Did Madonna reduce the size of her chicken cutlet cheek implants?


More than two years ago, Madonna had some really horrible, ill-advised plastic surgery on her face. Some suggested that she had some kind of chicken-cutlet cheek implants put into her face. Some suggested that she had undergone a procedure known as a “ribbon lift”. Back in 2009, a British plastic surgeon explained the “ribbon lift” procedure, which sounded really gross. It involves “a dissolvable ribbon implant to lift neck tissues through a short incision around the earlobe. It takes around two months for the ribbon to be absorbed and the results last around three years.” Also: the plastic surgeon says that a small tube is “tunnelled under the skin and has lots of tiny hooks that attach to the muscle and tissue. We then pull it upwards to lift the whole area. It doesn’t appear as if the ribbon has dissolved properly [in Madonna’s case].”

The whole idea that this is something temporary, or that it could “go down” or “adjust” is very interesting to me, especially as I see these new photos of Madonna, out and about in London on Saturday night for her 52nd birthday. Her face looks… better, right? Like it’s slowly deflating. Like she didn’t jack it up with chicken cutlets. Sure, she still looks worked on, but I have a new hope that the cheek stuff is either settling in and calming down, or that Madonna had part of it reversed, or something like that. Or is this simply a good angle and some good lighting? British reports had Madonna spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on additional surgery for her birthday, so could this be it?


Here’s Madge in July 2008:


Yeah. Something is definitely better, in my opinion. And it’s not just the lighting and makeup. Anyway, happy birthday, Madge!

Speaking of plastic surgery, what the f-ck is going on with Jenny McCarthy? This is Jenny last night in Las Vegas… YIKES.


Madonna on August 14, 2010. Madge on July 27, 2008. Jenny on August 14, 2010. Credit: WENN.

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63 Responses to “Did Madonna reduce the size of her chicken cutlet cheek implants?”

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  1. lena says:

    she looks pretty, implants must’ve finally settled

  2. Henriette says:

    Well, nothing has changed about her disgusting veiny arms!

  3. oxa says:

    She looks like she got a ton of filler around the rest of her face to soften out the chicken fillets. Jenny Mc has too much botox in her forehead.

  4. sophie says:

    wow…madonna looks really good…she should stick to this look forever

  5. Dany says:

    Her face looks softer and more female. Much better than before. Happy Birthday Madonna!

  6. malachais says:

    Madonna looks amazing, I really hope that its not just great blush or a good angle. She looks alot more natural.

  7. Nanea says:

    I thought I was looking at a pic of Dina L instead of Jenny Mc in that last pic. She looks truly awful.

    Madonna is Madonna, she does whatever she wants, and she’s worked hard to get there, IMO. No matter if it’s the Kabballah craziness or her boytoy or her strange plastic surgery. There aren’t many people on the same level of success.

    She does look better though in these pics.

  8. krissy_kitty says:

    Bit@h needs to stop with the Crucifix as a fashion accessory… That is a symbol of someones religion, not a fashion statement! Would she like it if people started spewing that Kabbalah is nothing but a cult? This really pisses me off especially when she does it… It is not cute.

  9. jammama says:

    Madonna hasn’t looked this good in a long time. That third pic of Madonna without make-up is frightening. Make-up can do wonders.

    Jenny McCarthey needs to stop while she’s ahead. That doesn’t look like her.

  10. khaveman says:

    I’ve always liked Madonna — and I hope this is what we all think it is. The cheek implants reversed, or correcting on their own. I thought she looked awful with the implants and now she looks much softer and frankly, much younger. Good for her. If I had her cash flow, I’d have a few anti-gravity things done in certain areas too. She looks great.

  11. Eden says:

    Madonna does look amazing.
    She looks softer and prettier than I’ve seen her look in a while.

    WHAT is going on at the top of Jenny’s forehead with those two deep horizontal lines??

  12. Bunny says:

    I saw pictures of her before the surgery and she was pretty and soft looking. I don’t know why these women can’t just age. They look alien.

    Look at Helen Mirren, has not touched a thing on her face.

  13. gee_gee says:

    Most importantly: Madonna looks like Madonna.

  14. j. ferber says:

    Madonna looks fab. Rock on.

  15. lucy2 says:

    She looks much better, but there’s still an odd/fake look to her face.
    Yikes indeed, Jenny McCarthy.

  16. Kiska says:

    Madonna looks amazing! Holy S^&%

    In that top pic she looks 32, not 52!

  17. Lynne says:

    Krissy_kitty: that’s the first thing that caught my eye. Is she Christian again? Your post makes me think no, shes just boringly offensive still.

