I kind of love that Winona Ryder has been doing so much press for Black Swan, and for her upcoming role in The Dilemma, which comes out shortly. Our Winona is no longer a cover girl – at least for the major magazines. But she’s been making some appearances in several magazines lately, and she’s in the new January issue of GQ (full piece here). Winona says much of the same stuff she said to Elle. But I’m lapping it up anyway. The best parts are where she tells a really awesome/horrible Mel Gibson story, and when she alludes to her pill addiction. Here are the highlights:
The Mel Gibson story: “I remember, like, fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And he was really drunk. I was with my friend, who’s gay. He made a really horrible gay joke. And somehow it came up that I was Jewish. He said something about ‘oven dodgers,’ but I didn’t get it. I’d never heard that before. It was just this weird, weird moment. I was like, ‘He’s anti-Semitic and he’s homophobic.’ No one believed me!”
On her role as the fading star ballerina in Black Swan: “I thought it was a cool parallel,” she says. “Being replaced by the young thing. I know that definitely happens in Hollywood. It’s harder to find good roles, and suddenly there’s new girls. I’m at that age I’ve been warned my whole life about.”
All she’ll say about Johnny Depp: When she does allude to the elephants, it’s in passing, as if I wouldn’t know they’re there—she says things like “My first relationship was very public” (you don’t say!) and bats a set of eyelashes as dark and lush as marabou dipped in squid ink, then moves on, and if it’s a gambit it’s working pretty well so far, honestly.
On being out of touch: Ryder has been talking about certain aspects of contemporary culture that confuse her, as if she’s a time traveler—which she kind of is! From the last century! She’s still figuring out how to work her iPhone. She talks about TMZ but calls it TZM. She doesn’t know who Justin Bieber is.
On pill addictions and rehab: She says she’s never seen a reality-TV show, and she seems genuinely puzzled and horrified by the existence of Celebrity Rehab. “I mean, who would want to go through that, on TV?” she says. We spend a few surreal minutes explaining Celebrity Rehab to Winona; the paradoxical way Dr. Drew helps patients mind-warped by fame with everything that’s wrong with them except their desire to be famous; the ongoing struggles of Jeff Conaway, who played Kenickie in Grease, then resurfaced in Dr. Drew’s clinic, undergoing chew-your-arm-off withdrawal from painkillers in front of VH1’s cameras. “Yeah,” Winona says, “those things. I think they’re more powerful than people think. People think, ‘Oh, heroin’s the hardest,’ but pills can be… ” Didn’t you have sort of a moment with those? “I did,” she says, “but it was—I broke my arm in two places.” (This was in 2001, on the set of the Adam Sandler movie Mr. Deeds.) “For about a month, I had to take it. But then I just kept taking it for, like… maybe three more weeks. But the thing I do remember is that once my arm was okay and they were still there, you kind of like… ”
More on the pills, and the shoplifting incident: What I want to say is, Wait a minute. According to a probation report archived at the Smoking Gun’s Web site, when Ryder was arrested, police found a syringe, bottles of Demerol and diazepam, six Valiums, forty Vicoprofens, two Vicodins, two Percocets, a Percodan, and a morphine-sulfate capsule in her purse. In 2002, a Dr. Feelgood type named Jules Lusman had his license pulled by the Medical Board of California after an investigation determined that he’d “prescribed or administered controlled substances without good faith exams” to clients like Courtney Love and “E. T.,” which was short for “Emily Thompson,” Ryder’s prescription-pad alias. In an August 2007 Vogue cover story, Ryder actually blamed the whole shoplifting situation on pill-related “confusion.”
On Meryl Streep and aging in the industry: “It’s hard to imagine a time where Meryl Streep wasn’t the first choice for everything,” Ryder says, “but I was reading some article, and she said something like, ‘Yeah, when I was around 38, 39, I turned to my husband and said, “Should we just call it a day, or should we try to kick the can down the road?” ‘ It was so weird to me to think about movies without her in them. But a lot of great actresses have chosen that.” She’s thought about it. She wants to have kids. It’s the only thing that scares her about getting older, the thought of missing that window, and the other side of it: “If I wanted to have a family now, would I be able to come back to work in a couple of years?”
