Britney Spears tells OK! she’s just a normal multi-millionaire divorced mom

More details have come out about Britney Spears’ new interview and photo spread in OK! Magazine, her first interview in two years. Her last stint with the glossy last summer didn’t go so well, with OK! accusing Britney and her assistant of stealing and ruining thousands of dollars worth of designer clothing and jewelry they brought in for the shoot. At one point she wiped her greasy hands from lunch on the dress she was wearing, and let her little dog crap on another dress worth $6,700. She took off when the photoshoot was 1/2 finished and never finished the interview. The fact that celebrity-friendly OK! went public with these details just goes to show how outrageous Britney was acting.

Fast forward a year and it looks like all is forgiven. Britney is talking about her life and her boys to OK!, and they manage to make everything seem perfectly fine with Britney, just like it’s all sweetness and light for her 17 year-old sister and her new baby.

Britney on her sister Jamie Lynn becoming a mother: “I was shocked a little bit. She’s always been the baby, and now the baby was having a baby. But I’m sure my boys will be like big brothers to Maddie.”

Britney on her new album: “I think it is more urban. I’m writing every day, right here at the piano in this living room. This is my best work ever.”

Britney on working with Harvey Mason Jr. of The Underdogs:: “I am working with producers who are just amazing. The album is due out in the next six to nine months.”

Britney on enjoying domestic life:: “I get mad if the maid does all the housework. If she takes it all into her own hands, well, what’s for me to do? I’m a cleaning fanatic. Dusting is my favorite, and Windex-ing.”

Britney on whether she cooks for her family:: “I do. Usually the maid and I will cook together. Sean and Jayden love my spaghetti.”

Britney on focusing on the mommy track these days:: “I’m healthy, happy and excited about the future.”

– Brit calls son Jayden “J.J.”

– She has the boys Monday and Wednesday, plus noon on Friday until noon on Saturday. Next overnight visit: October 1.

-Her sons are so into cars, that she has “watched the Cars movie nine million times!”

-She wrote a new song about them called My Baby for her new album (due in “six to nine months”).

-She recently saw Mamma Mia! “I thought it was kind of silly,” she says. “I saw Hancock, which I loved.”

-What’s she listening to? “I really like Rihanna. I think she’s great. And the girl Duffy. I think she’s amazing. And I like the new Madonna CD. I like Leona Lewis, too.”

[OK! Magazine via Faded Youth]

The thing that gets me is that they included Cheetos and Sunkist in that header photo with the boys. It’s like all the artificial orange foods are there. All they need is some Cheese Wiz.

I’m not that surprised to hear that Britney likes to clean. A paparazzo who visited Britney’s house during her dark days said that it was pretty clean at the time and that she didn’t have a maid back then. I don’t understand how her next overnight visit could be on October 1 though if she has the boys noon on Friday until Noon on Saturday. That would mean she gets one overnight visit every week, and October is over a month away.

Just Jared also reports that Britney has a new song about her boys called “My Baby,” which is due out in her album in six to eight months. She has a little bead necklace she’s been wearing which spells out “Jayden” and “Preston” on each side.

I love hearing celebrities say their kids watch the same cute shows as mine, and my son loves Cars too. Keep it up, Britney, it’s nice to see you happy, sober, and enjoying your role as a mom. I’m not a huge fan of your music, but a lot of people like it and you can keep raking in the dough if you just hang in there.

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40 Responses to “Britney Spears tells OK! she’s just a normal multi-millionaire divorced mom”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    To think people actually pay money to read this pap.

    Glad to see the kids are growing up with mummys eating habits. Gotta train their palate early, ya know

  2. geronimo says:

    Right, xiaoecho, mystifying. Can’t understand how any of these gossip mags sell any more. Who the f*k is buying them?

  3. heehee says:

    Shes not the only one feeding her kids that stuff. Doesnt mean its the best stuff to give em, but practically every mother has to cave to her kids hissy fits somtimes and let them have what they grab for in the grocery store, etc… All mothers do it. But personally I dont drink sodas and wuld never let my kid drink one, and also if I eat chips itd be baked LOL … so perhaps youd see my kids with peach seltzer and baked tortillas… 😀

  4. alex says:

    She should be ashamed feeding her sons all that crap.
    A bowl of fruits would have looked better… 😀

  5. Kris says:

    Who’s buying the mags? Ummmm…what’s the difference between reading this gossip site and buying the mag? A couple bucks, yeah but hello kettle..

