Gwyneth Paltrow in pink Azzedine Alaïa: greasy mess or totally cute?


These are photos of Gwyneth Paltrow in Switzerland yesterday. She was there because she’s the “face” or ambassador (?) of Baume & Mercier. Of her new endorsement deal, Goopy said: “The motto of Baume & Mercier, ‘Life is about moments,’ very much reflects my personal philosophy of life. That’s why I said yes, responded positively, when the brand proposed that I represent it.” So special. Yes, Gwyneth. Life is about moments. I’m sure she went on to snot, “I was just discussing this with Dalai Lama and he agreed with my supposition about this life-moment situation. He said it was such a groundbreaking, brilliant observation that he just needed to discuss it with Vladimir Putin. I told him, ’Dear Dolly’ – because that’s what I call him, he’s my dearest friend – ’Dear Dolly, I already called my friend Putin and told him this. He’s going to stitch it on a pillow using radioactive gold thread!’ Isn’t that hysterical?”

Anyway, as you can see, Gwyneth looked like hell. Perhaps Switzerland doesn’t agree with her? She’s so British. And Spanish. And Switzerland was just too much for her. But couldn’t she even find the time to wash her hair? Or at the very least comb it? And why does she look greasy? At some point Gwyneth really did become “one of us” didn’t she? She is no longer the aloof Mistress of Elitism, deigning to give some morsels of advice to the unwashed peasants. At some point, Goopy became a peasant, wandering around looking greasy and unkempt and Botoxy.

By the way, the dress is Azzedine Alaïa. I think it looks cheap as hell, and Gwyneth is too old (and too greasy) to pull off such a “young” frilly pink thing.

Thanks to LaineyGossip for the lead!



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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63 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow in pink Azzedine Alaïa: greasy mess or totally cute?”

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  1. Sumodo1 says:

    Mutton dressed as lamb,fer sher.

  2. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Kaiser, LMFAO!!! Goopy has really grown on me the past few months but she looks like ass here. & is that a Spanx dent around her waist? She looks bloated. Like bloated ass.

  3. melinda says:

    You didn’t show the shoes! I thought the shoes were the the only good part. Very cute fuschia platform peep-toes. I want!

  4. crazydaisy says:

    That dress looks like it came from the Salvation Army. Strange choice for Gwynnie, who can afford something that looks fresh and new. Not to mention “in season.”

  5. Sara says:

    Dress is terrible, but she looks beautiful as usual!! I must say I liked her hair so much better when it was shoulder length bob. The long hair looks a bit scraggly.

  6. Aurelia says:

    Looks like her toxed, pillow face has finally deflated slightly. When is this bird going to cut her seaweed, dry as straw, bleached out, donnatella versace long hair off??? She looked so much younger when she just highlighted and lowlighted her naturally dishwater blonde hair. The white blonde is getting severe.

  7. carrie says:

    she needs to stop botox or what she does with her face and this pink isn’t good for her

  8. KsGirl says:

    Huh. I like this look on her – dress and makeup – although she has DEFINITELY had something subtle done to her face. This pale pink colour suits her, and I prefer this dress to that foul ill-fitted Calvin Klein she wore to the Oscars aaaages ago.

  9. Hautie says:

    Cute dress. But sadly she looks like a red hot mess.

    I am will be forever baffle why women have stopped using face powder. A nice light dusting stops all that greasy mess.

    Then there is her own obsession with the stringy harsh blonde hair.

  10. grazi says:

    I saw a very similar dress at Marshalls for 19,99 last week.

  11. Isabel says:

    Are her eyes growing farther apart? What is up with her face??

    She looks pretty trashy. I love it.

  12. Rita says:

    This is the worst I’ve seen her in sometime. The dress appears to be adjustable like my window shades…just pull the string to raise or lower.

    By the way, does anyone know how Country Strong did at the box office this weekend?

  13. Mia Girl says:

    greasy mess

  14. Happymom says:

    The style is horrible-WAY too young for her. The color is even more atrocious-it completely washes her out.

  15. guesty says:

    greasy mess.

  16. JenJen says:

    The Goop has eyebrow droop.

  17. lrm says:

    she does look trashy-like a reality t.v. star, lately…it’s weird. she was always so ‘kempt’ and she is naturally beautiful for sure….
    now she looks like she is everyone else….so true. and greasy, to boot.

  18. N.D. says:

    Are we sure it’s her? WTH has happened to her face?

  19. brin says:

    Maybe she borrowed Apple’s dress.
    Wonder if the flaxseed is to blame for the greasy appearance.

