Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick will get married to get their own reality show

Back in November, we covered a story from In Touch that claimed that Kourtney Kardashian and her social-climbing sociopath baby daddy, Scott Disick were going to get married in order to sell the coverage rights and cash in with their own reality show. Some of you said you doubted that story because of the dubious source, and you could have been right at the time. Only now it’s popping up again on AOL’s Popeater, and on the covers of Life & Style and OK!, which all have “exclusives” (ha!) that Kourtney is engaged.

Spoilers for Kourtney and Kim take NY (if you care)
Popeater, OK! and Life & Style claim that Scott proposed to Kourtney and that it’s going to be aired on the finale episode of that Kourtney and Kim Take NY show, (which I have to admit to never watching). Then Scott and Kourtney hope to get their own show, similar to the way that Khloe parlayed her relationship with Lamar Odom into quick money for her and the family.

Can’t get enough of the Kardashian clan on the small screen? Well if the answer is “yes,” then you are in luck! Kourtney K. and boyfriend Scott Disick are the latest members of the family to be in talks to get their own spinoff show for E!, and sources tell me it will revolve around their still-secret wedding plans.

“The last episode of ‘Kourtney and Kim Take New York’ is Scott proposing,” an insider tells me. “Then just like sister Khloe and Lamar, Kourtney and Scott will not only get their own show but also a wedding. It’s going to be TV gold.”

Mom Kris Jenner, who is the genius behind the whole Kardashian phenomenon, is currently conceptualizing a show with E! that will follow Kourtney and Scott on the path to a wedding. I’m told it will be complete with outrageous wedding plans, chaos, dresses and, of course, Scott being a groomzilla.

The family already has ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians,’ ‘Kim and Kourtney Take New York, ‘Khloe and Lamar’ and soon, Scott and Kourtney’s untitled show. This will make them arguably [one] of the most prolific TV franchises of all time.

“What is going to make this new show a monster hit is that Scott and Kourtney are actually happier than ever,” an insider tells me. “Heading toward the alter [sic] is the next step for them with or without the cameras.”

[From Popeater, Rob Shuter’s column]

Life and Style also has an “exclusive” that Scott proposed to Kourtney on the finale, and just sent us an announcement that she’s engaged. They quote an insider who says “The season finale, which has already been filmed, ends with Scott proposing and Kourtney accepting. It’s been really hard for them to keep it quiet. She’s so excited for the finale to air this April so she can finally go out in public with her ring on. She wears it at home all the time.”

And this is similarly an “exclusive” on OK! Magazine’s cover. I skimmed the article and it basically says that they’re engaged, and that Scott has changed. He’s supposedly “done a 180” after taking anger management classes and is trying to say sober. They give the wedding date as sometime this year.

This seems like the logical next step for the Kardashian girls. Kim is probably seething with jealousy, since she hasn’t been able to get a guy on the hook long enough to join the family business. (You know her ‘wedding news’ on the cover of Life & Style is about the same as her ‘baby news’ – someday.) Maybe she likes it that way though and doesn’t want a man stealing her thunder.

Keep in mind that once Kourtney and Scott get their own reality show there are two other Kardashian daughters, Kendall, 15, and Kylie, 13, who could potentially carry on the family name. Kris has already said she’s open to it. I imagine her naming her daughters with alliterative names planning for their future in entertainment.



photo credit: WENN.com


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40 Responses to “Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick will get married to get their own reality show”

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  1. pebbles says:

    Come out, come out wherever you are!
    Who are the peeps who are interested in these insufferable fools?
    I have no interest in “keeping up with the Kardashians.” Am I alone in this?

  2. brin says:

    No, pebbles, I’m right with you. Maybe they’ll get their own network like Oprah (then that will be a whole network I won’t have to watch).

  3. Richi says:

    I feel this female does not have a brain of her own!!!!! I bet this wedding to make money! All they need is attention! attention!! Attention!!!! Jeez!!!!

  4. Rita says:

    If we were slowly being invaded, the Kardashians in general and these two in particular are exactly how aliens would represent themselves. They have, “Take us to your leader” written all over them.

  5. renai(jrt) says:

    why do people find these ridiculous Kardashians entertaining!!!

  6. Quest says:

    Ca-ching! Wedding bells + famewhores = new reality show + $$$.

    Not to be out-done Kim (probably pissed) is gonna get into the tabliods and take away Kourtney’s thunder (reference to Life and Style Mag).

  7. Marjalane says:

    Much to my horror, my teenage daughter and her friends are obsessed with these Kartrashian shows- I watched one with them the other day….WTF is America thinking?! It was the one where Kim fake cried because some magazine printed “porno” pictures of her. This family is garbage- all of them. This is where crazy zealots who refuse to own a TV and want to go back to media censorship start to make sense!

  8. foobie says:

    We have gone way, way past the point of wondering “what will they do next?”.

    I think the question to ask now is “what won’t they do?”.

  9. Bailey says:

    then there will be a headline in LandS
    Kim’s Heartache “Why won’t anybody marry me?”

  10. sisi says:

    jeebus, I think Kim might have done Kourtney’s make-up in that top photo.

  11. Mikki says:

    I just get a creepy vibe from every picture I see of Scott Disick – something about his eyes is so vacant. I’m sure the wedding will be a total media circus, and the divorce will happen within a year afterwards!

  12. Jaana says:


  13. eva says:

    @Marjalane, my high school daughter, nieces and all their friends also love these shows.

    sigh. I wonder where I went wrong. When I try to explain these shows are glamorizing a vapid, self absorbed, phony lifestyle, they giggle and say they know and that’s why they enjoy them. I sincerely hope they grow out of their taste for these shows and I wonder about the future of our youth. I think this officially makes me an old lady.

