I’m probably aging myself, but I’ll cop to remembering the first few seasons of Rosanne, and I also remember identifying with Sara Gilbert’s character Darlene. Darlene was smart and a little weird and she was often overshadowed by her older, prettier sister. She was pretty much the classic middle child – but that wasn’t what I identified with. I liked that she seemed different, and that it seemed okay. Since then, I’ve seen her on various shows – like as a rape victim struggling with PTSD on Law & Order: SVU – and I’ve always had a moment of “What ever happened to…?” Well, as it turns out, Sara Gilbert has been living a quiet life with her lesbian partner and their two kids. Sara spoke openly for the first time about being a lesbian while she sat down to promote her new talk show panel, based on The View, called The Talk.
This is no shocker, but Roseanne alum Sara Gilbert is officially a lesbian, it was revealed today at Television Critics Association summer press tour in Los Angeles. Gilbert’s sexuality was, for all intents and purposes, previously an open secret, like it is with so many other celebrities in Hollywood. (I’m not at liberty to publish names, but make a few guesses yourself — you probably won’t be wrong). In years past, publicists would ask that stories about Gilbert’s two children kindly didn’t mention her partner.
But hark! Today, Gilbert sat on a panel to talk about the new mother-rific riff on The View — called The Talk — that she’s executive producing and co-hosting with Julie Chen, Leah Remini, Holly Robinson Peete, Sharon Osbourne, and Marissa Jaret Winokur, and she mostly didn’t sidestep the subject. When asked if she thought it’d be easier to be out in a talk show forum rather than as a character on a scripted show, Gilbert said, “This is a whole new world for me,” and added later, “I’m not an expert on this, or I don’t analyze these things. I’m just sort of living my life. I plan to put my heart and soul into this show, and I plan to continue acting, and I don’t think it will be a problem.” Being out, that is. “I don’t ever really think of things as out or in,” Gilbert said today. “I just think I am who I am, and when topics come up that are appropriate, I’ll talk about them and share when it seems right.”
To that, I say: Bravo to Gilbert! It was a tad strange when, last week, CBS sent out the press release about the new talk show and mentioned the husbands of the rest of the hosts, but only mentioned Gilbert’s children. Gilbert cleared up why there was no mention of her girlfriend, Allison Adler, a television producer. That decision to omit Allison, Gilbert explained, “came from me. CBS would write whatever I wanted.” And she added: “I’ve been acting my whole life, and I’ve never really discussed my personal life. This is a talk show” — one focusing on motherhood and parenting, no less, which she does with someone else. “So obviously,” she continued, “I’m going to be discussing my life more, and I felt that the first place I wanted to do it wasn’t in a CBS press release. It just seemed impersonal, and I felt like I’d rather come in person and talk to you about all that stuff here.” Classy move, truly.
Gilbert shared her pet peeve about Allison — specifically, that she’s taller and looks better in clothes because of it. And there’s lots more to come in that regard, judging by the candid format of this new show. I’m excited to hear more about the way Sara and Allison raise their two adorable children, mostly because they seem like good ladies and great representatives of lesbian moms everywhere. Does the news that Sara is officially out as a lesbian shock you? Will the fact that Sara loves the ladies make you tune in — or tune out — of The Talk?
[From Entertainment Weekly]
This isn’t quite as late an exit from the glass closet as Meredith Baxter, who publicly came out at the age of 62, but it’s still interesting, to me at least. I know I’ve gotten in trouble for talking sh-t about people like Anderson Cooper, but I really do feel that it’s every gay person’s right to choose the time and place in which they “come out.” My problem comes when they lie about it, or when everything becomes about the wink and the nod. Sara Gilbert wasn’t really famous enough to give a million interviews where she’s had to pretend that she’s straight – her glass closet seems more about the occasional omission rather than outright lies. But it’s good to see her come out and talk about it. Good for her!
Though she is a smart woman, she has never been pretty. I don’t ever remember looking at her and thinking beautiful…or even cute. And she has the thinnest lips i’ve ever seen!
Ah well.
Good on her. I really don’t care – I liked her on 24 and Roseanne.
