Drew Barrymore: “Puppies & daisies don’t accomplish anything. That’s not me at all”


Drew Barrymore is the cover girl for the August issue of Elle Magazine (American). The cover shoot is pretty, but it brings to mind a question I always regarding Drew – how do you prefer your Drew? Do you like her when she’s trying to sexy and sultry, do you like her when she’s trying to be a fashion queen, or do you prefer your Drew down-home, with a flower in her hair, in jeans and a t-shirt. I have to admit, down-home Drew is my favorite. It’s her natural state, and I think she looks so pretty when she’s not all jacked up, trying to be the next Nicole Kidman (thank God). This Elle shoot seems like she’s trying to be a sultry fashionista, and… well, sometimes she falls flat when she’s doing that. I do like the black-and-white shots, though (below).

Anyway, the biggest piece of news from this interview is probably that Drew isn’t totally against plastic surgery. She’s also still trying to explain the nervous breakdown (-ish) that she had after making Grey Gardens. The Elle piece is online, but here you go:

On taking stock of where she is now: “For three years straight, I’ve been burning the candle at both ends, and as of last December, I just didn’t have anything left. I’ve been so aggressive about living life to the fullest and being plugged into everything, but now I’ve ripped the plug out of the wall and put it on the floor for a while. I’m thinking about the same things as when I was 15, about spirituality and who I am, who I want to be. It’s cocoon, pupa, larva, and f-ck, I’m reborn!”

On the media’s misconceptions of her: “I make movies. I have a passion. Puppies and daisies don’t accomplish anything. That’s not me at all.”

On being single: “If you’re 35 and single and it’s a choice, it feels fine. So I didn’t settle with the wrong person yet. Big deal!”

On her upcoming role in Going the Distance: “I like that it’s not a traditional romantic comedy, with the story line of, ‘Oh, I slept with this guy, but when I woke up, I found out he’s the CEO of my company, and we’re going to live happily ever after once we go through all these crazy perils. I talk shit with my girlfriends. And it can get dirty.”

On why she’s not afraid to get older: “I don’t want to be vain or fearful, and I don’t think I’ll do anything [in terms of plastic surgery], but if I want to do something, I will. From my perspective, there’s no reason to be afraid of aging, because if you age, you’re lucky! The alternative is death.”

On child stardom: “I was raised in unique and trying environments, but they were also amazing platforms for me to have an extraordinary life. Going through hell as a kid made me sensitive to what others in this world go through too.”

[From Elle]

Okay, the quote, “I make movies. I have a passion. Puppies and daisies don’t accomplish anything. That’s not me at all” is really funny to me, because about five, six years ago, you could only get Drew to talk about puppies and daisies. That notion of her – flower child, animal lover, space cadet – came from some place, you know? It came from Drew. I get that she’s grown as an artist and that’s not her ANYMORE, but she acts like the media just created that image of her out of nowhere.



Photos courtesy of Elle Magazine.

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42 Responses to “Drew Barrymore: “Puppies & daisies don’t accomplish anything. That’s not me at all””

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  1. Eileen Yover says:

    Now this is a girl who turned herself around and really got her sh!t together. She’s adorable-I like her “au natural” as well. But I guess for the industry to take her seriously, she has to be versatile too.

  2. denise says:

    My favorite Drew is ET Drew.


  3. snowball says:

    I still don’t think Drew knows what she wants to be when she grows up, which is fine, if every couple of years she didn’t come out with another interview saying that THIS time, she really, really knows who she is.

    I like her in less makeup, less vampy without the heels and attitude.

  4. Brooke says:

    eh, I remember that when I found her the most beautiful, she was modeling for Guess jeans back in the day and then did Poison Ivy – so I guess I prefer her sultry. honestly, whatever persona she chooses feels like a contrivance so what difference does it make? I get the feeling that there isn’t very much “there” there if you know what I mean. Not that I dislike her, she’s just a cadet.

  5. Ogechi says:

    LOVE her! And i hope u know Drew that u don’t need surgery. You look great and pretty-don’t mess wt your face please.

  6. Lisa S says:

    She needs to realize that she may be trying to discover who she is for many years to come. That could have a lot to do with her unstable upbringing, but it also could not. She has done very well for herself professionally, no doubt. I have read that she is well respected in Hollywood, not just for her acting, but for producing, directing, etc.

