Here’s a link to a photo of Charlie and his three live-in loves
The headline sounds like a joke, only the reality conjures up nasty visions of coke fueled orgies with Charlie’s vacant crazy eyes and gold-filled mouth hanging open. I doubt the guy would be able to spend two days just relaxing at home and watching porn without smoking crack and inviting porn stars over. He needs to be surrounded by women who cater to him, and he needs constant entertainment.
Yesterday we heard that Charlie’s most recent ex wife, Brooke Mueller, has moved in with him, along with their twin boys and a nanny to watch the kids while Brooke gets high with Charlie. Brooke reportedly took Charlie up on his offer to buy her a house in the neighborhood, and is just shacking up with him temporarily while he finalizes the purchase of the home. We haven’t heard whether Denise Richards accepted Charlie’s offer of a house, and she seems too stable and levelheaded to take it seriously. Brooke joins Charlie and two other women, a model and a porn star, in living with him. ET Online has a photo of all of them posing together and both Charlie and Brooke looked cracked out of their skulls.
Charlie, Brooke, the porn star and the model are now all on vacation together in The Bahamas. Charlie reportedly flew them all out there on his private jet a couple of days ago.
I’m a little confused by both Radar and TMZ’s claim that the porn star, Bree Olsen, is Charlie’s girlfriend. I thought the new chick, Bong model Natalie Kenly, was the girlfriend. Since they’re all living and vacationing with Charlie I guess we can assume they’re all girlfriends.
Radar has a new interview with a woman Charlie paid to live with him last year. A very young-looking porn star tells their interviewer that she was with Charlie for four months and that he gave her something like $50 to $75 thousand dollars over that time. He would pay her $3 to $5 k in cash every time they met. It’s pretty dumb to tell that to the press. That money was tax free up until this point. I wonder if Charlie writes it off as an entertainment expense.
Also, Charlie Sheen’s dad Martin Sheen recently compared Charlie’s addition to cancer. He said “the disease of addiction is a form of cancer.” I get the disease model of addiction, I really do, but comparing it to cancer makes light of real diseases. Charlie is not a victim.
How cozy.
Denise joins Charlie and two other women, a model and a porn star, in living with him. ET Online has a photo of all of them posing together and both Charlie and Brooke looked cracked out of their skulls.
-edit pls.. it should be Brooke. Denise is so normal to do this.
What a tragic mess for his children. Brooke obviously missed the highlife and is now throwing her children in with these dumpster diving divas to get a piece of the action. Where’s CPS?
Too bad Lindsay can’t join them for some C & C….I mean R & R.
I need bleach and steel wool after reading that headline.
He looks like shit. Hard to imagine I found him attractive as a teen. Pffttt.
Wow. Just wow.
EWWWWWW. That just shows how desperate Brooke is.
They should never had kids.
The man has a dream and is just living his own Playboy Mansion/Hefner wannabe fantasy…let the man live (we don’t know how long he has again considering his downward sprial).
A little coke, alcohol,cigarettes and random sex is good therapy…right (sigh). Are you F*ck_ng kidding me, Seriously???
Brooke Muller has definitely no pride.
Living with your ex-abuser-husband again and two other women AND THE KIDS??
They’re completely nuts.
All that money for just hanging around Charlie… perhaps a little sexyfuntime? I’m in the wrong profession 🙁
Someone flush him. Unfortunately I don’t see an end for him as good as Lohans…and her’s isn’t good either. 🙁
@rita, ITA. This is just gross, I can imagine the nanny has to be there 24/7 just to keep those kids from seeing anything explicit.
The f***? This is all sorts of wrong.
Brooke really needs to be more aware of her eyes, in every pic they’re HUGE and totally give away the fact that she’s high as f***.
And it makes me a little salty that Kacey Jordan got the same amount of money I make in a year to do blow and have sex with charlie sheen for 3 minutes. Sheesh!
As a cancer survivor, I too think Martin Sheen’s comment belittles cancer and excuses Charlie’s behaviour. Addiction is a disease but, as CB pointed out (thank you!), Charlie is NOT a victim.
Additionally, in that first pic, Brooke looks like her vajajay stinks.
what happened with rehab
Shouldn’t child services be visiting this sorry excuse for a home?
Unfortunately, I’m afraid the “nanny” is probably a 24 year old blonde bimbo whose taking part in it all.
How insane that of all of these people, Denise Richards is the most “stable and level-headed.” That’s saying something right there.
And is it just me, or does Charlie’s resemblance to a cockroach grow by the day?
I betcha they’re all on cocained up all day long. Sad that these parents arent role models for their kids.
There are just no words for how skeezy these people are.
So, Charlie called someone in to take a photo of the 4 of them together? In his home theatre?
Like, the same home theatre that he marathon-watched porn for hours at a time?
That is a professional picture for sure. I just don’t get any of this.