[From GQ]
I love the Mel Gibson story. I love that she told it. I love that she’s a gossip about other celebrities, but she’s still reticent about her own junk. I even kind of love the way she blows off her pill addiction. For the record, I think she’s probably clean now, and for Winona, I believe that it’s her business and if she doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. I’m tired of people still beating up on her over the pills and the shoplifting. It’s been nearly a decade – let it go.
Photos courtesy of GQ. GQ‘s slideshow here.
I tend to think the three weeks was more like 10 years.
She’s an amazing actress, and she was missing for what could have been the prime of her career. I don’t think she was able to work.
A little shoplifting incident couldn’t derail a career. Not these days.
Say what you will but she is still the only woman whose name Johnny Depp had tattoed on him, even if he did change it later to ‘Wino Forever’
Loved her then, love her still.
I love her. I am glad she is working again. Winona Forever.
“Oven dodgers”? Jesus Freaking Christ! The man is truly disgusting!
I was never really a fan of hers but it’s nice to see her again.
oven dodgers–Mel Gibson what a shit head
Oven dodgers? I’d never heard that one before. How disgusting. I’m ashamed that I used to think Gibson was hot. He’s just a waste of DNA.
I love Winona, and I love that she’s doing a comeback now!
She seems like she’d be cool to hang out with. And Mel, just when I thought he couldn’t be a bigger asshat.
Winona is a striking beauty. Not that looks are the most important thing, but I can’t help but say it. And I love her anecdote about Mel. Way to get dishy, Winona!
There probably aren’t many people in Hollywood that don’t have a druken anti-semetic Mel Gibson story.
She looks good in those pics.
I liked the Mel Gibson story too. Proves he has been a drunken person filled with hate for a long time.
I loved Winona in Black Swan and I look forward to her being in more films. Winona is awesome.
Holy f*cking shit — oven dodgers?! Somebody needs to go upside his head with a two by four. Just the thought of having to share a planet with this jerk is nauseating.
still the coolest ‘Heather’. 🙂
Winona is a good actress, and I watched alot of her movies growing up so I’m glad to see her back.
I’ve always loved Winona – and always will. I grew up with her and think she’s awesome!
Love her!!
when i read oven dodgers i was disgusted, I knew exactly what it meant even though id never heard it. i was surprised, with Winona being such an avid reader, when she said she didn’t get it at first, but then I realized that the term had been said rather than read I might have a wtf moment too. that’s so sick, Mel.
I’m so glad she’s back.
Okay, maybe I’m dating myself here, but bear with me. I was fantasizing about being a Young Adult (YA) librarian for awhile (yes, my life is boring), and I mentioned “Little Women” in my YA materials class and I either got: “What?” or “Why would you force a modern teenage girl to read that?” (Ditto Shakespeare, btw.) I adored that book, and the fact that Jo was so stubbornly independent-why not have a teenage girl read it?
Anyway, “Little Women” with Winona playing Jo-and the rest of the cast, including Christian Bale as Laurie, was PERFECT. It’s almost as if someone went into my head and saw how I envisioned the characters and then drew up the casting list. Regardless of Winona’s faults, I will always revere her (and the rest of the people involved in making the film) for making one of my favorite books come to life in such a lovely and respectful way.
I’m glad she’s doing well and getting back into the game. I think she went through some bad stuff and unfortunately some of it was public, but it seems like she’s getting it together.
Mel, on the other hand, needs to never, ever be handed another film script again. It’s pretty clear who he is, and I hope the whole industry has washed their hands of him.