  6. geronimo says:

    POI: Scanning something on a gossip site is not the same as paying money to actually READ something like this. I’m all for FREE mindless gossip. There is actually a huge difference.

  7. daisy424 says:

    I really could care less about this thread. I/You may not have a good opinion of this woman or her actions.

    At least she is paying to support her kids, which too many divorced parents don’t do.

  8. czarina says:

    She sounds a little ditzy–add another celeb to my ‘we-forgive-you-for-not-being-very-bright’ list (I had kind of put her on this list earlier, to be honest!LOL)
    But it’s great that she is with her kids again, that she seems to enjoy it.
    Next time, though, she needs to learn the name of her maid, rather than just calling her “the maid” when, supposedly, the two of you are fixing meals together all the time.
    One thing that REALLY bugs me is people who have live-in help and don’t call them by name.
    And, yeah, a bowl of fruit would have LOOKED better, but the Sunkist and Cheetos is a lot more believable!

  9. heehee says:

    True- she’s being real in the photographs and I couldn’t stand looking at those phoney shots of her sister with the baby… that was ridiculous!

  10. Codzilla says:

    This woman will never get it. She claims to want what’s best for her kids, but continues to sell them out to the highest bidder. What they need is some privacy and plenty of counseling.

  11. Kelly says:

    No she is not real, she is just controlled on some strong meds, thats all.

  12. Trillion says:

    Writing her record at the family piano? Not buying what she’s selling.

  13. Bodhi says:

    She looks to be on the right track these days. I’m really glad that she is so focused on her boys, she needs to keep it up.

  14. Javagirl1 says:

    I think she looks great and so do her kids…good for her.

  15. ri23 says:

    Sunkist, Cheetos. Photos like this are like little ghettorific Christmas presents. Don’t go changing, Brit.

  16. notprfect says:

    I was thinking the same thing, czarina. She could have at LEAST said “My maid, Sarah” (or whatever her name is)rather than “the maid”. Like “the maid” is “the couch” or “the refrigerator” instead of a human being. I’d love to have a maid to help cook & clean. She’d be my best friend in the world! :mrgreen:

    What is it about being rich and famous that causes some of these people to forget that they are JUST people? Like all the rest of us. Not any BETTER, just richer and more well known.

  17. Jessica says:

    They are kids man!! Leave them and her alone!! It looks like lunch to me. Do you expect a 4 year old and a 2 year old (whatever their ages are) to eat sushi and a garden salad for lunch? I have 2 kids and I have to force mine to eat veggies and all the other nutritious stuff. She doesnt have her kids every day, Kevin is the sole custody parent. What is it going to hurt if she indulges them with what they want when she has them with her??? Give her a break!!
    Her kids sound like mine, they love my spagetti and yes, I have watched Cars about 100,000,000 times!!


  18. Syko says:

    I just about choked on my root beer when I saw the Cheetos – after all the Cheeto jokes. Like me some Cheetos myself, though, so I don’t condemn her. I just wish they made white cheese ones so my fingers didn’t turn orange.

    And most kids do like it when Mom dumps a jar of Ragu over some cooked pasta.

    The kids are looking great, though, they are just about adorable little muffins.

  19. Embee says:

    I think they’re being ironic. Look at those pictures: the hair is unqualifiedly horrible, the food includes cheetos and you can see her pink underwear through her dress. Add to that she says she likes Rihanna (who laughed her a$$ off at Britney’s VMA performance) and I think you’ve got Britney giving the finger to the general public. Or, I am giving her too much credit, which I am admittedly prone to do!

  20. czarina says:

    Embee; I think you are crediting her with a gift for irony and subtlety that she is just not bright enough to come up with.
    On the other hand, someone from OK! who set up the shoot could have had their tongue in their cheek here!

  21. Whitey Fisk says:

    Embee, you are indeed too kind. She just REALLY likes eatin’ her some Cheetos!

    On a completely different note, back in the olden days my mother would never let us have root beer because she prohibited caffeine usage. However, she would buy Sunkist orange soda by the gallon. Turns out, root beer is caffeine free. And Sunkist orange soda has 40 mg. of caffeine per serving. That’s more than a Coke, people! No wonder I’m a junkie.

    Edited to add: Funny stuff, ri23!

  22. Embee says:

    You’re probably right czarina and Whitey! Maybe someday I’ll lose that pesky Pollyanna…

  23. SeVen says:

    I think she was smart by not mentioning the Maids name. If she had, then every pap and their mom would be harassing the maid and wanting “inside” details.

