Amy Winehouse not charged for smoking crack

If I had ever done a drug stronger than Aleve, I’d want to move to the UK. Because it turns out that in Brittan, apparently you can do most hard drugs in a pretty obvious manner and not get in trouble for it. You can have a video released, be caught by the police, arrested, questioned, etc – and still walk out of the jail within a day with no further repercussions. And you can do it many, many times. The best example of this (in terms of frequency) is Pete Doherty. But Amy Winehouse is doing her best to compete with him, in what appears to be a good-natured, drug addict rivalry.

Amy was videotaped smoking crack after popping six Valium. Did anything happen to her? Nope.

British police will take no legal action against Grammy-award-winning singer Amy Winehouse, who was arrested last week for drug offenses, her spokeswoman said Thursday. Amy Winehouse has a history of run-ins with police.

“They have now concluded their enquiries and no charges will be brought,” according to a statement from her publicist, Tracey Miller.

She was questioned by police last Wednesday, arrested for alleged possession of a controlled drug, and released on unconditional bail a day later.

[From CNN International]

Amy’s spokesman (apparently she needs both a spokesman and a publicist) also goes on to say how excited she is for her planned summer concerts.

Chris Goodman said police had finished their investigation and confirmed no charges would be brought against the 24-year-old singer.

“Amy is pleased to be able to move on and concentrate on music and particularly looks forward to seeing her fans again at eagerly awaited festival performances this summer,” he said in a statement.

[From the Huffington Post]

It’s not like I want to see a person go to jail for a crime that only hurts themselves. But every time Amy is shown that the rules don’t apply to her, there is even less incentive for her to clean up her life. The whole, “What if I get caught?” thing clearly doesn’t even enter her mind.

During Amy’s last round of concerts she developed the reputation of canceling at a prolific rate. I swear at one point it was nearly four out of five concerts. Considering she can’t even get work done in the studio anymore, it seems like her concert promoter is really overestimating her. As out of it as she was last time around, Amy’s sunk a lot further now. If people go to her shows, something tells me it’s just to watch a train wreck, not because anyone expects a good performance.

Here’s Amy spotted with a mystery man visiting a clinic near her home in North London yesterday. I’m guessing she’s eating an Otter Pop… but it might be drug in a tube or something. Images thanks to WENN.

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6 Responses to “Amy Winehouse not charged for smoking crack”

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  1. Jody says:

    mmm…otter pops are the shit.

  2. CinPin says:

    I don’t think you can get arrested in the US if they have a video tape of you doing drugs. The reason is because it can’t actually be *proven* that what you were swallowing/snorting/smoking/injecting was actually an illegal substance.

    Either way, AW needs to be put in some type of rehab/hospital before they find her dead. Could be any day now..

  3. Devilgirl says:

    She has such talent, it is ashame to see her so brazen in her path of self destruction. I realize that she isn’t a minor, but you would think that between her family, Blake (who is a scum, but worried about his wife nonetheless), and her record company, they could do what was done with Britney Spears and force her hand into rehab and then have a parent take over as her guardian while she recouperates and gets her head on straight. Otherwise, judging by her looks and eratic behavior, she is going to end up either a vegetable or even worse, dead. Maybe if her record company made some demands for her sobriety, she might get some help. As long as no one steps in, she is bound to end up like a Joplin, Cobain, Hoon, Hendrix or Morrison. 😥

  4. JennGush says:

    Does this hot mess of a woman own any shoes or any other pair of shorts? I think she should be arrested for going out in public looking like that. She is DISGUSTING!

  5. Jude says:

    Whinehouse is a one hit wonder and is nothing to Brit. Brit had a break down not a drug problem. Now whinehouse is out screwing that nasty THING while he husband sits in jail. A one hit wonder that is it folks. I heard her sing without back ground and she sucks.

  6. Steph says:

    Not that I’m defending the lack of shoes, but this happens a lot in Australia too. Except it occurs far far more frequently because in Queensland it doesn’t get cold. I moved from the US to QLD 2 years ago and nobody wears shoes. Thongs (as in the sandals not the underwear)(it’s childish but I still laugh when everyone runs to put their thongs on so we can go to the store) are worn at most and barefeet are perfectly common, even in malls, clothes stores, pharmacies and even restaraunts/grocery stores! The “No Shirt/No Shoes/No Service” motto doesn’t apply here. Amy’s lack of shoes seems to be an odd thing for us Americans and I always thought it was a tropical Australian thing…maybe I’m wrong…and it’s petty but I’ve never liked denim cut-offs with the pockets stickin’ out the bottom!