Eastwick actress Sara Rue lost 50 pounds

I know many of you will be like Sara Rue-Who? (This little Who daughter who got out of bed for a cup of cold water.) I know Rue from the sadly canceled ABC series Eastwick, also featuring Rebecca Romijn and Lindsay Price. She also starred on Less than Perfect. Rue, 31, has lost an incredible 50 pounds in the last seven months as a spokesperson for Jenny Craig. I hate to publicize these expensive packaged diets, but I wanted to give Rue props for her success.

We last heard from Rue when she’d lost 30 pounds a few months ago, and now she’s dropped 50! She looks incredible, but she didn’t need to lose the extra 20 at all. Back when she dropped the initial 30 she said her goal was just ten more. She’s lost that and then some. Rue has gone from a size 14 to a 6 and credits her weight loss to portion control and exercise. She’s recently ramped up her cardio and is in training for a half marathon. Here’s more from People:

If you see Sara Rue on the street, chances are she’ll be smiling. That’s because the actress has lost 50 pounds since signing on as a spokesperson for Jenny Craig last December. “I have such a better relationship with food than I’ve ever had in my life,” Rue, 31, tells PEOPLE. “I’ve learned how to control portions, I’ve learned how to eat healthfully.” Best of all, she is enjoying exercise for the first time in her life. Rue, who used to just walk the dogs around the block, now regularly logs 45-60 minutes of cardio 5-6 days a week on the treadmill and is in training for her first half marathon. But her eight-month journey was not without its fair share of obstacles. “I spent the first few months of this program wearing my pedometer and getting in my 10,000 steps every day,” Rue says. “When I started running I would run for one minute and walk for ten. Now I can run for two-and-a-half hours straight. That’s insane! I never would have thought six months ago that I would be able to run that much.” Nor did she think she’d be enjoying another activity—shopping. “Barely squeezing into a size 14 when she embarked upon her weight loss journey, the 5’8” Rue is now a lean “size 6.” Busy planning a Spring 2011 wedding with her fiancé, teacher Kevin Price, Rue recently popped into Vera Wang in Beverly Hills to check out a 70 percent off sale. “I wandered to the back of the store where all the bride gowns were. The woman zipped it up and she had to clamp it in the back because it was too big,” Rue says, laughing. “It was just a great feeling.”

[From People]

Rue has a personal video blog on the Jenny Craig website (and shown below), and she starts to get choked up when she says “I’ve been overweight my whole life, and you don’t get there by just what’s on your plate. You get there because you don’t understand how to live a healthy life, or you don’t want to, or worse you think you don’t deserve to.” It looks kind of put on like she’s reading a script and crying on cue but I felt for her anyway. Rue explained that she wanted to lose weight because she wanted to feel normal, and that she finally does now.

Congratulations to Rue on her weight loss and upcoming wedding! Now if only Eastwick would get picked up by another network.

(Incidentally I was wondering if Rue’s fiance, Kevin Price, is related to her former co-star Lindsay Price. From what I can find Lindsay has a brother but he’s named Bryan.)

Thanks to TooFab for the tip!

Note: The video below is basically a commercial for Jenny Craig. (They didn’t contact or pay us for it, and it’s just to show her before and after)

July 3, 2010
Sara Rue attends the 4th Annual Ante Up For Africa Celebrity Charity Poker Tournament on July 3, 2010 in Las Vegas, NV (photo by J. Arnoldi / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

May 11, 2010
NEW YORK - MAY 11: Actress and Jenny Craig celebrity client Sara Rue celebrates her 40 pound weight loss milestone at Bridal Atelier on May 11, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for Jenny Craig)

January 16, 2010
BEVERLY HILLS, CA - JANUARY 16: Actress Sara Rue poses at the Magaschoni display during the HBO Luxury Lounge in honor of the 67th annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Four Seasons Hotel on January 16, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Matthew Simmons/Getty Images for mediaplacement)

December 2, 2009
Dec. 02, 2009 - Hollywood, California, United States - Sara Rue introduced as new Jenny Craig celebrity client at MyHouse in Hollywood, CA 12-02-2009 2009.SARA RUE.K63621SK. © Red Carpet Pictures

December 2, 2009
Dec. 02, 2009 - Hollywood, California, United States - Sara Rue introduced as new Jenny Craig celebrity client at MyHouse in Hollywood, CA 12-02-2009 2009.SARA RUE.K63621SK. © Red Carpet Pictures

August 24, 2009
24 August 2009 - Hollywood, CA - Sara Rue. Halloween II Los Angeles Premiere held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Photo Credit: Byron Purvis/AdMedia

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40 Responses to “Eastwick actress Sara Rue lost 50 pounds”

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  1. RHONYC says:

    she’s still adorable and hasn’t lose those cute cheeks.

    good for her. you go girl! 🙂

  2. DrM says:

    I thought she was lovely before…I honestly did not think anything about her size at all! Fifty pounds….holy crap!

  3. gabs says:

    awe good for her!! Hopefully shell stay on it unlike Kirstie

  4. Roma says:

    Hasn’t she done this once before? The major weight loss but then she regained it all last time. I remember seeing pictures…

  5. bellaluna says:

    I’m happy for her, as long as she’s happy. I remember reading an article about her awhile ago, and she talked about how hard it was to hear that she “wasn’t right for the part” because of her weight/looks. If I’m not mistaken, her boyfriend at the time is now her fiance, and he has supported her no matter what she’s weighed. Sounds like a good man to me!

  6. vi says:

    she’s done the weight loss thing before. i actually like her better a bit bigger than the size 6 photos. but i’ve liked her since the also sadly cancelled “popular” which was like the non musical forerunner of Glee.

  7. vi says:

    also i’m still not over the cancellation of eastwick. 🙁

  8. snowball says:

    I kind of wonder if the reason you don’t see Valerie Bertinelli around so much is because she started to put the weight back on (she did) and couldn’t get it back off with the program. Marie Osmond is doing the same thing with, I think it’s Nutrisystem right now. She’s ballooning up and they’re wedging her into Spanx to hide it because they need her face.

    I’ve got my fingers crossed that Sara keeps it off (she looks terrific and I’m glad to hear she’s gotten so FIT), but when she plasters her face across these commercials, if she fails, it becomes even more news because she put her name out there to begin with.

    I guess I’m a big fan of keeping quiet about my weight. 😀

  9. Hautie says:

    “Hasn’t she done this once before? The major weight loss but then she regained it all last time. I remember seeing pictures… ”
    Yes she has lost this weight before. She did a few episodes of 2 1/2 Men when she was smaller, the first time.

    But the thing about losing the weight quickly… is you have to really change your life/habits to maintain it. And she seems sincere about the exercising to help keep it off. So the best of luck to her…

  10. MSat says:

    I love Sara, she is so beautiful! I thought she was smokin’ before she lost the weight, especially when she wore her hair longer with that pin-up girl style. But if she is happy at a lower weight, good for her. It’s a shame that she couldn’t get roles before because of her body – she is a fantastic comic actress.

  11. Marjalane says:

    She’s a funny actress, I loved her on Less than Perfect. As for the diet program, other than the counselor support, I think they are a a waste of money. It’s never about the food, it’s always about why you’re putting too much of it in your mouth!

  12. nona says:

    Girls do need to be thin to be happy, I guess..

    This one looks good,though. She still has the boobs and the round cheeks.

  13. Me says:

    She looks gorgeous!

  14. meme says:

    All I know this person for is that she gains and loses weight every other year or so.

  15. djork says:

    I first saw her play a teenage Roseanne in a flashback and thought, “Damn, that’s a beautiful girl.” Frankly, she looks a little generic now. Whatever.

  16. guesty says:

    she looks really good…

  17. Missfit says:

    Oh lordy, not another “fat” girl having to lose weight just to please and fit into Hollywood. I’m not literally calling her fat, just sayin, on Hollywood’s standards sees people now. I think she looked just as great before, she’s such a pretty girl too. But even if she wasn’t skinny, as long as she’d be healthy, it depends. Sometimes even people who are not all that big still get high blood pressure, diabetic and who knows what else. (Not saying she has that), but, you know. Weight loss is harder on some people and not easy to keep it off, so good luck to her.