  18. Chris says:

    She looks tons better. I’ve never been a fan and even when she was younger I thought she looked a bit hard, but she hasn’t looked this good in a very long time.

  19. Ron says:

    The purse is amazing! Love it. Madonna has said in the past that cruifixes fascinate her and honestly I am the same and have been since I was a kid..I was an alter boy so maybe that ecplains it. I have quite a collection of rosaries and various crosses etc, but I am not particularly religious.

  20. Isa says:

    She looks almost good! Yay! I hope she got them removed, those things look horrible on everyone.

    What is up with those two lines near Jenny’s forehead?

  21. GatsbyGal says:

    Jenny McCarthy is frightening. Her face looks so not right.

  22. Lydia says:

    The crucifix purse offends me.

  23. sunny says:

    She’s put on weight! Good to see she’s reverted back to type, looking classy was out of character for her. At the end of the day she’s just a trashy playmate who’s had a few lucky breaks and useful boyfriends.

  24. mommy says:

    I think those lines on Jenny’s forehead are the edges of the wig glued onto her scalp!

  25. gretchen says:

    She’s put on weight! Good to see she’s reverted back to type, looking classy was out of character for her. At the end of the day she’s just a trashy playmate who’s had a few lucky breaks and useful boyfriends.

    @ sunny, i hear what youre saying and i feel really badly that maybe you could be right. i was so happy for jim that he might have finally found the love he’d been looking for after that holly mess etc… he might have probs but who doesn’t and he’s really a great guy and it seemed to me he and jenny might be right for one another. i’m not going to outright blame her though because i really don’t know what happened, but i feel sorry that they weren’t the couple that i hoped they were

  26. Whatever says:

    I never thought Madonna was pretty, but she does look a little less Crypt Keeper here.

  27. gretchen says:

    oh, and oh yeah, wtf is with the godawful eyelashes….seriously girls don’t care what the experts’ say is the next best thing…NOT!!

  28. Eden says:

    I’m not experienced with wigs but there has to be a way to not show those lines…especially knowing she was getting photographed and potentially blown up on the internet.

  29. benny says:

    It looks like she had a face lift to get rid of some of the extra sagging skin, and that’s why she looks younger. The surgeon did a good job.

  30. Josie says:

    Happy Birthday Madonna!!
    Love you lots and lots

  31. Adrien says:

    Yikes, ribbon lift. That is what people choose back then (like early 00’s) when we didn’t have better non-invasive lifting procedures available, or if one is on a tight budget. I’ve read that many doctors aren’t recommending that. All the money in the world and better access to good surgeons and she only got herself a ribbon lift just last year.
    Anyway, Happy Birthday Madge.

    Jenny = botox browlift + unfortunate make-up. Possibly fillers too. Not sure what’s that line on her forehead.

  32. Livia says:

    Every time I think she can’t possibly get more plastic and hideous looking, bitch goes and gets her immortal fabulousness on. I give the fuck up…

  33. DIANE says:

    Wow, what a rebel. What a trendsetter. She caves in to the same weakness as a lot of famous celebrities. Plastic face so she can pretend she’s still 29. Whatever happened to aging gracefully? Now her only edge is her ridiculous use of crucifixes. I can’t wait until she shows up somewhere in a crown of thorns.

  34. pixiegirl says:

    Love the crucifix purse (mostly cause it offends people). 🙂

  35. California Surfer says:

    I totally think that Madonna should hook up with Liam Neeson – Grandma could see them being good friends.

  36. Kelly says:

    Oh Madonna, Ive said it before and Ill say it again, how can you get to 52 and still not understand that you’re okay as you are? Imagine the torture of being this vain in the midst of all the changes that go with aging; agonizing!

    How can it be that people like this with all their resources have discovered nothing else?? I think about that every day as I get older and find that I don’t really give a shit, in fact, I wouldn’t give five bucks to be twenty again.

    I think she still looks jacked to hell and pretty terrifying. Not young, not old, not pretty, not ugly, no longer human, plastique. She reminds me of a Lamia actually. Probably not the look she was going for.

  37. coup de grazia says:

    isnt manhandling Catholicism kind of played out for her? i find the purse itself offensive, but madge using a religion to be “controversial”? yawn.

  38. Whatever says:

    @ coup de grazia, I agree. The whole mocking religion thing is as trite now as it was 15-20 years ago when she was doing the same crap. Yawn. She has nothing new and her “controversy” is boring as hell.

  39. Bina says:

    I think Islam is the next religion Madonna should mock. Let’s see if she’s brave/outrageous/powerful/rich enough to take that on. I say this as a Muslim, by the way.

