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3 Responses to “Cuba Gooding Jr. goes to the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony”

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  1. CandyKay says:

    He’s also in one of my favorite movies, Eddie Murphy’s “Coming to America.” It’s one of his first roles – he just sits in a barber shop chair getting his hair cut, while Murphy and Arsenio Hall riff around him.

  2. I choose me says:

    To be fair to Cuba, its not easy getting those plum roles in Hollywood when you’re a black man. Unless you’re Denzel, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman or Sam Jackson. Morgan is something like an icon at this point. Denzel & Will have that sexy/suave leading man status and Sam Jackson has badass status. Cuba not so much. So even though he is a talented actor imo, I’m not surprised that after the good roles dried up or failed to come his way, he started doing what he could to earn a paycheck.

  3. Mimi says:

    I love him, it doesn’t matter what he does. IMO,he’s a terrific actor and I look forward to any thing in which he stars. I’ve read Carson’s book… oh he’s going to be terrific in this.