  20. teehee says:

    I am certain she did something to her eyes– a cat lift. She looks like Kate Moss now- no compliment. She totally does not look the same anymore as she did just a month ago.

  21. normades says:

    It is too “young” for her (and I rarely say that fashion wise). That would look great on her young co-star Leighton.

  22. Susan says:

    That is an ugly dress. Not sure many could pull it off.

    Gwyneth’s face looks strange. Not sure if it’s the lighting, but she seems to be morphing into Hillary Duff. Weird.

  23. Mshuffleupagus says:

    I think I know why she’s so greasy. I’m willing to bet she put on some face tanning lotion before she went out. It makes your face super greasy if you put too much on and you can see she forgot to put some on her eyelids and neck.

    I think that dress is meant for someone with an actual waist.

  24. ycnan says:

    geez, i think she looks good. youthful actually.

  25. Kelly says:

    She looks like a pink bibo from Sesame Street!

  26. original kate says:

    her face looks different, for sure, and she has cat’s eyes. eye lift? IDK, something’s happened. the dress is way too young for her, like she’s a little girl trying to play pretty ballerina. except on a little girl it would be cute, on goop it just comes off as desperate.

  27. observer says:

    That dress is fug. Looks like a Walmart tank top sewed onto a Kmart skirt.

  28. aa says:

    Middle age crisis.

  29. I’ve never seen another celebrity that has better instincts for unflattering fit, color and/or construction as Dame Goopy.

  30. serena says:

    it’s very cute, but she should have wore some accessories.

  31. poppy says:

    i have zero love for paltry but i checked out her snl performance i must admit that she was able to move parts of her forehead. not the center, she definitely toxed the 11s but the rest moved. i was floored. good for goopy to at least keep some of it real. i has a proud for her and i love to hate her.
    she looks really bad here. agree with everyone saying she needs a few inches off her hair. her face looks jacked and wonky. dress was not fitting well and not a good choice for january in switzerland. she looked a mess.
    she is just not very intelligent or well spoken. her little speech at the baume event was awful. she did manage to remember her talking points but groan and zzzzzzz. the husband says she’s congenitally stoned. always sounds like a hippy. a self-deluded pompous hippy, imo. giving hippies and stoners and spence girls a bad name.

    when everyone has heard tracy anderson sing your praises, read all about your butt lifting exercises, colon cleansing, healthy eating habits and have seen your mile long toned legs, start covering it up. save the flesh parade for some extraordinary get up/occasion.
    class it up for christsakes paltry! take a cue from your mother!

    i don’t get the whole show it all all of the time way celebrities dress. YES WE KNOW YOU LOOK GOOD.
    everything you wear does not have to be painfully tight and form revealing. your tits don’t have to be up and out. i don’t need to know your vulva is hanging out when you sit down. fine (barely) if you are young but not past 25.
    tilda swinton is tall and thin but she classes it up. she isn’t showing 85% of her epidermis 24/7. maybe she looks like an elfin creature but she looked amazing at the globes.
    i appreciate that angelina has sort of left the tight titty dresses behind but she’s spent plenty of time in editorial shoots being butt nekkid. i don’t seem to recall audry hepburn posing for maxim/esquire/fhm/whatever in her panties and a whip. try as hard as she might, the jolie just isn’t what i consider classy. she’s trying, i’ll give her that.

    i guess my point is put some clothes on people! care about fit. care about color. care about what season it is. and for the love of god, can we quit it with the stripper platform height shoes already?!?!?!?!
    ok rant is over.

  32. Kim says:

    Great Look for Dakota Fanning

  33. annaloo says:

    As Lainey would say, “she looks like ass.”

  34. vickie says:

    with all her money that’s the best dye job she can get?

  35. Ju says:

    Goodness, her face! She’s looking like Fergie. Awful.

  36. Bubbling says:

    Posts like this is what keeps me coming back for more!! I swear I got teary eye from laughing while reading! Now, million dollar question that remains enigma for me- what does Chris Martin sees in this bish?!

  37. LunaT says:

    She looks tired and like she pulled a wake and bake.

  38. janie says:

    Dress looks Hanes BVD for Alaia collection. Too much wonky organic filler or something in her face,and the color is just bad on her.
    i feel like she is getting desperate to still be relevant.

  39. Linda says:

    It’s the short dress trend. I hate it. It does not look good and I’ll be so glad when it’s over!