  18. Delta Juliet says:

    She was pretty before and she’s pretty now. I hope she’s happy!

  19. lucy2 says:

    It seems like most people who do the packaged food diets inevitably gain the weight back when they stop using it. It sounds like she’s gotten into exercising a lot more though, so hopefully she can transition out of the program OK.
    I’ve always liked her, and definitely wish her well, but really hope she doesn’t go too far and lose any more.

  20. maria says:

    I have always likes her. She is one of those women who are beautiful at any size. And I miss Eastwick, too. :*/

  21. Maritza says:

    She is pretty either way because she has a lovely face and a happy personality.

  22. TeeTee says:

    I love her!! she is one of my favorite comedians-good for her, she was always pretty to me.

    and Congrats to her, on her upcoming wedding!

  23. DBK says:

    Jenny Craig works. It teaches portion control and demands that you supplement their food with veggies, fruit and dairy. Part of the program is also weening yourself back to a non-Jenny (but balanced and portion-controlled) regular diet. Also, you lose weight slowly (1-2 lbs a week is the standard; any more and your consultant will lecture about the health effects of starvation). Hope she keeps it off.

  24. original kate says:

    she’s lovely either way – good for her.

  25. Kiska says:

    I never thought she needed to lose weight!
    In any case, she has done this before, she lost a massive amount of weight on a restricted diet as well. The tough part is keeping it off and I wish her the best.

  26. serena says:

    she’s really a beautiful girl, even if I prefer her with short hair.

  27. girlygirl says:

    i miss popular 🙁 loooooved that show

  28. Will says:

    I’m not saying she looks bad in her “after” pic, but I prefer her chubbier.

  29. Juice in LA says:

    Why why why in cheesecake’s name why did they so obviously photoshop her?

    She looks so great naturally- its such a contradictory message. Fauxers.

  30. CB Rawks says:

    She’s a yo-yo dieter. A few years ago she lost a bunch of weight too, towards the end of Less Than Perfect. And then she had put it all back on when she guest starred on Big Bang Theory. I know that feeling, I’m a yoyo meself.
    Hey she has my exact hair in that shot with the yellow cardigan. I knew it was cute. 😉

  31. anons says:

    she kinda has a katherine mcphee vibe.

  32. Blackwood says:

    am I the only one who thinks she actually looks a little heavier in the July pic than in the May one?
    She has a great body type, even when she was at her heaviest she had nice curves… now she’s lost the weight proportionally, she’s got thin arms, nicely sculpted legs, flat belly and big breasts… I know some women who’ve always been thin would like to have her figure…

  33. Chris says:

    She looks amazaing but I thought it was ironic that she said that now she won’t be typecast and she’ll have access to more roles. Doubtful. Now she’s just another pretty skinny girl. Sure, she looks good, but there’s nothing that makes her stand out. The 30 pound weightloss was great–she was still curvy. 50 just makes her look skinny and ordinary. Well, by Hollywood standards, at least.

  34. Emily says:

    I actually like her a bit heavier. Now she kinda looks like Isla Fisher’s less attractive sister. Maybe it’s because in the top photo, her hair colour looks faded compared to the before pic.

  35. voodoobetty says:

    I loved her in Gypsy 83 – loved her ever since.

  36. Kelly says:

    Oh for FS- she was never ‘fat’ and won’t keep it off anyway. How many times does this have to happen before we learn to stop hating on ourselves and just accept difference? It’s her choice and everything but I just can’t help but think this sort of ‘NOW do you love me???’ celebratory exposure is pathetic. She should be cool with herself no matter what.

  37. Diva says:

    Yep, she was great in Gypsy, and in everything since. She’s super cute with a little weight on her, and kinda gave those of us out in the real world a funny hero. Too bad she had to “conform”.

  38. dj says:

    Congratulations! Beautiful both before and after. Be happy.

  39. Sharonkings says:

    You go girl!

  40. Fae says:

    Never seen Eastwick, but she was in the Big Bang Theory for a while, as her larger self. Myself and my partner (who likes a bigger lady, thank goodness he’s still attracted to me since I lost almost 6 stone!) both commented at the time on how utterly gorgeous she was.