Producers of “Grey’s Anatomy” super pissed at Katherine Heigl’s Emmy snub

“Grey’s Anatomy” star Katherine Heigl declined to be included on the list of potential Emmy nominees, citing bad material from the writers on the show. It was her second public statement against the script writers. She gave a snotty interview earlier this year calling her character Izzie’s affair a “ratings ploy” and saying that she wanted more “cooperation between the business end and the creative end” of the series. Now people who are close to the situation are speaking off the record to the New York Times. They say that writers and producers on the show are super pissed (I’m paraphrasing here) that she has the gall to so publicly diss them. It’s thought that Heigl wants out of her multi-million dollar contract, which extends until the 2009/2010 season, so that she can continue with her burgeoning movie career.

The latest disagreement flared on Wednesday, when a Los Angeles Times Web site devoted to Emmy coverage noted that Ms. Heigl, who last year won the award for best supporting actress in a drama series, was missing from the nomination ballot for the same award this year.

Asked why, Ms. Heigl said that she had decided not to have herself submitted for a nomination. “I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination and in an effort to maintain the integrity of the academy organization, I withdrew my name from contention,” she said in a statement. “In addition, I did not want to potentially take away an opportunity from an actress who was given such materials.”

A spokeswoman for Ms. Heigl said Friday that the actress would not comment further. Spokeswomen for ABC Studios, which produces “Grey’s Anatomy,” and for the ABC broadcast network also declined to comment. And a spokesman for Shonda Rhimes, the creator of the series, said she would not comment either.

Two people involved in the production of the show said that the program’s writers and producers were angered by what they considered a slap by Ms. Heigl at the people in the writers’ room. The people spoke on the condition of anonymity, which was granted because they have been involved in discussions with the program’s top executives about the situation but were not authorized to speak on behalf of the series. The series is to begin production on its fifth season on June 25.

[From The NY Times via We Smirch]

The Times notes that “Grey’s” commercials are the second most expensive on television, and that a 30 second spot on the ABC show runs for $400,000, which is only behind Fox’s American Idol in ad costs. If Heigl leaves it could significantly affect revenue, and her statements have the potential to scare away advertisers even if she sticks around.

What is this woman going to do when she finds she’s not box office gold and can’t get another television job? She’s screwing over the show that made her a star, and she also dismissed the movie through which she had her big break, calling Knocked Up “sexist” and her character a “shrew.”

She has two movies coming up, including a romantic comedy with Gerard Butler, and a feature based on the memoir of a woman who escaped from the FLDS polygamist cult. She’s co-producing the polygamist movie, and as Helen pointed out in her earlier article about Heigl’s Emmy diss, it’s not exactly surefire hit material.

Katherine Heigl is shown out at lunch with her husband, Josh Kelley, on 6/6/08 in Los Feliz, California, thanks to Splash News.

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40 Responses to “Producers of “Grey’s Anatomy” super pissed at Katherine Heigl’s Emmy snub”

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  1. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    It’s been said before on CB, but it should be repeated: La Hiegel is the 21st century David Caruso.

    Also, I think it would be great if the writers and producers got together and decided not to let La Hiegel out of her contract. Instead, they make her character have a coma. She would still have scenes, but no dialogue. Scenes would revolve around the other doctors changing her bedpan. I smell great television. 🙂

  2. headache says:

    It’s wrong to wish infertility on people . . . but I do.

  3. Dagmar says:

    As for her leaving affecting revenue for the show, I must say, if she left, I’d probably start watching the show again.

  4. Nicole says:

    I definitely think they need to keep her on the show, but give her the most peripheral storylines. Just shots of her changing IV bags or signing charts. Letting her out of her contract is what she wants, and so she’s throwing a tantrum to get it. She signed, she’s stuck.

  5. CinPin says:

    headache–I don’t think someone as self-involved as her even wants kids.

    Who told her she was the decades best actress anyway? Is she delusional????

  6. Syko says:

    Since she’s wanting out, they should insist she fulfill the contract – or sue her for breach. I like Nicole’s idea.

