John Rich says Johnny Cash would vote McCain

Credit: WENN
The US elections are coming up, and I’m watching them closely because they are conducted so differently to the ones in my home country.

In Australia voting is compulsory, probably because as a whole the country is quite apathetic about politics. If you didn’t have to vote it is possible not enough people would submit votes to give an accurate result.

The other interesting element is that in America everyone seems to have an opinion about who should win, no one is scared to wear their vote on their sleeve. In Australia asking someone who they voted for is considered very bad manners.

What even the most obnoxious person in any country would consider bad manners is someone telling someone who they should support. Roseanne Barr did it yesterday, now here comes country singer John Rich, telling the world that if Johnny Cash were alive today, he’d vote McCain.

Johnny Cash’s daughter Roseanne responded on her website:

“It is appalling to me that people still want to invoke my father’s name, five years after his death, to ascribe beliefs, ideals, values and loyalties to him that cannot possibly be determined, and to try to further their own agendas by doing so,” Cash said on her Web site.

According to media reports, Rich told the crowd: “Somebody’s got to walk the line in the country. They’ve got to walk it unapologetically. And I’m sure Johnny Cash would have been a John McCain supporter if he was still around.”

Rich then sang Johnny Cash’s “I Walk the Line.”

“I knew my father pretty well, at least better than some of those who entitle themselves to his legacy and his supposed ideals,” Rosanne Cash said on her site, “and even I would not presume to say publicly what I ‘know’ he thought or felt. This is especially dangerous in the case of political affiliation.

“It is unfair and presumptuous to use him to bolster any platform,” she continued. “I would ask that my father not be co-opted in this election for either side, since he is clearly not here to defend or state his own allegiance.”


Go ahead and vocally support your chosen presidential candidate, but don’t attribute a dead man’s values to a cause. It is disrespectful to his family. It also makes the candidate seem a little desperate, needing to drum up business from a dead man.

Note by Celebitchy: Country singer Toby Keith recently announced his support for Obama. However, commenters on the Huffington Post note that he’s donated to Republicans in the past. Keith has also drawn criticism for what many people note is a pro-lynching song, (warning on that link – it includes disturbing lynching images) “Beer for My Horses.”

Maybe we would be a little better off if celebrities and musicians would do it the Australian way, as Helen mentions. I’m all for supporting your candidate but am getting a little tired of the celebrities publicly arguing over it. That’s what a Democracy is all about I guess – people complaining.

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26 Responses to “John Rich says Johnny Cash would vote McCain”

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  1. Keese my cakes says:

    Celebrities and other public figures shouldn’t take advantage of the public eye to entice their political beliefs onto others. I agree, keep it private and let the people make up their own minds

  2. Jenna says:

    I love the fact that Cash’s daughter comes in and pretty much says the opposite.

    When I read this last night I was pissed. Why would Rich assume the late Johnny Cash would vote for McCain? Granted I am unsure as to if Cash was a republican or a democrate but using Cash’s name to ‘gain’ supporters is just plain out stupid.

    I also find it hilarious how the McCain party is using songs by artists and they never agreed to it. I know there are some suing battles going on with McCain’s camp. Serves him right.

  3. Syko says:

    Pretty stupid of him, to assume he knows what someone else would do. And totally moot, since Johnny Cash is dead and will not be voting. I guess we could say John F. Kennedy would be voting for Obama! Or that Charles Manson would vote for McCain if only he were not a convicted felon. (Can you see which way my sympathies lie? LOL)

    Bravo to Roseanne!

  4. geronimo says:

    Maybe Rich, by invoking the sacred name of Johnny Cash, was hoping some of his genius might rub off on him. Roseanne’s response says everything that needs to be said here.

  5. elisha says:

    Jenna, I don’t think Cash’s daughter is saying the OPPOSITE, she’s saying what she should say… that her father’s name she be used for NEITHER side.

    Why do people choose a side and blindly proclaim their allegiance to it? I’ve interviewed enough politicians in my life to know they’re all sleazy. I’m serious. Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. They give me canned answers that don’t say anything, meant to offend the fewest people possible (and therefore garner the most votes). You’d be suprised how many of their policies are the same on both sides. I wish Americans would stop voting based on party (or what the celebrities tell them) and start researching the candidates and vote based on shared ideals.

  6. Mme X says:

    please don’t soil Johnny’s good name! I prefer to remember him as more enlightened. 🙄

  7. princess says:

    I’m not a country music fan. Of course I know who Johnny Cash is and loved his music but who is the John Rich? Is he somebody who opinion people might respect? Seriously never heard of him.

  8. vdantev says:

    John Rich- you can officially kiss my ass. You’re not worthy to have helped the Man in Black put his boots on.

  9. Syko says:

    I’m still stuck in moderation after two hours!

    I was going to ask the same thing. I DO like country music, but I have no idea who this yahoo is, or what gives him the idea that he can speak for Johnny Cash.

    Celebrities need to shut up about it. I’ll be voting for Obama, but don’t feel I need to broadcast this everywhere (even though I just did). They can make up their own minds and vote, but mostly keep their mouths shut, because there really are people stupid enough to consider them to be role models, who will vote as their heros vote. Bleh.

