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9 Responses to “Are Evangeline Lilly and Dominic Monaghan back together?”

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  1. Bodhi says:

    I love Dominic! I always called him the spare Hobbit on LOST & was beyond sad when Charlie died. I can’t stand the character of “Kate”, but I like Evangeline alot. I hope they get back together.

    Does her name amke anyone else bust out into the song by Matthew Sweet?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dom Monaghan is hysterical, if you’ve ever watched the commentaries/behind the scenes on the Lord of the Rings DVDs. Plus he’s really cute, if not in the typical hollywood style.

  3. cici says:

    i hate to say it but this couple always freaks me out when i see them photographed. they’re like the tiniest couple in the world, and she’s more of a brute than he is. that just always looks so wrong to me. plus i’m of the mind that if you’re that short/small, you probaly shouldn’t bulk up as much as she does.

  4. I choose me says:

    I actually think he’s pretty cute. Conventional good-looks can be boring and sometimes its not about looks but countenance and personality.

  5. Jez says:

    awwwwwwwww… can these two get married already?

  6. Lili says:

    I like him alot but I can’t stand her she’s such a bigheaded b*tch!

  7. Boo says:

    BaM!! Yeah… they’ll break up

  8. smillyj says:

    o my god they are te cutiest cupple i have ever seen in my entire life i really want them 2 get 2gether again!!!!!

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