The Super Bowl Commercials: which were your favorites?

Thanks to SpikeTV for helping me come up with some of the top commercials at this year’s Superbowl, the longest of which was a two minute Chrysler commercial featuring Eminem which included a tour of Detroit. It’s unknown what that commercial cost Chrysler to air, but the cost of just 60 seconds of air time during this year’s Superbowl was estimated at $6 million. We’ve heard that the spot cost a whopping $9 million to produce and that Eminem was paid $1 million for his appearance. It was a really good commercial in my opinion, but whether it was worth the cost of a lower budget movie remains to be seen.

Chrysler – Eminem’s Detroit
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Daimler Chrysler: Eminem Detroit</a>

I loved this Doritos commercial featuring the little tasty chips reviving a pet fish and saving the day. It had me laughing out loud.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Doritos: Healing chips</a>

Kim Kardashian’s Skechers commercial received a lot of advance buzz, but the result was predictably bad and innuendo-filled. She broke up with her trainer for her shoes. These shoes are marketed to women, right? Then how do they explain this commercial?
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Skechers: Kim Kardashian</a>

The Volkswagon Mini Vader commercial was a lot of people’s favorite as it featured the adventures of a little kid in costume doing adorable little kid stuff to movie music. The end was just genius and really appealed to the mom in me.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Volkswagen Passat: Young Vader</a>

A beaver helps out a motorist in this clever Bridgestone commercial.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Bridgestone: Karma</a>

Kaiser’s favorite douche Adrien Brody somehow made women swoon and cry with his beak nose and crooning, or maybe they’re weeping the lack of Stella Artois beer. It wasn’t a great commercial.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Stella Artois: Crying Crooner</a>

Bud Light had a bunch of dogs as party servers in this cute commercial that reminded me of the movie Marmaduke. It kept me watching and the dogs playing poker bit at the end was funny.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Bud Light: Dog Sitter</a>

This Audi commercial with rich people in their gilded jail was a dig at Mercedes that may not have been effective, but was sure interesting to watch. I loved the “release the hounds” bit along with the Kenny G cameo.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Audi A8: Prison Break</a>

Diddy starred in this Mercedes commercial that had all the Mercedes in the world returning to their maker. Audi definitely won this one.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Mercedes: Diddy</a>

Roseanne Barr and Richard Lewis were featured in this Snickers commercial that had Roseanne getting knocked down by a giant log. I guess Rosie O’Donnell wasn’t available.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Snickers: Lumberjacks</a>

Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne were in this futuristic commercial for Best Buy that tried to spoof itself and failed.
<a href="" target="_new" title="">Best Buy: Ozzy vs. Bieber</a>

There are more of Superbowl commercials at Fox News Sports, and Superbowl Fanhouse.

Update: Here’s more about the Darth Vader kid, who suffers from a congenital heart defect and has had multiple surgeries along with using a pacemaker. He seems like a sweet kid and I hope he’s ok but his stagemom bugs.

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50 Responses to “The Super Bowl Commercials: which were your favorites?”

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  1. LittleFATMe says:

    M&M detroit! My all time fav.
    Also, I really love the Etrade baby! (I am a fan!)
    Oh – and I forgot about bringing back grampa – that was flippin’ awesome!

  2. jen says:

    I liked the Coca-Cola border one too.

  3. mrsezc says:

    I loved the Detroit Commercial .. it was awesomely done and well Eminem was just a plus!! The one that made me laugh though was the Ozzy Osbourne / Justin Beiber … it was just dumb as I thought it would be.
    The game was good too .. seemed the Packers were there to play and win .. the Steelers thought they just needed to show up for the party.
    Have a great Monday ALL!!

  4. devilgirl says:

    I liked the Chrysler one, the Doritos, Bridgestone and Bud Light the best.

  5. QUEST says:

    Loved Doritos with my Eminem’s during the Super Bowl (one melt in my mouth not my hands)…squeal.

    Hated, hated, hated the Skechers ad (too much Kim K)made me wanna barf up popcorn all over

  6. mln76 says:

    That Doritos commercial is an instant classic.

    Is anyone else curious whether or not Chrysler used bailout money for this commercial?

  7. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I like the finger-licking Doritos one from the beginning of the game.

  8. Sarah says:

    Mini-Vader was my fav. That was awesome

  9. samihami says:

    I enjoyed seeing Roseanne being hit by a log.

  10. l says:

    #mln76 I was wondering that as well.

    But then I thought about it, and the old saying is true: “You gotta spend money to make money”.

    Chrysler HAS to do something to turn things around. In my opinion, this was a VERY GOOD start. I for one, have never had ANY interest AT ALL in a Chrysler product. This commercial made me at least stop long enough to think about it. It was a very well made, well thought out commercial. I loved it.

    p.s. I’m FINALLY off “comment moderation” YAY!!!! thanks CB & Kaiser! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Cleo says:

    the super pale hands and oversized shogun head on midget Vader really got me! It should be shown with the Snickers ad with the two little kids in the uber creepy boogeyman costume.