OMG. He used to be good looking, but his wild ways are catching up with him. I can envision him toothless and dried up. Blech! Those nasty skanks will only hang around as long as the money and drugs last.
AWWW- It’s like a crack version of “the girls next door” Seriously I don’t get why he is still employed and is able to have children live with him. Aghhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Wow, Charlie Sheen has got it like that. Does anyone else look at him differently since we found out he is toothless? At least his entourage is female (?)
this guy is a joke
Get ready for the new Charlie and his ho’s reality show.
Wow. He’s like the dude from TLC polygamy show!
So wrong… poor kids..
ok, i can’t believe i’m going to say this, but i don’t want to hear brooke cry to the police when charlie gets coked out of his skull and hits her again. because you know he will. and what are those other two chicks thinking? moving in with a violent alcoholic is like chumming a shark tank – put enough red meat in there and eventually someone will get bitten. or locked in a closet. or whatever.
Man this guy is a real piece of work!
If Martin Sheen really wants to help he should sue for custody of the twins. I think Charlie is messed up, but in 40 years, those boys are going to be even worse.
Def a crack head version of Hef.
What’s up with his Dad saying we should feel sorry for him and comparing his illness to cancer. Not even close Martin Sheen! Charlie Crackie can stop – people suffering cancer are not comparable. (going to copy & paste onto other thread).
Can you hear the theme music for these are the whores of his live.
This story (even without the picture) is seriously disturbing. I can’t get the picture of Charlie Sheen hitting/choking Brooke and holding a knife to her. But, now she’s like, hey, why not live with him, his coke and his coke ho’s with our kids. She isn’t some struggling single mom. She’s getting more than enough money from him to afford a decent place for her and her sons. He’s just using her and their kids to prop up his deteriorating image.
I get that maybe the child support isn’t enough to cover all of her expenses: mortgage, morning crack, nanny, afternoon crack, milk, evening crack, but damn. Why can’t she at least negotiate for the nanny and kids to stay in a separate place without crackheads. Does anybody give a damn about the baby boys?
OMFG. This is so sick, I had to click on the pic to believe it, and yes, they are high as all hell. Where is child protective services? Really sad.
If you click on the link there are a total of 14 pics! ET has them all on their site & he looks like he’s older than 60 in some. This is bad! Scared what the news will be come Monday… They all look so strung out. Those poor children. ET writes that he wants Denise to move in with the girls too. Crack really does destroy brain cells huh.
What a freak show. I have a whole new respect for Denise Richards.
I’m so sorry for the children…another generation learning how to do SHEEN-NANIGANS…Somebody please call child services!!!!!!
@Your Mama: “Not even close Martin Sheen! Charlie Crackie can stop – people suffering cancer are not comparable.”
What’s your opinion on lung cancer caused by smoking? Ever seen patients dying from lung cancer outside the hospital in wheelchairs, hooked up to IV’s and still smoking like chimneys?
Addiction is a very real illness. The brain is an organ of the body like any other and it can become sick on its own, as a result of environmental and genetic factors or ill because of substance abuse (at this point, that happens when there’s physical dependency).
Heart disease and Type 2 diabetes are illnesses often brought about by obesity, people deliberately eating a high-fat, crap diet and a profound lack of exercise.
I’m interested to hear perspectives on these “real” illnesses that are also caused by people who have a “choice.”
Because we all know he’s a character-flawed douchebag, with or without addiction playing a part, that shouldn’t colour people’s attitudes and contribute to the stigma surrounding the mental and physical illness of addiction.
That he refuses to seek treatment is the problem, but to admit addiction is to admit a “taboo” illness whose origins lie within the mind and/or genetic predisposition, resulting in a physical dependency and addicts are ashamed to do that and so most live in “quiet” denial *edit* by quiet I mean hiding the problem. They’re certainly not running around crowing about it like Sheen.
He’s the exception, not the rule and I’d love to slap his smug, idiotic face for the damage he is doing to the public perception of addiction and the living hell for the people who suffer with addiction and their families.
Like cancer? Exactly. A cancer of the mind and the soul. It can cause physical cancer, in the case of alcohol: Mouth, throat, pancreatic and liver cancers.
When you meet someone with cancer do you ask them what kind they have, how they got it and that it’s their own stupid fault for getting it in the first place?
I certainly hope not, but I’ve see plenty of self-righteous, gleeful insensitivity here and elsewhere before on this topic and I’m fed up with it.
Charlie’s agent and/or business manager better remind him the Gravy Train that is whatever-that-sitcom-Chuck’s-on WILL grind to a halt.
EDIT: Brooke and Denise will go wherever the MONEY and media attention are, period.
I don’t think this guy will live past 2013.
His sickness isn’t like cancer; HE is like cancer.
