Montana Fishburne on Kim Kardashian as inspiration: her sex tape ‘got the most buzz’

Laurence Fishburne’s 19 year-old porn star daughter, Montana, is promoting herself to any outlet that will give her a forum. Montana’s first sex tape, with porn company Vivid, is due to be released next Wednesday and she’ll tell you all about it. AOL’s Black Voices has a new interview with Montana, and she goes on at length about how she’s always wanted to be a porn star about how she went to Vivid, which is known for briefly boosting the careers of Kim Kardashian and Kendra Wilkinson. Montana seems to incorrectly credit Vivid as releasing tapes from Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson too, but she didn’t do her homework. Pamela’s two sex tapes were put out by two different companies, and Paris Hilton’s was put out by yet another one. That doesn’t matter to Montana, though, she’s going to be famous, she’s proud of her work and she’s wants people to see it. Last week we heard that Montana’s dad, Laurence Fishburne, tried to pay Vivid a million bucks to keep the DVDs under wraps. They were already allegedly distributed to outlets at that point, though, and there was no taking them back. Here’s part of Montana’s interview with Black Voices:

Black Voices: To what do you attribute to all the hysteria?

Montana Fishburne: People are going to talk no matter what. I’m excited that people are talking about it. I hope everything turns to more positive. I mean, they should be more excited about new porn coming out. I haven’t seen a young black female porn star in a long time.

BV: How much did you make off of this? Was it six figures?

MF: I don’t know.

BV: Well, everyone wants to know what your father thinks about it?

MF: I mean, I haven’t talked to him directly yet. We have conflicting schedules, so it’s been hard. But, he’s upset. I hope he supports me. But as soon as I talk to him, you guys are going to hear something.

BV: Why do you think he would be upset?

MF: I mean, no one wants to see their daughter have sex on TV. Fathers are usually upset when they hear about their daughters losing their virginity. So I don’t think he wants to see it blasted across the world. This is something I wanted to do; it’s a goal that I had. I think he’ll be proud that I accomplished one of my goals. So if I’m happy, I’m sure that he’ll be happy, too.

BV: How long have you wanted to do this?

MF: Since I was in high school. It’s been a little secret of mine.

BV: Well, since you bought up virginity when did you lose yours?

MF: I lost my virginity when I was 16.

BV: How has Kim Kardashian really influenced you?

MF: She inspired me to go to Vivid. I always wanted to do porn. That was a given. So when I decided to start getting in to it, to see how I was going to go about it, I looked to her. Kim Kardashian released her sex tape with Vivid. Paris Hilton, Kendra Wilkinson, Pamela Anderson, all these people. And they’re well known for having celebrity sex tapes. And Kim’s is the one that did the best. Not did the best, but I felt like she got the most hype and buzz out of it. And she decided not to do porn. I want to do another film. And if I do decide to go mainstream, I feel releasing porn with Vivid is the best company to do it with, because they have other avenues that they deal with. I’m loving Vivid right now. They’re the best.

[From Black Voices]

Later in the interview, Montana denies that she was arrested for prostitution last year, as was reported by E! on Friday, and claims it was just a “trespassing” charge. Mmhmm.

BV: Now, you were busted for hooking. Is that true?

MF: No, I have a trespassing conviction but not hooking. I have a trespassing charge from November, that’s what it was for. Trespassing.

BV: What do you think of people’s feedback saying that you’re tarnishing your father’s name?

MF: I mean, people are going to say what they’re going to say. It hurts that people are thinking that I’m doing this to shame my father. That is not true. He’s an actor. When he was playing Ike Turner, he was beating a woman, I didn’t feel bad about it because he was acting. Porn is something that I wanted to do; acting is something that he wanted to do. So it’s not to shame him; it’s something on my own. I feel like they should want to encourage me and support me and be happy because it’s not degrading to me. If it was leaked how all these other peoples are, I would feel ashamed about it. But I’m not. It’s something that I’m proud of. I’m proud of my body, and I’m proud of my work and the performance that I gave. So all the people sending out negatives should find a different way to look at it and be happy for me.

