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9 Responses to “Ashlee Simpson & Pete Wentz sign pre-nup; honeymoon in basement”

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  1. Leah says:

    what’s with all this mass-pregnancy going on in Hollywood?

    it’s like they’re all doing it just for the publicity, which is REALLY sad.

  2. Jody says:

    He was just being a smart-ass. Besides- who needs a honeymoon when you go to Paris on a whim anyway?

    I do find it funny that the rest of the Simpsons went to Mexico and the newlyweds opted to stay home. Is that more funny or ironic…

  3. anon69 says:

    haven’t you heard? Babies are the hot new accessory!! I guess everyone got tired of their little dogs…

  4. lulu says:

    what an annoying little freak!

  5. journey says:

    maybe the only way to get out from under poppa joe’s thumb for a few days was to plan for the whole family to go to mexico for the honeymoon– then ashley and pete pretended to miss the plane at the last minute and stayed home. know i’d prefer a private basement honeymoon with frozen pizza and blow-up palm trees to spending it with that family in beautiful sunny mexico. (wasn’t it jessica who took her family along on a honeymoon in hawaii? so she didn’t get bored? and so she’d have someone to go shoe shopping with?)

  6. Bodhi says:

    At least Pete was smart enough to protect his interests & made her sing the pre-nup. He is worth WAY more than she is & her “career” is flagging pretty badly…

  7. Bellatrix says:

    Oh, he saved 30 grand. Yeah, as though most of us can afford a 30 grand honeymoon. And play-doh cakes for their wedding reception (I’m talking about those blue mushroom cakes Ashlee&Pete had for their big day).

    Blow-up palmtrees + pizza: cool
    Calling the media to announce your prenup: not cool

    If you want to protect your interests, good for you. No need to make sure everybody knows though. Don’t pick on the paparazzi and other speculation media if you’re all about letting people know such things.
    If you’re unable to make out when something belongs to your “private life” sphere, don’t come complaining later on.

  8. Larissa says:

    she had quite a nice nose job huh?
    I didn´t notice that before…how awkward!lol