I have never heard anyone use that term before. You guys know what I’m talking about and I won’t even repeat it but that is one of the most offensive things I have ever heard. It actually made me cringe. Mel Gibson is horrible.
love Winona, and I am glad she’s getting (the right kind of) press these days.
but the Gibson story? I would LOVE it if every person in HW who has a similar story would put it out there. not that I think he’s got much of a career left, but I’d love to see him completely shunned from HW circles. The man is a pig.
Have always loved her, and always will.
kudos for her for being up front. Hollywood is a place that screws up a lot of people along the way. The intelligent ones may slip, but they get back on up again and it seems that Wynona is intelligent -never mind the stupid covers. At least she doesn’t have to desperately flash her vadge.
And that Mel Gibson story, eek. Oven dodgers. Jeez. I am now intriqued. I’m betting there are heaps of Mel stories that are yet to be uncovered.
that was horrifically offensive. everyone should ban his pathetic ass. no press period.
she looks fab in these pics.
You see…I’m just waiting for his (usual) defenders to show up here saying her opinion couldn’t be trusted because she’s a thief and a “druggie”.
Ditto Po…geez, Gibson, who (or what) are you?
Hope Winona continues to do well and we get to see her in more films. She is an under-appreciated talent who needs to get recognition some day.
She’s still so perfectly beautiful.
I’m glad she is back, I missed her so much.
People remember her for the shoplifting pill thing, but why doesn’t anyone remember her for the Polly Klaas thing, where she donated 2 million as a reward and supported the family throughout the ordeal?
DGO-That is a really great point!
That face! Gorgeous.
DGO, I DO remember her for that…which is one of the reasons I love her. 🙂
And I bet Mel has a “Winona is a crack-pot shoplifting prescription drug addict” story.
I’m so disguted by Mel Gibson words I can’t keep reading.
She’s just beautiful and honest, love her.
I just can’t help but root for her. I hope her life is happy and clean now, and she gets back to working more.
OMG! I have completely lost respect for Mel Gibson and I have been a longtime fan. How can someone call God’s chosen people “oven dodgers”? And he is supposedly a devout Catholic. What a sicko.
“Oven dodger”?? What a disgusting piece of shit he is. I feel like I need a shower.
More proof that Mel Gibson is a disgusting racist pig. Ugh. And I’m sure that a lot of people in Hollywood knew about him. But, they ignored it because he was a big star.
what is on her arm??
I am so amazed at the amount of celebrities that get hooked on pills. They don’t realize that they are just as bad and addictive as any other drug. I even here women in Hollywood joking about their valium or xanax they have to take on occasion. So, basically these celebrities can’t handle their fame. Sad.
Bee, that was my thought too – Winona’s story is from 15 years ago, so how many other people knew what a vile jerk he was and never said anything? It’s disgusting to know someone like that has been protected and encouraged all these years.
As for Winona, I love her, and I’m very glad to see her back on the scene!
What a disgusting term. But I can see how she would have had a “what?” moment when hearing it, because it would have come out of nowhere.
Mel may have a Winona is a shoplifting pill popping story but it wouldn’t ever, evah, evah come remotely close to the humankind offensiveness of what Mel said. Stealing a piece of inanimate material vs. stealing a life?
Not.in.the.same.universe of comparison. (not suggesting you’re doing that..but still..)
Mel is a sad, sad, monkey.
I think we all know what Gibson was referring to, and that is horrific. I’ve never been a fan of his or really thought about him one way or another; but that is the most hateful disgusting thing I’ve ever heard. That is truly heartbreaking. I can’t imagine what Winona must have felt afterwards. I would have been devastated. That is…. Look, I know all the gossip about Oksana being a gold-digger etc etc, but how can anyone possibly look twice at him ever again? How come this comment wasn’t publicised to Hollywood at the time? He would NEVER have worked ever again. And he claimed to be a serious Christian and Catholic. That is THE most disgusting and deeply offensive thing I’ve ever read. How can anyone ever support him ever again?
@ Realist ~ No worries, I want to be a children’s librarian! And I TOTALLY know what you mean about Little Women, it was the same for me!
@Sara – it’s not just celebs, prescription pills are a big problem everywhere, very commonly misused/abused and over-prescribed.
Mel Gibson is a horrific, anti-Semitic, homophobic PIECE OF SHIT. Plain and simple. If I see him again on LaBrea, I’m gonna walk right up to him and spit in his bigoted face.
Can only be a matter of MINUTES before that skank Jodie Foster starts gushing to the press about how ‘wonderful’ he is.
“I am so amazed at the amount of celebrities that get hooked on pills. They don’t realize that they are just as bad and addictive as any other drug.”
Not just celebs. I was sick most of this year-beginning in early March and not resolved until November, when I (finally) had surgery to correct the problem. Because of the intense pain, my MD kept me on a steady diet of steroids, antibiotics and vicodin. Yup-I was on vicodin almost continuously for about 8 months. I could easily have become addicted, and still don’t know why I didn’t-just lucky, I guess.
When I came out of the hospital I continued taking them for about a week after my surgery, and I truly was worried about going off them–I didn’t know if I’d go through withdrawal or what might happen. Luckily, that didn’t happen and I didn’t suffer any ill effects. But I recognize how easy it would have been to get hooked and I honestly don’t know how it was that I didn’t.
“And I bet Mel has a “Winona is a crack-pot shoplifting prescription drug addict” story.”
LOL…WINONA has a “Winona is a crack-pot shoplifting prescription drug addict” story. she’s not hiding anything.
Mel, on the other hand…
Like everybody else here, I love her. She’s beautiful and fun to watch.
That interviewer, Alex Pappademas, is pitiful, though. In the full interview, after he (or she?) writes, “What I wanted to say was, wait a minute,” he actually writes, “I’m sort of staggered by the way she blows by the shoplifting thing without talking about it, and before I recover she’s off in another direction….” Seriously? Before he recovered? Somebody get this guy a cold shower, some balls, and a high school journalism class.
I don’t care if he questioned her past or not – but the way he handled it and wrote about it came off as extremely bush-league to me.
@ Realist. I’m with you on the “Little Women” movie. One of my all time favourites and it fits the book perfectly. I’m a book geek and children’s librarian too. 🙂
Mel G is a sick F–k and needs to disappear.
SMDH @ the “oven-dodger” remark. He is a vile and miserable human being.
i love “beetlejuice” to this day, maybe because i looked alot like winona’s character when i was 14. she looks great, good to see her back. whatever problems she’s had i hope she has overcome them.
mel “oven dodger” gibson on the other hand…ugh. just…ugh.
She should have sued him for making those remarks.
I think she’s doing great and looking good. She knows what to talk about and when to shut her mouth.
Others should pay attention.
Fun trivia (off IMDB)-Winona is really a blonde. “Edward Scissorhands” was her real color. Hey, if I’m wrong, blame IMDB.
The fact that he was making jokes about one of the most horrific acts in our history AT A PARTY speaks to the type of man he was and has always been. Kudos to Winona for having the balls to call him on his sh*t even while Jodie Foster is trying to paint him as a ‘wonderful kind man’ all over Hollywood!
Would LOVE to see Winona-Burton-and Depp get together for a film again! Some of her quirkiest stuff was with Burton.
I LOVE her so much! Winona forever! I really want to see her career pick up again. Shes such a good actress and took so much shit for the pills thing. If Robert Downey Jr. and even Charlie “woman abuser” Sheen get comebacks why not her? UGH double standards for women in hollywood!
seriously- someone needs to put his a$$ in an oven. And turn on HIGH.
…”and bats a set of eyelashes as dark and lush as marabou dipped in squid ink…”
What an amazingly sh*tty bit of writing.
Love, love, love this lady!
