Last week, I made this Bossip story the lead link for the day – Bossip had video of Matt Kemp maybe/probably creeping out on Rihanna with some skeezy club girl. To be fair to Matt, he was with a group of friend-types, and the girl could have just been a friend. To be fair to Bossip, the girl looked like she was trying to pass her phone number, and Matt was all “Not in front of the paparazzi, slut.” Anyway, Matt Kemp’s fidelity is in question. And now Hello Beautiful and Terez Owens (amongst other urban sites) are reporting the rumor that Rihanna dumped him:
Matt Kemp and Rihanna have been dating for quite a while..Throughout their relationship, rumors of cheating on both sides surfaced daily.. Now the baseball star and his pop star girlfriend have called it quits.With Kemp smack dab in the middle of his off-season, and Rihanna traveling the globe promoting her music, the two slowly drifted apart..Kemp’s penchant for clubbing was also partly to blame for the demise of their relationship..
My sources tell me Kemp left a Hollywood club last week with two girls in tow and brought them home..My eyewitness who was there, tells me the two girls both crashed in Matt’s room the entire night..I doubt he was reading them bedtime stories..
Rihanna was ready to move on as well..Her reported romance with Drake was semi responsible for the fights that eventually lead to the split..I wouldn’t be surprised if they rekindled a few times..but my source tells me it’s officially over. -TO
[From Terez Owens]
Rihanna and Drake? That’s interesting. I could see that, I really could. As for Matt Kemp – oh, well. Maybe a Kardashian is available? It wouldn’t surprise me if he was cheating, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if he was just with other women while he and RiRi were on a “break” too, you know? We’ll see.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
riri already had a thing with drake after the chris thing, she hit it and then dump it
Maybe Drake is her “go to guy” when she’s inbetween boyfriends.
These people are all so ugly (esp Drake)
Rihanna is so pathetic, she can’t even be alone for ONE-SECOND!!!!
Yeah, she played Drake like a fiddle already. Wasn’t he quoted as saying something like “She did to me what I had done to girls in the past. She disappeared.” Something like that, effectively saying she hit it, quit it and moved on to greener pastures. If she’s bumping uglies with Drake, it’ll only be for a short while. And I do love it when players get played.
I’m kinda sad if she and Matt Kemp are done. He’s a cutey and seemed to really adore her (inference from pictures, obviously, but some couples seems into each other and some just don’t). I hope he didn’t cheat, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
I thought Drake was with Nikki Minaj or something like that? Didn’t her and drake do song about what they were feeling and then decided naw they are just friends. its happens.
i love Rihanna but she has a bad taste in guys… always going for the bad ones. but then again who doesn’t like a bad boy? haha. Goodluck babe.
nah drake and nicki are just label mates
Well, the Matt Kemp guy is certainly better looking. The Drake person has a weird face and droopy eyes. I don’t think she is going to get serious with anyone soon. She’s young, rich and beautiful.
@craigc, no kidding.
Nah. She didn’t really “date” Drake. She just used him for publicity to say that she was “moving on” while she was still with Chris Brown.
That was why he was so butt hurt like KJ said.
I doubt she’s dating him. and maybe her and Matt are on a break. Maybe he just couldn’t deal with her “rebellious” ::snort:: nature…
kemp cheated? The horror! How dare he? The young, goodlooking, rich man couldn’t stay faithfull huh? do not get this celebrity women at all. She better stay single or become a lesbian because she is never going to meet a faithfull man. Drake and his droopy face will cheat on her too with nicki minaj and her huge ass
I think RiRi should get together with Eminem, Hip Hop needs another power couple beside Hov and B.
i meant to say she will never find a faithfull celebrity man..
I agree with #2. I think Rihanna is doing what she does, to Drake at least, which is using him while she’s in between relationships for attention and probably sex, and then when better prospects come along, she’ll “disappear” again.
And Drake will probably keep coming back for more punishment, because frankly, let’s say what we know based on Rihanna’s relationships in the past: the girl has a magical vagina. She just has to. There’s no way she could slay all of these industry guys without it. All of the rumors of her gettin’ it with Kanye West, Drake, CB, Kemp, a couple of producers, etc? There’s a reason they don’t mind her playing the field.