BV: So where did you learn all those tricks in the DVD?

MF: From my boyfriend. We have a lot of fun together. I like to have fun and he likes to have fun and experiment. We have a healthy sex life, and it came in handy when it came to shooting this video.

BV: What did your mother think of the video?

MF: She’s not happy, but she wants me to be happy. She’s more concerned with if I’m ok. I love my mom so much. She’s supportive. I’m happy that she’s not dying over this. My mom is more conservative than my dad is.

[From Black Voices]

TMZ reported yesterday that Montana has been trying to call her dad but that he’s not responding to her messages. Can you blame him? Can you imagine finding out through the media that your 19 year-old daughter is going to be a porn star? It’s devastating even for people who aren’t famous, not to mention all the very embarrassing publicity that Montana is receiving for this.

This isn’t technically an update, but I’m adding it on the end as I didn’t hear about it until I was about to publish this. Montana tweeted that Jamie Foxx has a gay sex tape in the works, but it seems to have been made up in retaliation for comments he made on his radio show making fun of a music video she put out with some porn star who goes by Brian Pumper. (She talked about how she regrets working with that guy in the AOL Black Voices interview if you’re interested.)

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28 Responses to “Montana Fishburne on Kim Kardashian as inspiration: her sex tape ‘got the most buzz’”

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  1. Vibius says:

    “As part of her probation, Fishburne was also ordered to not charge (or attempt to charge) money for sex; have sex in a public place or a place “exposed to public view”; hitchhike or otherwise engage drivers in conversation; and loiter in alleys or public streets “with the intent to solicit acts of prostitution.””

    If thats true and she is still on probation… How is this not a violation?

  2. Rebecca says:

    This girl is so disgusting.

    Since when does having sex with your boyfriend on a private tape = having sex with strangers for money?

  3. guesty says:

    this story leaves me speechless.

    hope kim k issues a statement since montana keeps bringing her name to every interview.

    wonder wonder what her spin will be if anything @ all.

  4. DD says:

    she needs to keep drinking that kool-aid.

  5. K-MAC says:

    She used her father’s portrayal as Ike Turner as a comparison to her work in porn?

    When he was playing Ike Turner, he was beating a woman, I didn’t feel bad about it because he was acting.

    Wow, this kid is a mess. I do not even know what to say.

  6. malachais says:

    This girl pisses me off. I hope Lawrence shuns her ass for a long time. I am sure as a parent he is familiar with her intentions. She is clearly using his fame to get somewhere. I wish she would quit bringing him up in all of her interviews – I think they even reference the fact that she’s a celebrity’s daughter IN the porn movie.

    Via Twitter: Hoes on my **i* cause I look like Laurence Fishburne #Based #Swag

    Self-obsessed, ugh. I hope no one buys this stupid movie so she can learn a good lesson. She looks all scraggly for her age anyways.

  7. serena says:

    She surely was hooking, I bet it.
    Is she a sex-addict?

  8. meme says:

    The media’s non stop coverage of this is proving the girl right. She wanted to be famous and now she is. What a fucked up society we live in.

  9. California Surfer says:

    I am confused by a couple of things, first of all what is nsfw? second did the chick make the tape with her boyfriend? Grandma thinks it is odd that the dudette doesn’t know how much money she made. I work in fast food so even I know how much I make but maybe if your rich you don’t pay attention? This Montana chick does have better boobs than Kim Kardashians and I think they are real.

  10. LindyLou says:

    This is really sad. She is craving attention and going about getting it in an extreme way. She wants to shock people and doesn’t seem to care who gets hurt. I feel bad for her family and I hope she gets help to deal with her issues.

