Is Joel Madden in the dog house over Lindsay Lohan photo?

There’s trouble in paradise for Nicole Richie and baby daddy Joel Madden. Though to be fair, it doesn’t exactly sound like Nicole has considered her life to be like paradise for a while. Nonetheless, you’ve got to ask yourself, what kind of a trampy, trashy, harlot skank would come between a new father and the mother of his child? Why none other than Nicole Richie’s “supposed” good friend, Lindsay Lohan. Leave it to the Lohan to be the skankiest person in any given situation.

While Nicole Richie was home caring for her baby, her fiancé Joel Madden spent a boozy night partying with Lindsay Lohan. Needless to say, Nicole was crushed. The trouble started for the new mom after she decided to stay home with their 4-month-old daughter, Harlow, while Joel deejayed at Hornitos’ Cinco de Mayo party at Crown Bar in L.A. However, while there, the Good Charlotte rocker seemed more interested in a seductive Lindsay than in spinning records.

“Their heads were practically touching, and he had his leg over hers,” says one onlooker. “Joel has a flirtatious side, and he definitely wasn’t turning her away.” Nicole was immediately alerted to the situation by her arch-frenemy Paris Hilton, who sent her a devastating text message: Lindsay was all over Joel!

Making the situation worse, Nicole frantically tried to call Joel, but he wasn’t answering his phone. “He was so zeroed in on Lindsay, he never heard his cell ring,” a friend of the couple tells Star. “Nicole felt so incredibly helpless and upset that she threw her phone against the wall in a rage.”

[From Star]

It sounds like it could be friendly or somewhat innocent behavior on Joel’s part, but I never assume Lindsay Lohan has good intentions. That troll lives for drama. And what’s more dramatic than breaking up the relationship between your good friend – who just had a baby a few months ago – and her boyfriend? And what the hell else does Lohan have to do these days? Her career is nonexistent. She spends most of her days getting her hair done and making her body look orange. I don’t really like Nicole Richie, but I hope she throws a shit fit and bans Lohan from her life.

Here’s Amy Joel Madden and Benji Madden at Hornitos Tequila celebration of the ultimate ‘Cinco de Mayo’ experience at Crown Bar where the flirtation took place. Header of Joel and Nicole not looking too happy on May 9th. Images thanks to WENN.

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18 Responses to “Is Joel Madden in the dog house over Lindsay Lohan photo?”

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  1. Sasha says:

    Throw away a daughter’s love on that turbo-whore LaHohan? Way to go, Joel !!

  2. Larissa says:

    He is the stupid BITCH there! totally…

  3. Mairead says:

    Jeeebus – he must be a special brand of stupid if this story is true

  4. anon says:

    There were rumors that Nicole broke up with her dj fiance (DJ AM) b/c he slept with Lindsay. So I find this not too surprising.

  5. carmey says:

    what a douche. i feel bad for nicole..for once she finally makes a right decision (like actually being a mother to her child) and her douchey douchebag boyfriend makes advances on doucheface lohan. maybe that triggered the fight between her and sam too. maybe sam and richie should get togehter.

  6. kate says:

    i hope he’s got plenty of penicillin on hand…

  7. Devilgirl says:

    If I were Ritchie, I would tell her to keep her “42 year old Mean Girls ass away from MY boyfriend”.

  8. Stupid Is As Stupid Does says:

    Why he would want to risk his relationship and family for that diseased thieving skank is beyond me. Don’t think for one minute that Lindsay didn’t know what kind of trouble she would be causing. She revels in causing other people pain and discomfort much like her arch nemisis Paris.

  9. Syko says:

    I think this is really sad, for some reason I thought the Richie/Maddon thing was going to be the real stuff. Slutface needs to keep out of it. What is it, she’s gone through all the unattached men in California and is now starting on the attached ones?

  10. headache says:

    Uhm looks like Linds can add sex addiction to her other issues. And I hope Nicole beats his dumb ass.

  11. mamalicious says:

    Nicole had better make him take a bath in pure bleech before she lets him touch Harlow.

  12. gg says:

    the fuck? Since when are Lindsay and Nicole “good friends”??? Nicole is a known jealous psychobitch. She probably keeps Joel in the Doghouse on a regular basis. His Doghouse probably even has a loo.

    Clue #1 for not having babies with your “boyfriend” of a few months. Duh. If he hasn’t even married you, what makes you think he’s going to after you have a child? He’s got free reign to do anything he wants.

    I’m not even convinced this story is real. Are there photos of them kissing? If not, forget about it.

  13. Bodhi says:

    I seriously doubt this story. Joel isn’t gonna throw away his life with Nic & Harlow for LL. He is kind of a douchebag, but he is smarter than that

  14. Kayla says:

    Once again the scum Lindsey stirs shit. No one likes Linds loser! MAKE THIS NO TALENT LOSER GO AWAY!!!

  15. Codzilla says:

    All of these people waste space without mercy. Except the baby, whom I truly hope has a kind-hearted nanny, because her parents appear to have stopped maturing around the eighth grade.

  16. Jude says:

    I don’t think he slep with her. She was all over him (she was drunk or stoned as usual) but if you look at his body language he was saying “get the hell away from me”. She goes after anything men or women LOL I don’t think Nick is upset with him but I bet she would like to bitch slap that thing itno next week.

  17. mollination says:

    haha that’s hilarious devilgirl!

  18. LINA says:

