Dina Lohan: “It was hard for Lindsay to turn down ‘Inferno'”


You know how Dina Lohan has been giving “exclusive” interviews to Radar all week? Yesterday, I joked that Radar was paying Dina in Botox, lip injections and meth. Yeah… it’s no longer funny because it’s so true. Mother Crackhead has given yet another interview to Radar, and in this one, Dina is singing the “My milkaholic daughter’s career is doing just fine, and she was never fired from anything, ever” song. It is completely delusional, and I really have to wonder if even Daughter Crackhead approves of her mother’s constant crack hustling:

The real reason Lindsay Lohan is no longer slated to play porn star Linda Lovelace in a feature film is because she didn’t want to play a drug addict after what she’s been through, her mother Dina told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

The Mean Girls star, 24, has had many other offers and is looking at scripts now, and has found two that she particularly likes, Dina added. Contradicting reports that Lindsay was replaced on Inferno, the story about Lovelace, Dina said: “She turned Inferno down.”

Dina Lohan told RadarOnline.com that Lindsay simply didn’t want to come out of rehab and play a drug addict.

The recovering actress is scheduled to be released from the Betty Ford Center on January 3.

“The movie is about a drug addict and a porn star… it is hard when you are a serious actor with what she has been through, we don’t need that,” Dina told RadarOnline.com. “Lindsay was disappointed because she really wanted to do it, but she felt that it would not be good for her after what she has experienced. It was hard for her to turn it down, because it was an amazing role.”

In May, it was announced that Lindsay signed to play 70’s porn star Lovelace in the independent film, Inferno. But given Lindsay’s recent history with drug abuse, the actress and those close to her felt it wouldn’t be a good idea to remain in the role.

Dina told RadarOnline.com: “She felt it wasn’t right to take that role after what she had been through, and play a drug addict. She made the ultimate decision, she always does.”

Although Lindsay won’t be starring as Linda Lovelace, she will continue to follow her passion for acting and remain in the movie industry – she’s just looking for the right role.

“We are looking at scripts and she’s had a lot of offers. She has two in mind that she likes but we can’t say now what they are. We are going to take it slow right now.”

But Lindsay is finally taking control of her life, taking her sobriety seriously and making some difficult choices to stay on the path to wellness – and it’s starting with her professional choices.

[From Radar]

Sure. So Lindsay wasn’t fired and immediately replaced with someone better looking, less of a hassle and less of a drug-addicted monster. And Lindsay has tons of options coming out of rehab, too. She’s got scripts! And not just those porno scripts either. Of course, Dina. Let’s just placate her until she goes away, okay?

By the way, has anyone seen Ali lately? I’m truly concerned that these interviews are all some kind of elaborate Crack Hustle to introduce “the new and improved Ali Lohan” complete with plastic surgery and a room at the Chateau Marmont.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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48 Responses to “Dina Lohan: “It was hard for Lindsay to turn down ‘Inferno'””

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  1. brin says:

    These pictures really capture the crazy that is Dina. If Ali was smart (that’s a big if)she would emancipate herself pronto.

  2. Riley says:

    I love your stash of Dina Lohan pics. They work so perfectly with the stories you write about her.

  3. December says:

    This woman will never stop, will she? I wish Lindsay would get a restraining and a gag order against her. Surely she can see that Dina does more harm to LiLo’s reputation than good, right?

  4. NayNay says:

    I think that Dina needs to STFU already. Until I hear these comments coming directly from Lindsay, then I firmly believe these comments to be bullshit. Dina certainly has diarrhea of the mouth.

  5. Penguen says:

    Dina has zero credibility. I almost didn’t finish the excerpt because I knew I couldn’t actually believe what Dina was saying.

    She’s just making things worse all around.

  6. NayNay says:

    I just read the story again, and it is certainly bullshit, because Dina says, “Lindsay is a serious actor”. LMFAO!!! Is she kidding us.


  7. Hakura says:

    Dina’s BS only makes her daughter look worse. If she was fired from a job, she was fired from a job. That fact will be well known for about a week, then go away.

    But you aren’t LETTING it go away. You rehash everything and lie repeatedly, which brings very negative attention to Lindsay. She doesn’t need your help getting negative attention.

    What do you want to bet Lindsay’s relapses link up time-wise to some of Dina’s public statements?

  8. Lori says:

    Dina needs to shut her pie hole. Worst mother ever.

  9. normades says:

    “We are looking at scripts…”

    Why “we”??? Butt out Dina, you are poison. Lindsay will never get better until she can cut her mom out of her professional life forever and personal life for a while.

  10. Stronzilla says:

    It was hard for Lindsay to turn down Inferno? With a nickname like firecrotch I’d say it was perfect casting.

  11. serena says:

    I’m worried about Ali too..

  12. Diane says:

    Heaven forbid we should go a whole day without this wack job and her lies.

  13. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Dina just wants the fame she never got, hence her total involvement in LL’s life.

    Lindz needs to CUT HER OUT, completely. and I agree that Ali should emancipate herself from that family.

    I’m hoping the reason we haven’t seen Ali lately is that she realized that she’s not cut out for fame and is lying low. yeah, I know…I have my doubts about that, but I can hope.

  14. MayB says:

    “She makes the ultimate decision, she always does.”

    Statements like this are never necessary for an honest, non-defensive person

  15. Rio says:

    Whenever I see Dina Lohan I think she’s the long-lost child of the “Alien” fetus and Dramatic Prairie Dog.

  16. journey says:

    maybe ali saw the gosselin/palin show and thought if she ran away to Alaska she could beg to be made a palin instead of a lohan.

