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22 Responses to “Atonement director dumps fiance for wedding invites with hot tub photo”

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  1. Jody says:

    Freaking Hilarious, and I thought kissing pictures in your invitations was tacky…

    I could definitely see that as a cheeky kinda joke, but c’mon, you should at least run it by him first.

    Also, it’s too bad an “insider” didn’t pass along that photo with the invite, I’d love to see it.

  2. curegirl0421 says:

    Boy talk about a litmus test… “Hey before I marry him, let’s see if he has ANY sense of humor at all, or will go apeshit and call the whole thing off, saving me the trouble of discovering this side of him later, or worse, after kids.”

    Mission accomplished. She’s well rid of him. I don’t care how tacky it was.

  3. geronimo says:

    It’s an odd thing to do without telling him but, even allowing for a sense of humour failure, it can’t have been much of a relationship to begin with if he freaked out over it to the extent of calling the whole thing off.

    It does sound far more like someone was looking for a way out.

  4. Terri says:

    Doesn’t make much sense that a guy with a favorite local lap-dancing place would get all uppity about a goofy wedding invitation hot tub picture. He hardly sounds like the picture of decorum. I don’t know these two from Adam & Eve, but it seems like something else must have been going on.

  5. Anna says:

    I feel awfully sorry for her. She must have really been looking forward to that wedding and she probably didn’t think he’d go crazy like that (though she really should have run it by him). After all, I suppose that if you are about to marry someone, you feel like you know them well enough to tell whether they’ll agree with your taste.

    Both of them kept the relationship pretty low-profile as far as I know (this is only the 2nd mention ever I see of it) and people usually do that when it’s especially precious to them. I understand about her being devastated, I’d be too. But to be honest, he probably wanted to leave her much earlier and this was just the perfect excuse to make her the idiot and villain and dump her right there. I am sure that this alone could not have provoked such an over-reaction. Poor Rosamund. I hope her broken heart will mend soon and that she’ll end up with someone who deserves her a whole lot more than this jerk. Hang in there girlfriend, things can only go up from here!

    Oh yeah, and if I were her, I’d have the entire food that was planned for the wedding be delivered to his house in the middle of the night, with him having to foot the bill.

  6. mimi says:

    Sounds moew like cold feet to me.

    What a coward.

  7. Syko says:

    Cheesy? Depends on what they were doing in the hot tub.

  8. Kaiser says:

    If this fug bastard isn’t groveling and kissing the ground she walks on, then she’s better off w/o him.

    P.S. I love Rosemund Pike. She’s was the best part of that Pride & Prejudice remake (that she met Joe Wright on).

  9. kate says:

    ooooh! i loved p & p, and atonement too. sounds to me like he was waiting for a reason to bail.

  10. devilgirl says:

    He sounds like a pompus ass and she is well rid of the uptight bastard. He certainly must think a lot of himself.

  11. Bellatrix says:

    As much as I adore watching Pride&Prejudice and Atonement, just in order to please my girly soul, I must say that this kind of situation doesn’t seem very honorable.

    Firstly, I would never send out wedding invitations without my fiancé’s approval. After all, you’re not just sending a card out, you’re sending the message that reads “please come see us get eternally blessed together and spend a lot of money on it” (well, probably spend a lot of money on it). It’s one of those things that announce your couple’s life so why do it in a sneaky way?
    Secondly, dumping your beloved one over something like that seems like quite a big overreacted decision. Not very rational… You could try to be understable although it’s no fun situation.

    I think that Joe Wright might have a bit of a diva personnality (not that I care much: I want to see his movies, not his personal life). He seems to like filming dramatic love stories anyway… 😀

    So, ladies, if you ever intend to marry some diva (and most artistically involved people are): do net send out tacky wedding invitations without the man’s approval.

  12. mamalicious says:

    Wow, it sounds like he really, really loved her, that they trusted each other, had great generosity of heart, and were ready to be lifelong partners.

  13. Because I say So says:

    Well said, Mamalicious!

  14. alex says:

    Those things should have been planned together like you plan to spend the rest of your lives together.

    Good that they didn’t get married. Would have ended up we-know-how. Pics of him sitting in the hot tub with the gardener or something….. 😀

  15. Mairead says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, scratch my head or say “me arse” 😕

    He dumped her over the wedding invites on “me arse” 😆

  16. Rachel says:

    Is it just me or is everybody else dying to see this wedding invite.. 😉

  17. Cindy Kennedy says:

    She is well rid of him.

  18. Alli says:

    I think he foresaw a life of nabbing the hottest chick on every romantic drama he directed forestalled too early by a marriage, and decided to opt out. He sounds like a standard mother-whore complex English skeeze (see: Hugh Grant).

  19. Carrie says:

    Agree with Alli – he didn’t really want to get married. The invites thing must have just been an excuse, because if they were getting married in September and he didn’t like them there would have been plenty of time to get new ones done. They don’t usually get mailed out to guests til about 6 weeks before the ceremony after all.

  20. drm says:

    So….let’s get this straight? Ms Pike is in the ‘wrong’ for sending out a hot tub invitation without her fiance’s permission but its perfectly ‘fine’ for him to have a favourite lap-dancing/strip-joint that he then goes to party at 4 days after dumping his fiance for her “tackiness”.


    What an up his own arse sleaze…she may be sad now but she’ll be grateful later.

  21. headache says:

    Maybe she’s a bridezilla and this was the last straw?

    Gorgeous girl, btw. Loved her in The Libertine with Johnny Depp.

  22. Uncle Sam says:

    You are gorgeous Ms. Pike ! There is no need to waste time with Mr. Wright, you are better off now !! Let them go to India peacefully, they deserve each other; Your path is beyond this Karma… I wish you all the best always… Amazing Actress… Super Stylish… Incredible Mind… Beautiful Soul… I love you Ms. Pike;)