ITW: Jesse James is moving Sunny to Austin to be closer to Sandra Bullock


The ongoing Sandra Bullock-Jesse James saga takes another In Touch Weekly cover this week. In Touch hasn’t released what I’m guessing will be a vague cover story about how Sandra Bullock is probably trying to adopt a sister for little Louie. My guess is that she very well might have more adoption feelers out there, just because I doubt she was only working with one agency, don’t you think? Anyway, In Touch did release an interesting little story to us about Jesse James – In Touch’s source claims that Jesse is “basically dangling Sunny like a carrot in front of Sandy, knowing she loves her and won’t be able to stay away.” Oh, and Jesse is moving Sunny to Austin now so they can both be closer to Sandra?

Sandra Bullock may have filed divorce papers, but that hasn’t stopped Jesse James from getting a home near Sandra’s in Austin. Though Jesse has owned a garage there “for years,” a source says, “Jesse is claiming that he needs to tend to that business now.”

Additionally, Jesse is currently battling for custody of Sunny with his ex-wife Janine Lindemulder.

“His attorney has filed a declaration saying he’s moving to Austin with Sunny,” says a source close to Jesse. “He’s stating it like it’s a done deal.”

The source says that Jesse is uprooting Sunny, taking her away from her half-siblings and sending her to a new school — all to get closer to Sandra.

“He’s basically dangling Sunny like a carrot in front of Sandy, knowing she loves her and won’t be able to stay away,” the source explains.

[From In Touch Weekly]

Does this sound like Jesse? I mean, the manipulation part sounds like him, just the opinion of what kind of doucheball he is. But here’s a question – does Jesse really want to reconcile with Sandra that badly? I think he’d probably like to get back with her (because she’s awesome), but I doubt he’s really interested in putting that much effort into it. Like, moving to Austin? Doubling down on the custody battle with his ex when he takes their daughter out of state? Eh. I think Jesse is too lazy for that. He’s probably some big talker, “Oh, I’m going to follow you to Austin, I’m moving to New Orleans, we’re going to do everything together!” And meanwhile, he’s still boning neo-Nazis.

Jesse James Takes The Girls To School!

Jesse James Takes The Girls To School!

In Touch Weekly cover courtesy of ITW.

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28 Responses to “ITW: Jesse James is moving Sunny to Austin to be closer to Sandra Bullock”

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  1. K-MAC says:

    GAWD! He is such a freak! He is so not even close to discovering who he is and why he does what he does. He wants to make everyone feel sorry for him and think that he is okay. Maybe he ought to spend a lot of time with himself and a solid counselor and group and do some serious work on himself because he is a mess.

  2. ogechi says:

    Do whatever it takes to take your woman back.

  3. I know this sounds awful, but I hope they get back together. He seems like he is a sad troubled man who really screwed up. I can’t believe I am saying this, but maybe it’s because they seemed so happy and they kids really loved her. I feel bad for the kids and Sandra. That baby was really a blessing because I am sure it’s the only thing helping her heal.

  4. YT says:

    InTouch is on Sandra’s no-no list, so they feel the need to continue coming up with something. Something doesn’t ring true about separating Sunny from her brother and sister, giving up custody of the older two if he leaves them in L.A. I think it’s a speculation story.

    Has anyone ever done a study on the percentage of true stories in tabloids?

  5. Raven says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he is trying to do this. I doubt he gets too far on moving Sunny, though. In terms of custody, he used to be able to make his ex-wife look bad because he was in a solid
    marriage. All the crap all over the internet, though, makes him look as bad as her. Doubt Sunny’s mother will lose whatever custody arrangements she has now and she may even get more.

  6. Just a Poster says:

    People do have the power to change, if they want to.

    I buy that he is moving, but I don’t buy she is is bringing another baby so soon.

    I guess InTouch wants her to be the next Angie?!

  7. maritza says:

    At some point Sunny’s mother will get out of jail and want the custody back then Sandra will have to get used to not having Sunny around. She should raise her baby and future babies by herself, she doesn’t need Jesse for nothing.

  8. bite me says:

    i didn’t know that sandy and angie were into child trafficking

  9. Ann says:

    That’s typical for a guy who juggles several woman. He’s a manipulative control freak who thinks of himself as the one in charge. Since Bullock made her own decisions, he tries to stalk her and manipulate her because if anyone ends the relationship, it’s him, anything else he won’t accept. He’s sorry about the $$$$ and Hollywood connections he’s lost.

    Creep. He’s a real POS.

  10. melbe says:

    What a manipulative, awful man who is without a scintilla of class. She is so much better off without him.