That magic vagina is what got her off the island of Barbados at 14 (I think) if some sordid stories are to be believed. Apparently Rihanna, who did grow up impoverished and had a father addicted to crack, was a young “working girl” when she blew the right record exec on vacation. The rest is history.
I don’t know if I believe it, but considering the kind of economic dire straights areas of the Caribbean are, resulting in the aforementioned teen hooking, and considering that most execs in Hollywood are gross old men just waiting to take advantage of sweet young things, I’m gonna say that I don’t believe that it didn’t happen, but I don’t believe that it did.
You know, I think Rihanna is pretty but that girl cannot sing. If it weren’t for autotune and the constant pushing her into the public eye by big names she wouldn’t be where she is. And Matt Kemp is fugly as all get out.
Good for RiRi for dumping Matt if he was really cheating, but I think Drake is her ‘friend with benefits’.
Glad I’m not the only one who thinks Drake is fugly as hell – and he’s over-rated talent wise.
You can add JT to Rihanna’s list of conquests. There was pretty strong buzz last year about the two of them hooking up repeatedly but then Justin allegedly got cold feet about dumping JBiel and Rihanna hooked up with Matt Kemp. It was never going to last though, that was obvious from day one.
Lol@”magic vagina”!
And add me to the list of people who think Drake is totally fug! Matt Kemp, on the other hand, is a cutie. Although, he’s probably also a cheating douche. So, neither of them are really any kind of prize.
I don’t think she hooked-up with Justin. Anytime two celebrities stand next to each tabloids claim they are dating.
Ok, I didn’t know who Matt Kemp is until I Googled him. So, he’s a Dodger. Pretty cute and looks tall. He probably was cheating as most famous, rich, good looking jocks probably do from time to time. #15 – wow. That makes sense. RiRi is bad ass but, the red hair has GOT to go.
She don’t just date one guy. She play pr games with men to booster her career.
Kemp is a horrible baseball player so I knew they were going to end that relationship soon as they could.
Drake is ugly with no talent so I think the pairing was to boost his no singing career to.
Rhianna’s family may have been poor, but Barbados is one of the wealthiest countries in the world out of approx 180 or so it ranks about 50. So while her family may have had limited means, most family on the island are solidly middle class with a long history of educated families, no insult meant to her family.
i think at some point we’re going to stop blaming every man she gets with and ask ourselves: WHAT NEGATIVE ROLE IS SHE PLAYING IN THESE RELATIONSHIPS?
i cant believe that every man she’s been with has been a dog.
Maybe R should take a break from men and take care of herself. She had a horrible domestic violence experience; it would be good to be on her own and concentrate on her career, maybe even work on figuring out who she is and what she really wants for awhile. Living in a whirlwind does not make you a stable (or happy) person, especially when you are as young as she is.
am i the only person who cannot take drake seriously because he will forever be jimmy from Degrassi???
uummmm barbados is not economically strapped so KJ YOU CAN TAKE YOUR ISH SUMWHERE ELSE….. rihanna was in the third highest high school ih this country…. so plz dont make it seem like we have young girls waiting for handouts .. whoever she screwed that is her vjj not ours becuz mos tof the ppl on these blogs and websites/forums cant count the maount of ppl we screwed on one hand either so get over her sex life
but why can she not play the field if she wants to??? I think she should go ahead and paste her wild honey anywhere she deems fit, men sow their wild oats all day long dont they?
@becky – He will always be Wheelchair Jimmy to me but I bought his album and it is good!!!
@KJ – I’m not from Barbados but it is the birthplace of my maternal grandmother before she moved to Trinidad to have my mother. I’ve never heard that RiRi’s father is a crack addict and as Dansa Gyal said, please don’t assume that everyone from the Caribbean is impoverished. You can throw a rock in any city and you are bound to hit poor or impoverished people so I think Dansa Gyal and I took offense that you claim that dire economic straits of Caribbean countries are what caused Rihanna to spread herself for a record deal. There are worse singers and worse performers out there who can be accused of the same thing. But I’m not going to point them out. If their talent has a short lifespan that hopefully they will bank their cash when the attention goes away.
Becky- hahaha yea…drake will forever be jimmy!!!
i don’t care about matt kemp. i really love drake. i appreciate him as a rapper and he really seems like a nice guy. but if he will be with rihanna that would make him look stupid. she uses him whenever she wants it’s obvious they had some kinda sexual relationship but i just can’t see them as a couple.