Justin Bieber will star in Punk’d remake

Singer Justin Bieber arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom
Did any of you really enjoy Punk’d with Ashton Kutcher? I remember that when I first saw it I found him so obnoxious in that hat in the little room. He was such a fool with that goofy act of his, but I eventually got used to it and learned to ignore him. There were times I found it interesting (albeit cruel), like when poor Justin Timberlake thought that the IRS was seizing all his stuff, including his dogs. The pranks were the appeal of the show, not Ashton. He just bugged me. Now we have news of another host who will try and narrate the pranks and line up unsuspecting celebrities to mock: 16 year-old singer, Justin Bieber. Shouldn’t they wait until his voice changes first?

MTV may need to start shopping for a trucker hat that won’t mess with Justin Bieber’s hair, because multiple industry insiders tell Vulture that the tween singer has been all but officially tapped as the host of a revival of Ashton Kutcher’s Punk’d for the network, assuming all details can be worked out. Kutcher isn’t entirely relinquishing the celebrity practical-joke franchise he birthed back in 2003: He’ll remain as an executive producer of the new series via his Katalyst Entertainment. But if a deal can be worked out, the on-air baby face of the new show will be none other than Biebs. If Kutcher’s past history with Punk’d is any indication, Bieber will likely appear in a few early episodes as a participant in the pranks, then gradually revert to mostly introducing segments. While Kutcher was famous during the original Punk’d era (he was starring on That 70s Show), the actor was nowhere near as famous (or busy) as Bieber, giving him more time to pull punks on his peers.

Kutcher announced he was retiring Punk’d back in 2007, but even at the time of the show’s demise, sources at MTV indicated the network hoped to one day revive the brand. The thinking was that the show, whose pranks had grown lamer as the years wore on (the final season included punks on Jewel and Freddy Rodriguez), needed time to rest. Given how quickly pop culture runs through celeb cycles these days, the move may have worked: We now have a whole new class of celebs who — like Bieber himself — weren’t even on our radar when Punk’d exited three years ago. So get ready Bristol Palin, Jon Hamm, Snooki, and the entire cast of Glee: You’re probably about to get Bieber’ed!

[From NYMag via WeSmirch]

Bieber is just as annoying and self important as Ashton Kutcher, so this could work. Plus, NYMag is right that there’s a new crop of celebrities to ridicule. Miley Cyrus, those Jonas Kids, the Kardashians, they’re all fair game. I guess it’s a good enough concept to continue, but Kutcher should have just sold it off instead of insisting on being involved. Didn’t he learn anything from the utter failure of Popfiction? It’s not like he has a hell of a lot else to do other than Tweet and attend events, though.

Singer Justin Bieber arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom

Singer Justin Bieber arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom

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15 Responses to “Justin Bieber will star in Punk’d remake”

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  1. kiko says:

    no just no..

  2. Lynda says:

    What is the obsession with an unnattractive teenage boy who’s testicles haven’t dropped yet? And people who let their 4 year old daughter cry because she has a “crush” on him is just not right. What happened to talent?

  3. junk573r says:

    That effing hair….I can’t even..

  4. Ferguson. says:

    No, too innocent.

  5. freckles says:

    You guys, don’t be such old biddies. Even if you aren’t over 40, you’re sure acting like it 😉 Punk’d was an entertaining show and I don’t find Biebs or Kutcher very annoying at all. I’d totally watch this! Of course, I’ve always been a guy’s girl..

  6. Elle says:

    This kid is beyond annoying, at 16yrs old this kid is extremely self absorbed and that HAIR…in my day its called a Bowl cut buddy! I love how ppl just name shit after themselves. I agree with Lynda

  7. rudy5 says:

    reminds me of the whole ” dear god, if u give back bob marley, you can take justin bieber” thing… syn gates for hgf!

  8. Michael says:

    @Lynda LMAO! i agree!

    This bieber character needs to disappear already to make room for real talent.

  9. LindyLou says:

    This kid is getting so overexposed. I guess he’s trying to make as much cash as he can before his voice changes and he fades into obscurity.

  10. kelbear says:

    I second what kiko said.

  11. Dizzybenny says:

    other then Ellen i think it’s good to have another lesbian host a t.v. show.

  12. Jover says:

    Love the pic with JBoobster in sunglasses – he’s about as cool as HeeHaw. Yes, Cindylou I agree with you and others; they are milking this little cow for all he’s worth because his handlers must know his used by date is fast approaching – isn’t he appearing as a guest in some crime drama too. Rudy5, God has to deal with enough self-absorbed doofuses, why would He want one more.

  13. kas says:

    Jover: He was on CSI and it was hilarious. He was supposed to be this street kid, a budding thug. And there he was with that hair and what looked for all the world like both blush and pink gloss on. It was just cringe-inducing.

  14. Emily says:

    God, this twit makes me think back wistfully to my own tween years in the 90s/early 00s. I hated Hanson with a passion back then, but they look like the Beatles compared to this douche.

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