    I don’t watch much TV so was not even aware of this woman until “Knocked Up” and I thought she was attractive – until I heard all her comments about that movie and about her current job. Doesn’t she know not to bite the hand that feeds her? What a dumb bitch!

  7. CinPin says:

    btw–kaiser–LOVE the bedpan plot!!!

  8. UrbanRube says:

    Great idea, Nicole. This isn’t just bad career karma, it’s bad manners.

  9. G. says:

    Of course the writers are mad, i would be too if some stuck-up bitch disses my work. I’d do the coma thing with her. If she doesn’t like the work she’s doing, make her do something else.

  10. lola says:

    I never liked her before when I had no reason, I still don’t like her and now I have several reasons. She is such a pompous goat and power or money easily gets to her head. Why oh why does success come to such twats. 😥

  11. snappyfish says:

    headache, I agree but I am going to guess that these two are too in love with themselves (not each other) that reproducing would just be a bother and someone to steal their spotlight.

    one can hope

  12. The Observer says:

    IDEA #1 The Drake Ramoray Ending

    She falls on an open elevator shaft in a very obvious way. Yes, like in Friends.

    IDEA #2 The Lost in the desert ending.

    She goes on a trip to Nevada and her car breaks down and walks endlessly under the hot scorching sun.

    Then dies with vultures attacking her over.

    IDEA #3 The RAINMAN ending

    She suddenly gets autism (yes I know it is not a disease but I am the writer and I make things happen) and her friends accept her and give her a job as an ashtray cleaner supervisor for the rest of the season, then dies when a plane crashes on an ambulance where she was walking close by, ok not Rainman, but the point is to let her know that…


    I wonder if Shakira Mebarak is ever gonna pay the money she owes me. Her staff is a fraud.

  13. Codzilla says:

    I bet the real reason she bailed out of the Emmys is because she was afraid she wouldn’t win. Also, can you imagine what her douchey-looking husband puts up with at home?

  14. Kristin says:

    Selfish bitch.

  15. Keith Orchard says:

    She has an extremely overblown sense of self worth. She’s no more than a Jennifer Aniston. Her career will be only romantic comedies. And in case she has no clue, those parts will fade with her age. I just hate her ability to believe that her opinion is actually worth something to public at large. I say bring back Isiah and give Katherine and T.R. the boot. Those 2 bitches are ridiculous anyway.

  16. Ron says:

    She certainly could have been more diplomatic about this. It is never good to bite the hand that has fed you so well. That being said, bring back IW?? He is the KING of all Douchebags! Said very similar things about the show and if you happen to run into oh say, ANYONE who has worked with him, they will tell you how much better things are without him around. Talented guy, but not worth the hassle. She is going down the same road here too unfortunately.

  17. Banana Boat says:

    LOVE Nicole’s idea. I laughed thinking of her in each shot with IV bags, no lines. YES!

    Just all of the bad press she gets…her Q rating must really suck now. Oy. She was a lot cuter in that terrible ‘movie she was in with Gerard Depardieu My Father the Hero or something. Now she has an unpleasant bloated look.

  18. Anna says:

    It’s obvious she wants out of her contract and she has the worst possible manners going about it. She just keeps stabbing them in the back. I’m not a fan of Grey’s Anatomy, in fact, I’ve never watched a single episode in it’s entirety. It strikes me as Dawson’s Creek only in Doctorland.

    I say that if she wants out, she should try pulling a clean Jessica Biel: get naked for Playboy (or was it some other nudie magazine with Jessica, I don’t recall). They dropped Jessica like a hot potato they minute her pictures were published. Then again, that was because of the super religious, wholesome image of the show. Maybe Heigl could pose nude for a homeopathy magazine?

  19. Embee says:

    All last season people who watched this show (I stopped watching after season 2) complained about Izzie’s character…apparently Heigl agrees. She didn’t say “the show stinks, don’t watch it” she said that HER material wasn’t good. Wonder if her contract had an anti-disparagment clause or if such a creature exists in the entertainment world…

    Anywho, she’s outspoken, certainly, but I respect her courage and honesty. Perhaps she shouldn’t have taken the Knocked-Up role (again, didn’t see it) if the script revealed the biases she complained about, but I’ve yet to hear someone respond that her character wasn’t a shrew or that the film didn’t skew misogynistic. It sounds like people want her to keep her mouth shut or be agreeable, which is unacceptable.

