DMX must really, really like jail

I guess hip-hop artist and actor DMX was missing his three squares a day and orange jumpsuit, because he was out driving with no license last night and got arrested. Again. For the third time in two months.

DMX got arrested … for the third time since May.

He was popped in Miami yesterday for driving without a valid driver’s license, according to the local po-po. Why he would do this after getting collared in Arizona on a suspended license just a month ago is anyone’s guess. Of course, he then got nabbed three days later in ‘Zona for animal cruelty and felony drug possession charges.


Remember that scene in the Jim Carrey movie “Liar Liar,” where one of his repeat offenders calls him after his latest bust, and Jim Carrey screams into the phone, “STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!” DMX needs a lawyer like that. This marks a grand total of 11 times since 1999 that DMX has worn handcuffs and been stuffed into the back of a police cruiser. I’m beginning to think it’s a fetish or something. Some of the arrest charges were kind of lame, like the time he was busted for using “obscene language” during a concert in the Caribbean; or the time he was picked up for “unsafe lane changing.” I’m willing to give him a pass on those. But the guy has multiple animal cruelty, drug and weapons possession, assault and driving without a license charges, too. He thinks the rules don’t apply to him- and serving jail time doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent. Maybe the next time he winds up in the clink, he should be forced to watch that shitty movie he did with Steven Segal the entire time. THAT might make him think twice.

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7 Responses to “DMX must really, really like jail”

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  1. devilgirl says:

    He’s DMX, the law doesn’t apply to him, or so he thinks. Everyone else committing crimes who are in the public eye, get off, why not him? I am so sick of celebrities and their effed up idea that they don’t have to abide by the rules like the rest of us mere mortals. One would think that with the amount of money someone like him makes, he could afford a driver to take him where he needs to go. These rap artists always have entourages with them, why doesn’t he have one of his hangers on drive him around. There is really no point in arresting him because all he will get is a slap on the wrist and then back to business as usual he will go.

  2. MaiGirl says:

    Exactly. Homeboy has a reality show on BET–he can afford to hire a driver if nothing else. And honestly, what is up with the dogfighting and animal cruelty? It’s just weird and wrong.

    And that is possibly the most unflattering photo I have ever seen of anyone. The chest pubes and 40 oz. gut–that’s triple-X sexy right there!

  3. I choose me says:

    I happen to live on the Caribbean island where DMX got arrested and yeah it was stupid and treated pretty much like a joke. He was here for our music festival which we have every June from the 26th – 28th. Had he been thrown in jail for real, I bet his ass would have been crying for his Mama inside a week. Jail here ain’t no picnic let me tell you. Oh and Eve was here for the music fest same time he was. Word from those in the know is Eve’s a grade A bitch.

  4. vdantev says:

    But if he were rich and white, it would be a different story, “Sorry for the inconvenience, sir.” and sent on his merry way to rehab or something.

  5. Scott F. says:

    Dante, that only applies if you’re rich, white, and a woman. Lindsay, Paris, ect. Try and tell Kiefer Sutherland that rich white guys don’t do time for moving violations.

  6. vdantev says:

    You speak the truth, Scott !!

  7. JohnFinkelstein says:

    The latest thing this guy has been arrested for was identity theft. I think he has some real issues and needs to go ahead and get some proffessional help.