  7. Linda says:

    What in the F is wrong with puppies and daisies? RU kidding me?

  8. original kate says:

    i love drew…she seems to be in control of her life and i think she is a good comedic actress. she’s also a great example of a washed up child star who was spiraling down, went through rehab and got her shit together and had a major comeback. maybe lohan could learn a thing or two from drew.

  9. Riley says:

    I’ve always loved Drew. She is a pieces like me. I think it is great that she was able to gain control of her life and her addicitons, focus her goals, and making something very successful of her life. The Barrymore clan is such a great American dynasty, and I think it is cool that my generation has one of their own to admire. Now do I watch Drew Barrymore movies? No way. I really don’t think she is a very good actress but she is a very cool chick…

  10. WednesdayGirl says:

    I effin’ love Drew Barrymore. She seems to be a well rounded actress and just has a great attitude that you just don’t see around Hollywood anymore.

    I like her anyway how she dresses, though I do prefer her more natural easygoing look.

    I really hope she decides against plastic surgery. Though I’m sure she wouldn’t go to the extremes Heidi Spencer and Megan Fox have gotten done to their face.

    Drew Barrymore has a natural beauty and it would be a shame for her to lose that.

  11. Gwen says:

    I love Drew. She’s successful, she’s naturally gorgeous looking (please don’t have any surgery!) and she’s talented. Plus, she’s been through hell and it made her stronger and smarter. Watch and learn, Lohan clan.

  12. Strawberry says:

    Single? I thought she was with that Mac commercial guy..

  13. gen says:

    Seriously, what’s wrong with puppies & daisies?!?! And her production comany is called something Daisies! (someone help me out with the name)
    Also, she’s been married like 2 or 3 times & she’s in a relationship now, so what is she talking about not settling & being single? I’m not a hater of her at all, but talk about contradictions.

  14. Kevin says:

    She’s getting a Dell Dude!!

  15. Sumodo1 says:

    Oh, goody! She dumped the Mac commercial guy. She was slumming, fer sher.

  16. Kaiser says:

    Gen – Flower Films. That’s her production company.

  17. OC lady says:

    I’ve always been a fan of hers. I thought her last film, Whip it, was entertaining. I guess I’m the only one, as it didn’t make any money. I have to wonder why it didn’t, while other terrible films out there do well? I hated He’s Not Into You, but it made money. I don’t get it.

  18. Maggie Grace says:

    I also have a fondness for DB that I can’t quite explain. I always thought she’d make an amazing little sister, or something.

  19. benny says:

    I like her, she seems funny and the kind of person you’d like to hang out with. I think she’s a good example of how people can turn their lives around, even major stoners (Lindsy Lohan should take lessons) and have a successful career.

    I would like to point out that she did have some plastic surgery done, at least a breast reduction/lift. You can see pics of her before. I don’t say it to criticise her because like I said, I like her and she has every right to have surgery (I’m pro-choice about most decisions), but women should not think celebrities all look like this naturally. It’s unfair to women. I think we’d all be hard-pressed to find celebrities who DON’T have work done. I don’t begrudge them the work, because that’s what actresses have to do to stay employed (be attractive, above all else). But the rest of the women in America shouldn’t be thinking all that beauty is “natural” either.

  20. girl says:

    >>So I didn’t settle with the wrong person yet. Big deal!<<

    Umm, hasn’t she been married and divorced a couple of times?

    That aside, I generally like her. I think she looks much better here than in those cosmetics commercials she does. And she seems like a very likeable person.

  21. Jeri says:

    She goes from one persona to another, which is fine, that is Drew, she may never be happy or she may always be happy. That’s how confusing she is and she gets off on it.

  22. kim says:

    going thru hell as a kid?? oh brother. Living on the streets, selling your body because your moms a crack head, being beaten daily = a bad childhood. If everyone with not very present mothers cried we had a bad childhood we’d all be in therapy!

    Drew obviously has unresolved issues with her childhood but to claim she went thru hell – plleasse. Going to Hollywood parties and starring in hit movies at age 9, being given thousads of opportunities on silver platter from her rich and famous godfather isnt a hellish childhood.

    And Drew has had plastic sugery. She has her breasts done. I guess because she didnt have them made bigger she doesnt consider this plastic surgery??

