Clay Aiken officially comes out of the closet

Clay Aiken has finally come out of the closet and confirmed that he is gay – to People magazine no less. Clay, 29, became a dad for the first time recently. His best friend Jaymes Foster was artificially inseminated and gave birth in August. The pair said they planned to raise their son together, though it was clear even before Clay came out that they were just good friends.

Perez Hilton has a copy of the October 4th edition of People. It has Clay on the cover, holding his son, and the headline “YES, I’M GAY. The Idol star opens up about his emotional decision to come out: ‘I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things.’”

Good for him. I’d say it’s about time – because it has been a long time – but everyone has to figure out what to share and when and how to do it. It’s an important process, and I’m glad for Clay that he’s finally comfortable being himself.

In the past, Clay has said that he doesn’t consider himself to be a very sexual person, and that still may be the case. He also admitted he’s never been in a romantic relationship with anyone. Clay worked with kids before American Idol, and something tells me his biggest priority will be his son. I seriously doubt we’ll see him living it up in clubs now that he’s open and free. Hopefully this will make his life even better.

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42 Responses to “Clay Aiken officially comes out of the closet”

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  1. Anni says:

    Big surprise.

  2. aury says:

    about time.

  3. Codzilla says:

    Cute baby!

  4. EnKay says:

    Good for him. He sounds like a great father already.

  5. Celebitchy says:

    He finally landed the cover of People with his baby!

  6. kaosagent says:

    o-m-g! shocking! 😉

  7. Ladee says:

    Cute baby….Clay, not so much.

  8. Lola says:

    Good for him. Baby is not cute, guess he will get better. Don’t see why Clay had to come out. He should have stuck to his private life being private. Don’t see any use for coming out. But if it makes him feel better and a better person, then big-ups to him. I guess no one is really shocked.

  9. Ron says:

    Go Gayken GO!

  10. Baholicious says:

    At first glance I thought it was K.D. Lang…

  11. anony says:

    God, those crazy ‘Claymates’ fans don’t care. They’ll still harbor fantasies of making sweet love to their idol.

  12. TC says:

    I thought gay men have better hair…

  13. chaz says:

    WhaaaaAAAT????? just because a guy sings…. and has sex with men doesn’t make him…………….. oh yeah i guess he probably is!

  14. pinkiepie says:

    Is that Billie Jean King?

  15. Gigohead says:

    😀 Good for Gaykin..little surprise to everyone else. LOL!

  16. AP says:

    I’m still not over the Gwyneth posting.

  17. Jen (the other one) says:

    Awww, I’m so happy for him!

    ‘I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things’
    That’s really quite sweet…

  18. JaneSays says:

    Good for him!! It’s so bizarre to me that one’s sexuality is still an issue in this day and age but I do understand that it is. I hope he can now live and love freely and enjoy parenthood to the fullest!!!

  19. Nouvel says:

    pinkiepie, you are an idiot, can you read??????????????????????????

    Awesome for Clay, he is fabulous and I am so glad he is out and proud.. you go boy !! :):)

  20. joseph says:

    he didn’t have to come out, but people like perez hilton (who i can’t stand) is forcing people out and making it difficult for them to live private lives.
    i’m happy for Clay, i’m glad to see him as a father.

  21. Anna says:

    Who on earth is he? Never heard of him before.

  22. JaundiceMachine says:

    I’m glad he’s comfortable enough with himself to publicly admit what people have thought for years.

    Seriously though, good on ya, kid.

  23. vdantev says:

    well duh…….

    Cute baby 🙂

  24. insidescoop says:

    This is not exactly surprising news. What I always thought was shocking were the women who would show up to his concerts defending his heterosexuality and professing their love for him. Thats surprising.

  25. Shane says:

    I have a good feeling that Clay will be devoted to the best interests and well being of his child.

    I am so thankful he is going to raise the child jointly with the mother.

    Unlike Ricky Martin and Michael Jackson, who will have a special place in HELL for denying their children their mother.

    Opps, Michael’s kids aren’t even his. My bad. He’s just a pedophile who bought 3 white kids for God knows what horrific purposes. God save those poor kids living with that drug addict freakazoid.

  26. sabine says:

    I love ya no matter what.

  27. brista says:

    Yay, Clay!

    I don’t even like him. But good for him.

  28. Whitey Fisk says:

    Good for him. I hate him slightly less now.

    How lovely that Clay and Jenna Jameson use the same makeup artist. I can’t get enough of that greenish-orange skin tone that all the A-listers are wearing nowadays.

  29. Shay says:

    Good for him that he can live free but we already knew this.

  30. Carrie says:

    Agree Lola, looks like a baby goblin.

  31. xiaoecho says:

    He still looks like a girl

  32. someone says:

    Ive been a Clay fan from AI..I didn’t care if he was gay then and I don’t care now..he appears to be a very giving and talented person..his son is a cutie pie, and I believe he will be a great dad.

  33. Tia says:

    Shane, wtf are you talking about?? Ricky Martin had twins with his partner, there are two parents there. 2 men can raise wonderful children.. go back to the 1800’s with your narrow minded thoughts.. ewwwwwwwwwwww

  34. Ellen Smith says:

    And this is news to us because….

  35. Curly Fry says:

    Um, good for Clay and all, but this was a total publicity stunt. He couldn’t make the money that other celebrities make when they put their children on the cover of a magazine, so to up the ante he came out of the closet.

  36. pinkiepie says:

    Nouvel, its called a joke, Humour, ever heard of it? Geesh pull your panties out of your asscrack and relax a bit.

  37. Whitey Fisk says:

    Pinkiepie, I laughed out loud when I read your comment! Your humor was not lost on me!

  38. Ms. K says:

    I think he will make an awesome, dedicated dad.

  39. jona says:

    as if this was a surprise.

    the baby is uh………..little.

  40. blehblehblah says:

    how gay you gotta be to inseminate your best friend instead of simply sleeping with her?

  41. Regis says:

    Clay Aiken is in a relationship with Andy Dick. They have been dating for a few months. I saw them eating at Mr. Chow’s on Friday night. Clay had his baby with him.

  42. Jaxson B. says:

    Clay can be as gay as he wants. I feel sorry for the kid. 😕