  10. Jenna says:

    Elisha, I agree. I came back and read my post and was like… crap.

    By the way, who on earth is this John Rich? A nascar driver?

    Edit: Oh, a country singer. I’ve never heard of him.

  11. daisy424 says:

    Helen, ‘In Australia asking someone who they voted for is considered very bad manners.’
    I agree. That’s what it should be anywhere.

  12. jaundicemachine says:

    I remember a time not so long ago when I was told it was impolite ask people their age, or who they were voting for for president. I’m not sure when celebrity endorsement became in vogue, but it encouraged every idiot with a tv to become a political pundit, a trend I’m sooooooo over, already. (Of course, politics is very salient in my neck of the woods, with the DNC less than a week away . . .)

  13. Trillion says:

    Daisy: I think it USED to be this way in out culture too, but it changed somewhere along the way. I’m not sure when that happened. It reminds me of the way it USED to be a horrible, heinous black mark on you to be a war profiteer. I believe it was a punishable offense. And now? Stack that bloody cash as fast as you can! And get a tax break while you’re at it! Crazy, n’est-ce pas?

  14. daisy424 says:

    Jaundice, you have a point with the TV comment.
    The candidates have much more exposure now with TV.
    In the 1959 election between Nixon & JFK, people who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon won the debate.
    Others who actually saw it on TV thought Kennedy won. He came across better, more relaxed and looked great. Nixon on the other hand came off as shifty, nervous, sweaty, not at all confident.

    Along those lines;
    I noticed that after the invasion of Georgia by Russia, Obama & McCain’s made their comments. In those clips:

    McCain came across to me as prepared and strong and spoke without stumbling for a change.

    Obama, who is usually a charismatic speaker, ‘read’ his written comment and didn’t seem as well prepared. He did not look up at the camera and kept his head down. He didn’t look comfortable with the subject matter. It has to be his lack of foreign policy experience.

    Trillion;see your point also. I don’t buy into the celeb endorsements, whether it is a car, face cream or Boniva. I certainly won’t heed their ‘adivce’ regarding a presidential candidate.
    I will make that decision on my own.

  15. Trillion says:

    I can’t wait for this election to be over. It seems to be bringing out the worst in a lot of people. I’m trying not to be negative but it’s a challenge. And I can’t not care.

  16. daisy424 says:

    Trillion, Wait for the barrage ads that are yet to come. I hate it also.
    I did make a mistake in my dates in my previous post, it was 1960, not 1959, sorry. 😳

  17. Kaiser says:

    Rosanne seems like a very thoughtful woman. Her parents raised her well!

    Surprising about Toby Keith. I guess even belligerent rednecks are upset with the Republicans.

    Does anyone here know the expression “Red Dog Democrat”?

    Hint: I bet Johnny Cash was one.

  18. daisy424 says:

    Kaiser, I had no idea what you were talking about, I thought at first about my pet Lab’s ‘red rocket’ 😯
    I found this;
    Now, I get it 😛

  19. Kaiser says:

    @Daisy- that’s an interesting link, and it sort of says what I was trying to get at, although I think that guy is screwed up in his color system.

    I’ve always heard of “Red Dog Democrats” as the old breed of Southern Democrats – the ones who came of age politically under FDR, who were economically liberal and socially conservative, who left the Democratic Party either in the 1960s (against the Kennedys) or the 1980s (for Reagan). The expression comes from an old Southernism: “I’d rather vote for a dead red dog than a Republican.”

    Anyway, I bet you Johnny Cash was a Red Dog Democrat.

  20. Kaiser says:

    Damn it! Daisy, I replied to you at length, but I’m being moderated against my will – SEND HELP. 🙂

  21. daisy424 says:

    CB;Can you please give Kaiser my email address?

    I know Kaiser, isn’t it frustrating sometimes?
    I wrote, re-wrote, edited, etc. what I considered a Pulitzer Prize worthy reply the other day, (at least in my mind, lol) and it went into spam……..
    To be fair, I can understand CB’s policies.

    edit* Kaiser have Outlook Express open, hitting F5, nothing yet.

  22. Kaiser says:

    CB! Please, can I have Daisy’s e-mail? Or give her mine?

  23. Nan says:

    Daisy, hi! I left you a post last night but I can’t remember where it is. Did it get deleted? I can’t find it. It was an apology post, ya Mooke! I remember it ended w/ ‘ya mooke!’.

  24. Nan says:

    Daisy could ya leave the answer on this thread? I’ll read it later but I have to go now. I know you are emailing another on this site so you’re probably distracted right now.

    …and it burns, burns, burns-that ring of fire.
    I used to sing this to my BF when we were first dating & he’d show up in all black.

  25. daisy424 says:

    Nan 😉

  26. seth says:

    One night he got outa control and got knocked out cold. The band playing that night wrote a song about it featuring Dale Watson . Check it out. The band is The Hillbilly Casino and the song is “The night his lights went out on broadway” on their new album “Tennessee stomp”. You can be big and rich and never learn!