    Second – my parents split when i was young, my weekends with my dad were the time i got to pig out on junk food and stuff mom wouldnt allow. Looks like a good lunch to me \o/

    Glad to see shes getting back together

  24. Syko says:

    That’s funny, Whitey. I guess because the Sunkist wasn’t brown, it couldn’t possibly have had caffeine. LOL

    Try slippin’ some vanilla vodka into that Sunkist sometime. Tastes like creamsicles.

  25. daisy424 says:

    Now I get what you meant by the Fanta, Syko :mrgreen:
    Mmm creamsicles…

  26. Kolby says:

    Hey Whitey, you poor thing – call your momma up right now and tell her that root beer is 100% caffeine-free.

  27. DogRunner says:

    “Try slippin’ some vanilla vodka into that Sunkist sometime. Tastes like creamsicles.”

    That sounds delicious! Grown-up version of a creamsicle!

  28. Javagirl1 says:

    I did not know that about rootbeer & sunkist…I guess you learn something new every day.

  29. Because I say So says:

    her kids look like they have FAS or FAE. Have they always had that alcohol consumption-in-the-womb look about them?

  30. starr says:

    the sunkist is probably hers, as i doubt she’d be giving babies sodas..

    ..also i see 2 sippy cups on the table

  31. cara says:

    I’m hoping for her to musically pull a “Grace of My Heart” thing. ( you know, the movie w/ Ileana Douglass )

  32. Aud says:

    Syko, there are white cheese curls. Kettle Krisp makes em. They’re just kinda hard to find.

    Now that thiis chick is soberinge up, she looks fantastic. Too bad Im not buyin her BS

  33. Whitey Fisk says:

    I’ll be trying an adult creamsicle asap…

  34. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    I do see some baby carrots with ranch dressing, but it would have been nice if she had at least put some fruit in front of them to offset the cheetos and lunch meat, etc.

    When I saw the cheetos, I laughed so loudly, I scared my cats.

  35. paris herpes says:

    I know you guys are having issues with the food choices there, but little kids are really picky eaters. Doesn’t mean that you can’t give them fruit every know and then, they usually like apples and strawberries (mind the allergies though). I’m sure Britney tries to feed them healthy foods despite the fact her own eating habits might not be the best either (damn, I hate defending her!).

  36. Snowblood says:

    * makes mental note to buy some Sunkist* I mean, it has CAFFEINE?? I never knew that! I love Sunkist, but have often eschewed it in favour of Diet Coke or Red Bull, you know ’cause I figure if you’re gonna pollute your body with corrosive soda you might as well get a kick from it in the process. No need to waste the damage just on fizzy sugar alone. But if Sunkist has caffeine, suddenly it becomes a viable option. Yeah! Sunkist has caffeine, how’d I never know this awesome fact? 😆

    And yeah, seeing the Cheetos on the table in that photo cracked me up, too. Britney’s definitely keepin’ it real, I will bet you a million clams she did that on purpose, as a tongue-in-cheek joke. Subtle, and hilarious. That’s the Queen of Cheetos! That’s my GIRL!! 😆 I’ve always loved Britney Spears…

    Oh – and is it only me, or did anyone else see her rolling a joint in that pic before examining the photo more closely and seeing she’s just holding a sandwich? Seriously, she’s got in-the-middle-of-rolling-a-joint face happening there, plus the perfect hand-pose for it! She probably hates weed, KFed’s the stoner in that family, but still – Well. I thought it was funny, maybe I’ve been smoking too much myself lately. 😳

  37. Christina X says:

    Uh oh! Feeding her kids chips and candy!

    Someone better call CYS! Fast! 🙄

    I don’t listen to Britney’s music, but I like her. She has a cute personality.

  38. sharon what? says:

    the fact tt cheetos r in the pics show tt she is just being herself… if the picture is too perfect, it would be so fake. anyway, the kids r really cute.

  39. Laura says:

    Wonder if she wanted the cheetos in the picture for a reason. There have been a lot of cheetos jokes over the last year or so. Maybe this is her sense of humor?

  40. Snowblood says:

    Exactly, Laura! That’s what Ive been sayin’! Britney totally did that on purpose, it’s her type of sense of humour, it’s something she’d do – a subtle joke, on everyone, including herself, but all in fun. Yeah, the Cheetos was intentional on Brit’s part. Probably the Sunkist, too, come to think of it. 😆 LOVE that girl!! Too many people really do underestimate her particular intelligence and ability with humour.