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18 Responses to “Pete Wentz says Ashlee craves green olives & pickles; don’t know sex yet”

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  1. Izzy says:

    While some of the stuff they do is a little insane (Irish Leprechaun dance on SNL, anyone?), I still think they have the right mindset for their kid and they’ll be great parents.

  2. Mairead says:

    Yeah. It’ll be a boy.

  3. Cassie says:

    @ Mairead: It’ll be a boy in the end, but they won’t be able to figure out if it’s a boy or a girl up til the delivery because the baby will probably inherit Pete’s gender identity issues….I kid, I kid!

  4. Kelly says:

    I’m sorry but if the father of my child dressed like that I’d freak. But then again, I wouldn’t be with him in the first place. I can’t Pete!

  5. Leah says:

    He’s 29? Whoa. I totally thought he was 20 or 21.

  6. Diva says:

    I’m surprised he’s 29, too.

    I’ve always thought he was adorable in that lil emo boy way, but knowing he’s nearly my age makes it a little bit weird.

    As far as him having kissed a guy or two, it happens ALOT more than men admit, and it doesn’t mean anything more than a chick kissing another chick. This macho “gay” shit is so annoying.

  7. Kolby says:

    Why are they waiting so long to find out the sex? I think he’s lying – again. If she’s really due in October, they would have found out the sex at least a month ago, if not earlier.

  8. NHchicky says:

    It’s not that he “kissed” a couple guys.. We’re talking hot and heavy make out sessions.. And that’s just what he’s admitted to.

    As far as their child is concerned though, I wish them the best of luck.

  9. Tear says:

    If she’s craving salty its def a boy! Although a girl for be funny for them. 😆

  10. vdantev says:

    Doesn’t know sex yet? Then someone else got her pregnant. 😆 Well hell, just look at the little emo fruit- someone almost HAD TOO !!

  11. hairball says:

    It’s so nice to see him without fricking foundation and eye liner on!! He makes me skin crawl.

  12. Cassie says:

    @vdantev: i just snorted iced tea out of my nose, thanks! lol yeah i thought that was worded a little oddly too

  13. Scott F. says:

    That guy couldn’t be more of a douche if he tried. I’m sorry, but is the idea behind ’emo’ that one should strive to look as close to an androgynous street person as possible?

  14. geronimo says:

    Mystic Mairead 😀

  15. yomama says:

    im personally pretty happy for them. they are doing the right thing here, i think. they got married(not that you have to, but it does show commitment) and they both seem so happy and excited. its refreshing. and ya’ll need to lay off calling pete a douche. im not a fan, i just think there are much bigger jackasses out there than him. and so what if he made out with a guy, or wears makeup sometimes. whats so bad about that?

  16. paris herpes says:

    Pete Wentz will probably NEVER be a man. He’s too much of an emo hipster douche for that. Also, it would mean having to give up wearing mascara, I just don’t think he’s ready to part with that!

  17. Codzilla says:

    Scott F. speaks the truth. Wentz is a tool.

  18. Hey... says:

    I agree, the fact that he said “boys become fathers when the baby is born” is creepy. BOYS don’t have babies! and 29-year old males are called MEN!