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26 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan says her dad is out of control”

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  1. geronimo says:

    How the f*k has this delusional no-visible-means-of-income lowlife persuaded someone to marry him?

  2. heehee says:

    Calling someone a slob and then referring to God in the same sentence– twisted heap of grey matter…

  3. reasonstobecheerfulpart2 says:

    How he persuaded her?

    Either a)money or b) He told her she’s the only woman who ever understood him, and she’s young enough to believe this c..p. 😉

  4. RAN says:

    I second that Geronimo

  5. princess says:

    I see some parallels between Britney and Lindsay — the instability, the domineering companion

    Is anyone else thinking that he is saying this stuff because he is hoping to get a conservatorship over Lyndsays money.
    That if he keeps going on making up stuff about how Sam is plying her with drugs some judge might believe it? I know it sounds like a stretch but I think he is jealous and a really sick man.

    I wouldn’t put anything past this guy. He should be happy for his daughter…not trying to destroy the relationship that she is in. Idiot.

  6. Bodhi says:

    I still can’t stand LL, but Sam is growing on me. That was a pretty good response. I don’t think anyone in the world gives a shit what Michael Lohan thinks about anything

  7. SolitaryAngel says:

    I’m impressed, also, with Sam’s mature response to this drivel from MLo–I think he suffers from chronic diarrhea of the mouth!

    And something tells me that “wit’s end” for him is a very homey, lived-in place. 😉

  8. Kaiser says:

    …And may the person with the fewest felony convictions win!

  9. silentA says:

    That woman is NOT 24. I’m 23, and I look old. But not that old.
    No way. No WAY.

    If I am wrong, then she is a very haggard 24 year old. Yuck.

    Sam looks nice with with brown hair.
    Wasn’t Michael Lohan praising how well Lindsay was doing recently?

  10. Skank Basher says:

    Sure Sam Ronson was hurt and upset by Michael Lohan’s rant. This Young woman obviously cares very deeply for Lindsay and it’s difficult when either parent of the person you love dislikes you, even a little bit, and especially when it’s entirely unfounded in reality. Looks to me like Sam’s the BEST THING that’s happened to Lindsay in a very long time, relationship-wise!

  11. Lola says:

    I have my issues with Samantha. I like her brother Mark but I cannot stand her. It didn’t help that she wore that T-shirt which had semi erect dicks. Also before this, she was part of the reason why Lindsay lost the plot. However, Lindsay’s father is just pure scum. Poor Lindsay. What do you do when you are filth surrounded by filth? I wonder.

    Before I forget, Sam is also famous because of Lindsay. Who would be taking her pictures if she was not with her? But she is right, atleast she does not live off that unlike Michael.

  12. Kayla says:

    Linds is a loser. With or without Sam. Linds family acts like poor white trash. They are not celebrities, but wannebes. Linds has no talent, is bisexual, will do anything for drugs and publicity. Her mother is a fame hwore joke.

  13. Nouvel says:

    OMG, he is such a FN A-HOLE !!!!!!!!!! What a loser. He hates the fact Lindsay isnt this poor pathetic person, that she is doing better and staying healthy and happy. What a douchebag for a father, most Dad’s would be so happy their child was doing better..

    FN A-HOLE MR LOHAN IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. czarina says:

    I think Lindsay has a lot of potential and has not had the chance to really see what she can do. She is young and her family is awful. No wonder she turned to drugs to try to blot out whatever she couldn’t deal with.
    Because she was using drugs and alcohol, I don’t think it’s fair to try to assess her talents, until she’s had a chance to do some adult work with a sober mind. Maybe she ISN’T that talented, but it would be worth giving her a chance without all the crap.
    I applaud Sam Ronson’s response, but I think Lindsay herself should say something as well (beyong wishing her father would shut up).
    Princess–I think that was a very astute perspective on Michael Lohan’s recent press rants. It would not surprise me at all if this man was trying to gain control of his daughter (and saw Britney’s father as a parallel). Ugly, but for a con artist like this guy, not impossible.
    Fortunately, it is extremely remote that it could happen. Poor Britney needed to be hospitalized in the psych ward (twice?) before the courts took that kind of action.
    Basically, all this guy is doing is making a fool of himself and alienating his family.

  15. Rio says:

    While I think Samantha Ronson did give a mature response…honey, you’re 31-freakin’-years-old. CAPITALIZE YOUR FIRST-PERSON SINGULAR PERSONAL PRONOUN!

    Sorry. My inner grammar Nazi sometimes cannot be denied. 😈

  16. Zoe says:

    Good point princess.

  17. nina says:

    Sam is beautiful

  18. Lauri says:

    Good for her…excellent response. This is the most stable LiLo has been in a long time; SR is obviously a good influence.

  19. CoCo says:

    Good for Sam! Someone should stand up to that scumbag a-hole…

    Here’s Lindsay’s response… She makes alot of good points;

  20. czarina says:

    Yes, Lindsay’s response is very genuine, I thought. I feel sorry for her. On the other hand, I hadn’t realized she was so close to her mother (whom she considers “wonderful”) and it makes me think that Dinah Lohan is not as bad as I assumed she was–at least as a mother.

  21. JaundiceMachine says:

    What a loving, supportive father.
    It’s a pity Lindsey is too drugged by her lesbian lover (sinful!) to hear such wise and prophetic words of warning from a man that obviously has her best interests at heart.
    Such thoughtful, mature observations – observations that can only be gleaned by a man who has lived a piteous, righteous, and unselfish life.

  22. Alecto says:

    How can he say that Sam is just using Lins to be famous and nobody would know who she is without Lins? That’s kinda like the pot calling the kettle black isin’t it? And his gf looks more like 34 instead of 24.

  23. Orangejulius says:

    Nothing more to add to the above justified bashing of Michael Lohan. Just wanted to say how good Sam is looking. The hair really suits her. She finally got rid of that stupid hat!

  24. insidescoop says:

    Did Lindsay get a boob job?

  25. Jeanne says:

    Her dad’s out of control, she’s out of control, the whole family’s out of control.

  26. Faustina says:

    Dead pent articles , thanks for entropy 😀