  40. Tess says:

    I was thinking that she’s got an incipient “deer in headlights” look. Yes, it’s subtle and fleeting—but it’s undeniably creeping up on her— and the comments about mid life crisis, etc. are reflecting this.

    Maybe something is a tad awry in her inner life. Like a wild thing, tightly restrained, getting ready to burst out.

    Or, maybe it’s just that overly gold bronzer she’s wearing.

  41. Isa says:

    Why are her eyes so far away from each other now?!

  42. “Dear Dolly” sounds exactly like something from the GOOP!

  43. Mistral says:

    Excellent fake Gwyneth quote. lol

  44. REALIST says:

    Pretty dress, nice color, but it washes her out. I also think she’s past the age of frilly.

    Thank GOD it’s not Pepto-Bismol pink.

    Loved her as a strawberry blonde in “Iron Man”. It made her look sexy, which is not the way I think of her.

  45. original kate says:

    “Why are her eyes so far away from each other now?!”

    i was thinking the same thing. she is getting that strange gecko look.

  46. Leek says:

    I think her first pregnancy robbed her of her fashion brilliance. She hasn’t brought it since…

  47. daisydoodle says:

    what’s going on with her face?

  48. hellen says:

    @original kate – “strange gecko look” – Exactly! I could not put my finger on it, but now all I can see is the Geico gecko in a crappy pink dress. With a “Spanx dent”!

  49. Kasey says:

    EWWWW! not cute, NOT cute! It looks like she had one of those days where everything goes wrong. That’s the only reasonable explanation…. Alarm wasn’t working- got up late. Got up late-skipped breakfast in favor of working out. Hot water not working- no shower. While making lunch repairmen came so she had to leave lunch to monitior them. Dying for a shower she chose to do so before eating lunch. While blowdrying her hair the power went out and her hair air dried. Since she was starving she got hungry and decided to eat while getting ready. In the midst of getting ready she spilled food on her dress (the sensible original one). She spent way too much time looking for a replacement and ended up in this ‘disaster’. She didn’t have much time to do makeup. Between that and the lack of power she ended up unfortunately looking like her trainer Tracy Anderson. (sigh) poor thing . It was a rough day.

  50. CB Rawks says:

    @Kasey, plus her fishmonger came over and slapped her in the face with a flounder. 😀

  51. Kloops says:

    Too old to pull this off and it’s poorly executed, to boot. Fail.

  52. bambam says:

    Holy ####! What happened to Gwyneth? She looks like ex porn star Jenna Jameson in these pics.

  53. Dea says:

    This is horrible – it looks like I am seeing just a 5 years old girl auditioning for entering in a ballet class. If I did not see the bottom part, it looked like a sleeping camisole. It can’t be worse I think.

  54. lisa says:

    Has she been home with her family at all..

    OH and where oh where is Chris. I mean that question would be asked about other couples never together. OH and why is she not at home taking care of her children. Maybe the nannies have them. Because when other mothers are out of the country or somewhere it is always screamed how the nannies are the “real” parents. Gwenny has been pretty busy. hmmm who is mothering her children.

    I just ask because it is usually such a huge topic on some threads.

    Don’t like the look, and the problem maybe that she is doing too much.

  55. jmflynny says:

    My my, but isn’t she just the prettiest girl in the trailer park?

  56. Stephanie says:

    It looks like she got into Apple’s dress-up clothes! Gah!

  57. Crash2GO2 says:

    It’s either eye makeup or she’s suddenly displaying serious work of the plastic persuasion that is making her look wall eyed. I’m thinking eye makeup, because the transformation was so sudden. But who knows?

  58. observer says:

    @Realist, I agree about the strawberry blonde. I think she should just go with that color.

  59. Dana M says:

    This is not her best look. Don’t like the dress. It does nothing for her figure. She kind of looks like Kate Moss in one of the pics.

  60. ur mama says:

    definately not one of her better days! Maybe she is on her period!

  61. B says:

    “Dear Dolly…” Sooo funny, and so Gwenny…Kaiser, this is the only celeblog I read (like a fiend). Thanks, seriously.

  62. Hakura says:

    @Original Kate (#44)- “i was thinking the same thing. she is getting that strange gecko look.

    When I first read your comment, I thought calling it a ‘gecko’ look was referring to the lizards that change color to blend into their surroundings. xD Which she really does look like.

    An absolutely horrid color. I thought she was naked at first, scrolling down passed her shoulders.

  63. cprincess says:

    The dress is all kinds of wrong starting with the fact that shes too washed out to wear it and its needs a sexy curvy body to make it look good-not a piece of string…