    She has become entitled like most celebs who got famous at young age. Shame

  23. Morgs says:


    So her pain doesn’t qualify? A messed up childhood is a messed up childhood.

    Feel free to rip into me, but you sound naive.

  24. masonwasp says:

    Kim, being a child of an addict is shit, no matter how wealthy you are. If you don’t feel safe or loved in your own home, it stays with you.

    Also, I don’t know many people who don’t have childhood issues to work out. Lucky you for having a good one.

  25. mr. stinky fishface says:

    She is my total girl crush.

  26. OC lady says:

    @Kim. She didn’t have one decent parent. Her father could care less about her, and her mother used her. She put her to work when she was just 2 years old! Then, she leached off of her money and fame when she made it. Drew cut ties with her mother and reached out to her father, but she said neither relationship was good.

    I can’t imagine going through life w/out one decent parent? Look at Gary Coleman–he never really recovered after his parents used him and took his money. Otherwise, you basically have to be your own parent or find a strong support group, and many people are incapable of that. So, I admire her for finding her own way.

  27. Harper says:

    There could be so much more to her childhood than we know so I believe her when she says it was hell.
    I like my Drew daisyfied.

  28. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Right Kim, because being an alcoholic at age 11 is an absolute riot.

  29. Shawna says:

    She did a great spread for Vogue a couple of falls ago…maybe 2006? She wore these fairy-tale ball gowns. I loved it and even saved a photo for wedding inspiration. So I guess my answer is High Fashion Drew FTW.

  30. I Choose Me says:

    Love her, always have. One of my first ever girl-crushes.

  31. Liana says:

    I would like to point out that she did have some plastic surgery done, at least a breast reduction/lift.

    She had a breast reduction because her breasts caused her pain and discomfort. So did Soleil Moon Frye (Punky Brewster). That is often considered plastic surgery for medical reasons, not truly cosmetic in nature.

  32. Mia says:

    This photo shoot doesn’t capture her at all.

    Drew’s more of a personality than you see here. They’re trying to shove her into the boring fashion/edgy/I can do porn mold. Fake edgy bores me. How edgy is it to copycat the last edgy hipster over and over.

    I’m so happy that our girl Drews’s too good for that. They should fire the talentless one note photog who did this shoot, and couldn’t film a real star’s true luminescence.

  33. Lem says:

    I adore her. Granola Drew is my fav. mascara commercial Drew my least.
    These particular photos don’t suit her. But we all like to play dress up now & again OR (if not Drew’s idea) the shoot stylist should be canned
    Y’all have covered-she settled with the wrong guy a bunch of times already. Puppies and daisies define her. Go ahead and break your mold Drew. Puppies love unconditionally, they won’t mind and neither will we.

  34. Lem says:

    @ Mia oops. didn’t mean to copy your post, lol, great minds and all that

    what is on her wrist?

  35. lucy2 says:

    She does come off a bit flighty still, and the puppies and daisies persona was of her own making. But…I really like her. I admire how she turned her life around and has really made something of herself, and I like the variety of work she’s been doing.
    I liked Whip It too, it was a good rainy day DVD.

  36. juiceinla says:

    Bravo Drew, for forging a path fraught with a lifetime of landmines. Even when she stumbles, she shows an innate common sense and kindness that ultimately prevails…

    I love that she is so grounded and great about being single at 35. I think a lot of 30-something single women find a certain strength and peace once they hit 35, and really begin to enjoy their lives and accomplishments. I know I did.

    Love Drew in any incarnation!

  37. Isa says:

    There was a blind item about an actress having the fat sucked out of her face to make it less babyish. I thought it was her and she does look great. But she’s also lost weight it seems…so maybe that’s why.

  38. Crash2GO2 says:

    “If you’re 35 and single and it’s a choice, it feels fine. So I didn’t settle with the wrong person yet. Big deal!”

    Hahahaha! Too bad no one will take that one to heart. Because it is so true.

  39. Kimberly says:

    have her playboy.

    thought I should take good care of it, so I put it up.

  40. machiavelli says:

    She is a good business woman, it seems. Her fake little girl way of talking, annoys the heck out of me.

  41. bite me says:

    really Drew you didn’t settle for the wrong person, haven’t this twit been married like three times, STFU drew

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