Fame hasn’t changed Kellan Lutz, says Kellan Lutz


These are photos of a newly-brunette Kellan Lutz at a Calvin Klein event over the weekend. I hate his new hair color. It brings out the “serial killer” in his creepy eyes. I also think he’s a f-cking cheeseball for posing like that – and I understand that he’s the official crotch of Calvin Klein and all that, but still. Gross.

Anyway, it seems that much to my dismay, Kellan Lutz is famous. So Kellan Lutz says, although Kellan Lutz will be the first to tell you that fame hasn’t changed Kellan Lutz. Yes, he talks about himself in the third-person, saying that fame “hasn’t really changed my life as Kellan outside of acting.” DOUCHE.

On the action in Eclipse: “You read these books and you can’t wait to do some of the cool stuff. For myself, I read all four of the Twilight books as soon as I could and then I was so excited to get to Eclipse. You never know if you are going to make it that far. It’s up to the fans if they want to see the sequel, or see the second book, on the big screen. I’m just glad we made it this far. I love my character. I love this franchise.”

On what’s changed since Twilight took over the world: “You know it’s really funny because … It hasn’t really changed my life as Kellan outside of acting. I still hang out with my dogs. I still go to the same places and shop. It’s funny, maybe I have to make sure I’m wearing the same color socks or the same shoes or I don’t look like a bum … But really the only thing that has changed is the fans are great, we have more fans.”

On planning his career out: “Careers do change and unfold differently. Especially now as it’s very saturated where you have to be choosy, and can’t just take it for the money. You really have to be smart. You have to know who is directing it and who you’re working with. It’s all about longevity. You need to play it smart, just like any job.”

[Excerpts from Da Man, courtesy of Just Jared Jr.]

To hear Kellan Lutz tell it, Kellan Lutz is more famous than any other sparkly vampire out there, but Kellan Lutz isn’t going to let it get to Kellan Lutz’s head. Don’t hate the player, even if he is named Kellan Lutz, says Kellan Lutz. Seriously, the absolute worst aspect of the Twilight phenomenon is not sparkly vampires or Kristen Stewart’s International Tour of Rolled Eyes, Lip-Biting Angst, it’s the fact that these minor actors, supporting players now think they’re enormous stars. Kellan and Ashley Greene – I wish I didn’t know their names because I wish they would just settle down and stop trying to convince me of how famous they are.


Photos of Kellan at a Calvin Klein event on June 19, 2010. Credit: WENN. Pics from Da Man courtesy of Just Jared.

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23 Responses to “Fame hasn’t changed Kellan Lutz, says Kellan Lutz”

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  1. embertine says:


    There really is no other word.

  2. KJ says:

    Yea that hair looks BAD. Did he do that himself with a box of dye he got a walgreens? Way too harsh.

    Also – yes, serial killer eyes indeed.

  3. Leek says:

    I don’t get the appeal with this guy. His hair color wouldn’t matter anyway because he is just simply unattractive in my opinion.

  4. OMJ says:

    I prefer the term douchehole. He’s too insignificant to be the whole nozzle.

  5. Schanuzers!!! says:

    LOL I think he’s cute. You want to see serial killer eyes? Check out Joran Van Der Sloot….
    In some poses Kellan Lutz has them, but some he doesn’t. He’s mostly a cutie.
    As for his attitude, well, he’s a young hot guy who got swept up in fame. At least he’s not on drugs. 🙂

  6. Katalina76 says:

    Is it just me, or does the pic from the cover of that magazine make him look like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber???

  7. serena says:

    He could be a douche, but he’s so hot that I forgive him.

  8. mr. stinky fishface says:

    personally I like the term “douchecanoe” and actually I like his hair darker, not that dark but it looks much better than that yellow crap he had on his head.

  9. Beck says:

    His hair looks absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, it definitely looks like he did it himself. He needs to go back to his natural hair color, whatever it is.

    Kellan probably thinks the dark color makes Kellan’s eyes pop! (I can imagine him saying that.)

  10. Snarf says:

    Talking about oneself in the third person is a often a sign of insanity. Julius Ceasar, Napoleon, Whitney Houston, Paula Abdul…

  11. Sarah says:

    I think he’s got sexy eyes.

  12. serena says:

    @Beck: the dark color makes Kellan’s eyes pop – well that’s true indeed XD

  13. J.D.M.J. says:

    Talking about oneself in the third person is a often a sign of insanity. Julius Ceasar, Napoleon, Whitney Houston, Paula Abdul…
    LOL!!! Too funny!

  14. padiddle says:

    First of all, of course fame hasn’t changed him, that’s because you have to have the fame part first. Seriously, I don’t think too many people would know who “kellan lutz” is – I mean, my bf had to ask me who he was the other day, and I only know from reading these sites.
    Second, the referring to yourself in the third person thing always makes me think of “Jimmy” from Seinfeld.

  15. Rachel says:

    Umm, did I miss something? Kaiser, methinks you’re being a little too harsh on the boy. It didn’t even really sound to me like he was refering to himself in the thrid person. It was a question about Twilight, and it seemed to me that maybe he was just trying to make a distinction between himself and his character because we all know Twihards are crazy and probably think he IS Emmett and probably CALL him Emmett when they see him.

  16. Riley says:

    His interview is kind of reminiscent of Sarah Palin’s interview with Katie Couric in that he sounds like he is trying to piece together all of the sound bites that people have told him to use but he can’t remember what lines go where, especially in the second question. What he says about the fans is just weird and out of place. He reminds me a Myrtle Beach Frat Boy circa 1999. In other words, not much difference between him and the Situation.

  17. thegoodrain says:

    This guy tries way too hard. I’m embarassed for him every time I see a new photoshoot with him. He’s always one step away from licking his own nipple.


  18. Boombeeba says:

    I’ve seen sooo many gay pornstars bottoms & tops that have his “look” lol I really think he missed his calling

  19. Bam Bam says:

    I don’t get the anger and dissing of this guy, he’s hot and popular, even if he doesn’t have a huge part in the movies. Did this guy do something to deserve this?

  20. Liana says:

    but how does Kellan Lutz feel about all of this?

  21. gen says:

    There’s been 2 Twilight movies so far, right? I’ve seen em both, I don’t remember this guy in them. Who the heck is he!?!?

  22. Moocowhead says:

    He looks like a serial killer, I got this impression before I read this so it must be true!

  23. Karen says:

    @Catalina – YES, I see it too! Hee hee!