Ya know, my current boss is a lot like how Gibson sounds, (except he’s not drunk.) He’ll say something completely unprofessional, uncalled for and inappropriate, and then is genuinely surprised that people are upset by his words. I think they both just don’t know how NOT to act like their daddies.
DGO: That was… two hundred thousand; not two million, and part of the reason she isn’t remembered for Polly Klaas is because during her shoplifting trial her attorney said: ‘hey, she is a good person! She totally offered this money up a decade ago;’ which looked plain foolish.
She is beautiful, have always liked/loved her. I hope her career gets back on track now too.
I know, my brother was one of them, Oxycontin. No different than heroine, especially when they snort them. It is a sad epidemic that really needs addressed. How many celebrities and people in general have to die before they really try to target this problem? I know individual responsibility is most of it, but the doctors need to take a little responsibility too and do a better job monitoring their patients.
My FAVORITE Winona movie is Reality Bites.
Hey everyone!
Question…. Again English is not my first language. “Dodger” is someone who avoids something right?
I know what “oven” is. Is what MG said what I am thinking?
I can’t believe what a piece of shot he turned out to be. Is that a common insult?
Love her and I am so glad she is getting a comeback!
F*ck Mel Gibson, I want to puke! That might be the most offensive thing I have ever heard.
I love her! She will always be the beautiful, cool chick to me. Even when she is 80. 🙂
I HATE Mel Gibson. How is he even able to still work in Hollyweird!?! Jerkface.
ok im glad no one else here has heard that either. maybe its a Mel original.
I don´t want to watch any movie with Gibson.This guy is disgusting monster.I don´t think very hight of Oksana,but i really hope,that she will gain full custody of Lucia. Gibson is going to get worse and worse and he’ll never change. He’s a bad person who hides behind his celebrity charm and his money. This piece of shit has always been this way but he’s managed to hide his dark side just as many people can hide their defects and their dark side or their illness
69. Yes, you are correct.
And it’s a piece of “shit” not “shot.” (Although you may have wrote it that way on purpose.)
His homophobic remark doesn’t really surprise me. Sadly most people are homophobic that’s why gay marriage hasn’t been legalized.
Wow, I had no idea she was jewish. Maybe thats why she couldnt marry Depp?
I wonder what RDJ and Jodie Foster think about their good friend calling another human an “oven dodger”. Im a loyal friend, but this would be enough for me to walk away from someone.
Welcome back Winona !
As for that nasty individual, I would love, love him and Chelsea Handler to form the new pair in town so that Chelsea could bloooow him in a f-king jaccuzzi (instead of 50 cents) and can throw him any insanity she is accustomed too for their daily festival of obscenity.
They deseeeeeeeeeeeeeerve each other and it’s high time for them to take a one way ticket out of hollywwood permanently.
I am tired of their despicable behaviour, of their skin deep obscene sport consiting in using despicable reference to insult people of any age left and right, punching way under the belt physically and emotionally.
Those abusive two should be put to rest once and marry each other and live each other to neautralize each other’s utter nastiness.
why should I forgive a druggie and not a drunk?
Maybe because the druggie caused pain and harmed HERSELF while the drunk shoot all over the place and harm anyone BUT himself while using the alcohol as an excuse to trigger and launch bullets at anyone even refusing to acknowledge the problem.
If he didn’t see it as a problem and a sign to solve his alcohool problem 15 years ago, then it’s a fact that he doesn’t care harming others under the influence of alcohol or not…
And that even he just uses alcohol to be able to spout his nastiness while preparing the alcohol card as an excuse to belittle his responsability just like others use the ‘comedy’ pretense to hide behind.
He abuse others, the druggie only abused herself.
winona was the queen when i was growing up. she was so cool and “alternative.” being the poster child for all teenage angst/ male adolecsent fantasy would be an incredible amount of pressure. if the worst she did was take a few too many pills for a short period of time and shoplift (look at lindsay!). winona doesn’t strike me as someone who sought this out because she had some unhealthy fascination with fame, more that she wanted to act and was good at it. I can totally understand how the crazy attention might mess with you. and, she looks really beautiful in these pictures. team winona!
