Jon Stewart debuts his new silver-white goatee on ‘The Daily Show’


SQUEE! The Daily Show finally came back last night after what felt like a month-long holiday (I think it was actually two weeks). Jon Stewart and his crew were happily back to ripping everybody a new a–hole, but something had changed: Jon’s face! While on vacation, Jon grew out his facial hair. He now has a lovely silver-white goatee! I’m not sure how I feel about it, honestly. I liked his boyish face (with the grey-silver hair) before, and doesn’t the silver goatee seem to age him?

Jon tried to pass off his facial hair in his opening… and then he dipped the thing in Fluffer! I love this man.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Jon’s White Beard
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Was it just me, or did his goatee seem to permanently thicken after the Fluffer incident? Like, all of a sudden it was a brilliant white! Ah, Fluffer. I’d like a Fluffer and Jon Stewart sandwich, any day of the week.

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39 Responses to “Jon Stewart debuts his new silver-white goatee on ‘The Daily Show’”

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  1. CandyKay says:

    Check out the Wikipedia entry for “Dutch Masters Cigars”. Stewart looks impressively similar to the Dutch Master on the left.

  2. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    Can’t stand him.

  3. Team Bethenny says:

    He’s always been adorable, but going gray these past few years has definitely launched him into the Sex-ay! category.

  4. bros says:

    I dont see how anyone can ‘not stand him.’ the show is categorically recognized as brilliant by all except people who watch faux news. and studies have shown that people who watch his show are actually more informed on news and current events than those who dont (countering the idea that its a bunch of 18-35 young folks who dont consume news). in order to get his ‘riffing’ on current events and politics, you have to have already consumed the news.

  5. Tess says:

    Unlike the so-called “mainstream media”, Stewart occassionally asks our liberal elite rulers snarkily probing questions.

    So for that occassional breach of socially acceptable behavior, he’s okay by me.

  6. Disco says:

    Love, love, LOVE him.

  7. bubbs says:

    he rocks

  8. irishserra says:

    Definitely a fan. I’m 100 percent with Bros on this.

  9. Kolby says:


  10. Nicky says:

    Love him but GOD he almost looks like douchey Jesse James!!! SCARY. I truely believed it was another Jesse “boring” post when I saw the photo before reading the title. I would not mind normally but in this case I say SHAVE! This is disturbing. I do not want that connection in my mind.

  11. coconut says:

    i wish he’d grow out his his luxurious wavy hair.

  12. Team Bethenny says:

    Nicky, I made that mental connection too…and it was scary. As sexy as a goatee is, if it makes a guy resemble JJ, he should get out the razor.

  13. Nicky says:

    haha Bethenny! Especially if it IS someone you apreciate it really makes it harder. Thanks for the comment.

  14. GatsbyGal says:

    I agree with Coconut, he needs to grow out his hair a little bit, now. He’d look so debonair!

  15. bellaluna says:

    Love. Him. And how sad is it that we get more accurate news from The Daily Show and the Colbert Report (on Comedy Central, no less!) than on the “news” channels?

  16. fugly says:

    what 3.) 4.), 5.), 6.), 7.), 8.), & 15.) said. mmm-hmmm.

  17. Andrea says:

    I read several of the news sites on the Internet, as well as the main articles of a couple of big papers in order to keep up. I use the Daily Show as a way to be entertained. I certainly wouldn’t use it to get my news. Dear Lord, that’s like using the SNL weekend update as your news source.

  18. Fae says:

    I love a beard on a man, but I think he looks better without too.

    Either way though, I most definitely would.

  19. TaylorB says:

    Hmmmmm. I guess I understood that the term ‘fluffer’ meant something else, while it could produce a white beard, it isn’t really PG enough even for cable.

  20. MaiGirl says:

    I love the beard, and normally, I am not a fan of facial hair. There is something ironic about it that actually makes him look younger, though you can’t tell from the screencap here. It just works, somehow.

