely successful animated fairy tale. The green ogress, who’s raising a family with her giant hubby, is facing a struggle to keep her marriage together, but she hasn’t lost her own identity. For Diaz, that’s what is important in life.

Cameron says, “Fiona has always been about ‘this is who I am, and I’m not going to change’ ever since becoming her true Ogre self. I connected with that spirit from the very beginning because I think that’s the way to live. I’ve definitely always been strong-willed. You have to believe in yourself.”

When it comes to the opposite sex.
“I think that the rules in relationships are: no tricks, honesty, communication, treat people the way you want to be treated, unconditional love. Those are the things that I think are important. But, you know, rules are made to be broken.”

Not worried about finding long-term love.
“I am a romantic. I love romance. I’m not afraid of commitment. I commit to everything I’m doing and I am hopelessly loyal. But I hate predicting the future, I really do, because you just don’t know. I can’t even make up my mind what I’m going to do this weekend.”’s Jeanne Wolf found out what Diaz has in mind if she does take a walk down the aisle.

How about just eloping?
“The mystique and the romance of a big wedding are lost on me. I don’t think that I could ever do something that extravagant. I am not much of a planner. I would probably make the phone call twenty minutes before the bus leaves for the chapel and ask if anyone is available to come. That’s probably how my wedding is going to end up.”

[From Parade]

I’m not a huge Cameron Diaz fan, but I like the way she explains herself. Does A-Rod have everything to do with her change of heart or is it more down to the fact that four years have passed? A lot can change in that time. Cam has spoken openly about how she’s indifferent to whether or not she has a child, so she’s probably not clamoring to get pregnant before it’s too late. Maybe she’s really into Alex and thinks he’s the one. I’m sure Kate Hudson felt the same way.

Here’s Cameron at the Shrek Forever After premiere Sunday. She’s rocking a tight red dress and looks gorgeous.

Photo credit: Apega/

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16 Responses to “Cameron Diaz changes her tune on whether she’s afraid of commitment”

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  1. Chelly says:

    Shes so fug. Like Kate Hudson she has NO shape boobs or butt….just a flat face w a flate body.

  2. Just a Poster says:

    ahh Cammy is growing up! Good for her!

  3. e says:

    First Lindsay and then A-Rod? I just can’t take it. I was trying to eat.

    What do women see in A-Rod? He is such a dorky douche which pretty much makes all the women he dates dorky douches by association.

    I guess I was giving them too much credit.

  4. Karen says:

    @Chelly – I recall the Seventeen magazing cover featuring the wide smile of Cammy D and wondered how on Earth that girl became a model. She has totally grown on me over the years but it makes me sad to read comments about her “NO shape boobs or butt”. We pick on women when they get implants, injectable fillers, etc and we also pick on women who are slim and without curves.

    Call her fug if you feel she really is but I do wish we would stop insulting the natural hips (or no hips) of another woman.

    Regarding whether or not Cammy has changed her mind due to A-Rod…who knows. But I’m the same age as her and I completely agree with not having any desire for a big wedding.

  5. onyx says:

    oy veh! sounds like a recipe for disaster: mix one cup full of egocentrical, aging airhead + philandering spoiled “ballthrower”, add a dash of arrogance, sprinkle with oblivion and tada!== a match made in disaster heaven. Bon Appetite!

  6. Lisa says:

    I think she is adorable. There really seems to be a lot of unnecessary criticism going on in the world these days.

  7. Maritza says:

    She has a lovely personality, I like people who seem always happy, it’s contagious which is good. She seems to be a loyal friend too.

  8. Ally says:

    Scary. If they get married, she’ll have to have a centaur painting in every room. And then he’ll cheat on her with some bodybuilder chick.

  9. Taya says:

    Of course Diaz wants a commitment now. She is getting close to 40, so ya..she wants to get married now before she is is not considered a catch and her biological clock runs out.

  10. Chelly says:

    Not that there’s a lot of “unnecessary criticism going on in the world these days” it’s simply that these women r in the pubic eye so for whatever UNNECESSARY reason they’re made into these “sex symbols” and the oohing and aahing for them begin where as I just DO NOT c it. Just cuz ur thin does NOT make u neither cute or sexy be it in the face, the boobs, the butt…whatever. If u dont got it u dont got it. She had it at 1 time…then just as quickly lost it. Simple.

  11. Alexa says:

    Ya – I’m not getting the A-Rod fascination either . . . wtf????

  12. canadianchick says:

    I like Cammy-sigh,I wish I looked that good in red. A-rod gives me the heeby-jeebys, I think she can do better.

  13. Hautie says:

    Didn’t her relationship with Matt Dillon end when he wouldn’t marry her.

    And the same Timberlake. Then there was that model that Jennifer Aniston had before Cameron…

    She has been trying to get married for the last 15 years without much success.

    And I hate to think she is placing her money on Alex R. as the one to marry her.

    Cameron has always seem nice enough. Has not done any public crazy things to make me wonder about her state of mind. But she does not seem to have much luck with the men she chooses.

  14. Ann says:

    I like her “look”. She’s not some overprocessed Barbie. She’s a much better actress than she’s given credit for.

    As for the people picking on her looks. I think it’s time to be less harsh on women. It’s rare to see people trash a man for his looks and they always use really low standards for men. A 50 year old man who’s 40 pounds overweight is considered still “hot”. Whereas the tiniest flaw on a woman is obsessively pointed out and overblown.

    It’s time for women to stop participating in this bullshit that undermines all women.

  15. Emily says:

    Chelly, just because she doesn’t have curves doesn’t make her fugly! I think she’s cute, although she’s a bit too skinny for me-I much prefer girls who have boobs and a butt.

  16. Camille says:

    I think she has realised that she is nearing 40 and has had something of a change of heart/rethink and doesn’t want to end up ‘alone’. Thats what it seems like anyway. I don’t see this chick giving two figs about having kids though. And thats ok too.