ITA that it’s a person’s right to come out when and where they choose – no one has the right to force the issue. Although, on gossip sites, we do rather have fun speculating.
That’s cool, she looks happy. She was my fave on Roseanne.
I think that she was the FIRST emo or goth chick that I ever saw, so I am with you Kaiser, she was totally different and interesting in her time.
She’s also Laura Ingalls little sister in real life (now that’s aging me).I loved how caustic Darlene was at 13 I am happy for her.
Maybe she hasn’t talked about it in an interview before but I already knew she had a partner and kids. It wasn’t a secret – not even an open one.
For some reason I thought she was already out. But yes, good for her.
Ah, Sara Gilbert, my first ever girl crush (back in the Roseanne days).
Lovely to hear she’s all loved up with a couple of bairns.
I didn’t know, but I’m not surprised. Good for her for letting her freak flag fly – life’s usually more fun when you feel you can!
“My problem comes when they lie about it”
Why though? People lie to themselves and about themselves all the time. I know saying this on a site like Celebitchy is completely hypocritical of me, but really, it’s no one’s business if they lie or not. They don’t owe the public anything, they’re not elected officials.
Wait, she can’t be a lesbian, I just learned from daytime TeeVee (evidently the last bastion of sage advice) that only old, lonely women with no sex drive, who can’t land a man ‘choose’ to be lesbians.
Well that is quite a conundrum. 😉
Well, good for her.
Not surprised, as you say, many are quietly living their lives.
What does surpise me is a gay woman and a Scientologist on the same panel.
I always liked her. I didnt know about her being gay but it doesnt surprise me either.
I think she’s a great actress, doubt Ill get to see this new show but she’s definitely interesting. I hope this new talk show blows The View off the air.
You guys have to understand, Ellen was not allowed to show her sexuality on a sit com even like 7 years later. I even though at the time: Damn: Why do people push their sexual prefereces in our faceses?? I think I understand a little bit more, but I still don’t like sexuality in the face. I don’t like Mel Gibsons, is what I am trying to say.
I was just wondering what happened to her the other day! Sarah Gilbert is awesome. As the babysitter Bart falls in love with, she is one of my favourite Simpsons’ celebrity guest-voices EVER. “Sorry Jimbo, you aren’t the man I thought you were.” LOL. Hope she gets some more work.
Mistral- do you watch the Big Bang Theory? She’s on that from time to time, being as thoroughly awesome as ever. Essentially Darlene the Physicist!
She grew up in Hollywood, and despite that, she always seemed down to earth and nice. She was great on Roseanne!
Someone recently offered to lend me Season One on DVD. I guess I’ll take them up on the offer :).
It’s funny how, when a straight actress stays out of the limelight and doesn’t discuss her family, we applaud her for being “lowkey”. When a lesbian does the same, we accuse her of being “ashamed”.
She was great on Rosanne! I glad she’s happy and living her life out in the open.
She came out as a lesbian years ago. No, it was not an open secret, it was well known because she said she was.
But wow she looks old to be just 35.
To my knowledge she has never really be closeted or didn’t talk about her partner and their family. I have known for years that she and Alison Adler (Family Guy) have been partners and have children. Sara also graduated Ivy League, Yale or Harvard can’t remember, and she is still really close friends with Leo DiCaprio.
I thought it was common knowledge too. I guess this is the first time she’s officially confirmed it. I always liked her on Roseanne, and it sounds like she’s very happy in her life, so that’s great.
I won’t be watching that show though – the panelists seem better than the View lunatics, but I can’t stand Sharon Osbourne and for some reason I REALLY can’t stand Leah Remini, going all the way back to her Saved by the Bell summer season!
I thought she was already out too, I’ve accepted that she was a lesbian for years. I’m glad she’s managing a quiet life with people she loves.
Wow, has she aged…she really looks awful in these pics, almost like she should play a wicked witch in a kids’ movie…and I hate saying that because I like Sarah Gilbert.
She used to be kind of chunky about 10 years ago…she looks much different now than in “High Fidelity,” where I thought she really looked cute. I also liked the movie “Poison Ivy,” trashy as it was.