  11. Scarlet Vixen says:

    She may be looking into the adoption process again, knowing that it’ll probably take years to adopt another one (reports said it took her 4 years to get Louis). So, I don’t think she’s planning on bringing home a new baby next week or anything.

    And for the record I hope they DON’T get back together. I don’t care if he’s ‘so sorry’ and getting ‘therapy’ and all the rest of that crap. What’s done is done. He showed such complete and utter disregard for anyone but himself, forgetting his children, his wife, his business, etc. etc. He deserves to be alone wallowing in his own misery for a long, long time. He’s old enough to get over his ‘issues’ and keep his dick in his pants for the sake of his family. Class A douche.

  12. snowball says:

    Jesse has full custody already. Sunny’s mom has been bitching about suing him for joint custody now, but says she’s broke. Some states let you leave when you want if you have full custody if you give notice to the other parent, some make you go through the courts.

    If it took 4 years for Sandra (and that asshole) to reach the point where they were able to bring Louis home, then she may be closer than that when it comes to adopting a second one? I don’t know, I haven’t gone through the process, but I’d imagine it’d be easier the second time around.

    She’s got a load of crap on her plate right now, there’s no way she’d adopt again so soon.

  13. lucy2 says:

    I don’t believe most of this, but I don’t put anything past this guy.

    I can’t really fathom the idea of her taking him back but who knows. I hope they can be friendly and work together when it comes to the kids, but I don’t see how she could ever trust him again. I think it’s possible to forgive and care about someone, but to accept that the relationship they had is no more and never will be again.

  14. Cinderella says:

    Don’t fall for it, Sandy!

  15. Carrie says:

    It’s very common to work with more than one adoption agency at a time, especially if you can afford to do so. My guess is that she will want her son to have a sibling, so she’s probably keeping her profile active with the various adoption agencies so that she stays on “the lists”.

    Louis is only a few months old, and she’s been doing it without a nanny so far- I can’t imagine she is looking to add another infant so soon!

  16. sharylmj says:

    I believe he’s moving the kids closer to Sandy… and she might be looking into adoption because of how long it takes just like # 11 and # 12 said. Those kids seem to be really close to Sandy so, I’m sure she would love to be able to see them – on her terms – as much as possible, which would be easier if they lived by her.

  17. bellaluna says:

    As a woman whose (now ex) husband cheated, I can tell you that having children is a driving force in recovering from the devastation and deception of a cheating husband. If you don’t have children, you can stay in bed all day with some Ben & Jerry’s and feel sorry for yourself. When you have children, you have to get up and take care of them, stabilise them, and then you can cry yourself to sleep at night after they’re asleep. But you have no choice but to move forward.

  18. UrbanRube says:

    I’m guessing he’s moving to Austin hoping there are fewer paparazzi for awhile.

  19. Dana M says:

    I love seeing Sandra around Austin. I love her Austin restaurant too!! I don’t want to see Jessie James around here and I doubt fellow austinites will either. Pls go somewhere else!!! Far far away please.

  20. Brenda Donovan says:

    I’m so sick of stupid speculation by press people who are probably making money by the word or paragraph.

    What gives the press the right to put ignorant guesses and judgments out there that hurt children and their families? What, do you get by the rude comment or snide remark or something?

  21. JuneBug says:

    He is a very troubled man.

    I am sure Sandra gave her whole self to him. She was so committed to him and his children. She truly, truly loved them; it’s evident.

    And he really screwed up. And now he’s manipulating to try to get her back. His comment about Sunny being the age he was when his dad broke his arm — such self pity. He said that to get her to feel sorry for him.

    Been there, done that. It’s a losing situation. I hope she just goes on with her life because I have a feeling he would screw up again.

  22. Lway says:

    He is such a piece of shit!

  23. Whatever says:

    I gasped when I read the headline, but then I saw the source. Doubt it. What about the older kids? I don’t think they want to be dragged out of high school half way across the country so their dad can follow a woman who does not want him. Plus, he has custody/visitation arrangements with two mothers and judges aren’t big on moving far away for no good reason.

    I do believe he would use the little girl as leverage. He seems the type. He needs to just go away.

  24. ChinaCat says:

    Sandra recently had lunch with Sunny… maybe the girl wants to be closer to Sandra. Heaven knows she’s probably been the best, most stable influence in that poor girl’s life.

  25. NFLmama says:

    Sandra ain’t taking him back. Maybe if he’s a good boy she’ll let him change the oil on her car. Otherwise he serves no purpose for her now. He didn’t even give her a kid. Kinda wonder what did she see in him or is there another side to SB.

  26. Robert says:

    That Nazi needs to back the eff off already. Get a clue you Nazi. Stop trying to force your child onto someone else. Sandra just adopted a child. She has her hands full. Stop depending on her to be a parent to your child and take care of your own child.

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