  12. Sam says:

    Not positive, but I think Chrysler’s paid back the bailout money already.

    LOVED the Mini Vader commercial – definitely my fave!

  13. danielle says:

    The Adrian Brody one was godawful! I was disappointed in the commercials this year – needed more Clydesdales!

  14. jc126 says:

    Loved the Detroit/Eminem ad.
    HATED Groupon’s ad.
    I think the Vader ad is way overrated, tired of it already.

  15. mln76 says:

    @l: I guess you are right but 9 million dollars is a big hunk of dough and as much as I love Eminem I kind of wish he didn’t get such a big payday.

    @Sam oh nevermind then ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. seVen says:

    No one mentioned any of the Pepsi Ads! I laughed the hardest when the couple was sitting on a park bench, a busty blonde comes up, he looks, she chunks the can of pepsi max at his head, he dodges , the can hits the blonde and she falls out. .. it tickled me.

  17. mia girl says:

    Worth it – everyone is talking about the Chrysler Eminem commercial today. It was already a compelling commercial before Eminem even showed up in it. Then it became awesome. Best commercial last night.

    Worst commercials – PepsiMax – each spot was just plain DUMB.

  18. joey2011 says:

    Loved the Imported from Detroit commercial. Goosebumps. And the VW was adorable. That kid is a doll.

    I’m not sure, but I thought Eminem was paid $1 for Lipton. Did he get that for the Detroit commercial as well?

  19. Dorothy says:

    The Audi 8 commercial was a riot (I love Audis), the Doritos commercial about bringing things back to live was adorable (if that were easy) and definitely the beaver in the Bridgestone commercial won my heart,especially when the beaver signals to the man, “I got you!”. Lots of folks hate commercials, yet I find them very creative.

  20. Bonfire Beach says:

    I don’t get the appeal of the Darth Vader commerical. I thought it was dumb and I, too, am already tired of hearing about it. Over-rated! And I couldn’t even tell you what it was for after seeing it, so that’s how memorable it was. I didn’t have a favorite commercial this year. I was pretty disappointed in all of them, though the Chrysler one was pretty good out of the bunch.

  21. InRoz says:

    ”What’s a Bieber? ” that was really funny

  22. guesty says:

    Couldn’t believe how many dorito commercials there were…but the one with the pug was my fav. My husband thought Kim looked hot. Also Audi…the one with the imprisoned executives was cute. My son loved Eminem for Chrysler. $9m for that one I think.

  23. Jesus Christ Superstar says: commercial was the absolute worst in my opinion, and was followed very closely by the Groupon ad. That test baby was terrifying! LOVED the VW ad. Had seen it prior to the main broadcast and still loved it last night.

  24. jover says:

    Maybe I’m missing something but I didn’t think any were that great – I love the Etrade Baby, but this yrs didn’t live up to previous yrs. The sketchers throwaway with Kartrashian was a bust – there are plenty of struggling actresses/models in la that could do the same thing can’t this plastic fameho disappear. THe GoDaddy ads need to be retired – do ppl in hollywood and Madison avenue not know the difference between sexy and lame. You can go on youtube and watch ads from the 70s – 90s and see how much better they were; We still remember the WHere’s the Beef ad. On the good side at least Beyonce’s overexposed vacant eyes weren’t staring at us for 30 seconds in some lame ad that bouncy misconstrues for high art.

  25. Listerino says:

    I liked the Mini Vader Ad and the ad with the guy with the truck that kept telling him to rescue his son. “I didn’t even know we had a volcano in this town” lol.
    The Beaver ad was cute too. Also enjoyed the ad with Kenny G in it. Overall this was my first Superbowl so I enjoyed it. (First year living in the USA)

  26. Trippin says:

    I guess the era of clever and funny as hell commercials are gone or they’re just over-rated. This year was disappointing only about 2-3 I liked. Too many car commercials. I did like seeing previews though for all the kick ass movies coming out this summer.

  27. danielle says:

    seVen – I forgot about that Pepsi ad! I laughed out loud.

  28. Oi says:

    I kinda liked Ozzy and Beibs. The doritos one was good. Kardashian needs to drop dead.

  29. bluhare says:

    The mini vader was for Volkswagen. I liked it, it wasn’t an over produced Tronathon like most of the others. It was just cute.

    The Roseanne Barr one was good, but didn’t they pretty much copy the Betty White idea from last year?

  30. pebbles says:

    Mini-Vader won me over. And the heartwarming back story, it made me love it all the more…..
    The little boy was on the Today Show this morning….he was born with a congenital heart defect, and has a pacemaker. I hope he gets some money and a lot of opportunities out of this.
    Go Max Page, go!