I have to admit, I never had a crush on her when she was on “Roseanne”…but I had a big crush on Lecy Goranson, who played (the first) Becky.
LOVED her as Darlene. I knew she was gay also. She never made a big deal out it.
@Melanie: I think I understand a little bit more, but I still don’t like sexuality in the face.
Are you referring to discussing gay/lesbian life, issues, etc? Or homosexual love scenes on TV? I guess either way, I don’t understand what’s troublesome about any of it. Heterosexuality is shoved in everyone’s face all day every day. Because it’s ‘normal’? Hogwash. Some people are gay, some people aren’t. If people accepted the fact that not everyone is like them, then maybe it wouldn’t be so offensive to see two men or two women kissing, or hear about gay issues in an open forum.
She has aged. Children’ll do that.
it’s not a big deal.
is it a big deal if someone is hetro?
same difference.
The concept of “coming out” always bothered me.
Coming out of what?
Someone’s sexuality should be a non issue, plain a simple.
I thought she came out a long time ago.
She has guest spots on Big Bang Theory, so she’s still acting—-and with Johnny Galecki (sp?) who played her boyfriend on Roseanne! Hilarious show, btw.
Rosanne was cutting edge television. The writing was great in that it gave wit and intelligence to blue collar family. Sara was great in the show. I’m looking forward to the new talk show. I think Sara is interesting looking, and to me at least, that translates into attractive.
Gilbert never made a secret of her lesbianism; she’s been photographed with her partner and children. She was AMAZING on Roseanne. And to those who keep talking about how THEY think she look…dang, folks.
waitaminit was she only unofficially gay before?
She has really pretty eyes. I wish her and her partner the best.
Chelly and others..I think she looks lovely, especially in the first photo.
She has awesome hair.
Also, I am sure that she was already out…trying to remember when/where I had heard it before.
Not that it matters, of course.
@TaylorB: {{chuckles from me}} thanks, loving the snark from you lately!!
why do you people care how she’s aged or what she looks like??? ya’ll sit here and talk smack about how some famous people look way overdone!!! i hate the overdone look way more than the natural look. i’ll never have the money for plastic surgery so i’m just gonna have to age naturally and hopefully gracefully. i’m glad my face doesn’t look all jacked up and fake. i like sarah’s natural look. makes her more relatible.
GAH! Another View type show!?
I thought she came out like 10 years ago. I know she went to events with her kids and partner and blogs/tabloids say they were a couple. Also she was on ER for about a year a few years ago. She didn’t drop out of show business.
You mean people DIDN’T know she is a lesbian? She’s been out for years. Love her.
I could have sworn this was already common knowledge to the general public. She was dating another female actor can’t remember her name.
I read about her being gay years ago & there was an article somewhere when (at least one of) her children were born. She just doesn’t make a big deal out of it. Good for her, she seems happy.
Good point on the people defending her on her looks and age…I agree with Alecto comment 39.
I think she looks fine and normal, not all plastic barbie with her face sucked back in or poofy fake lips. She doesn’t seem cocky or full of herself, so that makes her a beautiful person inside. She seems like a good person and a good mother. People shouldn’t always have to reveal if they are “gay” or not, it’s their business and their tale to tell. Some stuff is just personal and secretive and it’s up to someone whether they want to share it or not. But if they don’t, people will get mad anyway, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Why should they have to justify themselves to anyone who shouldn’t matter to them? I always liked her on Roseanne, she was the coolest.
@buckley. Yep.
This “coming out” crap. I’ll be glad when (hopefully in my lifetime) announcing that you’re attracted to someone of the same sex stops being referred to as coming out of some sort of dark, secretive space.
Anderson Cooper doesn’t have to tell anyone he’s gay. Why the hell is it anyone’s business and who cares who he sticks his dick in? Unless it’s you, I don’t see why it matters. It’s not an area of national security and before anyone starts in on this, “well, it would do the community all this good,” why is it his responsibility? And if he’s a hypocrite? Uh, so?
I’m glad Sara’s happy. I didn’t think her sexual preference was any secret anyway, but she seemed like a nice, grounded person and it’s always a good thing to hear when genuinely nice people are in happy relationships.
