“Burn After Reading” trailer with Brad Pitt and George Clooney

The new trailer has come out for Burn After Reading, an upcoming comedy which counts such luminaries as Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, John Malkovich, and Frances McDormand among the cast. It’s the story of a gym employee, played by Pitt, who finds a CD with the memoir of a CIA agent, Malkovich. McDormand is Pitt’s sidekick and friend from the gym where they work, and they try to blackmail Malkovich, with of course hilarious results. It’s directed and written by the Coen brothers, who are responsible for such great films as The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Thou, and Intolerable Cruelty. It looks funny as anything and I can’t wait to see this film. It’s due out in the US on September 12, and in some European countries in October.

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13 Responses to ““Burn After Reading” trailer with Brad Pitt and George Clooney”

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  1. Jag says:

    Oh yeah… will have to see that one. lol

  2. Kevin says:

    “Burn after reading”,,,starring George Clooney’s old teeth!

  3. geronimo says:

    CB. It’s Coen, not Cohen.

    Also, it’s having its premiere at the Venice Film Festival in August. Just for info.

  4. Celebitchy says:

    Thanks Geronimo I will edit that!

  5. Janice says:

    Is it only me who is boycotting anything Brangelina? I am not watching their movies. Call it Brangelina burn out.

  6. Rose says:

    Yeah janice, it’s just you. Never mind the other actors in the movie. Or the fact that it’s the Coen brothers. It’s all about Brangelina, take a bow.

  7. geronimo says:

    @janice – Please please do me a favour and don’t refer to this as a Brangelina film. It’s NOT a Pitt vehicle and it’s beginning to piss me off that it’s being promoted as one.

    It’s an ensemble piece, with about 8 actors sharing centre stage. Forget Pitt. This is the Coens here – not to mention Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, John Malkovich, Clooney – that’s more than enough to cancel out the Pitt, if that’s your problem. Your choice if you don’t want to see it but please don’t insult it by incorrectly and misleadingly calling it a ‘Brangelina’ film.

  8. Kaiser says:

    This looks HIGH-larious, in the same vein as The Big Lewbowski.

    Was I the only one who f—ing hated No Country for Old Men?

  9. devilgirl says:

    I probably won’t see it until it is out on PPV or DVD, but it looks like it’ll be fun. Nothing can beat Coen Bros. Fargo or Big L though, they were classics!
    @Kaiser, yeah, you may be one of the few that hated No Country for Old Men.

  10. cc says:

    I can’t wait for it. It looks fracking hilarious!

  11. lola says:

    I am not sure I can stomach a movie with Mr Angelina Jolie. Don’t wanna give my money to those two to buy more kids to pimp.

    That said, I agree with Geronimo that there is more to this than Brangelina. Lots of good performers and the Coen brothers know their thing. I am still sceptical. Pushing it as a Pitt Vehicle will only do more harm than good. I hope the studio realises this before it is too late. We’ll see. 😕

  12. Granger says:

    lola, all due respect, but I don’t agree that pushing it as a Pitt vehicle will do more harm than good. There are just as many fans of Brad Pitt out there as there are “haters”!

  13. Kelly says:

    I hated No Countrfy for Old Man. That was a horror movie. Period.

    I am not incined to watch any movie wth Brad.

    He used to be a good actor, and then became as lame as Angelina, acting-wise.