  14. arock says:

    he is so douche-riffic. the hair, the demeanor. we get it- youre super suave…

    it absolutly cracks me up that these people are famous for being famous. (and im quite aware of the irony of commenting on them and reading this stuff)

    i hope they have a wonderful train wreak…i mean life…

  15. Scarlet Vixen says:

    It really disgusts me how people like these celebutards abuse the privilege of marriage, simply for ratings and money. I immediately thought of something a friend of mine posted on Facebook yesterday: “So let me get this straight …Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage?? Really???”

  16. Johnny Depp's Girl says:


    Never watch the show. Even less interested now.

  17. garvels says:

    UGH! They are nothing but gross narcissistic bottom feeders. YuK:o(
    I can’t stand this weasel and his shiny suits and “I am better than you” attitude. E! is really sick if it rewards this repulsive man with millions in contracts! The show will bomb big time!!!

  18. Rita says:

    @Scarlet Vixen

    Your point is so well taken.

  19. guesty says:

    that’s usually the kiss of death for any relationship for some reason.

  20. Alaska says:

    I think it’s gross that they live their lives only for the pursuit of the next reality show. What happened to dating someone and then marrying them for love?!

  21. orion70 says:

    Perfect timing to get married… in the middle of anger-management therapy, and trying to stay sober. Sure. Why not.

  22. Kloops says:

    I admit my Kardashian knowledge is largely limited to gossip sites and the handful of episodes I watched over Christmas while sick (does E! air anything else?). I wanted to punch all of them and this one was perhaps the biggest, most vapid, twit of all. How can she pssibly sustain a reality show? You’ve seen one you’ve seen them all and I am not averse to trashy tv but this chick is dull.

  23. Isabel says:

    Oh, good, because that’s just so necessary.

    1 – They are really disgusting people.

    2 – What are Kardashian show ratings like?

    3 – Kylie and Kendall are Jenners, not Kardashians…and “Jenner” is just not as fun for the franchise. I have a feeling it would be an epic fail.

    4 – Gross. Just, gross.

  24. Lynda says:

    Pathetic. Next will be another baby. Tell them to go away.

  25. Javagirl1 says:

    @Scarlet Vixen
    I agree!

  26. bluhare says:

    @scarlet vixen: Count me in as well.

    I have never watched their show(s) and my plan is that I never will. How Kris can whore out her children like she does is beyond me.

  27. Alexa says:

    @Scarlet Vixen – THAT’S AWESOME! I’ve got to write that down, I’m sure I’ll be needing it.

  28. missbabylon says:

    i am soooo sick of this family!! the khara-dashians r every where!!!!!! their mother is the most disgusting mother i have ever seen!!! how could any woman use her kids that way?

    (khara= shit in arabic)suites them!

  29. Tiffany says:

    To think all of this came to be with the death of Robert Sr. The fact that they have no shame for this speaks volumes to Kris’ character. I am not going to go with the kids because it has to start somewhere. Also, I don’t think that Scott is that big of an ass and Kris and the other family members would put up with that crap. This is all for show and the fact that he is willing to do it for money and knowing that his child will see this in the future, he deserves whatever comes his way. All of them.

  30. Kim says:

    No one will watch this show. Only the original show was successful because of Kim being on it. The other 2 spin offs have been terrible. Kim and Kourtney take NY is painful to watch its so bad.

    Chloe & Kourtney are a simply bi products of Kims infamy and no on cares about them. They are not interesting enough, talented enough or good looking enough to make good tv.

    Everyone is tired of the Kardashians even Kim. You can only last so long in Hollywood if you dont really have some talent; sing, act, model. Their 15 mins are over.

  31. Kim says:

    Everyone bags on how creepy Scott is, and he is, but Kourtney is even creepier!

    She is fake, jealous of her sisters, trapped her boyfriend by purposely getting pregnant (oh you know she did) and come on marrying JUST for a reality show!! In fact being in a relationship with a man you and your family cant stand purely for money/a show!

    It doesnt get creepier than that.

  32. Stephanie says:

    OMG! I totally cracked up at the OK! cover. The Couple! The Ring! The Kiss! And at the bottom: “PLUS: HOW KIM LOST 10 LBS!” Freaking hilarious.

  33. cprincess says:

    seriously-WHO is watching this crap???????

  34. court says:

    with the amount of times kim has lost 10 pounds, im surprised she still exists.

  35. JQ says:

    “Kris Jenner” and “genius” should never be in the same sentence. Unless the sentence is “Genius finds way to send Kris Jenner and the Kardashian Klan through wormhole in universe, never to be seen again.”

  36. Westcoaster says:

    Does Scott have a problem with smiling or does he just have bad teeth? I know a person can not go around smiling all the time , but he could at least make a effort for a magazine cover

  37. CeeCee says:

    Sad f*cked up family breeding more sad f*cked up people……

  38. Kim says:

    Congrats to the family earning $65 M in 2010 per The Hollywood Reporter.Just think all from a sex tape and a dream.

  39. lana says:

    let me state the obvious here, if you guys all say you arent interested and you dont watch the shows, then why the HELL are you reading a story about them, why even bother commenting, obviously you are all pretending to not be interested but really are because you are all on here reading the story then commenting about it. if it were true that you really didnt care then why are you reading about it, grow up

  40. toupha says:

    i guess dis is finally goin to b kourtney’s biggest mistake.wish her luck anyways