I thought this was already “official.” I’ve known forever and I don’t follow information about her.
I think it is important for ‘normals’ like her to come out because it really sticks the knife into homophobes’ cosy view of gayness as something ‘eccentric’, irresponsible people do, as is so heavily suggested (still) by the media. Kool.
Coolest teen on tv! I thought she was already out, this is so not surprising ‘news’.
As long as people feel the need to comment on someone being gay (or not), then there will be reasons for people to keep it quiet.
Chelly – as yours was the very first comment, I can’t help remembering it. Just wondering why you thought your comment was worthwhile. Sara didn’t just come out to tell us that she’s going to be in some beauty pageants and/or doing a pictorial for Playboy. Commenting on a woman’s appearance, especially when it’s a negative comment and is not at all prompted by the individual, really depresses me. Especially coming from another female. If we can’t build one another up, at least let’s not tear each other apart.
She’s always had a masculine lesbian vibe. Nothing wrong with that. Good for her!!
I think she was ‘in the closet’ to the same extent as say, Jodie Foster. Everyone knew, and since there was no fanfare to go with it, the wheels kept turning. I’ve seen pictures of her with her girlfriend while heavily pregnant so it’s just another day, another dollar.
I love her. She was hilarious on Roseanne! I’m glad she doesn’t lie about being gay – I really have a problem with people flat out lying and denying, it really diminishes their character, not to mention their professional image. Because the truth will come out eventually anyway.
She is a wonderfull actress. Good for her!
Not a surprise!
She and her partner seem like a very happy strong couple.
She has been out since she had her baby. This is nothing new. What is the big deal anyway. Live and let live.
I knew she was a lez years ago. I am one so maybe that’s why I know… I thought everyone knew.
Chelly – how shallow are you! Far out!
Am I the only one who saw the thumbnail photo of SG on their phone and thought, “Awww, look at Dixie Carter! Her family must be doing something to honor her legacy, in light of her recent death.” (Okay, I admit i also wondered if something scandalous came out @ how she died since that was sort of a mystery.) Anybody? Yeah- totally thought it was vintage DC upon first glance.
Anyway, rock on, Sarah Gilbert with your awesome lesbian self! Anyone who played caustic, sardonic Darlene Tanner (??) has my respect. Darlene was one of the great sarcastic teenagers on TV.
I thought she already came out….along time ago.
So no, I wouldn’t necessarily say heterosexuality is “normal” but it is normative: most people are hetero. So I do understand the desire to publicly come out. Dealing with all the speculation and questions must be a real PITA.
On the other hand, I do look forward to people seeing it as pretty much a non-issue. Like handedness (left or right).
Judging from the pictures I’ve seen of her with her children, I think as far as mothering, I’m probably more in her camp:)
Really, women in Hollywood can’t win. Women can’t win, full stop. Sarah obviously doesn’t botox or go in for surgeries, and so commenters say ew, looking old and haggard! Sarah looks her age; that’s what thirty five looks like. I’m tired of seeing people bitch that actresses won’t age gracefully and in the same breath, blast the few who actually do let nature take its course for having wrinkles.
I honestly do not see what the hell is so interesting about someones sexuality. Why is it “fascinating” when someone is “outed” which I find a repulsive term personally. It denotes that someone is in hiding. Just because one chooses not to discuss their sexuality which is very personal I dont think it should be seen as hiding.
Why is this news? I thought that Melissa had been out for years. I mean, she is raising children with her (female) partner of several years so there wasn’t really any guessing going on about her orientation….
This show sounds good! I literally adore every one of these women hosting it!
weeeee! Darlene was one of my old crushes! I admit I wondered about her once I found her on twitter, but I knew it wasn’t my business. (and i certainly don’t like being outed!!! so Golden Rule there)
I don’t remember how i learned about Adler. There’s a whole crew on twitter and the more i follow them for laughs, the more i see how they all really seem to know each other.
Is Hollywood just like high school or what?
i can’t wait untilt he day when people don’t care if someone happens to be gay. on another note, i LOVE sara gilbert! she was incredible as darlene on roseanne. i can’t wait for her new show even though i am not a mom lol.