  31. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    I don’t get people saying they didn’t like the Mini-Vader commercial. It was cute-not overrated. I don’t understand calling a cute commercial “overrated”-do you all not like the playful innocence of children or something? Or don’t understand the fun in letting a kid’s imagination come to life, even for a second? Jeez. It made me smile and had me remembering the days when I was a kid and used to dress up and play.

    Anyway, I liked the Doritos one as well.

  32. Weegee's Bored says:

    My comment on the Kim Kardashian commercial:

    “Sketchy women wear Sketchers.”

  33. the original bellaluna says:

    LOVED the Coke commercial where the dragon blew fireworks. AWESOME!

    Changed the channel when we saw the Kartrashian.

  34. Anoni Mus says:

    Loved both VW commercials, the little Darth Vader and the Beetle running through the jungle floor. Very creative, without going all out and no weirdness (Coca-Cola) looking at you.

    I also chuckled at the Bridgestone guy who races to “erase” the mistake of clicking on reply-all on his e-mail.

    Worst? A tie between Kim Kardashian and the Doritos licking. Ewww. Gross on both counts.

  35. jc126 says:

    Yes, if we don’t like the Darth Vader commercial, we all hate the playful innocence of childhood, and don’t understand the fun in letting a child’s imagination come to life. Those are the ONLY reasons we don’t like the ad.

  36. HRH says:

    LOVED the Chrysler commercial. Very well done.

  37. DetRiotgirl says:

    I was born in Detroit, and I LOVED the imported from Detroit commercial. Detroit is a tough story. The city has been through a lot, and things are really rough right now.

    I moved out of the city as soon as I was old enough to go. I admit this. There aren’t many opportunities for young people there at the moment. I live in New York City now and, believe me, I love this city dearly too. But, in my heart, I always feel that if I make it big in life I will come back and try to help my real home town. I feel that Eminem is helping in his own way, and I appreciate that he has always represented for Detroit.

    As things are now, the city gets emptier and emptier everytime I come back to visit. Entire neighborhoods have been abandoned. Sections of forgotten land are now being turned into farms. Truly, it breaks my heart.

    To see all the childhood memories I hold so close to my heart slowly disappear has been hard for me. I would really like to see Detroit rise again. While I know that some of those buildings will never be rebuilt, I have hope that the shadows of our past will help to inspire the presence of our future and build something that means even more to me than what we’ve lost.

    Ok, stepping off my emotional soap box now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Kiska says:

    The Chrysler ad was well done. If only they made their cars that way. I owned one and it was a piece of shite.

  39. Debsa says:

    Be nice, I kinda liked the stage mom, she seemed sincere…

  40. Vee says:

    The best ones are the commercials I remember and those were the two Volkswagen ads, the Darth Vader boy and the racing beetle through the forest and the Bridgestone karma beaver. Loved them!

  41. justathought says:

    Best: The Bridgestone Beaver and the Bud-lite singing outlaw. The Worst: the lame PepsiMax commercials!

  42. renai(jrt) says:

    The Darth Vader was the best and any parent that has a son or daughter that likes Star Wars would have loved this one the best as well!!! This was the only commercial in my opinion that was worthy of accolade. The Audi was my second fav.

  43. Chicoulina says:

    MY TOP 10:
    1.Bud Weiser-Tiny Dancer
    2.First Date-Pepsi Max
    3.Doritos-Pug Attack
    4.Mini Vader-VW
    5.Teleflora-Faith Hill
    6.Chrysler Eminem
    7.Black Beetle-VW
    9.Pepsi Max Couple-Hitting Blonde
    10.Coca Cola-Dragon

  44. the original bellaluna says:

    @ DetRiotgirl – My grandfather worked for Ford. He had a home in Detroit (which was beautiful, by the way) and one on Big Lake. My dad took our family to Detroit, Big Lake, Ann Arbor, and PA (more family there) on vacations.

    It makes me sad to see how things are there now. It hurts my heart.

  45. sickofit says:

    i love both of the vw commercials,
    the mom does not seem stage mom to me…

  46. Vee says:

    I forgot and it deserves a mention. That Chevy commercial, first date, where the guy checks the gals Facebook status and she says, “best first date ever!” DARLING!

  47. Tif says:

    Everyone is talking about that cute little kid nit Eminem. On the news in New York they said that Chrysler commercial was too long and Eminem …eh. Eminem isn’t even from Detroit!!!

  48. MsCatra says:

    I definitely loved the Chrysler Eminem Detroit commercial. I’ve lived about two hours north of Detroit my whole life, and it kills me what the city has become, but I’m also proud of how so many people still love Detroit, believe in Detroit, and haven’t given up on Detroit. And now I’m getting emotional, lol.

    Annnnywhooo…the Doritos Best for Last commercial was gross, but it was the only commercial that literally made be squeal out loud. Love it. Wish the godaddy commercials would all go away forever.

  49. harmony says:

    I JUST REALIZED THIS- At the end of the bieber commercial the guy who says he looks like a girl IS JUSTIN BIEBER dressed up!!!!!

    ….did everyone else realize this???

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