  20. rlr260 says:

    I know people are comparing her to David Caruso, but I think it would be more appropriate to give her the Suzanne Somers-Three’s Company treatment. Send Izzy on a trip, and let her phone back to Seattle Grace. That would give her about one minute of screen time, and no contact with her co-stars.

  21. Kevin says:

    Emee, I agree with you completely. When the hand that feeds you has you so fat you can feed yourself,,,then that ace card no longer trumps anything. As far as her material sucking,,,I think the writers should go back on strike. I enjoyed T.V. more when they were at home sitting on their asses. For the most part the shit on broadcast T.V. is totally devoid of inspiration or creativity. I will stand up for a couple animated series that are still pretty good and there are a couple of shows that are still decent,,,but far too few for the amount that are out there. As far as Hiegl goes,,,I don’t particularly like her but I always like to see someone that will stick their finger in the eye of the powers that be. And if the writers don’t like it,,,tough shit. Why do you think there are so many reality shows?? HHHMMM,,,maybe the writers aren’t as good as they think they are. Seriously, think about it.

  22. countrybabe says:

    She talks too much, but wasn’t she on the picket line a few months ago defending the writers?

  23. vdantev says:

    Put her character in a coma for an entire season, that’ll shut her ass up. The first time I saw her was in a Steven Segal action movie, playing his niece. I kept thinking it was Bridgette Wilson from the Mortal Kombat movie.

  24. jarkko says:

    “Maybe Heigl could pose nude for a homeopathy magazine?” – classic! I almost sprayed water all over my keyboard!

  25. Piers says:

    Ok, here goes. Never done this before.
    I’ve been watching GA since it started, and I enjoy it for what it is. I may be the only one with the opinion, but I think that KH has every right to express what she feels. She just knows what she wants. If she feels that she isnt being appreciated fully on the show, then she needs to stand up for what she believes in, and not be dictated to as to what to say or not to say. I say all the more power to her for knowing what she wants. If she feels she wants to move onto movies full time, thats her choice.

    One last thing, I tend to agree that the whole Izzie and George storyline was just a ratings ploy!

  26. Kevin says:

    Piers. Nice 1st post, welcome. Its nice to have someone post that actually a) watched the show or b) read the article before posting. Usually it’s just people jumping on the celeb without any kind of knowledge.(you know who you are so shut up) Overall it’s an excellent site and they try to post only credible stories, though that’s hard to to do for the most part.

  27. mollination says:

    Piers, I understand what you’re getting at. I don’t think people hate KH for standing up for herself. I think it’s the way she goes about it which irks people so much. There’s a saying “Never bite the hand that feeds” or if you prefer “Don’t shit where you eat”. Both mean basically the same thing. Don’t screw over the source that is providing for you. This show made her a star. Look at George Clooney. He managed to successfully transition from his tv show to film after his contract ended. She could go about it that way. She doesn’t need to be so ungrateful or grating on our nerves.

  28. Hollz says:

    I agree with you Piers! It was totally a ploy! I didn’t really mind, since I CAN’T STAND callie…now thats someone who rubs me the wrong way!! Knocked up, IMHO, was a pretty bad & kinda degrading movie…
    I loved her in 27 dresses tho, shes to cute…why is she playing the “ugly” sister?

  29. Mandy says:

    She should have just said, “I already have an Emmy, and I wanted to give other actresses a chance.” It’s not really a lie, and it would spare the writers’ feelings. If she thought her material was bad last season, just wait until they get their revenge! BTW, anyone else remember that pic of her from a few months back, when she was picketing with the writers on strike? Hmm.