@TXCinderella. We will never see a toothless Charlie because, as they fall out, he will just continue to replace them with those sexy gold teeth. LOL
@Bill Hicks. I see your point. There are also oral cancers and cervical cancers caused by STDs. I don’t believe everyone who has these cancers is unworthy of sympathy because they may or may not have made choices which contributed to their
illness. I think people taking issue with the statement are thinking more about the fact that many people who do suffer from cancer have done nothing to contribute to their condition. It just seems like an apples and oranges comparison.
I’ve been a Charlie fan for a long time…but this, this is too much. I’ve officially stopped being a fan! So, so weird…I just feel so for his little kids. That’s just really sad. I don’t know how I’d feel if i grew up knowing my parents would rather party then spend time with me.
She even looks like Mueller, wonder if she sounds as deviated.
He gave an interview from whereever he is and said Brooke bailed out or flew home. But his interview he was out of his mind. He is insane. He was calling the producer of the show names and his train of thought was absolutely bizarre.
@Bill who thinks he’s God- just meant that there was no comparison that’s all.
No, I’m not an insensitive jackoff who disses cancer patients and asks them how they got it. However, since you are a self proclaimed God you should’ve already known that. I am just sick of Sheen and am not giving him any pity.
His rug is super obvious in the last photo posted by CB.
I think he could actually get fired if he keeps it up. At some point, he’ll have made himself unlikeable to even his biggest fans, with all the toothless taunting and gloating in multiple radio interviews.
He forgets that no one is irreplaceable, which is surprising considering he replaced the beloved Michael J. Fox on “Spin City” when Michael’s illness got to the point that he couldn’t do the show. In contrast, many people hate Charlie, and have a harder time accepting his addiction as an illness, because he seems like he’s vile first and an addict second. Charlie Sheen was probably jerky when he was a little kid.
I really think he’s having a bipolar manic episode in addition to the drugs. He’s got some major psychiatric problems in addition to his substance abuse issues.
It is hard to pity Charlie Sheen.
Once again, the model of addiction as a disease is A MODEL. It is one way to approach treatment for those seeking it. The evidence to support this model is shaky at best, and treatment based on this model does not have a great long term success rate, because people don’t feel they have any ability to CHOOSE to control themselves IF they fall off the wagon. So they really binge when they do fall off, and eventually kill themselves in a great number of cases. But they just couldn’t help it you see…
I have stage 4 lung cancer and I’ve never smoked. 65% of lung cancer patients are non smokers. Charlie’s addiction is not comparable. I’m going to friggin die and I have no choice. Charlie had a choice. He didn’t have to put the pipe in his mouth and inhale the drug. He can quit drugs. I can’t quit cancer.
@Aly, I’m so sorry. That was something I wanted to point out as well (the majority of lung cancer sufferers being non-smokers). However, the point will (most likely) be lost on those more interested in defending their “position.” I empathize with you AND people like my father, who developed heart disease and type 2 diabetes from “his shitty diet.” My alcoholic MIL and crack/meth addicted SIL, not so much. As I said in my previous post, substance abuse and cancer/ apples and oranges. Stay brave.
Aly – I’m so sorry. My mother-in-law had breast cancer and statements like Charlie’s dad made just drove her up the wall. How terrible for you. I hope you have lots of love and support in your life right now.
@Bill Hick Is God-There’s a dinky part of me see’s your point, but there’s a huge part of me screaming so you mean to tell me it’s my Dad’s own fault for getting prostate cancer, getting better, then it fully coming back as something called Bone Metastasis? (If you don’t know what it is, I suggest looking it up. It’s pretty friggin horrible to say the least and happens quite often to people who have originally had prostate cancer.) He died at the ripe old age of 61 last year. Or it’s my cousin’s own fault for ending up with melenoma when he hardly ever went out into the sun, and when he did, used lots of sunscreen, and is in hospice at the ripe old age of 34? Sorry, but your logic is slightly flawed. Charlie, on the other hand, can fight his drug addiction and come out of it alive and well. Sorry, I don’t mean to rant, but it’s insensitive comments like that that set me off.
The ET photo is hilarious. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
I’m not surprised by the feedback, my “logic” is medically supported fact and I’ll leave it at that.
@Your Mama: Obviously you don’t know who the American satirist Bill Hicks (d) is. That’s a damned shame.
Eh not really @Bill. At this point I’m seriously starting to think that the crack is causing Sheen some mental breakdown & I am feeling sorry for that. I love this site for the humor & this thread is not funny at all.
Aly, I am very sorry to hear about your condition. My aunt died from being diagnosed with lung cancer & she never smoked in her life nor did anyone in our family or her house. You are correct & I can still remember how shocked & saddened we all were.
@ Your Mama; I had to convert that into Canadian: “Not really eh Bill?”
Are the girls in that photo even over 18?! Ick!
Charlie Sheen or Charlie Manson?
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