  21. MaiGirl says:

    Also, I agree that longer hair would be nice. I saw an old stand-up special he did in the ’90’s with a glossy wavy mane. He was a-scorchin’ my teevee screen! 😀

  22. K says:

    Mmmm… Fluffer and Stewart sandwich…

  23. kelbear says:

    Mom mom has the biggest crush on him so when I see him on tv that’s all I think about.

  24. xxodettexx says:

    quick thought:

    LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!

    okay, back to article…

  25. Cory says:

    He’s good but his show has sexist employment practices. So ultimately he’s just the same old same old late night boys club and it’s hard to respect him. Especially when he relies so much on female viewers.

  26. di butler says:

    I still miss John Stewart of the 90s. When he was hilarious and edgy. The Daily Show is not edgy. It’s basically mainstream news dissected into clips. Occasionally it’s funny.

  27. juiceinla says:

    Jon Stewart is the second seksiest man alive. That. Is. All.

    I was so thrilled to have the Daily Show back last night, I may have squealed.

  28. Jen says:

    I wish he’d shave it off, he’s so much hotter without it. Oh T.V. boyfriend, bad move. Bad move.

  29. Obvious says:

    take it or leave it he is one sexay man. not just in looks, but he is highly intelligent and hysterical that totally ups his hottness factor.

  30. LILO-donotpassgo-donotcollect200$ says:

    @bros – WELL SAID!

  31. lucy2 says:

    Agree with bros and bellaluna.

    I see far more informed and hard hitting questions from Stewart and Colbert than most other “real” news sources. I also like that they’ve become media watchdogs, especially since many news organizations tailor the information to better play along with their narrative, intentionally misinforming the viewers. It’s sad.

  32. becca says:


    Yup, that’s pretty much what has happened. And Stewart can absolutely do hard hitting interviews: check out his epic slam of Kramer of msnbc fame. Oh dear god that was beyond epic. Not to mention his occasional parodying of Glen Beck that just oh so happens to hit the nail on the head every. Single. Time.

    A lot of people were worried that the Daily Show wouldn’t be quite so funny after Bush left the White House – nope! He slams on both sides mercilessly, as one in his spot should do. The best examples come from anything having to do with Congress. (He’s got a great segment called “Jacka** Carousel referring to the ineptitude of Congress).

  33. Eden says:

    His comedic timing is so spot on and brilliant that his smallest facial expression can be laugh out loud hilarious and I think he is totally sexy.
    I love that he is able to carry on a non defensive, intelligent conversation with someone who has opposing views to his without attacking or resorting to idiocy.
    He genuinely seems curious about others views while having strong and clear opinions of his own & like Becca said above, he is an equal opportunity political slammer…it’s so honest. I LOVE him and the show…

    Does anyone else think that the tan and facial hair could be to take notice off of a little bit of tweaking that he may have had done during his 2 week break?
    Nothing extreme but after watching the show he does look very refreshed and they tell you that after you get work done you should change something about your appearance so that people can see you look different but attribute it to something obvious and not injections or surgery..

  34. aury says:

    dude, when i first saw the picture, i thought it looked like he had dipped his chin in powdered sugar. turns out it was fluff. lol

  35. Peach says:

    lahv, lahv, lahv.
    I want his laahhv.

  36. Spring says:

    LOVE him.
    LOATHE that beard.

    Oh please oh please when will he shave it off. Is it just to balance the universe since Brad fiiiiiiinally shaved his?!

  37. RaraAvis says:

    He can do no wrong in my book. His show is hilarious and his commentary spot-on. He highlights authors – people who write real books – and tears a new one for the phoneys and users. I hope his show outlives me by one day.

  38. mojoman says:

    Sorry, not digging it. He looks like Kenny Rogers (pre-surgery).

  39. BamaGuy says:

    I love Jon Stewart, and his facial hair is hot. He is right up there with Tim Gunn amongst my favorite American men. Jon is brilliant and handsome. If only he were gay too…