Mel Gibson is such a poor excuse for a human being. Shameful!
Wow, I had no idea she was jewish. Maybe thats why she couldnt marry Depp?
What does that mean?
I bet she wishes she was still with Depp and has the family and life that he has with his current girlfriend.
Gibson is a prime example of SUPREME KARMA. It’s alive and well!
I’m not even gonna comment on the vile Mel Gibson comment – I think most every one here has said it all. I’m just glad Winona’s getting work again. Heathers and Little Women are two of my favourite movies of all time. Welcome back Winona!
crtb – maybe she only wanted to marry a Jewish man to keep with her tradition.
We know that Gibson is a vile piece of work, but I just can’t wrap my head around why Jodie Foster insists on defending him. So what if he’s an alcoholic? That doesn’t give him a pass to be bigoted and abusive. I don’t get it.
Not that this post is about him. Winona Ryder blah blah comeback blah. She’s okay. Not my favourite, but good on her. Looking forward to seeing Black Swan.
I think what the worst aspect of this Mel Gibson story is… (other than the incredibly disgusting comment)..that people HAD to have known what he was like, for a long time, and haven’t SAID anything about it.
There’s no way that plenty of others, even celebrities, didn’t hear this sort of talk from him before the WHOLE thing came out. How could anyone hear him say something even remotely like this, and NOT tell someone, say something? I mean, it just ELUDES me.
It would have destroyed his career.
She was on the cover of Elle UK last May
# 80 your wrong. A druggie who THINKS she remembers something at a party (where she was probly on her pills and drink), the person who steals, got caught, lied about it eventhough she was on video, whined it down to a misdomeaner is suppost to be a praised for now coming forward 15 YEARS after the fact (just to promote herself and movie). Funny how she didn’t remember it in 2006 when Mel was accused of ranting. oh right she was high and had nothing to promote. Lost a respect for her with this.
Doped out on pills in a store stealing, yes thats safe for those around her. Then we have a drunk who tries to tell bad jokes and yell non pc correct terms. Man I hope no one ever records any of you holier then thou people while angry. Mel might say bad things but he does not show bad actions. His main fault is he has his beliefs and he expresses them. So winny can take her pills she already proved her lack of staying power, Mel already went through this shit before he can handle it.
See? I told you guys that someone would try to pull the “she’s a druggie, I don’t believe her!” out in order to defend him.
It’s shocking that there are people still trying to defend Gibson.
Mel Gibson has ONE fan left.
Mel might say bad things but he does not show bad actions.
Are you high?
lol 93 no i left whinnys before she gave me any. Why can’t I use her drugs against her if you can use his drink against him.
15 years ago he did nothing illegal.
within the last decade she REPEATEDLY stole and blamed it on her drugs.
So again why do I have to choose to forgive the criminal and not the big mouth.
So again why do I have to choose to forgive the criminal and not the big mouth.
Big mouth??? Someone who clearly and consistently shows his hate towards minorities is ONLY a big mouth to you? Do you f*cking realize that when he says “oven dodgers” it’s somewhat implied he thinks they (Jews) were destined/deserved to die?
No, you’re definitely not high. This kind of stupidity can only be shown by someone if he/she is sober.
*You’ll all (non delusional people) excuse me while I throw up.
15 years ago he did nothing illegal.
He does now REPEATEDLY.
More of the same, eh? Same ol’ ‘let’s smear Mel’. It’s way old–and not working.
After 15 years, WR ‘suddenly’ remembers a tale she says she didn’t understand then, spoken to her by a drunk guy (and she was sober?? Right….) and this ‘memory’ surfaces right now, in the midst of this Smear Mel campaign. Right.
Anyone buying into this: I have this bridge….
I’m old. I’ve been around longer than dirt. Mel’s ‘problem’ with Jewish is not what it seems, but more what Ari Emanual has tried to make it.