  40. P.J. says:

    Jenny McCarthy looks cartoonish. The breasts look like balloons — silly, not sexy.

  41. Johnthing says:

    Vadge, fix your ugly arms next.

  42. Leticia says:

    I really wish that Madonna and Lady Gaga treat would either leave Jesus alone or treat Him with more respect.

    Thanks to Madonna, we have trollops like Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus and lots of oversexualized preteens in this country.

  43. Team Bethenny says:

    I’m sorry, but she still makes me wonder where Wayland is.

  44. Crash2GO2 says:

    Her face is definitely fuller under the cheek area, softening her look. Maybe she really liked what the photoshopping did in her Dolce and Cabana ads and said “That’s what I want!” and finally had a good picture to show her PS.

  45. mymy says:

    I think she did that wax thing to her face . It doesn’t last.

  46. Raven says:

    I don’t know enough about plastic surgery or fillers, but she’s had those chicken cutlet cheeks for at least a couple of years and now they appear to be gone. She also looks very “refreshed” so I don’t know if there was another procedure as well. Those cheek implants definitely changed the shape of her face, though and it now looks different again. If you look back at photos of her in the 80’s, she had a wider face that I think she was trying to restore with the implants. Her face now appears narrower, which is what would happen with age.

  47. Nancy says:

    I think she looks pretty good I don’t know what happened to the cheeks if their gone or not sometimes it seems they come and go anyways I hope she learns her lesson and doesn’t mess with her face anymore.

  48. Tracy says:

    It looks like she had a jaw implant, her face is longer.

  49. djork says:

    Yeah, the haughty, arrogant, immovable mask is a good look.

  50. Renee says:

    Well, she can try to cover her age with facial surgery, but nothing can hide the aging of her hands and arms….I have a feeling that a close look at her legs will also hint at aging. Some things women can hide but not all. Age to gets to all eventually

  51. gen says:

    Wow, she looks a gazillion times better. Maybe even better then when she was young. I would like to see a pic of her smiling tho. Hate the purse tho…Jesus on a cross as ur purse clasp? Tacky.
    Now McCarthy looks like she always does. I must be missing it

  52. Little Nicky says:

    Good gawd. That photo of her in a tee shirt…yikes. Makes her look like someone just yanked her dentures out. Maybe she should use extra-strength adhesive next time. Or would that hurt…? Hmmm.

    To say she “looks better now” is an understatement of ginormous proportion. She actually looked fairly HOT. Better than looking like you just got through sucking an enormous lemon…or something.

  53. Bruze says:

    Ms Chiconie’s continual mocking the Christian God will only bring her greif.This life is short, eternity is much longer why would you choose to spend it as a reprobate? Ill bet she made a deal with you know who when she was younger. The picture sans makeup looks like a metal worker holding a bag of chisels. scare me……

  54. bagladey says:

    This cosmetic work is a big success. Madonna should keep this doctor.

  55. marco says:

    Madonna is a Hollywood SKANKaroonie. Good thing she has money and can rent a man.

  56. original kate says:

    madge looks better. jenny still looks like a third rate barbarella.

  57. aenflex says:

    She looks much better. Bout time!

  58. Jag says:

    It doesn’t look like she can move it, but those pictures are the best her face has looked in years.

    Interesting that she and Jada Pinkett-Smith both have softened their looks. I wonder what procedure(s) they’re using?

  59. paige says:

    interesting.. nobody noticed that her nose is 3x smaller? That’s why she doesn’t have the dramatic look she used to (which i thought was cool). But I agree she looks better in the cheek dept.

  60. pink says:

    she’s too skinny, I think her face is long for this, surely she’s retouched her face (she’s 52 years old) but now she looks very well!

  61. Hushe says:

    Why someone allowed to post such a racist comment here? Bina, I am talking about you.

  62. whatyousay?! says:

    how is no one commenting on madonnas insanely masculine muscled and veined bi-cep in photo three!? kudos to her but it really adds to the frightening experience for us spectators.

  63. Fitsy82 says:

    What are ya’ll criticising Madonna for? Most of you hurling abuse at her have no right to and must REALLY hate your own mothers right?! Madonna is the same age as my mother who i think is beautiful, but Madonna is Madonna, different league! Criticise Madonna and her age and you are disrespecting your own mother! Its nasty ageist crap which is as bad as racism or homophobia! GaGa is not a natural beauty and looks ugly at 24! Madonna was and always has looked stunning, even now with work, she looks like Madonna and is extremely photogenic. Lay off her, take a look at your own mother, would you say such things about her? Think about it…