  17. susanne says:

    You’re so right with the use of ‘we’ when W.O. is talking about her daughter’s choices, her daughter’s life.
    Poor kid never had a chance. Wait. She’s had a million chances and pissed on/snorted coke off every one.
    I think she’s lacking in the humility to get well.

  18. Happymom says:

    What will it take to make this horrible woman go away? I love Celebitchy-but could we call a halt on all stories from and about her? ANY coverage of her is too much in my opinion-it just encourages her self delusion that she’s relevant.

  19. OXA says:

    Dina is selling interviews bcasue she is desperate for money. If Lindsay dont work, Dina as her manager, does not earn her percentage of the money. We can expect to hear lots more from Dina as her bills mount up and Lindsay dries up.

  20. Jo says:

    what a load of crap. She was let go because she was uninsureable. Plain and simple.

    This woman has a chronic case of verbal diarrhea. Keep it zipped because you are NOT helping your daughter’s career.

  21. Nanea says:

    Of course it was hard for LiLo to turn down Inferno.

    She’s the only one in the family to ever have earned serious money, so I bet the others kept egging her on.

  22. Roma says:

    Are there new Ali pictures floating around?

  23. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Shut your whore mouth! Just STFU! I cannot for the life of me understand why I am surprised at the depths to which this POS sinks, but I am. How much worse can it get? You can tell by “we” she means “me” & if she had freckles there’s no doubt in my mind that she’d off Lindsay & take over her identity.

  24. Ruby Red Lips2 says:

    Praise st Angie: “I’m hoping the reason we haven’t seen Ali lately is that she realized that she’s not cut out for fame and is lying low. yeah, I know…I have my doubts about that, but I can hope”

    Lol!! My hope too!

  25. la_chica says:

    How about the first step to rehabbing her career:


  26. jc126 says:

    I feel strongly that Dina Lohan, and Michael, should be covered with A1 Sauce and dropped into the polar bear den at the zoo at dinner time.

  27. original kate says:

    dina really needs to get a life of her own. maybe she could take up birdwatching or scrapbooking or something.

  28. Hakura says:

    Ali has seen this show from the inside, since the beginning. I realize it’s probably difficult for Lindsay to now say ‘no’ to her mother, who’s been forcing her into this business since she was a child. Lindsay, Who’s shouldered all of her expectations and aspirations for years and years. But I think because Dina’s attention has always been SO focused on Lindsay… Ali has escaped Dina’s sort of ‘control’ and influence. I truly hope so.

    Dina is chasing this fantasy, a full on *delusion*, that Lindsay’s career is really her’s. It’s obvious from the thing she’s said about ‘being a rockette’, which was proven not to be true… Then making herself into a ‘dance teacher, who taught lindsay’. She’s trying to take credit for Lindsay’s abilities, to get the approval by proxy. This obsession has overshadowed the love she has for her child, as a mother. Has prevented her from acting for Lindsay’s well being, and doing the exact opposite.

    The woman is truly sick. (And no, I’m not making that an excuse for her behavior, believe me. She deserves to be held accountable) She needs treatment for this. Whoever recently said that Disney should put the parents through Psych-tests before hiring their children was dead on.

  29. NayNay says:


    I am with you on this one! Sounds like an excellent idea.

  30. dorothy says:

    Is this woman STILL talking…..?? Better question..is anyone listening?

  31. redlips says:

    I have never seen, heard or met anyone more “co-dependent” than this broad! What a poor excuse for a mother.

    Lilo has NO chance of getting well, with this trigger constantly in her face and speaking for her.

  32. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    Who’s a “serious actress”? Lindsay? Gimme a break CrackMom.

  33. redlips says:

    One more thing…..why is she holding a toothbrush in her right hand?

    Dina honey, it is time to cut that hair. You are nobodies little girl!

  34. hatsumomo says:

    Im telling you, she’s a dead-ringer for Elena De Hoyos! (no pun intended)

  35. craigc says:

    how UGLY is this bitch??!!

  36. Faye says:

    I read this story on my phone and that first, ghastly pic filled up the whole screen with excruciating clarity. Ugh.

  37. Green Is Good says:

    Every time Dina opens her yap, she puts another nail in Lilo’s career. STFU already.

  38. FluffyRabbit says:

    Can this woman ever STFU.

  39. Matt says:

    This woman needs to have STFU tattooed on her forehead.

  40. Churchston Winsthill says:

    Dina the Chipmunk has a real future in comedy! “Serious actress, serious role, all she’s been through”…LOL! The idiot drunkenly snorted her entire career down the bowl and mommy’s worried about her Botox n’ blow meal ticket’s “next role”. Too funny. Her next “role” will no doubt be as part of some awful two-minute MTV sketch where she plays herself.

  41. Bitter fruit says:

    😆 she needs her own show where she can rant and rave for our entertainment.

  42. Bella Mosley says:

    What’s with all the WE crap? We don’t need that, Weare looking at scripts, We can’t say now, We’re going to take it slow?

    Does Dina think she is morphing into Lindsay?

  43. Ruffian9 says:

    Does she think anyone actually buys this s**t? It’s over, Dina. Now sc**w off.

  44. Liana says:

    I simply can’t with this woman. She is the worst excuse for a mother.

  45. CB Rawks says:

    I don’t understand Dina. What’s the point of LYING all the time? Who does she think she’s actually fooling? I just want to slap her.

  46. Jaye E says:

    She’s really not doing her daughter any favors. Her relationship with Lindsay is probably more toxic to her than her non-relationship with her famewhore of a father.

  47. dahlia6 says:

    How is Lindsey Lohan only 24? I swear I’ve been hearing her name since the Regan Administration! Or is that just an example of the Theory of Relativity explained as by Deep Blue Sea . . . thingy.

  48. Jeri says:

    Dr Drew.. Dr Drew..!! Dina needs you!