  11. TeeTee says:

    Montana, folks were talking about Kim K’s sex tape because she is a horrible lay and she let Ray J pee on her..

    just a FYI

  12. Jasmin says:

    As much as I would like to decry this girl and call her an idiot… I have to wonder what sort of childhood/development she had that made her like this. She’s very obivously reaching out for attention.

    @California Surfer: NSFW means Not Safe for Work. Usually because the link has nudity etc.

  13. Bored@Work says:

    I feel bad for saying this cause this girl really needs help.

    But I found this funny comment on another site that says..”That fish gonna burn” when she is finished with porn. LOL..I know, I know, I am sick for laughing at that but it was funny as hell.

  14. girl says:

    So sad. She doesn’t even realize she is being taken advantage of even if she is making money (and she doesn’t know how much?!). If she wasn’t Montana FISHBURNE, would she have even been given the time of day by Vivid? This will follow her forever. Or the fact that she thinks that once her dad realizes she has accomplished a goal, he will be happy.

    How deluded can a person get?

  15. elaine says:

    Does she have a harelip?

  16. annie d says:

    poor cow – they didn’t even airbrush her booby stretch marks!

  17. Gabriela says:

    ughhhh stretch marks on her breats, fat tummy ugh
    i wouldn’t watch it

  18. gonzo says:

    ok, so….in those stills of the porn, you can see the crappy stretch marks on her tits, the quality of the video sucks, the set is probably some porn industry person’s borrowed house, and THIS is what she aspires to? WHOA. sad. just sad.

  19. Lilith says:

    u guys havent seen the worse..another blog site is showing portions of the sex tape with pornstar brian pumper she has gross spots on her rear end. vomit!

    someone needs to tell her kim k had a sex tape with her then bf, the reason y it got so much buzz was b/c he urinated on her. plus kim does not have a famous father that has connections in hollyweird. montana should have looked @ rumor willis as a role model to follow, she is breaking into the biz the right way: daddy.

    ugh she is so sickening.

  20. denise says:

    This girl is truly pathetic, and shows just how far our society has fallen.

  21. original kate says:

    “I always wanted to do porn. That was a given.”

    a given?! wow. i find it sad that young girl who could afford to go to any college she chose and do so many things with her life would choose porn.

  22. TQB says:

    Original Kate, that’s what upsets me the most. Someone with unlimited options and resources… I mean, fine, you love sex. That’s great. Go to college, where it’s not even considered trashy to sleep with half the football team. Give being an amateur sex star a shot before you go pro, OK?

  23. Hane says:

    Poor Laurence.

  24. OC lady says:

    I wonder what type of father Fishburne was to her? Not that it’s his fault for this in any way–but I’m wondering where this desire for porn comes from? It mystifies me. Personally, I’d rather be cleaning up the toilets at McDonalds than do porn. I remember Chris Rock talking about his own parenting philosophy when it comes to raising his daughters–“my job is to keep them off the stripper pole. If they end up there, then you know you f’ed up as a parent.” I wonder what happened with Montana? It seems like she could have just used her dad’s connections to get in (like Aniston, Jolie, Tori Spelling, etc). But instead, she took this route? Why?

  25. onyx says:

    she sounds very … limited. to say it nicely. now where did this kid go to school? and yes, I’m sure mommy and daddy will come around just like the Hiltons did and host a huge “watch our little darling s… and f… for fame and money” party. imagine the party favors they could give out. Oh boy!

  26. sally says:

    OC Lady – you bring up a good point. Everybody keeps saying “Poor Lawrence,” but where was this guy? Was he in his daughter’s life? Why is she reaching so much for male attention?

  27. Rebecca says:

    WHOA. Wait a minute…. Kim Kardashian’s boyfriend peed on her?

    Why didn’t I know this?

  28. Eleonor says:

    I have a lots of questions on this girls:
    Her parents didn’t know anything about this? Didn’t they see this coming?
    About Kim Kardashian Montana’s got the point: I’ve never believed her sextape was “stolen”, before its releasing Kim was a perfect nobody with too much money from her family, she became famous after it.