  30. Mike says:

    She did the right thing, for the most part. I bet that she was forced to air the dirty laundry because the producers were uncooperative. Not just about her contract, but just as importantly, about her character. When people win an Emmy, they tend to get an expanded role thereafter, or at least the same amount as before. In contrast, not only did she have her screen time reduced, but her storyline was asinine, which most regular fans of the show agree on. So she has the right to be pissed. Could she have expressed herself better? I don’t know, because we don’t know what went on behind the stage. Did she complain and was ignored? If so, hell yeah. Complain to the sky’s limit, byatch! Plus, she’s not really biting the hand that’s feeding her. Not anymore. We have no idea how long GA will be popular, nor do we know how popular she will be in movies. Either way it’s a crap shoot, and thankfully, she’s already made a bundle and isn’t exactly out there begging. Not like, say, Sandra Oh, a gifted actress but has been able to land only small film roles. So yeah, Heigl CAN afford to give the show’s producers/writers the finger.

  31. Kevin says:

    I hear ya MIke,,,I love Sandra Oh!

  32. badass says:

    Who is this corpse? Don’t know and don’t give a

  33. sallysitwell says:

    I can’t stand Katie Heigl. (She strikes me as the type who would hate ‘Katie’ and insist obnoxiously on ‘Katherine’.)

    She just seems so completely stuck up and arrogant and full of herself. If she didn’t want an Emmy nom, then she could have been gracious and humble about it. Something along the lines of, “I won last year and I think someone else should have a chance.” Not, “The writing is shit but I am such an excellent actress that the Emmy voters will CLEARLY choose me despite that and also, I hate the writers on my show since I deserve things better than this silly little television program.”

  34. Colee says:

    You’ve got to wonder…how many fans does she think she’ll have left after she demoralizes one of the top rated shows on television?

    It’s too bad…because when she first stepped out…I couldn’t help but support her…now I could care less what movie she’s in.

  35. Colee says:

    If you saw 27 dresses…you’ll HAVE to agree…She definately SHOULDN’T QUIT HER DAY JOB.

  36. rebeccala says:

    but… didn’t i read somewhere that she ASKED for a reduced profile on GA to focus on her, ahem, movie career???

  37. CB Rawks says:

    Yeah I love how she thinks that no matter how crap her stuff is, she will STILL beat all the other actresses out there. What a douche. 🙄

  38. ohnow says:

    I know a lot of people will disagree but I think that what Heigl said was fair enough. I mean, I think it was badly done with the whole public statement thing but as a decent actor who feels unchallenged by her material she has a right to say that and whatever else she honestly feels. In this age of PR control and contrived statements, a relatively famous actor saying what they actually feel about pieces they are working with or in is a revelation of sorts. Even if it was a little unclassy of her to be so backhanded towards the writers, she raised some valid points and had a right to. I think maybe people could cut her a little slack.

  39. ohnow says:

    Oh, and also, her comments on her character in Knocked Up ought not to be construed as negative towards the writers and creators. As actors, plenty of people take on roles where they dislike the character (e.g. Lady Macbeth) but still see it as fulfilling and interesting. If she had said the writers had made her character a “shrew” and so on when that wasn’t what she should have been, then perhaps it could be seen as a direct criticism. Eh, I dunno. I just think the current media coverage is INCREDIBLY biased against her. Personally, I’d like to see more actors being honest about their roles and pieces. People are blunt in other careers, even when they’re in the limelight, so why not acting? All it takes is some tact and less negativity from audiences.

  40. Izzy says:

    Ironically, my nickname is Izzy.

    I think that Katherine has every right to express her opinion of her character. I see a lot of people saying that she should sit down, shut up, and be greatful for an oppertunity to make money.

    Honestly, how many of us never complain about our jobs? I like mine, I really do, but I still bitch about it to my friends and coworkers. I still think that some of the demands placed upon me are unreasonable. I doubt that she is any different.

    I have family who watch the show, and I don’t like what the writers have done with Izzy. I think they’re making her act in a way which contradicts the kind of person she is, and I think that’s what Katherine objects to. Criticism is permitted, and in my opinion should be welcome. Once we stop criticizing, we start to lose our voice, and eventually will become completely ignored and overlooked. 😐

    Just in passing, is it stuck-up to want to be reffered to by your name, instead of a name others have assigned you? If so, when did this happen? 😕 I’m dating a man named Anthony, and that’s what I call him, not because he’s to arrogant to go by Tony, but because Anthony is his name, and it’s what he prefers to be called. 😕