Ari Emanual, ages ago, tried very hard to get Mel to leave his ong time agent (Ed, jewish and gay) and sign with Ari. Mel wouldn’t. Ari has had it in for Mel since that time.
This is something I remember from way way back and have no links to prove–so take it or leave it as you like.
I can only guess that what went on between them then wasn’t pretty.. I heard about it then, and this current smear can be traced back to some sort of Ari contact at every single point.
Like little ol’ washed up theiving Winona (who was dropped from Ari agency last year): no one thinks that Ari said ‘hey, I’ll throw some roles your way if you do this little favor for me…” And WR hungry for money, trying to save what is left of her career, says ‘sure will’. She’s known to lie, why not now?
Mel is not anti-semitic. Mel has done nothing wrong. Mel has the right to freedom of speech as we all do. Mel IS and has been widely known for a long time for his crude, rude, childish sense of humor. And he has a problem with alcohol. Alcohol is NOT a truth serum, if it was it would be used in every court in every land and lawyers would be out of work. Ari has found a way to take advantage of Mel’s weaknesses and the publics stupidity.
It is ARI that should be boycotted…and his growing list of puppet ‘actors’ and contacts (Zach et al, Ryder, Rob Snyder, B Walters, J. Behar, J. Rivers, more….) should be boycotted too. What goes around should be passed back around!
And Ox, a proven liar, will ‘get’ hers in court, wait and see.
Mel IS a criminal ! He beat a woman and threaten to kill her just like OJ did.
It’s only a question of time at when he will go to jail sooner or later. Those criminals always end there anyway.
He can already take some tips from his mentor OJ.
I have some thoughts for Celebitchy.
Does anyone have a brain here? I find it interesting that all people can do here on this site is complain what a disgusting thing it was for him to say. All you hear are some words and off you go. Have any one of you actually thought about what it actually means? They are “oven-dodgers.” There has always been someone trying to stick these people into the fire. But, I guess you would rather he had cried and beat his breast instead of calling a spade a spade in some rather creative terms.
I’d be willing to bet that every single one of you is guilty of some kind of persecution of your own and not just starting with Mel Gibson. The ability to think about what you hear or read is indeed declining at an astonishing rate. I hate the media for the dumbing down of humanity. Every one of you are only here because you want someone else to tell you what to think and believe. There are very few free-thinkers left in this world, if any of you are an example. Did any of you think about the context in which he might have said this? That would have been a good starting point in actually thinking rationally.
I’ll bet there are a lot of Jewish folks right now saying, “He’s right; there’s always somebody trying to stick us in the fire.” Perhaps we should add Mel Gibson to their group right along with them. It seems there’s a lot of folks who want to stick him in the fire, too.
“After 15 years, WR ’suddenly’ remembers a tale she says she didn’t understand then, spoken to her by a drunk guy (and she was sober?? Right….) and this ‘memory’ surfaces right now, in the midst of this Smear Mel campaign. Right.”
But she had brought it up before and she said no one believed her. Hence:
“I was like, ‘He’s anti-Semitic and he’s homophobic.’ No one believed me!”
Wow. There are people who would defend a Holocaust joke. Wow.
I’m glad she’s back. She’s still one of the most talented, prettiest actresses out there.
Jean-Marie le Pen, a former French politician of the extreme rights who has connections wuth the german youth, the KKK and other white supremacists groupd has used that reference too in French, joking on it and as a results has seen is political eiropean andate (he was a deputee in the EU Commission) suspended for years and also his eligibility was suspended in France too.
What’s wrong with Mel telling what he thinks?He just knows why the world is rotten and where it goes.Here we go again and will be scared when we tell what we think.Is that ok?
Leave Mel alone. O.J. is getting excited, he’s making plans for shower dates with Mel. Mel might bring his disguises into his cell he’ll be in and entertain them on Fridays with all his fun ramblings. He’ll be so popular!